The Pat McAfee Show Live | Tuesday May 7th, 2024 - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (2024)

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[Music] [Music] up [Music] p [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] up a [Music] [Music] [Music] the following program is a collection of students talking about happening in the sports world it is meant to be comedic informative the opinions expressed on this show do not necessarily reflect the beliefs of their peers their boss or ESPN there may be some cuss words because that’s how Cubans is the real world talk if you are a young please seek permission before watching any further hey let’s go this show stinks in the fact that you listen we are very very thankful for the all-time leading tackler for the Green Bay Packers you P uput up damn it be a friend tell friend something nice could change their life SP Sport sport sport sport hello beautiful people and Welcome to our humble AB Bo the Thunder D on this Sports Tuesday May 7th 2024 this sports program starts now sports are happening okay every single night last night there was a massive NHL game where the Florida Panthers just got absolutely dusted on the ice by the Boston Bruins beating them 5 to one what in a game in a series in which the Boston Bruins were underdogs obviously they’re frush off of a game seven match the Florida Panthers had a week break are they a little rusty will they be able to find it we’ll be talking about that today with Steve Levy in the second hour cannot wait to chat with a man who has covered hockey for like 30 years for ESPN and obviously this year the numbers for Stanley Cup playoff and hockey through the roof The Whole World’s watching hockey because it’s fantastic hopefully the Florida Panthers won’t continue to lay an egg no kid every single game with the Boston Bruins out there now obviously con man who was a little bit nervous yesterday is singing a little different tune this morning even though he’s got the Celtics tonight even though the NBA last night is riddled with controversy because the Knicks got helped by the refs as the Pacers got screwed in Madison Square Garden Jaylen Brunson puts up 40 some points obviously gets a big time win but all anybody’s talking about is how the ref’s screwed over the Pacers the small Market team the Indianapolis team you go into the big city you think you’re going to get a win no you can you could you can block a pass you can block a pass with your hand like you do in basketball they’re going to say he kicked it they’re going to blow it dead right there it’s 115 115 let’s say he B oh oh that’s three onone the other way with vinchenzo who I understand is a shooter okay but three-on-one we’re going to get a layup Pacers are going to be up too that’s just with 50 some seconds left it can’t get any worse can it no no the rest can’t screw them anymore even though you can’t review this right they say how about a mooving screen with 12 seconds left in the game absolute rubbish and CP Miles Turner vinchenzo in the middle of this whole thing again okay sweet fade great name I understand you’re a great player but that’s flopping [ __ ] okay Pacers should be up 1 but that’ll that’ll motivate them that’s right speaking of being motivated how about the rigning Champs and Nuggets they’re down 2 to this Anthony Edwards Le Minnesota Timberwolves team that is’s a bunch of dogs so much so they pissed off Jamal Murray one of the stars of the Denver Nuggets into H throwing a towel at a ref and then actually yeah to didn’t have enough density though no it did not I couldn’t get enough distance on it throwing an actual heating pad onto the court getting kicked that’s a heating pad they put that thing into one of those little metal things and you put it on your back there’s your Bal Murray with the heating pad saying call a damn foul all the way on they lose by 26 to this Timberwolves team and the nuggets are not here’s the first toss of the towel at the ref doesn’t make it all the way there you see so he needs something a little heavier something a little heavier gets the heating pad throws that son of a [ __ ] onto the court and uh a display of frustration our source say are telling us this probably won’t be a suspension but a fine will obviously be levied upon Jamal Murray don’t think Jamal Murray has the rap sheet to maybe get punished as much we did hear Draymond Green say that if this was him how’d he word it Dar I probably sent to Guantanamo Bay I believe well that’s because you’ve been an [ __ ] for 10 years Jamal Murray this is the first display I think a lot of us are seeing of him act in this particular fashion but there’s videos coming out of the highlights uh zoomed in on how the Timberwolves Lo walk down Jamal Murray last night seems like he was a bit frustrated but Timberwolves are going to do this I think the rest of the way what a weapon what a wagon I think yesterday we all assumed that Joker and the boys would figure it out yeah they’ll figure this team out yeah they lose the first game whatever Joker still thinking my horse you know we got EXA young team yeah exactly Derby these American Horse can’t run with my horse I mean there the Japanese horse not bad they kind of got cheated like that whole thing’s happening they’ll figure out the Minnesota Timberwolves oh then the Minnesota Timberwolves went by uh 2 points without Rudy go who just had a kid congratulations rudyy not alone obviously Darius Butler just got introduced tox tables here at Boston Conor at Tai Schmidt love the sea turtles that’s why we’re drinking out of paper straws yeah well I hate the paper straws that’s the worst invention probably in the last 10 15 years why do you think though because straws involve liquid yes and then paper’s big Nemesis since the beginning was Liquid right wasn’t that kind of the thing yeah it kind of foils uh liquid so I don’t know how I don’t know how it’s supposed to work from jump to be honest with you yeah it feels like that was a bad idea but I happy we got it right yeah exactly and are we saving turtles yeah their noses do are are we sure these places are actually I saw a whole mess of turtles walking around outside yesterday that you wouldn’t have seen any other time for the paper straws no it’s not they’re thriving is the Indianapolis Zoo do are they Missing Turtles no no no they’re just the turtles are thriving so much since the switch to paper that they’re just popping up in places they haven’t seen before Oh so they got a little bit more Moxy the turtles are walking they’re strutting around yeah they’re kind of kind of they got a little strut to it yeah anyways we’re all out of paper straws even the people that love sea turtles more than anybody else like my wife my wife is a massive like I think there’s different there’s like a uh avocado or something Agave is it’s called yeah an Agave straw yeah there’s like an answer for it nonetheless the old plastic straws really yeah let’s just go back to that I I get the sea turtles like they’re doing great right now right so we can probably bring the plastic straws back and just kind of have like a hey don’t throw these in the ocean or bodies of water well that’s the bigger conversation I think everyone’s talking about the straw the straw the straw what about just like hey even if we put it into where we think we’re supposed to put it into that goes somewhere and then that somehow still ends up in litter so what am I putting a thing in the thing soon we have a little different thing well you can’t decompose plastic well let’s figure out something we can okay smart people let’s figure out something we can and let’s keep this whole thing moving cuz I love to seea Turtles I don’t want to see them sticking with straws not at all but I also don’t want to you know be sucking through a straw that I can’t actually use you you know what I mean it’s kind of one of those things hey how many straws do we actually need to get rid of like can we go every other can you get a pass then we’re getting right back into the whole straws if they’re paper that’s trees yeah if we really had to choose I mean I’m choosing a good straw over sea turtles I’m Sorry’s sorry about it I think that’s fair [Music] I know I see him I see him a lot too stepping on to see him you that’s what it sounds like you’re kicking him as they trying to get back why don’t you just walk over to one of those things and just punch it in the M why don’t you just do that to a SE turn CU that’s basically what you just you know what there have been some videos I’ve seen on the internet with sea turtles and turtles and how they respond to certain colors so we might have to be okay is that right that’s the truth Turtles are racist that’s where that’s where it’s coming from I know you’ve seen the video we got the same you seen have bright lights on the beach hold on hold hold on some deep rooted you know it is May 7th 2024 and I just learned Turtles are racist I know what turtles are racist makes sense I’m not saying that Franklin conclusions Franklin like the book he was very inclusive he’s a racist man yeah he was a very inclusive turtle was he Turtles are racist Franklin this guy give me my straw look at this look at this I don’t know what whoa that’s a white person’s getting ATT no no wait a minute wow my straws uhoh give me my plastic straws no they