Ruan Mei's "Diary" - EmbretheWorld - 崩坏:星穹铁道 (2024)

Chapter Text

A small stack of papers was thrown onto his desk by none other than Topaz, his partner, Dr. Ratio, trailing behind her. Aventurine raised a brow at the two, gaze flickering between them before staring down at the papers. He reached forward and grabbed the first part of the heavy stack, it was stapled together, yet, it wasn’t even a quarter of the pile.

“And what is this little intervention for? I don’t recall getting into any trouble lately.” Perching his legs on top of his desk he languidly leaned back with a cat-like grin. As he flipped through the papers he didn’t quite catch any of the words, not that he was even bothering to understand them after all.

“Well you and Mr. Ratio are that girl’s new caretaker, right? So I thought you’d like to see the rest so you’re better prepared, y’know? Granted, Dr. Ratio has already seen these documents sooooo , yeah…” She glanced at his partner behind her before looking back at him with a sheepish smile.

Ratio’s face visibly brightened at the mention of Subject M7- or as he and the girl called herself: March 7th - and Aventurine couldn’t help but frown, that pit in his stomach growing even larger than before. It’s not that he hated the girl- though he’d have to admit, it was easy to hate someone who acted so painfully cheerful as she did sometimes, bordering on the edge of blissfully ignorant - he simply disliked her. Which sure, wasn’t a good take from someone like him, someone who suffered a similar thing she had and was still currently suffering from it, but that didn’t mean he had to like her.

He didn’t make his captivity his entire personality, he didn’t make his restricted rights everyone else’s problem, he didn’t get as easily tricked as she did, he climbed out of the hole himself without anyone else's help. Is it a shallow view? Indubitably so, traitorous even, but it was the truth, his truth and no one else’s.

He despised that girl— that Subject M7 .

But for Veritas? ... He’d stick it out for now, until she got better and then they’d never had to see each other ever again.

So Aventurine forced himself to smile at the mention of her, as sickeningly sweet as he could, and sat up in his chair, clasping his hands together underneath his chin and tilting his head a few inches to the side. “Why, that’s so nice of you Topaz! But this could have been an email you know? There really was no need to walk allllll the way over here, yeah?”

Topaz expression fell, brows furrowing as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. “I mean, yeah but-”

The blonde held up his finger, a smirk curling on his lips. “Ah ah ah, no buts . Don’t wanna hear it,” Sighing, he leaned back in his chair folding his arms over his chest, he shot a side glance to the clock on the wall. 2:23 PM . Nope . Too much time to stall until the end of his shift. “Besides, isn’t it illegal to take documents from the General Attorney’s Office after the case is closed? You really shouldn’t have those papers Topaz, shame on you. Shame. On. You ~”

Her frown turning into a pout, she opened her mouth for a rebuttal right as Ratio stepped forward, clearing his throat with an unimpressed expression. “These documents have been acquired through completely legal means I can assure you of that.”

Aventurine raised a brow at Doctor, then shook his head. “ Whatever, anything else I should know before I start reading?”

“I mean, aside from the fact that the lady got away with destroying some of the pages, then no, not really. I compiled as much of it as I could but I dunno about you but I could hardly understand half of what she wrote.”

“I think that is just a you issue.” Ratio deadpanned, blinking down at the woman.

“Tch, yeah, whatever, I’m not taking that from a guy whose writing looks like chicken scratch . No wonder you became a doctor because that’s the only profession that would accept…” Her face scrunched up into an indistinguishable expression as she narrowed her eyes at him. “ Whatever your writing style is… But ANYWAY !” She suddenly slammed her hand on the blonde’s desk, grinning brightly. “Send the documents my way when you’re done, ‘kay ?” He nodded back at her silently. “M’kay,”

Her smile now resembling the sun, she turned on her heels waving him adieu as she left the room. “Good luck!”

The only thing Aventurine at the moment could think was: odd .

He glanced over his shoulder at Ratio and raised a brow, yet even odder, the doctor looked away from him folding his arms over his chest. Sighing to himself, the blonde straightened out the paper and began to read.

3.8.XX : I am beginning this journal with the intent to record the progress made upon my newest subject. If possible I would like to update this journal daily.

Yesterday, on the 7th of March I found a girl encased in ice upon my supplementary ‘vacation days’ . I decided to name her Subject M7 based on the day I found her, March 7th.

