The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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the Springfield daily republican Saturday july 24 1920 13 BUSINESS NEW ENGLAND AAIRS WORCESTER COUNTY ATHOL RED MEN'S IELD DAY COTTON AT NEW YORK 1 riage engagement of their daughter Chafldto Emelih to Emil Abramson take MIDDLEIELD their play COTTON STATISTICS WINSTED Cag LENOX ijuerrisey kshlrc county are to hold I Miss Lobelia Mrs Gertrude BABHE AUTOMOBILE George INSURANCE arid Hausfitonic valleys GREAT BARRINGTON STAORD SPRINGS lb) BOSTON WOOL MARKET TO BERKSHIRE COUNT? 5 (Continued rom ourth Page) I Cone Sherwood CONNECTICUT THOMPSONVILLE HUNTINGTON Eowa THOMPSON INED OR to the board of di ft WILLIAMSTOWN RECKLESS DRIVING CASPER RANGER CONSTRUCTION CO I AHlillKBIl nll'J xut new washed delaine unwashed half Jlvw i 1 1 afAAe Mm' SU1ETJ) General Contractors New York EA8THAMPX0N HAMPSHIRE COUNTY RANKLIN COUNTY NORTHAMPTON TURNERS ALLS WILL BUN EXTRA TRAINS TO RE CLEVER WORK BC MARCH Prevents Automobile ft PEAK! DIVING Season A evidently the ADAMS followed the 1 "movies to Law About tott It is estimated Enclosures save STOCKBRIDGE LAW a I I A Patrick coming automo will swell the population of the during th a season to nearly fO 7 arrangements are burial will be in John Brit will the morn five the not MHJ women Miss Ida Rob who were stopping there car waii first noted I 4j de ac 4 244 Main St Tel Walnut 51 52 Springfield Man Held in Connec tion With atal Automobile Ac cident Absolved on Liquor Com plaint and much of it goes dresses for his wife on the delectable Opening of the Chautauqua Stockbridge July 23 The Initial meeting of the Chautauqua held at the town hall this afternoon promises well for the standing of the meetings to follow as 150 people wore in attend ance At the meeting to morrow aft tt 1 Imports Also Slow Gain Bringing Trade Balance Down to $2872 000000 Mrs Julia Witherell of Springfield died this morning at the home of Airs Martin in lorence The iu nefal will be held Monday afternoon at 2 ROv Griffith offi ciating william Karter'ot Huntington plead ed guilty in the district court to day to a charge Of carrying a revolver and the case was continued to Wednesday for disposition Tne following marriage Intentions have been filed: John Barrett of Pros pect street and Miss Dorothy Tay lor of lorence rank Laurent Dins more of Leeds and Miss Dorothy Rea dio of lorence Arthur Condon ot Northampton and Miss Kathryn Brown of Wolfvllle George Oscar Bowen has been ap pointed an instructor In music in the university of Michigan Mr Bowen is a former supervisor of music In North ampton and has been connected with the Northampton school of music ped agogy He will resign his present po sition of community director ot musslo at lint Mich and will give up his connection with the Northampton Summer school because of the de mands of the university of Michigan summer school of music George Lawley and George Thoriiiley report a remarkable fish ing trip off Block Island in which they participated Wednesday Ths party caught seven swordfish weigh ing 160(1 pounds the largest weighing 325 pounds CHENEY BIGELOW WIRE WORKS Handy Tools That Will Make Your Garden Work Much Easier the Paumotu archipelago the eastward of Tahiti lonely atoll is taking on appearance 'lhe The Hampshire bookshop has en gaged John Drinkwater the English playwright who wrote the play Lincoln" to give a lecture at Northampton in ebruary Miss Katherine McClellan has New York July 23 weekly compilation of bank clearings show an aggregate of 703J2t'5242 an increase of 104 per cent over last year Out side of NewX'ork shows an increase of 214 per cent over a year ago Barre July 23 Miss Luta BAtley has returned to Barre with four chil dren Of her brother John Bentley who died in service in the British army during the world war The mother of the children died recently and their aunt went to England after the children whose ages range from 6 to 11 years and will make a home for the children with her The funeral of Mrs hila Tolman widow of William A Tolman 70 one of the oldest residents of the town who died Wednesday afternoon was held in the Congregational church this afternoon at 2 Rev Lester Evans pastor Of the Congregational church conducted the services Buri al was in Glen Valley cemetery services will be held Saturday noon at 2 LITTLE CHANCE OR DROP IN PRICES NEW HIGH RECORD OR EXPORTS The season in the rench settlements comes this month Diving is not permitted for two years in succession at the same isiafid The various pearl Islands are opened in rotation This means all gear Stocks of merchandise building material must ba taken new island