just like to eat uh tape that’s what happened I don’t know that’s pretty damning that’s a jab right there oh my God look at it goes it utilized one an attack oh oh White Shoes sorry excuse me sir sir table’s right this way follow straw paper please I didn’t see that I’ve never seen that video now okay now we got I hope you’re happy yeah I hope you’re happy I I I renounced my loyalty to Sea turbl I take your shirt off I had no idea that they were This Racist Weise this is mindbending did they fight for the Confederacy too that might have been a tortoise we don’t know if that was a sea turtle snapping turtles and that could be an extremist group of oh the proud turtles if you will yeah the yeah cuz these things like the they they mingle they talk to each other one half of the hammer di Cowboys tone dig is here tone the Boston Bruins were underdogs in the series and in the game fresh off a game seven against Toronto on Saturday game on Monday us hockey fans who grew up in hockey Tans would say hey sometimes a little bit of a rest not necessarily great you get a little rusty I know Florida was potentially thinking about it as well kachuck brought it up like hey yeah we’re sitting around we’re eager to get back out there is this indicative of the whole has the line moved what is the line sitting at now with the Boston Bruins Florida Panthers because I think a lot of people who are new to the hockey world and just saw what the Bruins did and then probably follow our show and listen everybody talks to Bruins and like you just assume that the Bruins are going to be favored over the Florida Panthers now after a 5-1 has there been any change in the series odds there there has been a change in the series odds the Bruins are now minus 118 the last time I saw to win the series um is this indicative of what’s going to happen in the future I don’t know there this the stat escapes me because of CTE uh but there is a stat where teams that are coming off of game seven so teams that just played a game seven in NHL going into game one their record is very very good I don’t have the exact record on top of my brain but we talked about it a lot last year game seven to game one those teams far very very well now does it far very well for the rest of the series that’s to be seen um now that’s that’s 40 seconds in and San was on the show yesterday um you know I guess there was some people potentially in the Boston Bruins management who were necessarily thrilled at the sway bra the sway guy the sway dude the sway man was potentially uh mixing up his routine coming on our show for 7 minutes and 53 seconds 53 seconds yesterday and what does he do is immediately upon the game starts oh stands on his head with a top 10 save to start this entire thing and dbut if you’re a Florida Panthers fan you’re watching that thinking to yourself oh he’s seeing the puck yet again it feels like a San night and he’s going to steal the show and he did 1 there was goals from geeki congrats him getting on scoreboard yet again geeki is becoming a a real weapon for the Boston Bruins out that he hasn’t been the entire year lorai gets on the on the stat sheet obviously with a beautiful goal and I enjoy the uh yeah I mean they were shooting high on Bob all night we’re going top boom down we’re going bar down Carlo uh had a baby there Brandon Carlo I believe within the last 24 hours congrats to him new dad getting a big time goal and then uh Justin brazo in a h cooking last night and uh obviously anytime you can watch playoff hockey you’re going to do that but once that thing becomes 3-1 then 4-1 at 5-1 people think to themselves boy Florida Panthers are going to have to shake some shake some rust off the NBA last night obviously we talked about the Timberwolves beating the nuggets and then the Pacers getting screwed by the refs against the New York Knicks tonight there’s NBA playoffs Cavs at Celtics Celtics are 11 and a half huh favorites and then also Mavs at thunder thunder favorites at home the youngest team to make the playoffs per average in the NBA’s uh history I do believe for SGA and the boys over there favored by three and a half against MAV that’s kind of a surprise yeah kind of wild especially with Luka and Kyrie since they both have kind of established themselves in that first series as hey this is going to work they gave kid that extension but Chad homr that tall son of a [ __ ] he he’s going to cause some problems in talk about what Pro oh God whats I saw some stats I guess that’s been run 1500 times many in in like a month that company said you know what Chad you know what SDA we want you guys to look like [ __ ] we’re going to pump this thing right down the throats of anybody that’ll watch NBA Playoffs and you know I’ve gone full Arc with it I was uncomfortable first time I watched it sure okay it’s uncomfortable I was like you kind of catchy too good idea kind of and then as it just continue to show up it’s like all right they should have filmed like maybe two three four different ones of these so they don’t kill them because it sounds like the boys can sing carry a tune that’s not the story of the NBA the story of the NBA right now is the controversy and are the reigning Champs going to be able to get back into this or are they just going to keep throwing temper tantrums and throwing things on the court to tell us more ladies and gentlemen former 10th overall pick 12year NBA vet he’s played for the Pelicans the Clippers the Wizards the Rockets the Knicks the nuggets and the Timberwolves obviously a lot of those teams still alive ladies and gentlemen Austin River Yeah Austin oh yeah love the intro hey you look always you look really cool right now you really cool let me tell you something I channeled my inner Pat fee I got no sleeves on today the suns are out the guns are out I feel pretty good bro uh the tats here let’s uh what do we have on the arm there what do we have oh it’s pretty sweet that’s pretty sweet look at that come on now come on now the details in the work we’ll get to it another time but it’s pretty solid full SLE I got a couple High School T full sleeve sleeve does it go into the chest shoulder or no we just stopped right here no it goes It goes It goes into the chest too did you uh did you do the max Crosby route where what he just took the uh the surgery Dr that’s that’s that’s the I don’t know if I can say that on a but that’s the soft way I’ll say it the nice way I don’t I don’t like getting put to sleep to get tattoos you got to earn that [ __ ] man okay you can’t get put to sleep to get some ink it’s ridiculous my wife has a sleeve it’s very nice uh she has a similar thought to you but I think you you guys just didn’t know you could just go to sleep and get that that so it seems like you guys are haters that that is what I’m potentially thinking here is that yeah the problem is you got people going under that don’t know what they’re doing yeah you got guys eating snacks and drinking alcohol and smoking weed before they go under it’s just it’s a dangerous Dynamic uh I don’t know if you usually when guys get tattooed they’re usually Under the Influence uh so to be getting to be getting put to sleep before it is it’s questionable I don’t like well I just want to let you know someday you’re going to see me and this is how I’m going to look and then the next day I’m going to have a great night’s sleep yeah you you saw lamelo’s back yeah oh yeah the alien and uh rare one the rare one and that whole thing rare one yeah yeah there’s a whole thing isn’t it what he is a rare boy yeah he’s got the alien thing on his neck that whole he’s not from here dude yeah exactly the whole the whole family were rare ones sure we were on the ball train there for a while we were in Lithuania live on Facebook they captivated America for like three years I mean it was hell of a run by Lavar uh look at that my God that alien popping out of his spine is pretty sweet yeah pretty sweet so he just picked up his uh player option 21 Mill or something the ball family continue to just rake it in you know what’s Dad doing where’s he been he he he’s around you know I think he’s doing some foreign relation stuffs in China all right okay all right let’s get to the NBA Playoffs uh Austin riddle me this okay this the highest level highest level NBA the association it’s where people from all around the world trying to get to even countries been never heard of yeah that’s right all a sudden they come over here and all of a sudden they’re this is where we wanted to be this a dream come true Global how the hell do the Pacers get screwed that bad in the mecca Madison Square Garden this is strictly because the NBA doesn’t want the Pacers the Hicks if you will to knock off the Knicks of New York City that is clearly just a baded pass great work good defense by n what a stud and then at the end of the game moving screen what is are these adults playing or is this LA Fitness Austin how does this happen this is strictly the NBA and Adam Silver who front of the program I hope he hears this wanting the big Market to knock off the little old Indianapolis cuz Tyrese H Burton’s making that shot we take the lead the other one it’s lay up going the other way we steal one in M Square Garden suck it starberry suck at mariana rivera suck at Spike Lee suck at New York City fck at Bruce brown but instead these these