Priyanka Tiku Gupta on LinkedIn: Did you know that 70% of professionals admit that they lack confidence at… (2024)

Priyanka Tiku Gupta

Breakthrough NLP Executive Coach | ICF Certified Executive Coach I Empowering high-performers to gain 3C's - Confidence, Clarity & Calmness, I EFT Practitioner I >1000 hrs of Coaching I Certified NLP Facilitator

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Did you know that 70% of professionals admit that they lack confidence at work?This leads them to:- Miss opportunities that come their way- Underperform due to less productivity- Get stuck in their careersLet's face reality for a second.We're in 2024, where everybody around you is ambitious and overachievers, and they want to excel in their careers as fast as they can.Just like you wish.You know this feeling all too well, but do you still find yourself:- Watching others succeed and sinking deeper into self-doubt?- Hesitating to ask for that well-deserved promotion?- Struggling repeatedly and getting more frustrated?When you constantly feel this way, the worst manifests:Your internal doubt becomes visible to others, and you become a version who operates out of fear and scarcity instead of passion and growth.This happens because you're trying only to gather up fake confidence without ADDRESSING THE CAUSEI've spoken to many professionals who have faced this issue in the past,And we have worked on addressing their root causes.And that’s exactly what we do at this Speak up, Stand out MASTERCLASSWe’ll find the root cause that’s holding you back from speaking up and standing out confidently.↳ Destroy those limiting beliefs you hold on strongly to,↳ Diminish your anxiety about being judged methodically↳ Bring your confidence backAnd get the limelight you truly deserve!Here’s your chance to own yourself again through this masterclass! Click the link in comments to register!And I'll see you there with a treasure of techniques to master your confidence.

  • Priyanka Tiku Gupta on LinkedIn: Did you know that 70% of professionals admit that they lack confidence at… (2)



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Priyanka Tiku Gupta

Breakthrough NLP Executive Coach | ICF Certified Executive Coach I Empowering high-performers to gain 3C's - Confidence, Clarity & Calmness, I EFT Practitioner I >1000 hrs of Coaching I Certified NLP Facilitator


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Priyanka Tiku Gupta

Breakthrough NLP Executive Coach | ICF Certified Executive Coach I Empowering high-performers to gain 3C's - Confidence, Clarity & Calmness, I EFT Practitioner I >1000 hrs of Coaching I Certified NLP Facilitator


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PHOENIXUS PrimeTime Business and Professional Women's Association The Athena Network Singapore

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Priyanka Tiku Gupta

Breakthrough NLP Executive Coach | ICF Certified Executive Coach I Empowering high-performers to gain 3C's - Confidence, Clarity & Calmness, I EFT Practitioner I >1000 hrs of Coaching I Certified NLP Facilitator


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ELIKA TASKER Megha Singh Peta Delahunty Rebecca DownieLeila Boutaleb-Brousse Heike Cushway Montse Castells Lavania Rosie Maria Lamrani Alaoui Serene Ong Sandrine Provoost

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the good thing about confidence is, it can be built!

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Leila Boutaleb-Brousse

Self-leadership | Leadership | Career | Team Coach | B2B Tech-Marketing Advisor and Mentor


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Self confidence is a skill and if you put in the work, you can get better at it! But you re absolutely right Priyanka, before you need to adress the roots of the lack of it!

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Kuunjal Paal


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It's so important to understand the root cause before overwhelming yourself with self doubts.You're on the right way to help working professionals with achieving confidence.Wishing you Goodluck!Priyanka Tiku Gupta

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    Breakthrough NLP Executive Coach | ICF Certified Executive Coach I Empowering high-performers to gain 3C's - Confidence, Clarity & Calmness, I EFT Practitioner I >1000 hrs of Coaching I Certified NLP Facilitator