each no small dertaking when it Is remembered the coral atoll Inexpensive hand culti vating tools that work like a hoe but do times the work in same time' so it See these tools is valuable only when the service stays with you throughout 'thi? trip Ask About Our Special Road Service for Re lease of Attachment Carlisle Hardware Co Springfield Mas? orbes Wausca Springfield Mats Imperial Auto Supply Co 104 Worthington St Spnntfie'd Mas Keough's Tire Hospital 417 St James Ave blood unwashed 67 blood unwashed we si Wlicfmrin MlriMirl iud arereNtw Eng land blood 6063c4 blood blood 42filt Virginia and similar blood unwashed 70v: 4 blood unwashed 46050 a Scoured basis Teana fine 12 m6nths SI 60 hand and congratulated him on his deliverance and Mr Thompson thanked him adding that he fully realized the prosecutor had a duty to perform There was general hand shaking all around and both Mr Thompson and Attorney Martinelli were as happy as school boys on the day following graduation Attorney Martinelli rather enjoyed scanning over the bound volume of testimony taken at the trial particu larly the parts concerning the several sensational happenings Before leaving Mr Thompson said: "Now that the case Is settled I will candidly state that I did not touch a firop of liquor on the day op evening of the accident and all that testified to the contrary were wrong in Statements to the sold her photographic business orr State street to Eric Srahlberg who has been riiahager of the studio 10 years Mr Stahlberg has bought the building as well as the business NonOtuck lodge of Odd ellows and Northampton lodge of Elks will open house Coolidge notification day Tuesday The offices In the court house will be closed at noon Mr and Mrs A Erickson of lorence have Announced the mar ing 2(3700000 for Imports and only $5300000 for exports feilver' imports last month totaled $500000 and exports $4400000 an excess ot imports of $2100000 Total silver imports for the 12 months end ing June 30 were $102800000 and ex ports $170000000 Opens This Month in au motu Archipelgo opening of the pearl diving the great event of the year Review Sees No Lull in Bus iness but Offers No Encourage ment Regarding High Cost of Living Elizabeth Glazier 85 died her home In West Another Man inds That ir Veneer Panel Board Is Just What He Has Been Looking or or Y'ears tlon of operation is still uncertain The Commercial Bulletin to morrow will publish wool prices as follows with the statement that the quotations are more or less Ohin and Pennsylvania flrtcrt tellhe un washed 72c fine unwashed 62 Mi blooa combimt 6SS70: blood comblnz 60 Walker I 31 41 Market St Tel I bnpplfes Building ounded in 18241 A Cel stop All three of the occupants the car and ran downiJi irst street The officer fired twa shots from his revolver but they did" not stop and 'escaped The car wr 'J: taken to garage where' was identified and was later taken tc Deerfield by a local chauffeur I It was (stolen by three state boys who are employed in Deerfield Two of the state boys are Eugene Bur' rews and Milo Addellive of the West boro state school and Philip Beaure? gard of the Shirley state school ac cording to the police What their in tentions were has not been deter mined but It is believed they were on the way to Boston with it when dis covered Officer March pressed an automobile into service after search ing the coal sheds and ice houses here and scoured the surroundings country and also went to Millers a alls early this morning thinking they might try to catch a train there Police in this vicinity were noti fled and at about 11 this morn ing George Koch a constable and se lectman of Gill was notified that the three were in the barn of Bar ton having been caught hv Leonard 1 Pollard who is employed on the it farm Summoning Chief Callahan of this town they went there in an au A tomoblle and arrested the three They3 readily admitted the theft of the au tomobile the authorities say also said that they did no mind be ing arrested They furthermore said that if they had been armed some one would have got nurt before they submitted to arrest They werA fi brought to Turners alls aid lodged in a cell The state agent has peeiT't notified by the chief of police as the toys are all under in four residences on the Washing ton mountain road The funeral of Mrs William enton was held this' afternoon at the home on Housatonic street The big bleacher at the Eaton Dike mfin mill his been hoisted to position and the concrete bleach house will be constructed around it I John Crowther and daughter MisS Elizabeth arc visiting relatives in Lawrence MiSs Winifred Milsop Is spending a week in Monson with Miss Rebecca Brown Miss