refs ruin it all Austin is this normal is is it should I be as upset as never like I never like is my connection bad your camera’s on autofocus and then sometimes it focuses on your pictur my connection bad right now fellas m is your mic bad can you hear me can you guys hear me boom yes you sound good yeah you I never like I never like when the refs take it out of the players hands I like games to end uh with the player players making the decisions whether it’s making a shot missing a shot turnover whatsoever if we’re going to call moving screens man we could call that all game I didn’t like the moving screen call obviously the Kickball call was just a mess up I don’t know how you do that it wasn’t even really that close it was clear I can see that from the TV screen that he hit that with his hands um so you know debot that and then follow up with a moving screen and was it a moving screen yeah kind of but like I’ve seen divon chinzo and Josh Hart set like 10 of those on Brunson uh early in the quarter so you I you know we saw it with the girls National Title final four remember Paige buckers they called a moving screen before she got the shot off and everybody was kind of pissed about it because like we want to see the players make the plays right yes absolutely we do and now you go to you got to give credit to Pi on here for the Flop heard around the world in the middle of beautiful flop look at that oh my look like he just got hit with a with a Tyson upper uppercut I mean look at the way he just falls back here both hands up in the air I mean wins the game there I mean good for him that’s a solid play we can’t knock him but we can certainly knock the refs who uh who this better not be happening the entire Series yeah Adam Silver okay it’s better not be happen it’s a bad loss it’s a tough loss because that was the one Indiana was going to steal they were going to steal that win and then the series is totally different you know now you you it’s tough when you have a game you’re supposed to win on the road like especially the first or you know second game like you just lose that was supposed to be a momentum shifter I mean now they have to to go back into the Madison Square Garden again um and have another great performance on the road and that’s a very tough place to play I do think the crowd and environment influences people I’m not saying it influences the ref but there are calls that were made down the stretch that that environment sometimes can just push a ref to be make I mean we’re all human you know what I mean like the crowd the momentum the energy is like shifted that way a ref could move and screen it just happens you I yeah that’s tough to see basketball refs seemingly have the whistle in mouth too quicker than anywhere else because it’s it’s I don’t want to say they’re like eager to call a foul but it looks like they are looking to call as opposed to looking to let play sometimes that’s why there’s always going to be the refs are in on it it’s you know that’s just always going to be how it’s going to be with the sport of basketball with the way it’s set up now let’s talk about another ref situation the refs pissed off Jamal Murray last night didn’t they yeah Jamal Murray is frustrated he he said call a damn foul there’s been highlights obviously of the Minnesota Timberwolves locking down last night with a double team and the Minnesota Timberwolves are relentless on the defensive side of the ball allegedly Jamal Murray not happy with the damn refs so he threw a tow first it didn’t make its way all the way out there then he said got throw a little something heavier heating pad coming our source are saying that it is more likely for him to get fined because he doesn’t have a long list of things uh that the NBA could potentially punish him for as opposed to a suspension what are your thoughts on this and obviously heating pad on the floor that’s why those uh those folks with the the rooms are so active because we can’t be slipping especially in a jumping sport that could have been catastrophic for an ankle or a knee it was not let’s move on but Jamal Murray pissed because he just couldn’t play well last night or pissed at the rest what are your thoughts on that entire game all right well first off uh they they they played great defense on Jamal they were physical with them they’re playing you know we complain on one end about we want 90s basketball we want guys to be physical and uh we missed that era of basketball and then now we have guys doing it and then we’re like oh he’s complaining he’s getting fouled or you know let the boys play I like how they defended him last night uh Minnesota is a far superior defensive team they’ve dominated the series I think last night that throw of the towel and the heat pack was an accumulative of just being frustrated uh their whole team was frustrated they’re complaining and bitching and whining the entire game um Timberwolves are throwing punches they’re pulling they’re scratching they’re pinching they’re they’re they’re getting under their skin they’re talking trash I mean I saw clips of Carl Town say stuff to the crowd this is a defending champs by the way on the Road where they’re supposed to notoriously have uh a home court advantage I played it for two years that elevation is something real and the Timberwolves have gone there and just punched them in the mouth and I think frustrations are boiling over there uh and you’re seeing a lack of depth from Denver remember they got R they got rid of Bruce Brown and they didn’t sign back Jeff Green and like all those guys that they didn’t have you know I mean like these are guys that really slip through the cracks with them uh and now we’re seeing in a series they are struggling to to score the ball and they’re scor definitely definitely struggling to guard Anthony Edwards that dude is my god um and in terms of the hot pack let’s move on find him and let’s play basketball the last thing we won is Jamal Murray off the court uh if that’s the case the series is over if Jamal don’t play game three you can kiss this series goodby uh he needs a play and we’ll see what goes forward but they’re going back to mini down2 it does not look good yeah I um I didn’t expect last night first game maybe you know like they kind of catch them off guard but like Malone Joker Jamal you just assume now you don’t even think about Bruce Brown and Jeff Green and all the people that you talked about like hey those probably pretty pivotal roles not only like on the court locker room SK like everything in different moments uh throughout the game but I just assume they’d be able to figure it out because that’s what they’ve done against everybody seemingly since I started watching them in the playoffs whenever they go on the run and then it’s like 26 piece without Rudy goar that is uh that is a wild night for the Timberwolves Ty has a question for you Austin Yeah Austin obviously the tea wolves look unbelievable right now and I don’t think anyone’s quite ready to write Denver off but in terms of that other series do you think with the way that Kyrie and Luca have been playing like are the the Mavs like a legit kind of Dark Horse to make the NBA Finals out of the west or are we not quite there yet with them I don’t I don’t I don’t think they defend well enough to to to get all the way to the finals I do think they’re going to be problematic for OKC I think the OKC is gonna have their hands full playing against that team um I know everybody’s favoring OKC they got the record they got the young group that everyone’s hype about I love them for the future as well but if we’re talking about right now now with their youth comes vulnerability um they’re going against some very seasoned players uh and listen I’ll be honest with you man this year has been a big big symbolism of the the the the role players in the little uh trades and Acquisitions have been much more important to teams than getting these big stars we saw uh uh Phoenix trade the house for Kevin Durant and hasn’t worked out they tried to get a big three didn’t work out we’ve seen teams make small moves in getting rope players that have changed their team man New York has changed their team they wouldn’t got Josh Hart they wouldn’t got div chinzo they wouldn’t got OG they’re a much better team now no they didn’t get any Superstars but they’re a much better team uh same goes for for Dallas I only bring that up to get back to Dallas their whole team changed when they got Daniel Gafford and PJ Washington it added a little bit more size some shooting with PJ you know some of these small and I don’t like saying small but smaller players we’re so caught up in social media it’s always big names the smaller players are what are changing these teams Derrick White is one of the most important players for the Celtics you know all these Acquisitions of these teams that they’re getting are changing teams that’s what Phoenix is missing Minnesota so good because sure they got ant they got Carl but they got Jen McDaniels they got Nel Alexander they got Nas Reed they all these role players right and I think that’s the difference uh right now in why Dallas is a good team and they’ve gotten better and they’re they’re pretty deep you hate Luca Garza Luca gar is a legend I’ll never disrespect lell exactly I mean I wasn’t going to say but if you just