The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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12 THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 16 1912 WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS HOLYOKE LEAGUE MEETING rosrreaai ves Listen to Addreaaea by Local Speakers The weekly meeting of the women's pro gressive league was yesterday after noon the meeting opening with prayer for the recovery of Col Roosevelt from his wound Rev Knight of St Paul's church offered the prayer The first speaker was School Committeeman Wells who gave reasons why he was supporting the progressive ticket Nickerson gave interesting reminis cences of the politics of other days and reasons for his support of the progressive ticket Dr II Sackett gave a stirring address on a minimum wage scale for women and girls calling attention to and $350 now paid a week in many instances in the mills and stores to girls a wage on which it is impossible for a girl to live honestly and respectably lie also dwelt on the platform of the progres sives and the effort which is being made to make a more equitable labor arrange ment The last speaker was Mrs Towne who spoke on the appeal which the principles of the progressive party made to her and also spoke of the lunch eon in New York which she attended and at which Miss Jane Addams spoke ol lowing the addresses there was a lively discussion the speakers being questioned and asking questions in turn OBITUARY The funeral of Mrs Bridget Harvesey was held at the home of her daughter Mrs John Danford of Sargeant street yester day morning with requiem mass in the Sacred Heart church Rev Boland officiating The bearers were John Will iam Joseph and Thomas Danford Will iam Simmons and John Robinson and the burial was in St cemetery The funeral of Lillian Manning was held nt the home of her parents on North Summer street yesterday afternoon with in St cemetery Dovrriall Hennessey Wedding? Miss Marv Dowdall of Beech street and John Hennessey of Springfield were married at St chapel yesterday morning Mgr Madden performing the ceremony During the mass which followed Miss Agnes Nolan sang two solos The attendants were Miss Agnes Dowdall and Lawrence Divily of Spring field Mrs Moriarty played the wed ding marches The bride wore a dark blue traveling suit with a black velvet hat ami carried carnations and bride roses ollowing the church service a reception was held at the home of the bride and a wedding breakfast was served The gift to the bride was a diamond and pearl pendant and to the best man gold cuff links while the bride gave to her attendant a pearl pendant The couple left yesterday noon for a trip to Norfolk Va and on their return will live on Bradford street in Springfield The groom is employed as a compositor on the Spring field Union and the bride has been em ployed in the glove department in the Steiger store in Holyoke Prmoernlx Plan for Rally The democratic committee met last even in' with the Wilson rally committee and discussed plans for the big democratic taliy which will be held in the city hull the evening of the 30tli The list of speak ers includes Oscar Underwood of Ala bama Mr Strong of Texas Gov oss David I Walsh of itchburg and Morrissey of Either Gov Wil son or William Jennings Bryan will oe speaker although the committee do not know as yet which will be sent Re garding candidates for the municipal elec tion definite reports were postponed and it was stated after the meeting that the delegation which waited on Attorney A I Green to request him to be a candi date for mayor did not report Aew Society ormed A new society has been formed among lhe rench residents in rhe city which is called the club the first meeting being held by special invitation at the home of Mrs John Beauvais The club will take up especially charitable work and will hold two meetings every month and at one of the meetings the hus bands of the members will be invited The officers elected are as follows: President Mrs John Beauvais secretary Miss Agnes Cadieux treasurer Miss Lillian Bouvouloir The first open meeting will 1 held in November at the home of Mrs Rene Moquin urphy SnlRvan Miss Katherine Murphy and James Sul livan of High street were married at St Patrick's chapel yesterday morning Rev I' Devine performing the ceremony The attendants were Miss Minnie Mo riarty and Thomas Moriarty The bride wore a blue tailor made suit with a hat to mutch rind carried prayer beads ol lowing the church service a wedding breakfast was served at the new home of the couple on Walnut street and a re ception was held there last evening The couple will take a wedding trijv to At lantic City IliKh School Notes The last call for the 1915 class pins was made yesterday at the close of school and all students are asked to hand in their names before the close of school to day Kimball of New York will lecture in the auditorium the 24th on educational schools Communications have been re ceived from Superintendent McSherry and Terence chairman of the school board in regard to an option on a lot at the corner of Beech and Sargeant streets for a new gymnasium and techni cal school Iren iiIt Lnssier Miss Grace Mireault of 32 Cabot street and Albert Lussier of 550 South street wore married at Precious Blood church yesterday morning Rev Benoit performing the ceremony which was fol lowed with a nuptial mass The witnesses were Joseph Lussier and Jeremiah rap pior The bride wore a gown of white satin with a veil and carried bride roses ol lowing the service the couple left for a short wedding trip Candy Store Proprietor iles Assign ment Samuel Greenman who conducts a small candy store under the name of the Paper City confectionery company at 292 street filed an assignment at the city clerk's office yesterday to Max Burnstein To Inspect White Rcnervoir The