3.9.XX : Subject M7 has not woken up, I have supplemented her with IV lines to propagate the proper nutrients necessary for her survival.

3.10.XX : Subject M7 has not woken up. I have occupied my time looking through articles and documents pertaining to “lifeforms” trapped in glaciers floating across space. Results have come out largely negative. No “lifeforms” have survived being encased in ice.

3.11.XX : Subject M7 has still not woken up, I fear she might not wake up. No progress has been made in my research.

3.12.XX : Subject M7 shows no signs of waking up, her vitals are stable despite this, however, there has been no reported brain activity. I can only hope my theory of her being in a vegetable state is wrong.

3.13.XX : Subject M7 didn’t wake up but showed signs of increased brain activity, however, I’m not counting my eggs before they hatch.

3.14.XX : Subject M7 brain activity has decreased from little to none. Unfortunate.

3.15.XX : Stable vitals, no brain activity, the only results procured from my research were theories. Her chances of waking up are looking increasingly negative.

3.16.XX : I am writing this in a hurry. Subject M7 has woken up.

3.16.XX : As I am writing this, Subject M7 is currently asleep. The day started as normal, there was a brief sign of brain activity but no results. I was unsure what activities to pursue until Screwllum called me out of nowhere. I took the call and we discussed business. He must have caught on to my discontent with the previous situation because he asked me what was wrong.

I did not wish to disclose my current experiment to him, thankfully, I did not have to for Subject M7 woke up. I quickly ended the call and went to tend to her. I will ask her questions tomorrow but for now, I will call Screwllum back.

3.16.XX : The call with Screwllum went well, he seemed happy for me, I do not see why. He wished me luck. Nothing more of note happened today .

3.17.XX : Questioning went decent. I recorded the session to analyze at a later date but currently Subject M7 knows nothing. She does not remember her name, her life, or anything about herself, nor how she got trapped in the ice to begin with. My current theory is she has amnesia but the Garden of Recollection could also have something to do with it. I will approach these ideas at a later date.

3.18.XX : Subject M7 still remembers nothing. I started her on a liquid diet.

3.19.XX : No results on Subject M7 memories. However, she likes sweets, I suppose we have that in common.

3.20.XX : It is becoming increasingly apparent that Subject M7 will not remember anything any time soon.

3.21.XX : No memories, no answers. However, Subject M7 asked to have the ‘green and white box liquid’. I asked if she meant fruit juice, she tilted her head at me like a bewildered dog and said: “Is that what it’s called?” I got fruit juice for her and she nodded, strangely excited over a box of citric acid and sugars. Her favorite drink so far is fruit juice.

3.22.XX : It is becoming increasingly apparent that Subject M7 is not suffering from common “amnesia”. I believe that the Garden of Recollection has something to do with this. Tomorrow I will start to ease her into a solid diet.

3.23.XX : Subject M7 started her solid diet today, she is neutral towards berries. No allergic reactions thankfully. I started to prepare a kit in case she has any allergic reactions.

3.24.XX : She likes eggs.

3.25.XX : She likes rice.

3.26.XX : She does not like tomatoes and is neutral to most other vegetables.

3.27.XX : She likes tomato eggs and rice without the tomato. The allergy kit has been fully prepared.

To say Aventurine was confused would be an understatement, he was bewildered . He had been a part of the court case for March’s autonomy originally, though, he played a more behind-the-scenes approach than anything else when it came down to it. He knew bits and pieces of the story like how Ruan Mei had found March and made her the woman’s test subject, then during the space station invasion she broke out and became a Stellaron Hunter, therefore, a criminal .

He was there to comfort Veritas as the odds were stacked against the young girl’s freedom and her right to be identified as more than a test subject was looking less and less apparent. He was there when they won by the skin of their teeth. He was there for March 7th sentencing, and he was there as she served out her punishment and more importantly, he was there when she moved into her new home. But he was not there to see the basis on which most of the evidence was built upon, and now that he was seeing it he wondered how they even won in the first place.

Ignoring the pressure building up in the back of his mind, he pursed his lips, raising a brow at his partner. “This… Doesn’t seem that bad if I’m gonna be honest. Is this really what you wanted my support for Doctor? I thought it’d be way worse.” His unoccupied hand gestured to the paper, hitting the side of it as he spoke. “Like the whole Garden of Recollection theory is a bit suspicious but aside from that there really isn’t anything else here y’know?”