look at the box score the plus minus he he outplayed jokic last night so bro if you we’ll just leave it at that I wasn’t going to say it yeah me you work he’s an Iowa guy this and when he oh no Luka is the best well Luka was down the G league for a long time ridic score 40 points every night and then they bring him uping up yeah sit his ass on the bench send him back down score another 40 bring him up set his ass on the bench he got three minutes last night though had a bucket bro you put in for four minutes he’s putting up buckets it’s automatic I don’t care what league you put him in NBA Big Three G League it don’t matter you put Luke on the floor he going to get to his [ __ ] and get some buckets it’s going to happen Okay so I don’t want to like stray too far away from the playoffs which is the topic of discussion we’ll definitely get back into that but like the G League that’s um is that the best way to figure out if somebody’s going to be good in the NBA or not like these high school kids right it’s either you go to college they can go straight to the g- league now right straight out of high school you can go to the g- league then there’s European it’s like if you cuz your dad obviously in the game you’re in the game let’s say I had a son okay boy what a beast this 6’4 6’4 he’s smacking the floor and then he’s going through the legs in Madison Square Garden okay okay that that’s the that’s the type of player he is okay he has an offer to uh everywhere in college G league potentially available and Europe if I wanted him to get the NBA fast in your eyes what would be the smartest route for the NBA people to figure out whether or not he’d be good at the NBA and for us to figure out whether or not he’d be good in the NBA you think I think because the g- league is so up and down for me if you have a top level Prospect or if you got a top level kid go to college if you’re that good just go one and done if you go into like one of these Blue Bloods or one of these top programs you don’t even have to put up crazy numbers because you’re usually coming there with some mutual Talent like if you go to Duke for instance Cooper flag good example right he could have gone overseas he could have gone anywhere he went to Duke he’s going to Duke University he’s coming in with like four other top prospects all Cooper flag has got to do next year is average like 12 13 points he’s going to in top five in the draft if he has anything better than that he’ll go number one in the draft it’s a one-year process you get to go to college you get to play in Cameron you get to play in rivalry games you get to compete and top you know top level Talent um the alumni there in in the in the look at me advocating for Duke yeah yeah you I was about to say yeah you sound like Jay bis right now I mean know I’m sorry I was I got carried away there uh but I think college man I like college and I I don’t mind the unconventional route of some of these guys going overseas that’s a big jump to move away all the way from the country and go somewhere else but you’re going to play with grown men we saw lamelo do it we saw a couple other guys do it brenon Jennings was the first one to actually do it he left high school and went didn’t go to college went right overseas man and played with you know 32y old men that got mortgages and kids and like that’s that’s a whole different you know what I mean like that’s a good preparation to get to the league as well but G league for me is it’s just I like the G League it’s just you know the game the way it’s played everyone in there is just trying to get points up because everyone’s trying to get a call up it’s very hard sometimes to look at Talent g m mclung is the MVP of the g- league and like has never gotten a call do you know what I’m saying like it’s like know yeah he gets called for the dunk contest even though the kid can play basketball you know what I mean so it’s just like the g- League’s very hit or miss with me I I I prefer the old fashioned round of college if you want to do something new then then go overseas play some grown men for a year so My going to college you don’t have the brain to go to Duke though so let’s make sure and also let’s go I took ping pong class man well let’s not even get into how you guys were cheating yeah yeah we can get into that if you want Austin yeah frisbee class pingpong class Duke education got it all right okay let’s get back to the playoffs Conor has a question for you yeah Austin now that you know the Celtics are past the Heat and you know going to the Cavs how much does the loss of porzingis hurt their actual finals you know expectations because as much as we can sit here and act like Cavs Celtics is going to be a great series we know it’s not we know the Cavs are going to get absolutely walked by the Boston Celtics but when you’re thinking long term here what what do you think as far as you know stacking up against teams like the Timberwolves or the Nuggets without poor zingus if he can’t play by then no they need him they need him they need him for a variety of reasons one his his length uh and his size and what he’s able to do as a big man they need him and then two he’s a stretch four stretch five depending on how they play him and he spreads the the floor he’s very problematic in the pick and roll he’s coming off pick and rolls with with with brown Tatum Derek white and because he can shoot like two three feet behind the line they have him pop farther behind it’s a long rotation so now you got guys like Carl towns or gobear or uh for instance it’d be a yic whoever the case may be these guys have to rotate or pop all now you got these guys who are not accustomed to defending outside the three-point line the floor is completely stretched out with porzingis out there which allows room for guys like brown and Derek white and and most importantly Tatum to operate I do think they’ll beat Cleveland without him but they need him bro Cleveland has those long lengthy guys like Jared Allen with the afro down there and and Evan Mo down there just pity patting the ball getting offensive rebound game like oh no porzingis is they’re gonna they’re going to need him I think they’ll beat him without porzingis but he’ll be missed that’s that’s going to be like a five six game series I really do believe that poring I mean Al Horford the thing is in Austin you know I don’t want to call you a casual but Al Horford looks like he’s 25 right now I mean guy his mov what is what is he sipping on he just doesn’t get old huh exactly he doesn’t he’s still dunking and he should be in a wheelchair that that’s how good this guy has been as of late for the Celtics and you know I don’t want to say l cornet is cornet is some sort of Dark Horse but boy we might have a Garza s Superstar Brewing on the bench right now okay so 11 and a half Point favorites are the Celtics this evening um that is a lot it sounds like in your eyes yeah uh that’s fair I a better team all right so goody how about The Miz last listen to The Miz The Miz walks over to Conor and just goes we’re beating you and he starts yelling starts yelling in his face about the Cavs beating the Celtics or whatever and he it wasn’t like gimmick he was 100% in yeah he like Celtic will get one at home and then when we come back to Cleveland we’ll probably steal one in game two and we’ll come back to Cleveland it’ll be 3-1 Cleveland we’ll win both of those games at home and it was like oh okay so we’re betting on this that there’s no chance Cleveland wins two games we just learned I just learned that CS were in the playoffs Orlando and now it’s like hey here we go yeah now play they got a shot now yeah that’s everybody’s talking about them just going to the Eastern Conference speaking of the Eastern Conference uh there’s a legend that is uh residing down in Miami great press conference debot got a question for you Austin Godfather Pat Ry obviously we just got smacked uh by the Celtics big big Heat fan now Jimmy Jimmy was out obviously but um going forward this off season obviously he made some you know remarks in the press conference but that’s Pat being Pat do you think the heat go after uh a superstar another Superstar you mentioned the role players and with the heat culture I feel like anybody we bring in there we always develop those players around the guy but do you think we’re going after a different guy uh this off season they’re they’re definitely going after somebody there’s no way you go back to next season thinking that the team they had this year is enough they’re already a worst version of what they were last year they lost gab vinent they lost Max Strauss they struck out on DAV and Li they struck out on pretty much everybody else um they lost key guys that were good locker room guys like KY so they they’re missing a lot they they need they they they need uh uh some more Talent down there they need more scoring they need guys to go put the ball in the basket they got hero who can do that uh Jimmy can do that but I like Jimmy as and Pat Riley if you talk about his press conference he said that he’s like we don’t Jimmy doesn’t have to be our best player he could be a 1B guy we can go try we’re gonna go try to get a onea guy you know they’re going to go try to get some of these guys Paul George uh uh we’ll see how this series ends with Donovan Mitchell and how