board of water commissioners with city officials and invited guests will make a trip of inspection to the White reservoir to day automobiles starting from the city hall nt 1239 Local Notices Miss Sheehan has added a line of exclusive coats for young women in all sizes up to 40 bust measure Her shop is at 233 Maple Rtrcct City Solicitor O'Connor has filed an opin ion with the board of public works rela tive to the petition of the Germania mills for the construction of an overhead bridge between their mills on South street that the board has no power to grant the peti tion although they may grant a petition for a temporary structure but that a peti tion for an overhead permanent bridge over public thoroughfare will have to be passed on by the Legislature Gifford Pinchot will be the speaker at the rally to be held by the bull moose at their club rooms this evening and it is expected that lhe capacity of the hall will be taxed by the audience which will at Mr Pinchot was formerly national forester and is a close personal friend of Col Roosevelt and is an excellent public spivtker Isabella court of oresters initiated fourcandidates and received seven applications lor membership at last meeting Preparations to hold a large class initiation to be held in Temperance hall November 26 were made The St Lea degree team of Springfield will have charge of the ceremonial work and the high standing committee of Boston will be present The Holyoke branch of railway clerks admitted five new members at last meeting Among those present were orester of Kansas City grand Vice president Wall of Boston chairman of rhe Boston and Maine board of adjust ment and Stearns of Boston chair man of the New York New Haven and Hartford board of adjustment Uncas tribe of Red Men conferred the degree on four candidates at last meeting and next week the degree will be worked on a class of candidates John Byrnes Stephen Donnell Edwin Burke and William Sullivan will represent the tribe at the state convention to he held at New Bed ford the 30th and 31st The' Edwin A Whiting veteran firemen will hold a practice playout this evening at 730 at the corner of Suffolk and Linden streets in preparation for the Valley league muster to be held at Chicopee alls Sat urday The local are in hopes of capturing one of the first three prizes Branch 664 of the Catholic be nevolent association at last night's meeting initiated three candidates and received two applications for membership The branch is planning to hold a whist party and social next month in Caledonian hall the date being undecided rank Hickey of Shawmut avenue secretary for the local union has disappeared from the city and has not been located Hickey left the city it is stated about three weeks ago and has not been seen since The union will have his books gone over The Pilgrim athers held their instala tion of officers last evening in Grand Army hall Deputy Supreme Governor Charles Smith and suite ofHope colonv Springfield being in charge of the work A supper was held previous to the cere monial work Contractor A La rance has bought a lot nt the corner of Lincoln and North ampton streets of George Gill and plans to erect a residence there next spring The lot is part of the Nightingale property which was bought by Mr Gill last year Connecticut Valley lodge Knights of Pythias have voted to hold in the near future and also to have a cribbnge tournament this winter Play will begin soon and will run for 10 weeks and will wind up with an oyster supper Miss Marie Stevens has resigned her position as superintendent of the Young Christian association boarding home and a new superintendent will be apnointed within a short time Caspar Ranger who is seriouslv ill at his home was slightly improved in his con dition yesterday and it is hoped and ex pected that he will continue to gain until completely recovered Six were arraigned at the po lice court yesterday morning George or tier was for a month three were fined one was released and one was probated Holyoke lodge of Odd degree team held a rehearsal last night in prep aration for the working of the first degree on three candidates Tuesdav night lonn 1 Murphy has returned after a 10 trip to New York where he took in the world's series ball games The Quiet athletic club will hold their fourth annual concert and ball in Windsor hall riday evening (Additional Holjoke News on rage gt PALMER Three Rivers ire Alarm Tested The fire alarm boxes at Three Rivers were tested yesterday They are seven in number as follows: Box 112 corner of Main and Pleasant streets 114 on Bourne street 213 intersection of Main and Bourne streets: 214 in the business center 411 corner Bridge and High streets: 412 on the Belchertown road near the Athol station 417 on North street The alarm is blown on the big whistle located on the boiler house of the Palmer mill This is connected with the Palmer system and will be tested at the same hour daily In case of a second alarm each department will go to the aid of the other There are 10 hydrants with an eight inch main running from the river through Main to Pleasant street The water supply was tested and the fire men sent a stream over the steeple of St church showing good pressure The department consists of a chief two assistants and 15 men Stole at Bondville Peter Sidmaa Polish merchant of Bond ville was the victim of a seeker for work in that village yesterday The stranger who had been hanging about town several days was in store when the pro prietor stepped out for a few minutes and on his return the stranger was missing also about $100 in money The visitor was about 5 feet 10 inches tall dressed in a light suit and cap with tan buttoned shoes and pink stockings No traces of him have since been found Three men giving the names of Nelson Bostley and Kane arrested for riding were