Bessie Pike a fofmeri resident of Enfield is a guest ot Mr and Mrs Joseph Triggey Elevator Bank and Office Railings Easthampton July 23 The fufifivM of Mrs Ann Elizabeth Hanrahan was held yesterday morning at the church Of the immaculate Conception Rev Ahern officiating The bearers were Courtney Thomas Knox Ryan and Julius' Mutter Burial was in Calvary cemetery Chicopee Thompson of Keeseville former resident is visitnig in East hampton The Northampton band gave a con cert in Memorial park this evening Elmer Thompson lending man Of the Bijou players of all RiVer and Mfs Thompson leading woman Bedford players of New Bed ford are visiting their father Thompson Liverpool Jtfly ollowing are the weekly cotton statistics: Quan tity afloat all kinds 101000 bales Quantlt? afloat American 51000 bale LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET Branch Offices Springfield Mass Boy? In Court or ooling Autoists Williamstowri July 23 Archie Bev erley Basil Walker Clyde L'tman and John HickOx were fined $10 each in the local' court this morning on a charge of malicious mischief Three other lads Raymond Grisfitti' Earl Tatrn and Tamils ranin hAH thir mrm 631 000 66bu and imports at 553660 Michigan nnfi Tort ins un I Continued until August 9 to await the IM HI fmnnrtR rpncnnd previous record made last March Gold imports during the fiscal year amounted to $151000000 against ex ports of $467000000 but imports of the precious metal in Jund exceeded experts by $24000000 the figures be Great Barrington July At th6 meeting of the Thursday Morning weak there will be aii ex hibtiion of Mrs jarieys Thompsonville July 23 Harold Thompson of 820 State street Spring field was vindicated on the charge of driving an automobile while Under the influence of liquor on the night of July 1 at a special session of Enfield town court this morning Judge Guy Bushnell in rendering his verdict of not guilty stated that after going carefully over the 291 pages of feteno giapiuc records hd found an element of doubt as to the guilt or innocence Of the accused He felt Mr Thomp son should be given the benefit of the doubt On the first charge against Thomp son driving an automobile recklessly to which Attorney Silvio Martinelli cf Springfield entered a lea of nolo con tendere Judge Bushnell rendered a verdict of guilty and imposed a fine of $50 and costs The costs amounted to $712(1 making a total of $12120 ivhich Mr Thompson paid When court opened the only persons present besides the court officials Atr torney Martinelli and Mr Thompson were the newspaper reporters and about half a dozen spectators As soon as Judge Bushnell pronounced his verdict clearing Mr Thompson of a damaging charge the latter ex pressed his thanks to the court and Attorney Martinelli rushed over to the delighted man ana grasped his hand Attorney Martinelli then turned to Judge Bushnell and Was plainly sincere in his praise of the manner' tn which the court had handled tne case Judge Bushnell listened intently th the remarks of Attorney Martinelli and at the close of the court in dis cussing the case he stated that it was the most important and longest drawn Out session ever held by the local important for the reason that both the state and the defense had several reliable men as witnesses The peculiarities of the case were that the Witnesses for both sides had Seen the accident in which Thomas Kelle her ot Springfield Was instantly killed from different sides The result was a mass Of contradictory evidence by both sides In reviewing testimony of one or two witnesses for the state Judge Bushnell said he could not See clear ly how it Aas possible for a witness to be credible when he testified that Thompson was drunk by the way he staggered up the road and having seen the accused 200 feet away and only momentarily Any man he said would be liable to be a little unsteady after passing through such a nerve racking accident When court adjourned there was a veritable love feast Prosecuting At torney BOStick grasped Mr Thomp William A armer? superintendent of the McLane silk company whoso marriage to Miss Lucy daughter of Mr and Mrs Williarrt 7ft Zimmerman will take place 3 was last night presented Mth a hand '1 some floor electric lamp by theem (e ployes ot the company as a token of esteem J2J Sin iiBfield irfield over the Mohawk through Berkshire ahd back To Spring field and New Bedford by way of Ja ladder Both expressed them selves as delighted with the Connect icut arid HausPtonio valleys Main Office HOLYOKE MASS The Hardware Man 262 Maia St 10 Hampden St forgot and in the evening on government of the United States" The concert end Of the open ing program Was in tharga