Sighing at him- making him even more confused - Ratio waved his hand as if to wave his concerns away. “Keep reading, you’ll see.”

“... Alrighty, whatever you say Doc.” Huffing out a breath he hadn’t known he had been holding, he shifted slightly in his seat getting into a more comfortable position. He ran a hand through his hair, moving the paper closer. “Alrighty… Let’s see here.

3.28.XX : During a routine dissection on Subject M7 it suddenly awoke and started thrashing against its restraints. I did what I typically do and went to increase its dosage of morphine until I heard the sound of the snapping of leather. I turned to see how it got through its restraints. I was surprised to see what had happened when I had looked away for just a second.

Its body was adorned with golden cracks, eyes glowing with tempered rage. It had become an Emanator of the Aeon of Destruction, Nanook.

After subduing it I have decided to fully dedicate myself to this project. I sent Herta an email that I would be resuming my work in her Space Station. I am now awaiting her approval.

I have found what Nous has chosen me for. I shall not fail them.

3.29.XX : I woke up to an email from Herta approving my request, I shall begin my research immediately.

3.29.XX : Subject M7 bleeds a gold-like liquid, when enough of it is drained it regains its typical crimson color.

3.30.XX : Subject M7 has suddenly grown defiant, where this defiance comes from I have no idea. I reminded it that it would still be floating in space if not for me, it is now quiet.

3.31.XX : Subject M7 has tested negative for allergies. Operations will continue as usual.

[The rest of the page was ripped out.]

4.2.XX : The golden cracks on its skin will regenerate faster than other injuries. I intended to pursue research on how its organs were [affected] .

4.3.XX : Its bones are strong. Further tests must be conducted in order to conclude whether this is from Nanook’s blessing or gained over the lifeform's lifetime.

4.4.XX : Somehow Subject M7 was blessed to be an Emanator of Destruction before I was blessed to be an Emanator of Erudition. Sometimes I do not understand Aeon’s logic.

4.5.XX : Subject M7, like a child, is mad at me that it can’t get what it wants. I wouldn’t be surprised if in its past life it was a sheltered brat who got everything it wanted.

4.6.XX : Many bones in the human arm require about 100 pounds to break, legs require over 150 pounds. Subject M7 requires double that weight for its leg bone to break. Gold aligns the middle of its bone. This confirms [my theory.]

[The rest of the page was ripped out.]

4.17.XX : Subject M7 refuses to do stretches. It says “I’m done listening to you,”. Proper preliminaries are to be established in order to counteract such behavior in the future.

4.18.XX : Subject M7 refuses to listen. Subject M7 is to sleep on the floor without a mattress, only allowed a blanket and pillow till this behavior ceases.

4.18.XX : Subject M7 refuses to behave, it screams. Punishments are in order.

4.18.XX : Punishment has been executed, Subject is now quiet.

4.19.XX : Head of Security came down to investigate reports of screaming and wailing. Rumor is a ghost is haunting this section. I reassured him it was nothing. Warnings will no longer substitute.

4.20.XX : Subject M7 said nothing to me today.

4.21.XX : Subject M7 must have caught on to my anxieties over the previous encounter. I told it it is imitating a Signorian with its behavior. It lies and cheats with false promises of good behavior in its throes in hopes of being shown mercy or saving face. If it wishes to be shown mercy it must remain 100% obedient and cooperative, no whining or no mercy.

Aventurine was going to throw up.

No .

Scratch that.

He is throwing up, right now.

He lurched for the trashcan near his desk, ignoring the pain that ran through his body as his knees hit the carpeted floor and scraped themselves against the roughly cut surface. The blonde’s mind swam with vertigo and nausea, memories he thought he had buried deep within the crevices of his mind coming back to choke him with malice .

The reaction it elicited from him was visceral. Bile bubbled in back his throat like acid before pooling out of his mouth like water from a waterfall. His eyes stung as his knuckles turned white with how hard they gripped the rim of the trashcan. Spit thinly dribbled out from the corner of his mouth as he panted, trying to catch his next breath.

A warm hand started to rub circles on his back as he dry heaved into the trash can, he made sure not to let the tears roll down his cheeks, holding them back as much as he could. His mind was swamped with the same thought over and over again.

Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgus-

Letting out a shaky sigh, he sat back on his knees thickly swallowing the bitter-tasting liquid in his mouth. He forced his shoulder to relax, only for a warm hand to find its way to his shoulder blade and cause him to flinch, undoing all his progress. He whipped his head around to be met with his partner wearing a look so soft it could have melted his heart.