before the district court yesterday charged with evading car fare They were fined $6 each and coin initted to the house of correction in de fault A Polish resident of Bondville be fore the district court was found guilty of an assault on his wife and had his case continued until the first Monday in Janu ary for sentence There will be a democratic rally in the opera house at 8 this evening Gov oss is expected also David I Walsh candidate for lieutenant governor and red of itchburg can didate for representative to Congress The firemen of Three Rivers will have a whist party at Ruggles hall' this even ing the proceeds to go toward the fire benefit fund There will be a social dance following the whist A surprise party and shower were given Mr and Mrs Charles Sanderson bv the young people of the Baptist church day evening These will be a husking bee this even ing at the farm of Mrs Wells off the Brimfield road LONGMEADOW Mr and Mrs Jamieson of South Park avenue received recently the first prize for best flower garden and first prize for best vegetable garden $20 in the awards given by the South Park terrace company for best appearing grounds The Ixmgmeadow historical society will be much gratified to hear that the amount will be given to day to the Longmeadow historical society in which they have be come interested Mr and Mrs Jamieson expect to become life members at the an nual meeting Mr and Mrs Charles Angell and Mrs mother who is their guest are taking a two or three trip They will visit Niagara alls and places of in terest in Canada A friend from Hunting ton is with the family during their ab sence John Barker who bought Ma place on Birnie road moved his goods there Monday Mrs Barker has gone on a visit for a few weeks as Mr Mason cannot give up the house until his new one on Crescent road is completed Mrs A Mathews and Airs Mrewer went to fettver ane (Jt yester day to see their aunt Mrs Sexton who is nearly 94 but active and able to do handsome needlework Mr and Mrs Bertram Smith have bought the building lot west of Arthur Brooks on Hopkins place and excavations are in progress for a house Quinn has the contract Eugene? King who has about completed his house on Herbert street has begun work for another house near by AV A Peters who recently bought on Maple road is building fine garage I AA' Belcher has the contract Gould of Bliss road expects to go this week to his old home in Leeds Me for a visit Esperanto is taught in some of the state supported schools in England rance and Germany CHICOPEE BUSINESS OR THE AIDERMEN Turnout for Liberty Street Line and Power Company Matter to Come Up The public hearing on petition oi: the Springfield street railway company for permission to use the side of the street near Lincoln park alls for a double track on the Liberty street line and a resolution putting up the Amherst power company franchise to the company for ac ceptance or rejection are the most im portant events looked for at this adjourned session of the board of aider men A report may also be offered by the finance committee on Alderman1 proposal to accommodate the tire depart ment automobile in the Cabot street engine house by placing the stair case further back in the room but the order will certainly not go through more than the first reading to niglit Routine committee reports and action on a large number of orders of minor importance are also expected 9 The aidermen are individually unwilling to predict their action on the street rail way petition It is known that many ob jecti'ons are looked for from owners of property abutting on the streets where the double tracking will be installed and the final outcome will depend on the number and seriousness of these objections Most of the interested parties however are in favor of having company put in its extra track attho skle or tin? street be' that the" thoroughfare is too nar row for double tracking in the middle of the street The demand for longer turn outs is nevertheless insistent and the mat ter is fairly sure to be arranged one way or the other this evening The company arp also eager for a decision in the matter as thej feel that the work of installing me new trucits ought to oe started oetore the frost gets into the ground The action on the Amherst potter com pany franchise will probably be: taken ori the recommendation of the president of the board William Crnig and City Solieitof Thomas A MacDouuell who returned late Monday evening from a conference inBoston with the state gas and electric light commission with the information that the terms of the document met with the ap proval of the commissioners The aider men feel now that all doubts of the legal ity of the instrument have been dispelled that the Amherst company ought to de clare either for or against it without fur ther delay Ernest Dalton and Mayoralty Ernest Dalton who has all along been mentioned as probable republican can didate for mayor has denied the report that he would refuse the nomination if offered to him Mr Dalton doos not mean this statement to be taken as a declara tion of an active candidacy as he has not yet definitely made up his mind on the subject He is still holding the question under consideration and will announce his attitude when he feels that the time is ripe Republican leaders however are both desirous and confident that Mr Dalton will eventually decide to euter the race against Mayor Rivers and William Dunn whose candidacy on the democratic ticket is now taken as a matter of The republicans point to Mr Dalton's record in the mayoralty campaign as proof that he will be the strongest candi date in this year's race and insist that they will win on a good government ticket with him at their head Many republicans have expressed indignation at the rumors that have been circulated to lie effect that the grand old