his future and happiness in Cleveland wakes out sh out we’ve already he rumors of Booker not being happy in Phoenix a lot of scenarios here that we could find ourselves in where you got new stars going down in Miami you would think they would be crushing that in the free free agency market they got no income tax and you’re living in Miami with a bunch of beautiful women and you’re playing for one of the biggest organizations and best stable organizations in all the sports let alone the NBA the Miami Heat um I love Pat Riley’s comments by the way if you’re not playing I don’t really care to hear anything you got to say anyway I love that Jimmy talks his [ __ ] he deserves it he’s rly so kept that franchise afloat and took them to finals appearances so he deserves to talk um to to be completely Fair uh and PT Riley on the other hand has to do you know his part and bring him some talent and really put a team together but that’s the culture there I love Pat for that they’ll never change and that’s what’s led to their success but they need more Talent okay Pat Riley’s uh press conference the if you listen to the whole answer about Tyler herro he wasn’t calling him a [ __ ] no he he was just saying that he had been a little fragile and then nobody works harder and he changed the way he works out he comp he went on to compliment him but if you just take Clips he’s fragile it’s like oh he’s call him a [ __ ] nobody wants to be called frag that is the last thing you want to be called as an athlete no matter how soft your sport is you know like basketball you know and I’m a pter so well you’re you’re slowly coming our way though I can already see it you’re getting more into it look at you you’re talking about the Cavs today you’re stretching out we got to get you outside of that football Lane man where the guaranteed contracts are where the best athletes in the world are that’s us we I can take 30 players right now in the NBA and throw them in the NFL you cannot take 30 NFL players and put them in the NBA allowed five on the court let’s just let’s all relax you get a break every play all you gotta do is catch the ball and run north or south listen our SP it a complex our Sport’s better our Sport’s better because we would just create a position for one of you 52 40 running 6′ 10 guys and just put them you know can’t get hit much fragile all right little thin very we would just create a position because we got big brains in our sporten that’s what we would there’s there’s there there’s a reason why hiphop artists when they rap they they compare themselves to Ballers they’re not talking about footballers talking about basketball players you know and I’m a this is me being a punter saying all these things there there’s a reason why all the girls that we get done with them the NFL players usually like end up like dating lat come to us first bro we set the culture that’s cuz you guys are getting worked over there yeah you guys get worked over there a little bit I think from what I’ve learned from watching outside but hey to be clear the NBA is the Stars we got we got face mask on you guys are handsome you know right in front of everybody 82 games so it’s a to-do you guys provide Hey listen NBA a fantastic let’s not get crazy though about 30 guys could go in there I mean who’s coming Anthony Edwards we got Anthony Edwards coming over Jimmy Butler oh you guys are drunk early in the morning Russ W Russell Zion a left tackle Zion would be fantastic but then he would just be our he’d be he’d just be a football player which he has been maybe this entire time pretty much true I put Josh hard at tight end man go run around and [ __ ] [ __ ] up okay so Draymond Draymond D maybe SE Draymond pass he’s not playing he’s not playing tight end think about them running in these you know what I like it is out water nonetheless you guys are great athletes okay we’re Global we’re Global man cuz football somewhere else is a little bit more important they call it you know what I mean when you go overseas you talk about football they think you’re talking about real football what what’s that sucker you don’t believe that shut up don’t way that came out of your mouth uncomfortable talk about s yeah I don’t even want you guys flopping with the soccer community enough I played soccer growing up couldn’t do it but venzo last night I’ll take the guaranteed contracts in the girls man I’m good the guaranteed contract definitely yeah he W yeah yeah Fair yeah the MLB was beating all of us for a while but with the exception of the quarterback I think the quarterback’s the hardest position in sports it’s a Nutty position to have to be looking through a visor like this having people try to rip your head off knowing a thousand plays where everyone’s supposed to be I have a lot of respect for quarterbacks I don’t know how they do it LeBron James could play in the NFL we assume at this stage and throughout his entire time he’s a unicorn TJ mcon Jaylen Suggs J jayen Suggs was a like top five football player in the country in high school but he chose basketball all those guys work out the top guys in the country they always make it to the NFL those guys always happen yeah I remember that little white kid remember he was like 8 years old running all those syracus Greg Paul yeah Duke oh yeah yeah he was the best of all time he he threw six picks I think in one game from Syracuse yeah I think yeah he was yeah it transition yeah it would be easy no problem getting the I love how that’s you throw out there is this Greg PA you got a deep bag bro top top top quarterback Allen Iverson I think would have been fantastic in the there’s like certain guys that are just like any sport but wait a minute we got Dion okay yeah we had Dion play Dion could have played your sport if he wanted to huh no he couldn’t you’re telling me if Dion his entire life focused on basketball you don’t think he would have been able to figure it out oh probably yeah his whole life yeah I mean he was a generational athlete how about how about Bo for sure he’s a generational athlete Jim Thorp yeah duh boom Tom br you don’t think he could figured out the NBA absolutely not what haven’t seen his jumper then let’s get back to the NBA okay brunson’s in the middle of a run right now okay we have to not even in the top 50 players getting paid this year okay so he’s going to be do some sort of money or he’s going to R out of the Knicks average 40 points this is a hembo step here are all the players in the history of the NBA that have averaged 40 points per game over a five game Span in the postseason just went for 43 last night uh Kevin Durant LeBron James Allen Iverson Michael Jord Bernard King Rick Barry Jerry West Will Chamberlain Elgen Baylor and Jaylen Bronson damn okay that’s quite a list to be added to there for big body ball and Brunson right there what a run it is an honor to watch it should have wenton home with an L but now you know he’s a part of a list that is literally just all Hall of Famers so that’s crazy yeah good for the Knicks finding their guy seeming Le because what it was a year ago when um who’s the coach for the aces uh Becky Hammond she said what they didn’t have anybody big enough yeah said Brunson isn’t big enough to be the guy to lead a team yeah he can’t be a can’t be a 1A guy that’s what she said she was obviously completely wrong I to give her the benefit of the doubt I don’t think anybody thought Brunson was going to be this this dominant I mean we all knew he was good but my God uh he’s bro look at these numbers man yeah yeah we saw it yeah we saw it we’ve been watching it uh and it’s been great to hear our Nicks fan in the office be absurd about it all hey we appreciate you for joining us Austin you’re the man brother hey appreciate you for having me I’m always you couldn’t have played in the NFL right you couldn’t have played in the NFL no no I wasn’t a football guy you want to know a quick story before I get out I tried out for football in eighth grade but you don’t play with football down here in Florida all right you can’t can’t do that I tried out for 10 minutes and I I I retired CU you’re soft it 100 it was 100 degrees I was about to pass out and they’re running routes and I’m getting screamed at for no reason it was the first practice this is who does that I’m gonna go in the gym and and take care of myself say you’re soft hoop say you’re soft is that what you said I’m fragile I’m fragile oh I guess the NBA Pat Ry compliment yeah yeah you’re right I’m expensive and all that stuff all right we appreciate that you’re the man ladies and gentlemen Austin River Austin these NBA guys been popping off about playing in the NFL and I’m not the one who should be speaking for the NFL but let’s hold the phone there’s a little bit different animal whenever there’s a chance there’s a helmet coming yeah different level mental mental toughness with us I mean they’re kind of like the the F1 cars of Motorsports were more more like NASCAR like Offroad and that type of [ __ ] so you know fragile expensive they are so tall mhm so athletic fre for sure just aliens walking around all of them like there’s no NBA player that has walked into a room where people haven’t gone what’s that even if they didn’t know yep who they were so that’s an advantage in basketball obviously but in football that could work against you now obviously