Could .

Now wasn’t the time to get sentimental. It wasn’t the time to cry over things that happened years ago that there was no undoing. It wasn’t the time to cry over spilled milk.

“Do you need to take a break?” Ratio whispered so softly, so quietly , that if he weren’t so close he wouldn’t have heard him.

With a smile stretching its way across his lips, desperately hoping it met his eyes, he shook his head, getting up in one swift motion.

“Thanks but no thanks Doc,” Aventurine waved his hand and slid back into his chair with an ‘omph!’ . Yet Ratio continued to stare at him with a growingly concerned look on his face.

“Aventurine, I’d have to disagree. Are you su-” Once again, the blonde waved his hand as if to wave away his concerns.

“I’m fineeeee , seriously! Don’t worry about me,” The papers now in his hands he shuffled them, clearing his throat. “Now where was I, hmm… ” He squinted at the paper, glazing over it briefly before finding his place once more.

4.22.XX : Lies. All Subject M7 does is lie. Its “sweet” and “innocent” appearance may fool onlookers but it will not fool me. Subject M7 is a compulsive liar.

4.23.XX : Subject M7 had the nerve to doubt my ability today. It questioned that if I was so smart then why was I doing this? I punished it for those words. Let it learn to hold its tongue next time.

4.24.XX : The cracks in Subject M7’s skin have increased. They appear to be a stress or fear response. It’s pitiful that it is acting like it has a reason to be the stressed one here. I feel no sorrow for it.

4.25.XX : I was performing a routine dissection and it had the NERVE to destroy my lab equipment. Sometimes I wonder why I even keep it here, but then I remember why I found it, why I continue to endure its wretched whining. For Nous.

I need to do this. For Nous.

4.26.XX : I told Subject M7 it has no idea what’s waiting for it outside. If it left it would come crawling back to me.

[The rest of the page was ripped out]

5.8.XX : Subject M7 is sick once again. I do not understand how it keeps getting sick.

5.9.XX : It is May, it doesn’t even know it’s been 2 months since I found it. It doesn’t even know what month it is. In another universe perhaps I would have educated it myself and it could have been my apprentice but not here. I must fulfill the purpose Nous ascribed to me.

5.10.XX : I spent most of my day at a meeting with Screwllum and Herta. I will watch back the footage tomorrow.

5.11.XX : While I was away yesterday Subject M7 tried to escape and like a Signorian it lied and said it didn’t. My punishment was much harsher than before and it won’t stop sobbing. I told it if I heard it cry one more time I would give it something to cry about. It stopped. I told it once more it has nothing to cry about, it acts out for no reason. It should be honored to be considered to be my test subject. I could easily replace it. It remained silent after that .

5.12.XX : Astra suddenly surprised me at my laboratory. She wished to come inside, she said that she was concerned about what was happening down here with all the noises. It was hard to get her to leave but I managed. This shall not go unpunished, that wretch .

5.13.XX : Subject M7 is better behaved when I’m angry, it likes to think it can manipulate me. It smiled at me as if to reassure me after I got off the phone with Herta. I made sure it had no reason to smile. No more leniency.

5.14.XX : Subject M7 is acting like a child again. One moment it is submissive and calm, the next it is defiant and overemotional. I would not be surprised if it originated from Signoria.

[The rest of the page was ripped out.]

5.18.XX : While on call with Screwllum, Subject M7 lamented in its room that it wishes to be stuck in ice again .

5.19.XX : Subject M7 threw up today, the dissection was put off to a later date.

5.20.XX : Subject M7 continues to grow distracted by its hair. I gave it a pixie cut. It won’t stop crying.

5.20.XX : The crying has stopped. Though I learned that its blood is toxic to ordinary people, skin that came in contact with the liquid became irritated and I was overwhelmed with a sudden headache.

Does this mean an Aeon's blood is toxic as well?

5.22.XX: Yesterday, after coming back from a meeting I had discovered Subject M7 had made origami without my permission. No matter how much I discipline it it never learns. I will now be much har-

Aventurine put down the paper with far more force than he would have liked. The contents, the descriptions, all shameful unabashed admissions of guilt, it was too much .

