Recipe: Salmon and Black Sesame Onigiri (Japanese Rice Balls) (2024)

  • Recipes
  • What To Make With
  • Salmon

Anjali Prasertong

Anjali Prasertong

Anjali Prasertong is a writer and public health dietitian focused on food systems, racial equity, and nutrition. Originally from Los Angeles, she has taught English in rural Japan, worked as a private chef in Malibu, and led an innovative city-funded corner store program in New Orleans that increased fresh food access in low-income neighborhoods. She was previously a contributing editor for The Kitchn, and currently lives in Denver with her husband and two kids.


updated May 24, 2019

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Recipe: Salmon and Black Sesame Onigiri (Japanese Rice Balls) (1)

Serves2Makes4 rice balls

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Recipe: Salmon and Black Sesame Onigiri (Japanese Rice Balls) (2)

The first meals alone in a foreign country are always intimidating. When I moved to a small city in central Japan to teach English for two years, onigiri was the first food I clung to. Like a life raft, these seaweed-wrapped rice balls — sort of the sandwiches of Japanese cuisine — kept me afloat in a sea of unfamiliar foods labeled in a language I could just barely read.

Made with short-grain rice, toasted nori, and a small amount of flavorful seafood, meat, or pickles, onigiri combine some of the elements of sushi, but in a more homey, comforting form. These are not the elegant creations of highly trained chefs, but the familiar, filling foods of school lunches and train trips, providing a little taste of home while on the road.

My love of onigiri never flagged during my time in Japan, but it was especially intense during those first few weeks, especially because every rice ball I bit into was essentially a surprise. Most onigiri I saw looked identical — triangular balls of rice wrapped in seaweed — except for a big sticker that announced its hidden filling. I could read about 20 percent of the labels, since they were written in the syllabaries I knew, but even words I could sound out were mysteries. Biting into the two rice balls I bought for lunch every day was an adventure. Would it be a bit of gingery chicken? Some bright orange salted fish roe? Or a salty-tart umeboshi (pickled plum)?

Salted salmon was always one of my favorite fillings. If you are lucky enough to live near a Japanese market, you may be able to find shiozake (salted salmon) for sale, but this recipe takes advantage of a more readily available cured fish that is just as flavorful: smoked salmon. Of course, this recipe is just a jumping off point when it comes to making rice balls. Basically anything intensely flavored and cut small enough to be wrapped up in rice is fair game: tuna salad, chopped pickles, curried chicken salad, smoked trout, marinated tofu, olives … the sky’s the limit.

In Japan you’ll find onigiri in supermarkets and convenience stores wrapped in an ingenious way that keeps the seaweed separate from the rice until you open it, so it stays dry and crisp. Without this special packaging technology, the nori of homemade rice balls becomes soft and chewy within a few minutes of wrapping, but I rather like this more rustic texture. It’s like pudding skin — special because it reminds you that what you are eating is homemade.

Another reminder is the plain round shape. Experienced onigiri-makers can turn out the traditional triangular shape, but it’s easier and just as tasty to make a rounded cake instead. Packed into a lunch bag, they are filling, nourishing, and easy to eat on the go, whether you’re on the road headed out of town or packing for a picnic close to home.

More tips on forming onigiri: An easier way to make Japanese rice balls, step by step at Just Hungry


Makes 4 rice balls

Serves 2

Nutritional Info


  • 4 ounces

    thinly sliced smoked salmon

  • 3 cups

    cooked short-grain rice, hot (See how)

  • 2 tablespoons

    toasted black sesame seeds

  • 1/4 teaspoon

    salt or less, if needed

  • 1 sheet

    toasted nori, cut in 4 strips


  1. Heat a well-seasoned cast iron skillet or nonstick pan over medium-high heat. Lay the salmon slices in the pan and cook until opaque and lightly browned, 15 to 30 seconds per side. Flake fish with a fork and mix with the rice and sesame seeds. Taste the mixture and add salt if needed.

  2. Place a bowl of water nearby and use it moisten your hands frequently while forming the onigiri, so the rice doesn't stick to them. Place one quarter of the rice mixture (about 3/4 cup) in your hands and squeeze together firmly. Rotate and squeeze until it forms a circular cake that holds together securely. Wrap a strip of nori around the middle. Repeat with remaining rice mixture.

  3. Serve immediately or wrap in plastic wrap to eat later. Most people recommend not refrigerating onigiri because it ruins the texture of the rice, but I find a 30-second warming in the microwave revives a refrigerated onigiri just fine.

Recipe Notes

You can use white or brown short-grain rice to make onigiri. (Long-grain rice is not sticky enough.) I use short-grain brown rice, which is a little less sticky than white rice and forms a looser ball.