party was considering indorsing Mr Dunn's candidacy They say that while in many respects a fusion can didate against Mayor Rivers would be de sirable they do not feel like accepting Mr Dunn's leadership in a fusion movement and believe they have better of defeating Mayor Rivers through Air Dal ton than through any other candidate vet suggested Bull Hook Rally To night The local bull moose are looking forward to their biggest rally of the season in the city hall this evening when Charles Bird of Walpole progressive candidate for governor Arthur Hill former district attorney for Suffolk county Thomas Hisgen progressive candidate for Con gress and Ernest Newton Bate candi date for senator from the 2d Hampden senatorial district will be the main draw ing cards This will probablv be the onlv appearance of Mr Bird in Chicopee and it is believed that his general popularity among all classes of people will be attest ed by an unusually large attendance Mi Bird and Air Hill are at present making a tour of the western part of the state and will also address rallies in Springfield and Holyoke this evening It will also be Air Bang's first public appearance in Chicopee in the interests of his candi dacy which according to the local pro gressive leaders is popular in all quarters of the city The glee club of the Chicopee high school was organized Alonday afternoon with an initial membership of 30 Others are expected to join soon Aliss Ronayne will act as musical director The officers for the coming year are: President Ivor Mossberg vice president Alton Griggs secretary Elmer Gray: treasurer Leon ard Landry Three other members were chosen to act with officers ns an executive committee These were Waldo Griggs Richard Cunningham and Joe Rolinson It was also decided to organize an orches tra and 10 musicians have already been selected and a canvass of the school should bring but several more The last registration for voters in the coming state and 'national elections will be held to day between 12 o'clock noou and 10 o'clock in the evening in the of fice of Citv Clerk Bucklev All timer wlm fail to register to day will bo unable to vote on election day and a heavy regis tration is looked for The figures for the two evenings when the city clerk office has been open for this purpose have been light but it is expected that the figures for to day will break all The as sessors willmcet at the same time in their office to hedr "complaints on the tax val uations A The Chicopee council Knights of Co lumbus elected the following officers at a meeting held in the Exchange street council rooms Alonday evening Grand knight James itzgerald deputy grand knight IT A Doherty financial secretarv Haggerty: recording secretary Sullivan treasurer Crean: chan cellor Ed wnrd Linehan: warden John Lynch inside guard John Begley outside guard Harry advocate Thomas McDonnell: trustees' M' S' Keating John Hogan and John lec turer? Dr O'Brien" The Ladies of Columbia were hostesses for an enjoyable country dance List even ing in DeGray's hall at the alls Over 100 couples wore present most of them dressed in old fashioned costumes both attractive and amusing The dancing be gan at 8 and prizes were awarded to the best dressed asd most comically dressed couples in the grand march A meeting of the hicopee veteran fire association will be held this even ing at the Cabot street engine house to complete plans for the participation in the Connecticut valley veteran league muster at Imperial park Saturday BRIMIELD The teachers and pupils of the Hitch co*ck free academy will hold a gathering at the academy hall riday evening at which plans for an organization for social and literary purposes will be definitely made There will be a literary and musical pro gram Two weeks ago teachers and pu pils met at the home of Principal and Airs Kenney for the purpose of starting some movement or organization for the benefit of the school and the decision of that meet ing was to arrange for the first general gathering this week The benevolent societv will meet with Airs Streeter riday afternoon to complete work engaged in last riday aft ernoon 4 HAMPDEN COUNTY WESTIELD WATER SUPPLY SHORTAGE Montgomery Storage Basin in Very Little Rainfall in September Superintendent Henry AY' Sanderson of the water department reports that the public in general has little conception of the shortage of water in connection with the Granville and Montgomery systems The water in the big storage basin in Alontgomery is now nearly eight feet be low the overflow and Superintendent San derson states that this is the lowest point that he has ever seen the water There is very little water in the streams in con nection with the Granville section of the system and there is no storage basin on that watershed Tire pc have been many cloudy days this fall especially during Sep tember but the rainfall since September 1 has been less than three inches Last fall the September rainfall of more than four inches filled up the storage basin and the supplying springs and streams but this year the rainfall has not been equal to the demand The consumers are asked to look carefully after all leaks in pipes or in faucets and to be as sparing of water as possible Under the circ*mstances it is probable the water commissioners will not look with avor upon the use of water for exhibition purposes bv the fire depart ment to morrow afternoon1 in connection with the annual parade and inspection OX ANNUAL MEETING Arrangements Made for Jlnnf and Dinner at End of Month The annual meeting of the AVestern Massachusetts fox club was held at 8 Alon day night in the Westfield club rooms and a committee consisting of red Shep ard rank Hudson and Gamaliel Austin appointed to bring in a list of officers at the adjourned annual meet ing which will be held on Tuesdav even ing