Silently, he shuffled the papers together, letting out an unsteady breath and laying his hands flat on his lap. Oh, Aeons

It was worse than he thought. Is that why she had that limp when she was sick? Because of Ruan Mei, because of what she had done to her?

How many times had he visited that space station while she was there trapped? How many times did she scream and cry only for her answers to go unheard? Aeons , the thought made him sick to his stomach .

He couldn’t read this anymore, not today, Aeons , not today.

Sighing, he looked up at Ratio; the man wore a rueful expression, and he returned it tenfold.

“...Do you see why I thought it necessary for you to read this before we took her in?” Aventurine didn’t answer him, instead rising to his feet and striding towards the door silently with his hands in his pockets. Ratio followed him with crossed arms and said:

“How do you feel Gambler? You look unwell.”

None of this was right, this didn’t feel right. This shouldn’t be happening, this wasn’t supposed to happen. This wasn’t who he was, who he was supposed to be. He had to fix this.

Now .

Stopping sharply in his tracks he sharply turned on his heels and grinned brightly at the doctor, shooting finger guns at him.

“What do you say about going get beef noodles and dumplings?”

Haah ,” Vertias sighed, shaking his head. “I hardly see how this is the time and place for this foolish behavior. I asked you a question Gambler, while in your line of work it may not be seen as impolite to interrupt someone, but here in the real world , it is extraordinarily-” The doctor's words increased with anger as he spoke, looking ready to go on a rant.

“Menbosha or beef noodles with dumplings Ver?” Aventurine far too casually asked, unphased by the man before him.

Excuse me ?”

“Pick one, duh! Menbosha or beef noodles with dumplings.” Grinning, the blonde pulled out his credit card in a flash, accompanying the action with a wink. “My treat of course,”

“Are you seriously implying that you think you can bribe me with food? Why, you have to be more idiotic than I thought you were, thinking-”

“So you haven’t been craving menbosha at all this week? Not at all, Doctor?”

The doctor in question went quiet, folding his arms over his chest as he looked away. “Hmph,”

Aventurine grinned at him, waving his card in the man’s face, eyes sparkling. “C’mon Doctor, I’ll let you have first dibs. Oh, and we’ll stop by that tanghulu place and get something for M7 , how about that?”

The doctor was silent for a few moments, long enough that Aventurine thought he lost him, then he walked past him, not sparing him a single glance. “ March 7th likes the strawberry and tangerine ones.” Veritas said, his tone harsh.

The blonde shrugged off the doctor’s anger, looped their arms together, and tugged him out the door and in the direction of the vendor-lined street.

The following is a transcript of a recording recovered from Herta’s Space Station, in Ruan Mei’s lab. This is the 12th recording retrieved from the evidence that the Genius Society Member attempted to destroy before the IPC sequestrated the premise for a search and seizure.

This is a conversation between the aforementioned, Ruan Mei, [A renowned scientist around the galaxy especially at said space station.] and Subject M7 [As her legal name implies, she was the “sentient lifeform” that Ruan Mei used as a test subject.]. I use quotation marks because when this was written it was not yet proved in a court of law that Subject M7 is a sentient lifeform and not property.

When referring to Subject M7 I will use gender-neutral pronouns to comply with IPC regulations despite them going by female pronouns in person. Until the proper documentations are approved regarding her identification, I will make these changes to this document if these conditions ever change. [ EDIT: These conditions have changed, Subject M7 now officially goes by female pronouns, and this document has been changed in accordance with this occurrence .]

This document was written and transcribed by Topaz, a Senior Manager of the Strategic Investment Department in the Interastral Peace Corporation.

6.4.XX | 2:36-5:48 | Recording #12

Ruan Mei: “I do not like it when you lie to me Subject M7, do you not like telling the truth?”

Subject M7: “No ma’am.”

Ruan Mei: “Then why do you continue to lie and misbehave for me?”

Subject M7: “I’m sorry ma’am.”

Ruan Mei: “Do you know why I’m helping you Subject M7?”

Subject M7: “Yes ma’am.”

Ruan Mei: “Do you know you’d still be encased in ice if it weren’t for me Subject M7?”

Subject M7: “Yes ma’am.”

Ruan Mei: “Do you know I don’t want to hurt you Subject M7? I’m only doing this for the sake of research.”

Subject M7: (Brief silence) “Yes ma’am.”

Ruan Mei: “Why did you hesitate?”

Subject M7: (Clears throat) “What is research ma’am?”

Ruan Mei: “What I’m doing right now.”