getting the ball thrown to the crossbar on like a goal line play or something like that is a huge Advantage but you’re not just going to stand there with your hand up and like with one elbow in your back like you’re in the block it is body there’s going to be a especially with how big you are yeah there’s a pop they got to get up and do it again and again and and and it goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and you put that on repeat for 18 weeks exactly and then playoffs and then playoffs so really it’s just going to continue to go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on that’s Bob Parsons potentially I think I don’t know uh if that’s founder of GoDaddy pxg and Parson’s Technologies uh he wrote a book called fire and hole us a box can’t wait to read it uh self-made vet Vietnam vet I believe uh billionaire so friend of the program has done the iasa yep and did the whole thing gave us golf clubs I go worse at golf not because of clubs but because of me so I feel like I let him down but he wrote a book we got it it should be fantastic joining us now he a guy who does a lot of writing he is the head creative doctor and lead content strategist strategist Boom for Monday Morning Quarterback ladies and gentlemen Albert [Applause] bre good title it’s a good title it’s a fancy title yeah very fancy title I want to make sure I get it right here um I don’t think I have content strategist yeah it’s been up in my Twitter page for 5 years so it must be true it’s a good name content strategist holy [ __ ] the strategy meetings that you are leading have to be so awesome is lots of strategy meetings yep constant we’ve need a lot of we needed a lot of strategy at sports illustrator over the last four months but I think we’re out of the woods now so congratulations let go congratulations I uh I heard there was a Sports Illustrated party down at Kentucky Derby we didn’t even know Sports Illustrated was still going it is you’re crushing it Sports illustrate is still breaking news still a part of the uh Americana Sports Americana which I think is good because we all bummed out we legitimately I think bummed out to hear that Sports illustrat is still crushing it and we got good strategy from what I’m hearing Albert there you go y yep lots of strategy on the NFL side over here okay good strategy here is KT cousins right we uh we learn this from you okay so allegedly Kirk Cousins and the Minnesota Vikings were very transparent with each other about what the future potentially look like if he was to go back they were going to take a high draft pick potentially on a quarterback even if he came back as a signed uh veteran quarterback for them now that is potentially a part of the reason why he decided to not stay in Minnesota ends up in Atlanta then Atlanta boom draft night gets Michael penck Jr with the eighth overall pick shakes the entire world obviously Kirk didn’t know this was going to happen y y so how much do we know of that to be 100% true and also how much do we know of that potential decision for the Vikings to be like a main reason why Kirk Cousins didn’t want to be there Albert yeah well this goes back a year actually Pat like when they were talking about an extension last year and the whole thing for Kirk was that they weren’t willing to guarantee anything past um 2024 and you know going into this year the same sort of context existed they had told him last year you know we may be looking at drafting a quarterback high in 2024 like this might be the year we do it there’s a good class coming the opportunity is there we might strike and so you know that all went into the decision not to to to do an extension um during the 2023 off season they come into 2024 and you know I I don’t want to sound like a like like an idiot here okay because the guy did sign a a deal for $45 million per year and so you can’t say it wasn’t about the money because the money is a factor in all of these but I think the bigger thing to Kirk going into it was he wanted a contract that reflected that he would be the starting quarterback for whatever team he went to for the next few years and the Vikings put an offer in front of him that guaranteed some but not all of his money for 2025 and as they talk through it the Vikings really never backed down from the idea that yeah we could take your successor in the 2024 draft so part of the way that Kirk and his people looked at at this was okay so if we sign this contract that doesn’t guarantee everything in 2025 that they get out of after 2024 and they may be taking my successor in April well then I may just be the quarterback here for one year and they may trade me after the year they could theoretically cut me after the year if the young rookie comes in and kills it and so he goes to Market thinking I want to find a place that’s going to commit to me as the starting quarterback for the next few years and I want that reflected in the contract and the Falcons were able to do do that by guaranteeing not just 2024 also all of 2025 and part of 2026 got it and the thought was okay going forward now I’m going to be the starting quarterback here for the next three years at least maybe for the next four years and he talked about the idea of retiring as a falcon and never was it related to him that they could take a quarterback in the top 10 now the flip side of this is the Falcon side of it Terry fono the general manager there was in New Orleans in 2017 when Patrick Mahomes came out and I’m sure you know Pat Shawn pton was very very high as were all the saints people on Patrick Mahomes and they felt like the reason why they lost Patrick Mahomes that year is because word of their interest got out and the Chiefs knew it in fact Brett vich who was the GM now who’s working in the Personnel Department there then after they traded up with the bills texted got him to one of the Saints people clearly showing them like we knew you wanted him and we’re coming and stealing him for from you from you so for the Falcons people for Terry font who come from the Saints like if we like one of these quarterbacks we can’t tell anybody we got to sit there at 8 we got to pretend that we’re taking Dallas Turner or Byron Murphy or Malik neighbors or someone else and so you know I think it was on one side you see Kirk’s side of it and you know I know I’m going on a little bit here but on one side you see Kirk’s side of it which is hey look like you know I I walked away from this other team after they had been upfront and honest with me about it and now I’m paying the price for that um for not asking the same questions to the Falcons and then on the flip side you have the Falcons general manager having been through something like this in New Orleans and having lost a generational town as a result of it yeah and it’s a fascinating thing because last year with the amount of backup quarterbacks that played I mean you know and Kirk’s coming off at Achilles so if by week 910 which we do not H hope happens cuz all like Kirk and everything like that but if Michael pennix ends up playing next year and playing well they’re going to look like Geniuses CU you need a backup quarterback anyways especially with the way the league is kind of going right now the only thing that was interesting is nobody expected it after the deal they just gave K with the holes they have on their team and the lack of success that they’ve had seemingly over the last few years so obviously that’s the big reaction but hey they’re getting paid to do it not us the future will tell us if it was accurate or not the other moves that are being kind of chatted about Tone’s got a question for you Albert yeah Albert I I saw in your I read in your article um about how you were kind of confused why everyone thought the Steelers were going to trade for a wide receiver because that is not their MMO that is not something they’ve ever done as a Steelers fan I couldn’t agree with you more but doesn’t it feel like Omar Khan’s a little bit different or and then maybe that led to some of the speculation or are you just hearing that there’s probably there probably going to be sticking where they are and goinging forward I mean I think that they’re going to I I think you know you’re you’re going to get an idea of what you have over the course of the next four or five weeks as they get into OTAs in the full Squad mini camp and so they’ll get a look at what Roman Wilson their second round pick looks like out there what George Pickins looks like coming back um you’ll have a more full idea of of of what you got at the position but no their Remo has always been to develop from within at that spot you know the last time a guy who came from the outside into the Steelers organization led the team in receiving was during World War II to give you an idea of how long it’s been I mean they’ve almost always been homegrown at the position and so you know I I think they approached the draft the same way a lot of other teams did they haven’t used a first round pick on a receiver since San Antonio Holmes in 2006 and there were a lot of teams like right in that area where they were drafting at 20 looking at it and having a tackle need and having a receiver need and looking at the landscape and saying it’s going to be much easier to get a receiver on day two or even day three then it will be to get a tackle so