the 29th in the Hotel Bismarck The report of the treasurer George Robin son showed a balance on hand of $1973 lhe dinner committee reported that ar rangements had been made to hold the annual banquet at the Hotel Bismarck at 130 on Wednesday the 30th The transportation committee reported that headquarters had established for the first days hunt at the Hall place on Pitch er street in Alontgomery and at the Hay den place in yben The committee has also arranged to have a chicken pie dinner served at noon at each of the headquar ters instead of the usual baked bean din ner This will no doubt prove a popu lar qltauge Death of rnncla E' Merriman Word was 'received yesterday of the death atShirley of rancis Alerriman 75 who was well known to many of the older residents of "Westfield Air 'Alerriman was horn in Westfield but lived most of his life in the eastern part of the state He was for many years in the wholesale whale bone business in Boston and had extensive dealings with AVestfield whip manufac turers He was a frequent visitor to Westfield in those days His first wife vas a daughter of the late William letcher Mr Merriman was for years greatly interested in the order of Odd ol lows and was a past grand patriarch of the grand encampment of Alassachusetts Besides a widow he leaves three sons and a sister Airs Nellie Al Russell of AA est School street The body will be taken to AVestfield riday for burial and sc' vices 'will be held in the Parks Ale moria! chapel Pine Hill cemetery upon the arrival of the 137 a train from Boston Sunday Get Heavy ines There were five cases in court yesterday morning One man was fined $6 for drunkenness and two others paid $15 each for the same offense The two latter were engaged in a Sunday night disturbance the officers being called on to quiet the noise Oncof the men pleaded not guilty but after he had told the judge he drank five bottles of beer and after the judge had heard the stories of the officers the heavy fines were imposed Judge Kellogg does not propose to deal leniently with those who get drunk and create trouble on Sunday One man was given a 30 days' sentence and then probated A vagrant was sent to the state farm at Bridgewater The man v'ho paid $6 for drunkenness paid the money from a of $121 which the officers found on him He visited a sav ings bank after court and deposited $110 of the amount Cars Can Grt Under Bridge Later A misprint yesterday made it appear that even with the lowering of the highway under the North Elm street viaduct bridge the big cars would be unable to puss This was a mistake as the lowering of the rails a few inches will make possible the use of the Holyoke line for all of the cars of the street railway company In the past the tall cars have not been able to have a clear passage beneath the bridge Local Notices All of the household furnishings nt 43 AVest ern avenue are to be sold by AV I' Meachnm Son agents from 130 to 5 begin ning to day A delegation from AVestfield grange will attend the sessions of AV estern Hampden Pomona grange at South AVurthingtou to day The AVestfield grangers will take the a in Huntington car and teams will be al Huntington to carry them to South AVoithiiigton The mornitig business ses sion comes at 1029 followed by dinner The afternoon session opens at 130 o'clock and Edward Allen director of the Per kins institute will' give an address for the Those who take the trip will be well repaid The foliage too is now very attractive and may lie seen to advantage all through the AA estfield river valley and on the hilltopsThe tobacco raisers report that the crop Las cured very fast this fall and is in ex cellent condition On Saturday as a re sult of the dampness and fog' the condi tions were ideal for taking down the to nacco rroni rne burns nn if nstnnotml that' fully 25 per cent of the crop was taken down 11 is unusually early for such work tobe done 1 here will be a meeting of the board of registrars in the North Elm street engine house from 7 to 9 this evening to add new names to the voting list There will be two other meetings one the 23d and the last the 26th Both town committees will make a special effort 'to add new names to the list An entertainment' is to given in Ala sonic temple Alonday night under the aus pices of Alount Aloriah lodge by the Cal iioun male quartet of Springfield assisted Pearl owler reader ami RobertA Lield accompanist A program of 10 numbers has been arranged Here was a report circulated late Alon day night that some one had been injured on the north side of the river This was due to a hurry call sent 'in for the ambu lance A woman was very ill and fast time was necessary to get her to the hos pital These marriage licenses hnvr is sued at the office of Town Clerk Lewis Parker: Clarence Al Brown of the Grant ille road and Alona A Hammond also of the Granville road Louis Irving Cross of ranklin and Eoline AVinkleof 5 EllsAvortb street The members of the democratic town committee are endeavoring to arrange for one or two rallies before election If is hoped to have one riday night in the town hall and the list of speakers will no be arranged to day Rev Philip rick will leave Thursday night for his new home in Buffalo and he will nreach for the first time Sun day in the Delaware a venue Alethodist church of that city His family will leave AA'estlield riday noon The marriage of Miss Katherine Moseley of Union street daughter of Airs Thomas Moseley and Curtiss Aldrich Sanford of New York will take place at noon on Saturday November 2 The monthly supper of the missionary society of the Second Congregational chu'ch will be served in the conference building at 530 this evening Members of Woronoco conclave of ilep tasophs join in the visitation to night to Sorel lodge in Holyoke The forest fire wardens were called out soon after 6 last