Subject M7: “Thank you Ma’am…”

(There is a brief silence before the sound of shuffling can be heard on tape. Ruan Mei’s voice can now be heard closer.)

Ruan Mei: “Do you know that no one would ever care for a product of Destruction like you aside from me? They’d only parade you around as some kind of item meant to be shown off, what they’d do to you is leagues worse than anything I could ever inflict upon you.”

(Brief silence)

Subject M7: “Yes ma’am and thank you ma’am.”

Ruan Mei: “As long as you’re with me, you’re safe.”

Subject M7: “Yes ma’am.”

End of Transcript

| Transcriptor Notes |

“lie and misbehave” - It was reported in multiple documents and recordings that Subject M7 has the capacity to lie about her intentions and lash out at Ruan Mei. Though we do not know the exact conditions of these actions the test subject took, we know that harsh punishment was applied in reciprocation. (See i.e. documents 3-4, and recordings 4-5,7-12)

“helping you” - It is speculated that Ruan Mei may genuinely believe she is helping Subject M7 or it might be a lie in accordance to gain Subject M7’s trust and therefore, gain her obedience. I recommend she be medically evaluated by a professional before proceeding with the case.

“encased in ice” - Subject M7 was found encased in ice without any of her memories. (See i.e. documents 1-2 and recording 2)

“research” - Ruan Mei has refused to disclose what this research is for.

“What is research” - This confirms that Subject M7's living conditions were not optimal. I would recommend having her medically evaluated to see whether she’s fit to stand in a court of law.

“product of Destruction” - This refers to Subject M7 having been blessed with the power of the Aeon of Destruction, Nanook. (See i.e. document 2 and recording 3)

“They’d only parade you around as some kind of item meant to be shown off” - This isn’t a lie that Ruan Mei made up. Studies show that those orphaned or lost often are lured into trafficking and fighting rings under the assumption of safety. If not found by Ruan Mei there was a chance that Subject M7 could have gone down this path as well, her being an Emanator of Destruction only increasing those chances. After her escape, those chances increased by 78%, and her being found by the Stellaron Hunters rather than someone else could be considered a saving grace by some odd chance.

“what they’d do to you is leagues worse than anything I could ever inflict upon you.” - That entirely depends on someone’s morals and worldview. Regardless, both experiences would still be traumatic.

“As long as you’re with me, you’re safe.” - This contradicts her previous actions. (See i.e. documents 3-4 and recordings 4-5, 7-12)

In accordance with what has been shown in the transcript above, in light of my position, I highly recommend that both Ruan Mei and Subject M7 are medically-



The papers fell with a silent whisper, scattering across the floor. Silent sobs dry heaved themselves from the girl’s chest, trembling arms hugging herself as if to shield herself from whatever fate awaited her in the future. She could hardly think a coherent thought as she crumbled onto the ground in a ball of agony and loathing, except for:

They knew.

They knew .

I’m a goner .

Ratio had to physically stop the door with his hand to keep it from slamming right into him as he entered their shared apartment.

“March 7th! We’re home!” The doctor shouted, closing the door softly behind him and locking it before walking towards the kitchen.

Unlike the gambler who threw his to-go bag onto the kitchen island without a care in the world, he gently walked to it and placed it alongside the blondes, putting the order they got for March near it as well.

He makes his way to the living room in strides, there Aventurine sits lounging in the middle of the couch like a heathen . Simply tutting at the man with a brief shake of his head, he looks around the room for any sign as to the whereabouts of March. Yet he finds none.

It’d be a lie to say that it didn’t cause a pit of trepidation to form at the bottom of his stomach. The girl was anything but tidy, something he wouldn’t ordinarily stand for but special cases offer special exceptions, besides, he planned to have her work on her habits when she was in a better headspace, and when they had a better relationship as well. If it were anyone else they’d be offended that the person whose life they saved didn’t immediately trust them, but to him, it was more reassuring than it ought to be.

No half-put-together puzzles, or half-read books on the floor. No coloring books or pile of paper cranes on the coffee table.

He scanned the room with furrowed brows, his sharp gaze dissecting every inch of the room for a trace of March’s presence. Yet, the absence of her unusual clutter only added to his uneasy feelings.

March 7th? ” He called out once more, concern slipping into his voice. Unfortunately, it was only silence that greeted him in response.