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    Do you ever catch yourself wishing you were more confident? More skilled? Better prepared? Like some of your colleagues seem to be?You might find yourself thinking it's safer to avoid the spotlight, convincing yourself you're not quite ready to lead that team, or take on that big project yet. Maybe you're worried about being judged for trying something completely new.But here's the thing: it's not that you lack skills; it's that you're lacking confidence. And that's why you let those moments to shine slip by, even though deep down, you know you deserve them.Have you ever wondered why you tend to give up what you deserve so easily?Maybe there was a time in your past when you first doubted yourself. Perhaps someone else doubted you, and you believed them. Since then, no matter how hard you've tried to break through, it just hasn't worked. You've been treating the symptoms, not the root cause. You've been trying to fight off the fear and build confidence without really addressing what's at the core of those feelings.You're not alone in this, I promise. I've worked with many ambitious professionals who've felt just like you do now. And that’s exactly what we dive into in our Speak up, Stand out MASTERCLASS.Yes, we’re doing it again, this is your chance if you missed it earlier!!!In this class, we'll:- Pinpoint the real reasons holding you back from speaking up and standing out.- Bust the myths you've been holding onto.- Quiet your inner critic in a methodical way.- Help you regain your confidence and claim the limelight you truly deserve.Let’s get you back to owning your story through this masterclass. I'll be there with all the techniques you need to master your confidence. It’s happening on 25th May, 11 am SGLink to join is in the comments!Can't wait to see you there!

    • Priyanka Tiku Gupta on LinkedIn: Did you know that 70% of professionals admit that they lack confidence at… (13)



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  • Priyanka Tiku Gupta

    Breakthrough NLP Executive Coach | ICF Certified Executive Coach I Empowering high-performers to gain 3C's - Confidence, Clarity & Calmness, I EFT Practitioner I >1000 hrs of Coaching I Certified NLP Facilitator

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    Ever felt like you’re just another voice in the meeting room?→ Imagine a scenario where your voice doesn't just echo in the background; it commands attention.→ Picture your ideas being not only welcomed but celebrated with enthusiasm.→ Envision yourself as the go-to person, where colleagues eagerly await your input.→ Ending meetings with a sense of accomplishment, knowing you've made a significant impact.This vision is completely possible and can become your reality.This confidence is achievableBeing confident in meetings does a lot more than just make your voice heard; it pushes your ideas forward and marks you as a leader. When you speak with certainty, people don't just listen—they remember what you say. Your confidence can change the whole feel of a meeting, swaying decisions and leading to real results.Here's a little secret:Mastering this confidence isn't about having all the answers or never facing doubt. It's about a transformative approach that I'm excited to share with you soon.Ready to uncover the secret to owning the room? Stay tuned for an exclusive reveal on how to harness this power in every meeting you attend.I’m Going to reveal it Tomorrow!Stay tuned!

    • Priyanka Tiku Gupta on LinkedIn: Did you know that 70% of professionals admit that they lack confidence at… (18)



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  • Priyanka Tiku Gupta

    Breakthrough NLP Executive Coach | ICF Certified Executive Coach I Empowering high-performers to gain 3C's - Confidence, Clarity & Calmness, I EFT Practitioner I >1000 hrs of Coaching I Certified NLP Facilitator

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    Stop Corporate Burnout Before It Stops YouDoes this sound like you?- You wake up tired, not wanting to face the workday.- You feel a heavy dread every Sunday about the week ahead.- Your job makes you feel anxious.- You can't stop thinking about work tasks, even at home.- This stress affects how you are with your family.Here’s the truth:Working hard doesn't mean you need to give up your health or happiness. You shouldn't feel like you're just getting through the day. Work should not ruin your peace of mind.Here’s what you can do to change things: 1. Set Boundaries: Decide when you’ll stop work each day. Stick to it to give yourself time to relax.2. Take Care of Yourself: Eating right, getting enough sleep, and moving your body keep you strong, inside and out.3. Ask for Help: You don’t have to do everything yourself. Let others take on some tasks.4. Work Smarter: Focus on what really needs to be done. Don’t waste time on things that don’t matter.5. Get Professional Support: Talking to someone like a coach can help you find ways to handle stress better.You can do well at work and still enjoy life. Small changes can make a big difference.It’s time for you to learn how to balance achievement with well-being. Empower yourself to manage both your career and your personal peace effectively. Let's redefine success to include how well you live, not just how much you achieve.Give a 👍 if you’re ready to balance success and serenity!PS: Stay tuned for something exciting I’m coming up with, I will share the deets next week with you! It’s going to be completely free, Let me know in the comments if you’re excited about it!#NoMoreBurnout #HealthyWork#CorporateWellness