of the John Ross Reed company Miss Agnes Goodwin librarian reports arecwd circulation ot bdoks from this institution throughout the summer season and a broadening pa tronage of the public library on the part ofihe people Much interest has been shown in the department of wild flowers started last season and again this season conducted by Ralph Hoff mann School children and others brirg in plant and flower specimens for identification which are labeled and placed on a table in the library for this purpose Attracting much At tention is a bonafidfi four legged chicken preserved in alcohol Thecu liosity was given by Hamilton South ward son of Dr and Mrs Thomas Southworth Many Tribes Expected at Brook side Park Athol July 23 The biggest Red Men's field day in the history of the order in this section is scheduled for Brookside park August 28 Prelimi nary arrangements are already being made by a large committee The gen eral commitee is headed by Charles Day Of TVmchendon as chairman Geoi'6 Brann of Orange and Leo BlrkhiU of Athol are on the sou venir edmmittee and A Cartwright ot Athol is chairman of entertainment while Myron Cumrpings of Orange is alSo a member of this committee Starrett's band of Athol has been en gaged and an orchestra of five pieces is to furnish music for the dancing The great chiefs ot Massachusetts and New Hampshire have' been invited and it is expected that the past great in cohonie of Virginia Will be the guest Of honor The Greenfield tribe has ac cepted a challenge from Wachusctt tribe or a ball game and the East Jaffrey team will play the Athol tribes representatives It is expected '20 or more tribes will be represented Hinsdale July The New Century club held its last meeting of the season this afternoon The follow ing officers were chosen for the year: President Irs Haydock: vice presi dent Mrs Cora Lowell: secretary Mrs Alma Haydock treasurer Miss Hatie TraSy The Christian endeavor meeting will be held Sunday at 7 in the chapel of the Congregational church At 8 services will be held in the church in charge of Globe lodge of Masons Rev Andrew Clark and Tlev John Clark softs of Mr ana Mrs Clark were in town to day from Newark in their bile a new treasurer and the adding Ot Richard isk rectors Mrs last fevonSiff at Stafford after a short illness She was I one of the 'oldest residents in West Stafford Besides her husband Dwig it Glazier she leaves two sons Charles and Herbert both Of West Stafford and eight grandchildren The fuhera! services will be held Saturday after Huntington July Rev McClelland of Springfield tvho was ah army chaplain during the late war will occupy the pulpit of the ed erated church as a supply Sunday morning The Radcliffe Chautauqua which in its program for 1920 tells the story ot Americanization is booked for this town for three days next Week be ginning Monday Interesting and va ried programs suited to the taste of old and young are arranged for aft ernoons and evenings With music of a high character The tent will be placed on the school grounds Leaflets giving the programs for different Jays can be obtained of A Rhlnes at Heath ft store Mr and Mrs Herman Allen who were recently married in Springfield have returned from their honeymoon trip and are spending a few days with his parents Mr and Mrs Eras tus Alien of Pleasant street A 100 Pure a Vegetable Oil New York July to mor ow will say: An early breaking of the present lull in business does not appear to bo in prospect but some re cent developments in thS situation have been of a constructive charac ter The improvement in the principal crops which are faring better than had previously seemed probable is a favorable augury for the future and the railroad wage award i accepted by all the workers tv ill emovo one element of uncertainty and may lead to quicker relief from the serious con gestion in trhusportation Multiplying evidence of price yield ing moreover cannot be properly re garded as othfr than encouraging fur prices that had risen beyond all pre cedent had marked an unnatural and unwholesome condition and could not fail to ultimately diminish consump tive buying While some questioning is still heard as tQ the genuineness of the current pi ice reaction yet the downward movement if not embrac ing every important article has steadily gained momentum in such lines as textiles and hides and leath er among others and it is Clear that many prospective customers continte to hold off for further concessions To Care for Big Crowds in City on Notification Day Northampton July 23 The execu tive committee of ths Coolidge home committee has appointed the follow ing committee on transportation: Cowan (chairman) Hem enway