we need to take care of our tackle need now and I think Troy fon is somebody who a lot of teams like like the Jets might have considered him at 10 if both um if if Ola vishanu had been gone and romad dun had been gone like that would have been consideration for them as high as 10 so they wind up with a left tackle who does have some medical concerns but um is a really really great player and clean character-wise too they’re at 20 and take care of the receiver need um right in the area where they’ve gotten great receivers in the past and getting Roman Wilson there yeah you said that the Steelers normally sing like when did you say since World War II World War II um I can’t remember the guy’s name but I actually looked it up it was 1941 and it was it was this guy and I’m not even making this up it was because like the Eagles and the Steelers had lost guys to the war where the Eagles like like sent a bunch of guys over to the Steelers this receiver this receiver was one of them yeah I don’t think it was the steagles team but it was right in that era where World War II had messed with people’s rosters and so this guy who this receiver who had played for the Eagles wound up on the Steelers bringing up the World War II I don’t know if the people even learn about World War II anymore I’m I’m genuinely wondering if anybody even learns about World War II anymore you know with the way the world entire is going but like the Steelers have done different stuff they fired an offense coordinator for the first time like ever since World War II since yeah probably yeah last year so who knows how it’ll go but I think they got a lot of energy over there in Pittsburgh about this Steelers team and what the future fut is going to look like whenever just a few months back it was not like that in Pittsburgh you know Steelers fans were real gloom and doom now all of a sudden you bring in some flash signings you have a good power draft you get naed another earnit and then Jaylen Warren it’s like Steelers fans are pumped I am excited to see how they deal with it now there’s another fan base that’s all jacked up too because they got the quarterback of the future but who made the pick Connor has a question for you yeah Albert right now the Patriots are kind of going through their GM you know choosing process and I I believe the plan this entire time was to do the draft and then after hire a full-time GM is the leader in the clubhouse still hungry like the Elliot wolf or is there a chance that some of these other guys come in from outside even though by all accounts all Patriots fans are very happy with what Elliot wolf did in the draft Yeah I’d be stunned if it was anybody but Elliot wolf um Conor my guess would be that they go through the process over the next couple of weeks and maybe they wind up hiring somebody who they interviewed through the process underneath Elliot wolf as assistant GM or or or something else like I I think that could happen but I I I can’t imagine anybody other than Elliot wolf will have the top position there whether or not they get the GM title is is another question um but this was part of the plan all along um they that the NFL has this term primary football executive if you’re hiring somebody into that role you have to go through this process and that had been bill bellich for them and so when belich left the building they had to get permission from the league say we want to push this off till post-draft they pushed it off till post-draft because they wanted to get a look at the guys inhouse and how those guys did their jobs without Bill bich the the shadow of belich sort of being over them and um you know it’s interesting because you can go back to like the 2019 Draft when the scouts really liked AJ Brown and and Deo Samuel and Bill kind of overruled some of those guys and went with nil Harry there were all kinds of stories like that where the crafts really felt like we want to give the guys in-house a chance to prove themselves and we want to give them some Runway here and get to see them doing the jobs before we fi make a final decision on what we’re going to do and Elliot’s been a number two in Green Bay he was a number two in Cleveland so he’s been close to the general manager title before he’s interviewed for a bunch of jobs and you know as long as everything went well over the last three months he was always going to be the guy and my guess would be that’ll that’ll become official here in the next couple of weeks Drake May the boys are buzzing in New England around Drake May oh yeah the boys are buzzing up there around Drake he’s so big I don’t know if you got a chance to see him he’s a big yeah he is he looks like a quarterback 100% And he can move he led the North Carolina team in rushing two years ago I mean it’s like he’s big he’s strong he’s like a division one basketball recruit like he was like go watch his basketball highlights he’s he can move now well his older brothers yeah I mean he is yeah I mean and the night before the draft he was hooping that’s what he was doing literally in Detroit with his brothers it’s like uh he ran out the Detroit Athletic Club he and his he and his brothers went and played pickup the night before the the draft that’s the guy as long as his dumb drunk uncle isn’t running his mouth yeah boo get that bum out of time the uncle the rest of the family’s awesome uh last question here about draft night from TY Albert yeah Albert just curious I don’t know what your affiliation at uh mmqb is with the NFL but uh just curious did you get like sack tapped or PE PE whacked uh after the first night of the draft for tip and picks cuz we were following it and thank you Albert we appreciate youber huge we got some [ __ ] because of you we did you I mean have gotten a couple texts I may or may not have gotten a couple texts um on that like but you know you got to let them know you’re there sometimes right guys amen Sports Illustrated still alive absolutely and honestly and honestly yeah I mean especially you know being at SI we really need to let them know we’re still there but I I honestly like for for me functionally I was on TV all night um doing shows up here and it allowed us to get like five 10 minutes ahead of the draft so uh so it actually had a had a had a functional benefit for us too oh yeah yeah yeah yeah y you everybody’s competing right you guys were out there competing you guys were in the circle no we were just actually we were just riding your Tweet exactly we were we were I’ll tell you hey hey Bill was phenomenal with you guys you can I’ve been around him enough you can tell with his tone right like when you’re getting the real bill and it’s like this slightly annoyed tone right and you guys got 100% of that well no there was a couple times where we were way off wide open and he was like can we get back to the can we get back to the film was like oh is this cuz every time he would pitch an idea before the draft he was like it would be a full thought out plan how it would be executed what he would like to see happen and then he would go is that something you’d won I’m like is that it sounds like it’s something you are well it’s not my show I’m like but he knew what he was doing like he knew what he was doing the whole time cuz he was like the whole time he was like queuing up video with your produc foxy yeah talking to Foxy yeah yeah we had a nice I’m telling you pat pat I got on I like there was one day and I tweeted this like I think it was last week but I got caught in a rabbit hole where I was like I was all the way down to like 28 29 30 watching like all of his assessments that was he did a really good job with all that yeah we were lucky for it as well as we’re lucky for you have a great one we got to get to a heart out you’re the man ladies and gentlemen the content strategist at Monday Morning Quarterback Albert Breer thank you all right be a friend tell a friend something nice might change your life take three without further Ado ladies and gentlemen the commissioner of the NFL don’t listen to them Roger shut your mouth I appreciate thank you so much for joining us you’re our commissioner don’t worry about these bums out from us to you we’d like to give you a gift that we know you’re a big fan of ladies and gentlemen some peanut M&M for our commission this just why we’re on set yep you can take these with you you can take them home I might just I got a gift for you what oh you ready yeah I like that with the 2202 pick in the 2009 NFL Draft hell yeah the Indianapolis Colt select Pat mcae hter West Virginia yeah H yeah come on here baby good pick good I’ll pick him up thank you roaj I’m not going to pick you up cuz you got that back right I got it there’s your card baby that’s real that’s awesome I’ve been keeping that for what is it 15 years you had in your back pocket this whole time this is cool thank you for this so whenever we say that you have to answer to 31 billionaires how accurate is that 32 well you’re not counting Green Bay yeah okay cuz I doesn’t count big po there’s a Green Bay P yeah no no that was know actually think that way I actually think I answer to them I think I answer to the Media Partners I think I answer the players I think I answer the owners too the idea for me is to try to keep everyone happy I always say that my biggest job is not to piss off more than 24 