    • Priyanka Tiku Gupta on LinkedIn: Did you know that 70% of professionals admit that they lack confidence at… (23)



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  • Priyanka Tiku Gupta

    Breakthrough NLP Executive Coach | ICF Certified Executive Coach I Empowering high-performers to gain 3C's - Confidence, Clarity & Calmness, I EFT Practitioner I >1000 hrs of Coaching I Certified NLP Facilitator

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    Dec 2001, I was 24 years old, happily married to the love of my life.I still remember how I felt boarding the plane to SG to join my school boyfriend turned husband. I remember feeling so happy, so free and excited.May 2006, I was hesitant, afraid, and perhaps madly in love to do this again. Leaving everything I knew, my job, my family, my identity to become a trailing spouse and to make it even more interesting, I had a 3-month-old baby in my arms.June 2024, I am doing it again, this time with two grown daughters, 18 and 13 years old, a transformed identity, a new career, and yes, the same husband!There have been many questions and doubts from others.What about your business? Your friends? Your network? How will you manage?I admit, had this been two years ago, I might not have felt ready.But today, I AM. You may be thinking HOW?Here is how I transformed the stress and uncertainty of relocation into an opportunity for growth:1️⃣ Confidence: My journey as an executive coach has fortified my self-belief. I know my purpose, whom I serve, and how that fuels me. This isn't about arrogance; it's about self-awareness and evolving through continuous feedback.2️⃣ Clarity: Utilizing tools like EFT and the NLP Wheel of Life, I have identified my priorities—family and work. This focus helps me manage my commitments and shift from a fear of missing out to a deep gratitude for present opportunities.3️⃣ Calmness: Despite the myriad unknowns, I maintain my inner peace by reframing thoughts, engaging in stress-releasing activities like walking, exercise, and somatic practices, and reminding myself that I am doing the best I can with the resources I have.As I navigate the remaining 22 days in what's been home for 22 years with farewells, packing, and the emotional rollercoaster of goodbyes, I'm Ready & Excited.I leave Singapore with a heart full of gratitude, eager to embrace the new opportunities in Dubai.Thank you to everyone who has been part of my journey so far.If you are curious and want to learn some of these tools and feel confident, calm, and clear when navigating life's challenges, big and small, I encourage you to connect. Let's chat and see if I can be YOUR support and HOW.PS: Stay tuned for an exciting, free offering I am preparing exclusively for my community! It's coming very soon!

    • Priyanka Tiku Gupta on LinkedIn: Did you know that 70% of professionals admit that they lack confidence at… (28)



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  • Priyanka Tiku Gupta

    Breakthrough NLP Executive Coach | ICF Certified Executive Coach I Empowering high-performers to gain 3C's - Confidence, Clarity & Calmness, I EFT Practitioner I >1000 hrs of Coaching I Certified NLP Facilitator

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    Do you ever find yourself shrinking back in meetings, feeling overwhelmed by self-doubt and unsure of your own ideas?This constant battle with self-doubt can silence your voice and stop you from sharing your valuable insights. It can even keep you from moving forward in your career. It's time to put an end to this cycle! 🚫Let's turn things around with a simple yet powerful technique: The Triad of Success. This game-changing approach from Breakthrough NLP helps you realign your focus, posture, and internal dialogue.Here’s how it works:Focus: At the top of the triangle, keep your focus on what your intention and attention is during thediscussion. Body Language & Breathing: The second corner involves how you present yourself through your posture and breathing.What You Say to Yourself, Your Internal Dialogue: The third corner is all about nurturing a positive internal dialogue to boost your self-confidence.Try the Triad of Success at your next meeting and notice the shift in how you command the room with newfound confidence and authority.Don’t let doubts hold you back anymore. Use this life-changing strategy to boost your impact at work!Drop a 👍 if you’re ready to step up with confidence!PS: Stay tuned for an exciting, free offering I’m preparing exclusively for my community! It’s coming very soon! 🌟#Empowerment #Growth #Confidence