Parsons Crafts McCallum Guy Emerson II Hurley A Sullivan Co mey Williams Toohey Armstrong Ely Kneeland A Kings bury Crooks Pease and Kimball Agent Price has assured the transpor tation Committee that equipment would be assembled at Springfield and Northampton sufficient to care for any number that has been mentioned Ex tra cars will be added to regular trains and additional sections of regular trains will be run when necessary The Northampton band Will give a concert Tuesday morning on Main street and band of Hartford probably will give a morning concert The 104th infantry band will play At Allen field in the afternoon and will give a concert on Main street in the evening Stafford Springs July 23 Charles Chandler was elected treasurer of the Stafford savings bank Wednesday afternoon when the annual meeting oi the director swas held Mr Chandlet succeeds the late Harwood who held the position of treasurer since 4SS7 Mr Chandler is a graduate ot Stafford high school He Was em ployed in the Stafford national bank for one rear before becoming Clerk in the savings bank He held the posi tlon of clerk Up till a few years aco 1 when he was made assistant treas urcr No changes were made in the list of officers for the coming yeat with the exception Of the election otj Boston July The Commercial Bulletin to morrow will say: President Wood of the American wftolen company epitomizes the wool situation when he says that the mar ket is awaiting the buyers Th mar i ket is dull still and values are more or less problematical In the 1 West the growers are Cither fconsigh iftg theit wools against moderate ad vances or else are holding them ac tual outright sales being few Some openings Ot goods afe being I made for the lightweight season by New York July 23 Shorts plld top prices for July contracts again in to cotton market and that de wound up its career at 1 o'ciook with a number of sales at 4375 which equaled high record point The rest of the market developed weakness again and at orie time sold as low as 3 for October 3090 for December and 3020 for Jan uary 45 to 60 points under the previous close Late rallies on week end covering left the market flstallv steady nt a net decline of 15 to 40 points with the exception of August which closed 140 points below Thurs close The opening was irregular with prices 25 points lower to 7 higher Southern selling partly absorbed by Liverpool and New Orleans later broke October to 3304 and December to 31110 from which rallies Of 40 points occurred during the forenoon Around tis level the Sellliig pressure became quite general inspiled by a prediction tor lets showery weather in the belt and the report of a southern cron Au thority making condition 703 with tri indicated yield of 13 million bales both of which figures were so much beyon 1 the expectatiohg ot traders in view of recent prolonged wet weather thO central and eastern bflts With re ported extension of boll weevil dam age that bearish sentiment "Was much ereoui aged and Inclined to anticipate a condition figure by the government report on August 2 around thelO year The weakness of exchange and a Severe decline at New Orleans in the afternoon promoted a good deal of selling by room traders which was poorly absorbed until the covering or ders near the close The notices isxued to day were the heavi est rf the month two firms tendering 7000 bales Exports to day 10762 bales making 630S517 so far this sea son Port receipts 4153 United States i5ort stocks 810251 Cotton futures closed steady July nominal October 329(1 December 3132 January 3053 March 295 gi66: tint lht 45 Cantor ernoon children will bo iidniitted 111 Sly': routhefri I when ES Oregon eastern Xo 1 staple 165: caster 4s ill cunduct a ptogiam for child clothing 150: valley No i 150 The program to day will comprise two lectures by Dr Robert IV McLaugh cnmblng 150 blond combine ASdiJi tine aftornnon snoke on iothliw lV): fine medium clothine Un nlc in tne atte noon spoe on Wes a A I 4 A a es 5 1 lM: piuin aflame uiu: no i wcxi D3i snn 140 Mohs'rs best combine 52ffi54c: best card ing DUN'S BANK CLEARINGS Pica Sons Springfield Mass Springfield Vulcanising Co 701 Mam St Springfield Masa Stoddard Motor Car CO Columtdla Terrace Springfield Mass Co Springfield I Springhdid Mass that and to a un that which in Ordinary times supports less than 260 persons becomes in the diving season th'S abid ing place of 2500 or more This year the open island is Hi kueru one oc 400 miles to Already this a metropolitan profits to be gained come not only from the pearl shell won from the lagoon but from the sale of all kinds of wares dear to the native heart and from the providing Of entertainment