night for a fire in the woods near Longyard The ladies' aid society of the Episcopal church will hold a meeting at 3 to day with Mrs Iles of Jefferson street Air and Airs Robert Parker in Lawrence for several days attending the annual convention of the state Sunday school association WEST SPRINGIELD WATER STILL TASTES BADLY Water Board Gives Out an Explana 3 tion of the Matter According to reports the difficulty with the water supply has been by no means overcome and there is still a most disagree able taste to the water Residents in Tat ham and Mittineague claim that the water is just as Lad as before and that there is something about it which is more alarm ing than the case when the trouble was simply gasoline One man reports that: there is a' broAvn discolora tion Avith a sediment which is not unlike that of rust and he says that he and his neighbors will not touch any 'of the Bear Hole reservoir He appealed to Superintendent Alartiu but could get no satisfaction as he was given to understand that there was not anything wrong tvith the water The water commissioners held a meet ing in the town hall last evening and the follotving explanation was given out: The water for Tatham is pumped from the station into a large 60 by 60 iron stand pipe oh Rogers avenue where it is stored to equalize the pressure Several breaks were discovered in that pipe yesterday and it became necessary to shut off the pumps from there while they were being repaired the work was completed the pumps were put into operation again and the result was that the sediment which had collected at the bottom aviis riled up and thrown into the pipes It is expected that no more trouble will be experienced as the 'standpipe is now in normal operation Bonneau Boussy Wedding Arthur Boussy of 47 New Bridge street and Julia Bonneau of 19 York street Springfield were married yesterday morn ing by Rev Haaotels at St church Springfield The bride tvas pret tily dressed in a white serge suit with large picture hat and carried a prayer book She whs attended by her rather Regis Bonneau and there were no bride maids while the groom was also attended by his father rank There were many Ipresent both" from Alerrick and Springfield as the douple are well known After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the house of the groom at which about 50 were present A large reception fol lowed with many friends present The room was most prettily decorat ed with autumn flowers and the numerous gifts which the couple received were spread out on tables among which was a handsome bracelet which the groom pre sented to the bride Air and Airs Boussy left on the 2 o'clock train for a 10 days'honeymoon in Providence where they wilt visit relatives of tho bride Upon their return they will live at thebride's home 19 York street where they will welcome their friends Air Boussy is the assistant foreman in the United manufacturing com pany's plant L' New Main on River Street The water department has begun the instalation of 8(K feet of four inch water imiin on River street Alerrick Though it was some time ago iannounced that no lurther laying of mkins would be done le 1 ore spring it wus intended to restrict the statement to work contemplated in the Tatham and Alittineague districts as at the lime there Avas much uncertainty as to whether the River street mains would be rut in The total cost of this uew work is estiniQted at about $SOO though the usual figure of $1 a foot mav be high owing to the sandy nature Of the soil be gone through The reason for the in stillation of this new pipe at this time is the wish to avoid the freezing iu the pipes which occurred last winter 'As the pipe after running down River street! came to an end there could be no through cur tent so that the water froze many times and caused much inconvenience The 800 feet now bding laid down will conne the main with that at Agawam road and will allow a steady movement of the ater sufficient to prevent freezing in all but the coldest weather Police Si Kiial Boxes Being Installed ive police signal boxes are being in stalled by the telephone eouipnnv in dif ferent parts of the town ormerly the tiatromen have sent calls from the Alerrick and the Alittineague hose houses from coal office or from market garden office and the system has not been found very satisfac tory Three regular will be in stalled iu Alerrick one in Alittineague and one in the Riverdale district so that it will not be necessary for the policemen to make shift ns they have iu the past The work has been under Avny for the last three days and the boxes are expected to be in operation in another 10 days One of the largest assemblies ever gath ered together in the town hall was present last evening at a farewell party to Eu gene Sullivan who starts for his new po sition in Bangor Ale to day Town Counsel Cummings introduced AA'illiam McKechnie as the speaker of the even ing Air AIcKechnie said his relations with Air Sullivan had always been of the finest sort and that he felt that the com munity was losing a very valuable cit izen There were many other things that he would like to have said but that he did uot wish to make the meeting a sad one Thomas Killiane of Cooley street Aga warn while carrying boards on a staging at the Worthy paper plant yes terday slipped on a loose board and fell to the ground He was taken to his home where Dr AIcLaughlin attended him lie tvas considerably injured about the hips and will be unable to return to tvoik for some time To day is the last day for the paying of taxes withoutthe addition of 6 per cent interest charges The office of the town clerk will be from 8 a till 5 and any taxes paid after that time will have added a 6 per cent interest charge figured from October 1 The following marriage intentions have been tiled with the town clerk: William lorio of 24 Chapin street and Aliss Rose Aliller of 111 Old Bridge street: Cesare Gmel of 17 Barrett avenue and Aliss Elvira ('ocelli of 41 Porter street The Triangle associates will 1ml 1 ing this afternoon at 3 o'clock in the girls' club rooms 45 West School street Alerrick to consider plans for the open ing of the club next week All interested are cordially invited to be present A small tire took place yesterday morn ing at 77 Union street at about 1030 but no damage was done as the lire tvas restricted to an old coat in a closet on the top floor of the apartment The Alittineague dancing club will give a social and dance riday night at the Alittineague school house Vocal selections will be given and the Alittineague orches tra will furnish music' There will be a meeting of the AVest Springfield grange to night with a lecture on evening with and an exhibition of fruit The auxiliary of the Alit tineague Young Alen's Christian associa tion is to give a supper at the club houce riday evening from 6 to 8 The aid society of the Mittineague Alethodist church will serve a supper in the vestry this evening from 530 to 8 LUDLOW The Ludlow social and debating societv Organized Alonday evening for the season with the following officers: 1 President James Elphinstone vice presidentJohn Henderson: corresponding and finan cial secretary Thomas isken treasurer George Alackintosh Sr doorkeeper AVill i nn Alltel' nrlane The next meeting will be the evening of November 11 and will be in charge of John Gardiner Charles Graham Charles Lowe and 1 nomax isken who will prepare a mu sical program The aid society of Union church win hold au important business meeting church or try this afternoon at 30 A program for the fall and win ter work will be mapped out A supper under the direction of Airs David Wilson Mrs Albert A Gove and Mrs Buel A Hitchco*ck will be served The veteran firemen of Indian Orchard and Ludlow will hold a meeting soon in the Ludlow headquarters to com held the The tub has been thor oughly inspected by an expert lhe board of selectmen' will grant a hearing upon the petition of the Warren power company for a right to locate its olct within the limits of the town in lhe toAvii room to morrow morning at 1 Simpson McPhail a former resident but now an instructor in the manual training school nt Y'onkers Y' is crit ically ill with typhoid Division 16 of Hibernians will hold a meeting in hall Sunday after noon at which time the bazar committee will make its report The women of Union church who planned to hold a rummage sale riday evening have postponed it until riday evening the 25th A sewing club was organized yesterday afternoon among the young people of North street and will be in charge of Airs John Nilsson BLANDORD About 30 of the friends of Mr and Airs rang Cook gathered at their home on Granville road riday evening The day was the first anniversary of their marriage and the evening was passed pleasantly with music games and dancing Cake and coffee were served Saturday after noon the young friends of Clinton Peebles Smith son of Air and Airs Arlo Smith were invited to his home to help celebrate Ins eighth birthday Their coming wits a surprise to the lad' who received many pretty gifts The little people had a merry time playing games and a bountiful birth day supper with an illuminated cake was served The hand painted glass cards were the work of Aliss Nellie Bartley' teacher of the Beech Hill school: rom a by means of ribbons Halloween favors were drawn which were filled with candies and seemed to add to the pleasure of the guests The decorations were of dahlias Air and Mrs Earle Higgins of Spring field were guests Saturday and Sunday of Air and rank AL Lee Bertha and Effie Hall of West Springfield were week end guests of their parents Air and Mrs A Miss Ella Gibbs tcnclier tit the Lincoln school in Spring field spent Sunday with her parents Air and Airs George Howard Col ton and Miss lorence Hayward of Spring field have been spending a few'days at A Lees Aliss Beatrice Nve who has been spending three weeks with her sister Airs AA ood in East Long meadow has returned" home Rally day services were well attended at the Congregational church Sunday morn ing There was an address by the pastor and songs and recitations by the children w'1ora acquitted themselves well AA itli a view to encourage regularity of attendance a system of cards is to be used parties will be given to which chil dicn whose attendance has been satisfac tory are to be invited Burial service for Garfield A Cadwell oO was held tn the North Blandford cem 1 cl0c Sunda afternoon' was killed in the railroad at Huntington while loading freight 4 hursday afternoon He was the youngest somof the late George Cadwell of bS teemed' v10 'Va and es hunters are to be served with lunch this noon at Airs A Nve's Hill side farm in the Gore neighborhood The Alasonic socitil club will hold a whist party in Alasonic hall riday even ing MONSON The work' on the big new plant of the Heimann Lichten company being pushed along very rapidly The brick work has been completed aud the roofs put on the buildings The machinery has been constructed mid is awaiting the com pany's order for shipment As there was a great deal of work to be done it was at first feared that it would be impossible to complete it in time to open the straw sea son but it is now evident that the straw season will open about its usual time One of the largest democratic rallies that has been held in Alonson for years is planned for to night nt o'clock The speakers of the evening will be Gov Eugene oss David I candi date for lieutenant governor AL red Connell candidate for Congress and other prominent democrats of the party The funeral of Henry Bugbee wlio died suddenly Sunday morning his home on Green street was held yesterday afternoon