“Maybe she’s in her room?” Aventurine offered casually, his tone belying the gravity of the situation. “She could have just decided to take a nap or something.”

The doctor’s lips pressed into a thin line as his mind raced through the possibilities. That could very well be true, but at the same time March was a light sleeper, she would have awoken to the sound of his voice and most likely left her room. The thought of something happening to her after everything she went through sent a shiver down his spine.

The blonde clicked his tongue while he shook his head, he reached forward and grabbed a few scattered papers off the floor near the coffee table, as he skimmed over the paper he raised a brow.

“Hey Ratio, I thought you said not to leave out important documents ‘lest March find them you fool’ ?” Aventurine smiled, mocking the doctor with a smirk as he held out the papers.

Rolling his eyes the doctor huffed at him, swiped the papers out of his hand and looked them over before his face went suddenly pale .

Without another word, Ratio turned on his heels and then swiftly moved towards March’s room, his steps were purposeful yet when he was right in front of the door they slowed with apprehension. He heard footsteps echo behind him, part of him was surprised that his partner even followed him, but that didn’t matter right now, no . He needed to move. He needed to open the door and stop waiting . It was illogical , and hesitating wouldn’t make anything better.

He gently opened the door which creaked under his touch and revealed a dimly lit room.

Messy but empty .

Empty .

It felt like his heart physically stopped in his chest, that trepidation bursting into fear and despair . With his heart pounding against his ribs he frantically looked around the room, dreading what he would find. Maybe he’d find a clue, or maybe, he’d find something worse.

He wasn’t sure what he would do if he found something worse.

Flicking on the light switch he desperately scanned the deserted room, noticing certain knickknacks the girl loved now missing, only intensifying his concern. Those feelings worsened when a glimmer on the girl’s fluffy pastel pink bed, upon closer inspection he noticed it was a glitter pen with a piece of paper underneath it. Ratio reached for it with trembling hands, unfolding the partially crumpled sheet as a foreboding feeling washed over him.

He hastily read the scrawled-out words, his heart dropping as he did so.

‘I’m sorry. Please don’t look for me. You both were great and nice. I’ll be fine on my own like Mr. Aventurine said.’

The note, as expected, offered little solace to the doctor only causing his panic to grow more severe. Clutching the paper tightly, he marched out of the room to where Aventurine sat lazily on the couch. He lifted his head, his eyes narrowing as he studied Ratio’s demeanor before an enigmatic smile stretched across his lips.

“What’s up Doc? Did you find he-”

Ratio interrupted Aventurine with a low, trembling voice barely holding back his fury. " Where did she go Aventurine?"

Aventurine's smile widened, almost as if to mock the man, though the corners of his lips kept pn twitching. "Now, now, Doctor, there’s no need to get all worked up. M7 made her decision. She's off on her own adventure now."

Ratio's fists clenched at his sides, his gaze piercing through Aventurine's facade of indifference. "You forced her out! You gave her no other option than to leave! Just like I did you promised her freedom, but all you ever gave her was chaos."

Aventurine shrugged, unfazed by Ratio's accusation. "I merely offered her a choice. She chose to leave, she couldn’t stay here forever after all. A baby bird needs to spread its wings and leave the nest after all."

Ratio's mind raced with conflicting emotions, anger, guilt, and a gnawing sense of failure. He had promised to protect her, to keep her safe from all those who wished to take advantage of her and give her a safe place to live, yet he inadvertently gave her the exact opposite. And now she was gone, and he was left with nothing but regret.

Without another word, Ratio turned away from Aventurine, his resolve hardening with each step. He couldn't change the past, but he could still make things right. He would find her wherever she had gone and bring her back home, where she belonged.

And this time, he would set things right and no one would stand in his way.

A voice far too casual for their situation called out from behind the man, probably grinning. “If you want, I could call Topaz for you? Tell her to be on the lookout for a runaway.”

Ratio scoffed at the suggestion, not even turning to look at the man. “It’s the least you can do after what you’ve done Gambler .” His words grew colder by the second. “We are going to talk about this when I get back, but I’m going to go look for her, you’re welcome to join me if you wish.”

Aventurine shrugged, took out his phone dialing a familiar number, and then holding it up to his ear. Meanwhile, Ratio marched out of their shared apartment on a desperate search, his head heavy with worry for the girl he held dear.

Ruan Mei's "Diary" - EmbretheWorld - 崩坏:星穹铁道 (2024)


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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.