to refresh the weary diver and his women folk after the labors of the day are over Ths average native diver wins a good sum from the bot tom ot tne lagoon on expensive silk and daughters canned goods of the (white man) and on the This year there are to be it is said three moving picture theaters any number Of motor cars for hlre length of the roadway in Hikueru is less than a half mile but that appar ently do Js not make any a brass band and It le reported elec tric lights along the "great white of this little ring of coral sand Late advices indicate that the season this year at Hikueru will be the most ac tive in many years there will be at least 1000 divers at the island These together with their families and the traders with their staffs Island 4000 arrival of tlse state agent The seven lads alleged to have caused much annoyance to automobilists by plac ing an automobile tire in the roadway near Thompson's bridge on the Sim monds road A string was attached to the tire when automobile parties stopped and tried to pick up the tire it was drawn into bushes bordering the highway In imposing Sentence Judge Tenney severely lectured the lads and warned them to be more careful in the future Agitation for careful restriction of ddgs in AVllliamstown is now being made as a result3 of the heavy sheep losses during the past few weeks it is proposed to have the name of own ers and license numbers marked on all dog collars so thAt those that raid sheep flocks may be readily identified and the owners made to settle for the financial loss cause! The annual picnic Of the Methodist Episcopal Sunday school will be held at Pontoosuc lake in Pittsfield Thurs day afternoon Automobiles will leave in front of the ChurCh at IL Thursday morning About 100 are expected to attend and a program of sports will be in order The names of 71 residents of thia town are contained in a social register cf Berkshire county which has been compiled Ab a result Of considerable protest made against nude boys bathing in the Green river off Water street not more than 200 feet from the main highway it is probable that bathing there will be prohibited unless the bathers wear swimming trunks Mr and Mrs Robert Chandler Who have been spending a part of their wedding trip As guests of Rev Stocking Of the White Oaks have re turned to Chicago III where Mr Chandler Is sales manager cr Waterbury brass company Washington July 23 Exports from the United States during the fiscal year ending June 30 reached new high record of $8111000 but as all records for imports also were smashed the net trade balance in favor of this country was only $2872000000 This compared with a trade balance ot slightly more than $4000000000 the year before The figures Were made publla to day by the department of commerce Imports for the yetr were valued at $5238746580 an increase ot more than $2000000060 compared with A Ka a Ma iSsIzY lUQ Jtal kUCHU UU rViWWftAAiWv I UlcLUU 1VI LHC during the year ending June 30 1918 the mills but no marked results are The exports for the year compared I reported from these openings Tho with $72322S2 6S6 the year before an American woolen company's resump4 increase 01 Thera was a sharp drop in exports during June and an increase ip im ports with the result that the trade balance in favor of the United States that month was only $78000000 the lowest of any month since before the world war Exports were valued ati £1 ABA APIA 3 a SXO VIA oliceman Thieves Getting Away With Car turners alls July Night Po liceman John March by clevei work about 1 this morning recovered a ranklin limousine that had be stoki in Deerfield from three Lin coln Neb bins driver over night operated Up the avenue at a high ra(t of speed and stopped near the office of the Turners ails power and elec tric company the driver losing his way The trio of young meq in the car got out turned it around and started off Again Police man March had got up to them by that time and signaled for them to HYLAND MG CO 153 Dwight Street Springfield Mass He said that it was what he had always wanted and that he could Make all sorts Of use of it ir Veneer PAnel Board is riiadc from three cleai veneer layers cut from the enormous DOuglass fir trees of the great Northwest The grain is laid at right angles and the layers so firmly glued that they make a stiff flat and even board which cannot bulge warp check or crack and which hag a beau tiful grain We Carry Many Sizes It comes in twd thicknesses aifis and inch and in a dozen Sizes trom to 36x84 inches inished on one or both sides ready for rubbing down and varnishing or painting It Has Endless Uses or doOrs drawers shelvts wainscoting table tops boxes