at 2 at his late home Bov AV A Kilmer pastor of the Aletho dist Eniscopal church conducted the serv ices Burial was in the No 1 cemetery There was a Large meeting of the Alount Ella lodge of United AA'orkmen last night to listen to the report of the delegates to the special session of the grand lodge The Daughters have arranged the date for their fair It will be held on No vember 5 Sewing meetings are being held weekly in preparation for the affair The Qunbong Rebekah lodge will hold a Halloween party following their regular meeting to morrow evening in the Odd el lows' hall HAMPSHIRE COUNTY WEST CUMMTNGTON Airs Eva ield has returned to her home in Providence I after spending a few days with her father at the Deer Hill house Air Jordan is slowly recovering from a severe illness The following delegates were elected last Sunday to attend the conference of churches to be held at lorence this week Airs Clara Allen and Air and Airs IT Packard Airs Orson Plans and daughter Rosa i mond are spending some time at the home of AA'illiam Reed in Conway i Herbert Harris has returned to Dalton I high school after spending Saturday and Sunday at his home in the Bush 1 The benevolent society held a social and served supper at the parish house last evening Rev Air Robertson of New Hampshire preached at the Congregational church Sunday I HUNTINGTON The woods were well filled with hunters yesterday and although most of them report indifferent success some good bags were brought iu William Thebodo was one of the fortunate ones He secured a fox one partridge four gray squirrels and a rabbit! The high wind afforded some of the sportsmen an excuse for not securing more game The aid society of the Baptist church will hold a harvest supper at the vestry this evening Mrs Brown has returned from a visit in Boston and points in Maine Aliss Lena Louka of Afaynard is the guest of Air and' Airs Harry Collins HAMPSHIRE COUNTY NORTHAMPTON DEATH OLD RESIDENT Mrs Mary A Tillotson Passes Away at Age of 91 Airs Alary Tillotson 91 widow of William Tillotson died yesterday morning at tlie home of her daughter Airs Noah Lee on North street She was the last of a family of six children her name before marriage having been Alary A Clark of Northampton She was a sister of the late Levi and Silas Clark of North ampton Her husband was for' many years proprietor of a crockery store in Northampton A number of years before the death of Air Tillotson which occurred several years ago Air and Airs Tillotson celebrated their golden wedding Airs Til lotson retained entire clearness of mind and remarkable memory up to the time of her death though she had been confined to the house by physical weakness most of the time during the last Until she was obliged to give up going out she was a regular attendant at St John's Episcopal church Besides her daughter Airs Tillotson is survived by a son Will iam Tillotson of San Diego Cal An other daughter Airs' George Tilden of Castine Ale died several years ago The funeral be held to morrow afternoon at 2 Rev AAL Keeler officiating Burial will be in the Bridge street ceme tery TO NIGHT Boston symphony orchestra at John Greene hall TO DAY AND TO at the academy of music The program for1 the symphony concert at Greene hall to night is exceptionally fine third the which opens the concert will be followed by Carnival Ro an animated piece of writing scored for an unusually large orchestra including in addition to the usual strings flutes oboes bassoon? horns trumpets and trombones two cornets and the some what rare alto obo known as the English horn Tambourine castanets triangle and kettle drums are also used Heinrich Warnke will play two numbers from a (Hampshire News Continued on Page 13 SPECIAL NOTICES Pyrene for actory ires Protects Against Loss of Property and Lobs of Time' PYRENE acts almost Instantly on Inclpt ent fires of all kinds It act only extinguishes flame but doe( so without injury to machinery tools fur nlture clothing or material of any kind Its work is so quick and effective that It protects against noth the loss of proper ty and the loss of time in making repairs necessary after fires extinguished by other means ires in electrical machinery or wires can be extinguished with PYRENE without shutting off the current or stopping ma chinery actory owtiers cannot afford to be without PYRENE It does not deteriorate with age and will not freeze at 60 degree 'below zero Size 3 In In diameter 14 in lonerWeight filled five pounds Price enamel brass $7 nickel S3 la tbe of approved ire AppKaaeee breed by the Natienal Beard of ire Underwriters EXTINGUISH Eft OR SALE BY PYRENE COMPANY NEW ENGLAND 176 ederal Street BOSTON And by all leading hardware mo tor boat 'and automobile supply stores and ADAMS 514 Belmont Avenue Springfield Mass representative for AVestern Massachusetts INORMATION and ADVERTIsem*nTS see or Poultry News Elbe Poultry Page Of The Sunday Republican READ EACH WEEK The special and expert articles on pool trv culture by REDERIC STONEBUHN formerly of the Connectl cut State Agricultural College at Storrs READ EACH WEEK The illustrated' discussions of breeds by LOUIS PACT GRAHAM one of the Illustrators of "The zAmerlcan Standard of Order from nearest newsdealer or direct: ive cents a copy 50 cents a 2 a year Sample copies sent free on request i Real Estate Loans We offer to conservative investors first mortgage real estate loans bearing elx per cent Interest secured by improved farm lands in Washington Idaho ana Oregon Every loan otlered is owned by us haring been bought with our osu money after a personal examination We look after taxes and insurance aud make all payments from this office without charge ull information sent ou request Vermont Loan rust Co PUTNAM Gen AgtJ BRATTLEBOEO VERMONT.

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.