You can use leftover cooked salmon in place of the cooked smoked salmon.

Instead of mixing the salmon into the rice, you can stuff it in the middle of the rice ball: loosely form a ball of rice, press a hollow in the middle, stuff the filling into the hollow, and squeeze the rice to form the onigiri.

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Recipe: Salmon and Black Sesame Onigiri (Japanese Rice Balls) (2024)


What's the difference between rice balls and onigiri? ›

Both are rice balls, and the contents are the same. They are simply called by different names depending on the region and the shape.

Is onigiri healthy or unhealthy? ›

Onigiri is a traditional Japanese rice ball that offers several nutritional benefits. It is a good source of protein, vitamins, and carbohydrates . Onigiri can be prepared with various ingredients such as salmon or cod roe, which provide additional nutrients .

Should you make onigiri the night before? ›

Should you choose to make your onigiri the night before serving, cover them with plastic wrap or keep in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator. Even stored this way, your onigiri will taste best within 24 hours, as the rice will begin to dry out.

What can I put inside an onigiri? ›

There are many different fillings and toppings used for onigiri, but the most popular types are umeboshi (Japanese pickled plums), kombu (kelp), salmon flakes, okaka (flavored bonito flakes), and tuna mayonnaise. The beauty of onigiri is its portability factor.

What rice is best for onigiri? ›

For onigiri that holds its shape well, it's important to use short-grain Japonica rice, such as “sushi” rice, a category that includes Calrose and Koshihikari rice and, as Sho notes, simply refers to varieties of rice preferred in Japan.

Why do Japanese people eat onigiri? ›

Because it is easily portable and eaten by hand, onigiri has been used as portable food or bento from ancient times to the present day. Originally, it was used as a way to use and store left-over rice, but it later became a regular meal.

Can you eat onigiri without filling? ›

Does an onigiri have to have a filling? No it doesn't! The most basic type of onigiri is a shio musubi (塩むすび), a plain rice onigiri with salt on the outside.

Is the fish in onigiri raw? ›

Onigiri looks similar to sushi but it's a different meal. Onigiri doesn't use raw fish and sushi rice (flavored rice with vinegar seasonings). The characteristic triangle shape imitates the mountains where the Gods lived. Also, sushi is a special meal even in Japan, but onigiri is an ordinary everyday meal.

Can I eat one day old onigiri? ›

This mainly depends on the filling as well as how much salt you use on the surface when you make the onigiri. If you use tuna with mayonnaise or any filling with mayonnaise in it, do not keep more than a day to be safe.

Why does my onigiri fall apart? ›

Onigiri can fall apart for a few reasons. First, using the wrong type of rice can cause it to fall apart because it's not sticky enough. Use short or medium-grain rice and avoid long-grain rice. The second reason can be that it was not firmly pressed into its shape.

Should I let rice cool for onigiri? ›

If you are shaping the onigiri with your hands, transfer the freshly cooked rice to a large bowl, baking sheet, or sushi oke (hangiri) and let it cool slightly until it's cool enough to handle. The rice should be warm when making onigiri.

Do you use sushi vinegar for onigiri? ›

Onigiri, or Omusubi as they are known in eastern Japan, are a great way to use your perfectly cooked Japanese steamed rice. Unlike sushi, we never use vinegar flavouring in the recipe but instead stir some salt into the rice and sprinkle a little salt on the outside.

Can I use jasmine rice for onigiri? ›

While Japanese sushi is made with Short Grain Sushi Rice, onigiri is set apart and made with long grain Jasmine Rice, which is commonly used for Asian-inspired recipes. The grains cook up with an aromatic flavor and subtly sticky texture making them perfect for rolling into balls around a fresh filling.

Why is Zoro's move called onigiri? ›

The pun in the name is that onigiri is also the name of a Japanese rice snack, while an oni is a type of ogre/demon in Japanese folklore. This was first seen used to finish Cabaji and the first technique he used against Dracule Mihawk.

Does onigiri just taste like rice? ›

An onigiri is a savory (salty) compressed ball of rice. It often has a filling or a coating of something savory, but there are also onigiri made of pre-flavored/mixed rice, as well as plain rice onigiri simply made with salt. My Japanese friend/my Japanese grandmother/my Hawaiian uncle calls it something else...

What is a rice ball called in Japanese? ›

Onigiri (お握り or 御握り), also known as omusubi (お結び), nigirimeshi (握り飯), or rice ball, is a Japanese food made from white rice formed into triangular or cylindrical shapes and often wrapped in nori.

Why do Japanese eat rice balls? ›

It was during the Kamakura period (1185–1333) that rice balls became commonly eaten by the people. Because they were highly portable, that they could be held by hand and eaten anywhere; it is said that samurai liked using them as field rations.


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