trays blackboards etc TherO is absolutely no thin lumber In the world that equals this for size and practical qualities YOU will enjoy our booklet And the sam ples Como" to the store or let us mail them nflpld Julv 23 Rev Hewitt will have for his subject Sun day morning at the Congregational church "Christian optimism In the evening Mrs Robert Woods presi dent of the Hampshire branch of the board of missions who has recently returned front spending near ly a year and a half in India will give a talk on in having i fdr her theme "Giving the gospel a The fact that primary day comes September 7 second day of the Athol fair will maJce it somewhat harder to get out the vote and it is probable the polls will be kept open: until well into the evening The Athol manufacturing com athletic association will stage a carnival on the lower village com mon beginning Monday and continu ing every evening next week Villa Again Hoard rom Mexico City July Gen Villa and his forces said to number a hundred men are heading toward Coahuila according to statements ot deserters aa reported by Gen Joaquin Amaro chief ot operations at Chihuahua The rebels are described as poorly equipped MOBO and TTP tured by Tohn0 Inr New Eft 1865 Ajp1en HMihel) buhahus BlucberrlPB (riative box) ('anf i loupes (crate) Cahtalcmpt flats) Cherries quart) Cnrratitu (vurt) Dittca (Dromedary case) lit (snijTna round) Iate a e) (Olift rfifA bfix) OranaM (Cal VaL lox) reaches (irate) Halthis (Muscatels lb) Raspberries (red quart) Watermelons (each) MISCELLANEOUS I Maple sugar (pound) 1 Maple sirup (can) I jsufs (CM almonds pound) Nuts (Cal walnuts pound) Nuts (hrazD pound) Nuts (jumbo peanuts pound) ins tpeanuis jmi pounaj Nttta (walnut meats naive TepcOrn (shelled pound) Let Have Your Order for AWNINGS Cotton Durk All Widths Stormproof Tarpaulins BURGIN BROS 96 Adam 'Kt Tri ftlvr M7 AUTO CLEANSER SHOO AND are manutac Manley I Again Appears Adame July The police were notified laat night shortly after mid night that a man had been seen peer ing into the window at the home of San Soucie on Pai street Al though the policemen were soon On the scene they were unable to locate the wanted' man He is believed to be tha same one who has practices of a Tom" in the Park street section for some weeks past The body of Howard Oglesby who was drowned Tuesday night in Chesh ire reservoir was taken to day to his home in Brooklyn for bur ial The funeral will be held to mor row afternoon there Ths BonnieBrae land Company to day announced the sale cf a 60 by 120 foot lot on Randall street to Jo seph Remillard Miss Sherburne a representative of the war camp Community service was in Adams to day interviewing local men ab to their attitude on the con struction of a community house for the use of all citizens The building would also serve as a memorial to Bervicfe mfen and contain quarters for the American Legion post Plans are being considered for a 150 foot dam across the Hoosac river hear the Adams woolen company plant Work will be started on two now headgates in the woolen com pany's raceway next week by McGrath Incorporated 'Court Genest members will take A motor trip over the Mohawk trail to Riverside park at Springfield Bunday Being a 100 Pure Vegetable Oil Soap with no destructive free alkali MOBO the yamish keeps it elastic and will help to keep your car Out of the paint shop long er than if ordinary washing soaps are used It dissolves grease and road dirt and cleanses body top and running gear easily and quickly leaving the Surface as mirror like as when new Use MOBO AUTO SOAP for a few months and see how well the finish keeps its newness Sold at popular prices in 3 5 10 20 2o and 50 lb cans also in barrels These Representative Dealers Sell It: 1 ue uxi CA PAr Hrvp i WHX wonts lohanra Modern figures for this occasion will I Causey will preach at the be shown Methodist church Sunday Keep Ydiir Car out of to the Paint Shop Mrs A Russell and Mr and Mrs Pope are in New York for a few days The selectmen have been engaged in an effort to eliminate Some of the ad vertising signs along the highway principally about' the village wherd they have been getting rather numer ous A number have already been re moved and others will be taken down Cards have been received announc ing the marriage of Miss Marion Kil bourne daughter Of the late John Kil bourne of Egremont Plain to Herbert Bartlett of Springfield HINSDALE Middlefield Julv The Old Peabody PewA under the auspices of the ladl aid society will be presented at the church Saturday evening at 8 o'clack The cast of characters is as follows: Reader Mrs Graves Mrs Burbank presi dent of Dorcas society Mrs Arthur Pease Mrs Baxter the