    • Priyanka Tiku Gupta on LinkedIn: Did you know that 70% of professionals admit that they lack confidence at… (33)



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  • Priyanka Tiku Gupta

    Breakthrough NLP Executive Coach | ICF Certified Executive Coach I Empowering high-performers to gain 3C's - Confidence, Clarity & Calmness, I EFT Practitioner I >1000 hrs of Coaching I Certified NLP Facilitator

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    I'm a big believer in diversity.When I built my team, it was like putting together a United Nations team—I had people from all corners of the globe!But sometimes, having people from diverse backgrounds can lead to differences in opinions and conflicts in points of view. I remember how the team dynamic got a bit shaken during COVID.No water cooler chats or team lunches meant communication wasnt as frequent.But I knew one thing: leaders must lead, especially when things get tough.Here's what I did to lead the team and keep up the dynamics smooth and positive :>I imagined myself as them – my team, clients, even my boss. What would they want to know to feel in control or secure?>Not everyone loves constant updates. I figured out how each person liked to hear things.>Some people needed a hand, and others craved space. I adjusted my style to fit their needs.>We created a safe zone to share worries. It brought us closer and helped us understand each other.>During conflicts, I listened beyond words. I helped everyone hear what was being said and calmed things down.We overcame our differences by putting myself in their shoes and fostering open communication.We came out stronger, a team that could handle anything together.What are your tips for leading diverse teams through tough times? Share your thoughts in the comments!PS: I’m again coming up with something exciting in a few days exclusively for my community. It’s completely free. Stay tuned for it!

    • Priyanka Tiku Gupta on LinkedIn: Did you know that 70% of professionals admit that they lack confidence at… (37)



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  • Priyanka Tiku Gupta

    Breakthrough NLP Executive Coach | ICF Certified Executive Coach I Empowering high-performers to gain 3C's - Confidence, Clarity & Calmness, I EFT Practitioner I >1000 hrs of Coaching I Certified NLP Facilitator

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    Imagine being celebrated at work for your achievements while still savoring life's precious moments. Think about a world where being praised at work doesn't mean giving up your free time or feeling stressed out.A place where People understand that your time off is just for you, and they respect that.→ In our bustling world, achieving work-life balance feels like a myth – but it's not. It's about mastering the art of boundary setting. It's the power in the simple word "no," the strength of standing up for your downtime, and speaking out for your well-being.As we rigorously plan our professional tasks, why not apply the same time management discipline to our personal lives? → Strike a harmonious chord between what drains you and what rejuvenates you. Integrate this clarity into your daily routine to feel consistently recharged. It's about disciplining ourselves to recognize the need for rest and embracing rejuvenation as a pathway to productivity.→ When the workday is over, it's time to switch off. Leave the office baggage at the door – physically and mentally. Remember, carrying work home won't prove your worth; delivering quality within set hours will.What if we could rewrite our workday's story? One where balance isn't just possible, but a celebrated norm. A shift that isn't solely beneficial to us as individuals, but advantageous for companies who cherish a healthy, productive workforce.Imagine being celebrated for your achievements at work while still having time to enjoy life's moments. → How transformative would that balance be for you?Take the First Step: You don't have to let the busy world control your life. Join my program and find a better balance, where taking care of yourself and succeeding at work go hand in hand.DM “Balance” to get started.