wife William McKesson Mrs Euzzell the widow Mrs A Hatch Miss Maria' Sharp quick of speech and kind of heart Mrs George McEl wain 'Mrs Miller Dea wife Miss lorence Cook Mrs Sergeant rhs historian Mrs Roy Graves ijease Miss Nancy Wentworth Miss EthelM Pease Justin Peabody Willard A Pease Cecil Aiderman of Beverly is spend ing a two vacation' at Edwin Alderman's Miss Lavinla Sweeney hds returned home after spending several weeks in Springfield William Churchill and George Butters of Russell were recent guestsat Colden Churchill'S Miss Lillian Ellery rf Rockland has been spending two weeks at red Rev Ernest YOutz of Puritan chapel Brooklyn N' will supply the pul pit Sunday morning uev tan Clark Of Washington gve a talk at the close of ing service ENIELD of Springfield The wedding will place in September Suffleld July The semiannual meeting of the Suffield savings bank was held yesterday and the old board of officers wore rO oieCted for the I coming vear The treasurer's report showed that the deposits totaled $1 03623S33 an increase of SS09250 during the past six months The trus tees also voted to declare a dividend to the depositors of 2 per cent out of the earnings of the past six months Tnlv cnttlG J4 a nf TiCp'iJ a field day and their annual meeting at Rev Anson Phelps Brook farm in August ollowing the busi ness meeting Rev Mr herd will be shown and then the 'party will be furnished automobiles and will visit the noted herds in Berkshire Ex Embrwsador to Russia and Mrs David rancis of St Louis are stop ping at the Hotel Aspinwall Mists Alma and Miss Beatrice Clark returned yesterday from a visit at Lako orest III The monthly musical service With choral evensong wil be given in Trin ity church on Sunday evening at 730 At the morning service Lucy Maxfield soprano and the choir will sing Me My ather" Gilder Mr and Mrs Robert Silver of New Dedfctd arrived in Lenox to day from They were nixing trom trail Mrs Mary Cagney Dead Winsted Julv 23 Mrs Mary ney 86 widow of John Cagney died at the home of her daughter Mrs MUlville in Norfolk to day She wag born in Ireland daughter of Timothy and Mary Thornton lynn and came to this country when 10 vears old She made her home in Mill River Mass for 63 'years Seven ago after the death ot her hus band she went to Norfolk to live with her daughter She leaves besides Mrs MUlville a son Michael Cag rev of Mill River and 10 grandchil dren Mineral completed but nivor Members of the Winsted fire nArtment lat evening voted to cept the invitation from Litchfield ro attend the' bicentennial celebration party to be held here Tuesday Au gust 3 It iis expected that about 100 firemen will make the trip es corted by a drum corps Miss Louise daugh ter ot Richards has accepted a position aa supervisor ot music in the school in Washington district Hartford She will enter Upon her duties September 8 Miss Richards is a graduate of Gilbert school and the Crane normal institute of rftusio at Potsdam Thomas chairmin of the democratic town committee and for more than 40 years employed by the New England pin company has re signed his position with the latter concern to engage in trucking busi ness Hercules loat Works rank Engelhnrt Kona ITopa Coppersmiths and Brass ounders Repairing and retlnnlng of ppr iot0l end rentonruntu a prrlalty ranklin iU Springfield Mata Wholesale prices quoted by Ttenry Der KHiS CtHiq'uUj riniui buuiv VEGETABLES brunt (green native bueheb Beans (wax nuancii I a (u dozen bunches) ('ftfibatc (barrel) Carrots (new dozen) Celery (bunch) Cucumbcia (box) a' Cucumbers Jxttueo (box) Onions (Toxaa random Peat (nnflvv hnhtd) (baakot) rntatnk potalnea (Jersey bar of 15() (box five dn Tomatoes (Ronthern rratei Toma boa (hothouse pound) TUrnipB (hew UIT BUILD Without first Murinf (hr protection gunf I intreo by ths architect plant pcrlfiiwi lions wtuTvision of cntlrirtln Newton Bond Co i ABCUITinS 4M KXrilNEKHS 476 SLAIN 8T you The time Iiaa come when It Is necessary to hate your house heater thoroughly cleaned anil the repairs looked after for allt (his time of year we are able to do this oik promptly while If delayed nntll nllr fa necessary to order any repairs from foundry there Is great liability of delay be thank you for past fhvors and would rrreinte your future orders hb 16 ier 75 th L25 to 40 100 to 125 25 tu 50 115 to S00 th 175 to 20050 to 100 to 165 oo to 175 t' U00 225 to l()50 to P5O to 100 to 150 275 to30 to 40 to 230 30010 to 35 to 500 to 55050 tu rod20 lu 1H to 20 73 td JO to 30 600 to 400 to 450 700 to 0075 to 250 3G to 20 to 22 60 to 73 30 to 35 300 to 3 5034 to 3H 35 to 30 30 to 32 17 t6 14 to 60 to CO 6H to.

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.