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  • Priyanka Tiku Gupta

    Breakthrough NLP Executive Coach | ICF Certified Executive Coach I Empowering high-performers to gain 3C's - Confidence, Clarity & Calmness, I EFT Practitioner I >1000 hrs of Coaching I Certified NLP Facilitator

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    I am good, but there is this voice in my head.You could have done this earlier, how many opportunities did you lose.During our 3rd session this morning, my client M had a great breakthrough.She transformed herself from a state of resistance to resilience.I am sure you are wondering just exactly how and what happened.At the start of the session, we celebrated how my dear client M was taking baby steps towards prioritizing herself and stepping into her power.Yet, she confided in me about a persistent inner voice.There was this nagging reminder of missed opportunities and past regrets.“You could have done this earlier, see how many opportunities you missed.”This voice derailed her newfound momentum, and she wanted to escape this negative self-talk loop.To address this, we began with a grounding round of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping, which helped M feel calm.As we continued our conversation, she soon realized that this nagging voice stemmed from deeply ingrained beliefs from her childhood, from one of her parents.With M’s permission, we delved deeper using a powerful Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) technique called perceptual positions.This simple yet profound exercise allowed M to shift perspectives and clarify her inner conflict.M stepped into the energy of "Person 1"—her authentic self—and courageously expressed her desires, aspirations, and emotions without reservation.Then, she seamlessly transitioned into the shoes of "Person 2"—the conflicting voice within her—gaining valuable insights into its fears and motivations.Finally, M embraced the role of "Mentor Position 3," tapping into her inner wisdom and receiving guidance and advice from a place of compassion and self-love.In just 30-40 minutes, M experienced a profound shift.She realized that beneath her inner conflict lay a longing desire for love and acceptance, particularly from her father.She felt lighter, at peace, and free from the physical pain in her neck and shoulders.She gained a newfound acceptance and understanding, realizing that many of her beliefs were perceptions rather than absolute truths.I admire client M’s determination to break free from resistance and embrace resilience.Her journey serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative potential within each of us.Are you feeling stuck in your journey? I invite you to book a complimentary chat with me and discover how we can support you on your path to growth and empowerment.

    • Priyanka Tiku Gupta on LinkedIn: Did you know that 70% of professionals admit that they lack confidence at… (46)



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  • Priyanka Tiku Gupta

    Breakthrough NLP Executive Coach | ICF Certified Executive Coach I Empowering high-performers to gain 3C's - Confidence, Clarity & Calmness, I EFT Practitioner I >1000 hrs of Coaching I Certified NLP Facilitator

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    Is Work-Life Balance a Myth in Today’s Hustle Culture?You're trying to keep up with too many things at work and home, with everything wanting your full focus, But there are only 24 hours in a day!It's hard for you to say no, so you end up working even during your free time and holidays, all because you feel you have to always agree. This means less time with your family and a never-ending list of tasks, making you feel like you have to be perfect in every way. ↳ You wonder if finding a balance between work and life is even possible. ↳ Turning off work mode is tough, and you look around, everyone seems to be working over, it’s almost as if society values being busy all the time over taking care of yourself. ↳ Relaxing seems like a waste or maybe a luxury in a world that’s all about working hard and just GO, GO, GO . ↳ Scrolling through LinkedIn, you see everyone else doing great things → And you ask yourself: "Why can't I do that too?" “Look at me, I didnt get there” This constant push wears you down, making you sad and leaving no time for looking after yourself. Plus, having grown up in a world that doesnt allow for mistakes has perhaps made you into a “hard boss” , which might be making things tense at work for others and also for you. It’s like being stuck in a loop.- It is time to break free and get some peace back in your life- Imagine for a moment breaking free from this debilitating loopEnvision reclaiming your time, energy, and peace of mind→ I’m here to show you there’s another path with The Empowered Executive 3-Month Coaching Program:Learn to Say 'No': We'll show you how to protect your time by not always saying "yes."Handle Stress Better: Get tips on how to relax and keep work from taking over your life.Make Self-Care a Priority: Understand that resting is just as important as working hard.Change How You Lead: Break away from old habits and create a supportive work environment.Take the First Step: You don't have to let the busy world control your life. Join my program and find a better balance, where taking care of yourself and succeeding at work go hand in hand. To learn more, book a free 45-minute call. →Just DM “Balance” and we’ll get started.Let's Talk in comments: How do you try to keep a good balance between work and life in today’s non-stop world?

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Priyanka Tiku Gupta on LinkedIn: Did you know that 70% of professionals admit that they lack confidence at… (54)

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Priyanka Tiku Gupta on LinkedIn: Did you know that 70% of professionals admit that they lack confidence at… (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.