owners in a given deck how did you know the draft would be awesome if you traveled it and did you see this happening I’d be kidding you if I thought it was going to be as big as it is we felt like we could be bigger than we were in Radio City but what happened is Radio City actually put a holiday show in and said you can’t have the draft until June wow and that’s we out here k out that’s when we went on the road well Taylor Swift we know that’s a different kind of influence how about Hey listen a lot of jokes tlor yeah you can’t you can’t you can’t yeah you’re going to be a part of an Al do it get get get a little louder she is going to cook you a lot of the internet was saying Roger gell is sitting at home through the moon about this well they thought it was part of the script yes to there it is there it is is there a thought of adding another one maybe adding another bye-week or we good at 17 right now well I I think we’re good at 17 now but listen we’re looking at how we continue I’m not a fan of the preseason I I don’t think we need waste of time right and energy I just I don’t buy it and I don’t think these guys like it either well they have a full spend full price for the tickets for those games no they’re actually discounted now so thank you for doing I’d rather replace a preseason game with a regular season any day that’s just picking quality right if we got to 18 and two that’s not an unreasonable thing the other thing it does which I thought you were going to is that ends up on President’s Day weekend which is a 3-day weekend which makes a Sunday night and then you have Monday off so that’s wow now now we’re now we’re cooking now we’re can you talk to the president about having the Monday after super off too the following program is a collection of students talking about happening in the sports world it is meant to be comedic informative the opinions expressed on this show do not necessarily reflect the beliefs of their peers their boss or ESPN there may be some cuss words because that out hubans is the real world talk if you are a young please seek permission before watching any further hey what let’s go this show stinks and the fact that you listen we are very very thankful for the all-time leading tackler for the Green Bay Packers you P up up damn it be a friend tell something nice could change their life SP Sport sport sport sport sport hello beautiful people and welcome back to our humble abot the Thunderdome on this Sports Tuesday May 7th 2024 hour to the program starts now sports are what we get to talk about every single day and we’re lucky to do it I don’t do it alone obviously I have the greatest group of dudes around me every single Monday through Friday except for whenever we decide to take time off which is very rare but certainly coming up just little quick little announc you know we’re getting bar here once these NBA playoffs oh baby now we still got months we still got we we still got time we got a month but we’re yep we’re already we got TST coming okay we got TST coming down in car North Carolina think there’s going to be a couple potential Fridays off Thursdays off we don’t like to do that though because we’re so incredibly lucky that people ride alongside of their days with us the dumbest group of people that have ever been assembled around microphones that people listen to the talkit table is here at Boston Connor at Tai Schmidt and aave straw company has already reached out to us about saving those Turtles right there on maybe racist Turtles right there on your chest these are not racist ones I can confirm that we I confirmed after uh during the break and I said hey are you guys racist Turtles we on the street not racist sea turtles so that’s good news and the Agave straws we just need to spread the word about that so no one ever has to put that floppy flaccid gross plastic not plastic excuse me paper straw in your mouth you just tell the Agave people like hey we appreciate it uh we like plastic straws though I like metal straws metal that works to I hate metal yeah but it’s hard TR what do you travel with that exactly I have I have a special pocket I got knitted into all my pants somebody just gave me a little thing that I could probably put a metal straw in shout out to Bruce maybe there’s people that travel with STW have a foldable one yeah yeah snap it in snap it out kind of like a like a laser pointer like one of those pointers that P stick exact P stick screww it in like pck that’s one half of the hammer Cowboys tone digs real uh real carer of nature yes you know I think that is that’s what we’re learning right there uh nine-year NFL vet big brain Dar State Butler’s hereb uh joining us now from Manakin Ohio ladies and gentlemen college football national champion Super Bowl champion Rider Cup winner current president of Ohio AJ hog Hawker how you doing first hour we talked to Austin Rivers who is uh sleeveless talking about basketball talking about the Pacers game getting screwed in the future and then obviously we had a chance to chat with Albert Breer about a lot of NFL stuff anything that you got to catch up on that you heard that caught your eye from the program the start of the day well first thing I’d like to apologize I had no idea Turtles were that racist I saw the video it’s proven it’s a fact now I look at every Turtle much much differently now so I apologize it took me 40 years to figure it out I don’t think it’s every Turtle yeah May 7th 2024 we just found out that there is a portion of turtles that are seemingly racist [ __ ] it’s not us it’s film mhm me here it is I mean I mean aggressively racist too and then look it’s not just white it’s like the whitest Air Force once yeah oh not even no I got no problems with that it’s just like the cap I was wearing earlier actually trying to attack the shadow what if they did have full hoods yep these Turtles got little hoods capes bird in the outline of turtles grass all over the place that’s what we know and you should there’s that one turtle that learned how to hold a a son right walking in front of slowest slowest it’s like planet of the AG slowest protest of all time these Turtles just lasted forever forever it’s still happening God they’re still walking uhhuh I think I saw them at Harvard actually it’s crazy you never tell the story about the oh Jesus you never see you never hear the story about the tortoise and the hair you know they never follow up on you know what color was the hair no right you know you don’t really do a what what color was the bunny in this entire thing because we don’t even know if he’ll get off a start line you know depending upon yeah because the ATT that could happen broken legs we learned that today certainly not excusing the behavior but uh turtles I mean some of them have lived to be over 100 years old so they grew up at a different time you they need a little education Point our society has evolved yeah if you were born when the Emancipation Proclamation got signed there probably is a a chance you have some different I I do love whenever you read a headline 85y old man says something no [ __ ] uhhuh he’s been saying that for literally eight decades long time long time [ __ ] everybody that’s I was qu I was to a journal yeah that’s on me let’s talk a little bit about sports here um AJ did you did you know you didn’t I’m assuming because you were in the league and you follow football every day of your life and you know love the sport yeah Darius and I had a fool on when did this happen and we don’t what’s that called Whenever You Remember something a little bit different Mandela effect the Mandela effect so I I don’t know if that’s what’s happening with us right now but like the OTAs okay that was just off Seas OTAs had different phases and then there was mandatory mini camp at the end of OTAs right is that how you remember this yes it’s not it they’re not now they’re not in OTAs right now no is this are are they already a mandatory mini camp nope no no no they’re at offseason SE conditioning program phase two right now they’re in the ocp phase 2 as opposed to the OTA because I was saying to the boys hey let’s get some video Roundup from OTAs and then they obviously look on Internet they go OTAs haven’t started until May 20th like I saw Aaron Rogers throwing a football at the Jets facility they’re like well maybe that was rookie mini camp I’m like vets aren’t allowed at rookie mini camp it’s actually it’s OTAs and then when rookie mini camp happens you have a break actually and then you’re back to OTAs and then that goes all the way through mandatory mini camp and then he got summer then you got training it’s like no now we have the offseason conditioning program phase two that’s happening around the NFL OTAs aren’t until later in the month and then it gets into mandatory mini camp so I heard Matt kanty of the Indianapolis Colts is the one that created all these phrasing and I like say I’m done with it this is OTAs they’re in the middle of OTAs right now yeah well The Phases those became a thing after the CBA if you remember like phase one you couldn’t touch a football all that weird stuff but it was just OTA phase one phase two coming three mini camp whatever it may be so why the name what they just they get bored what happened Bingo Matt KY I think it was Matthew KY of the Indianapolis col guy he was the one that caught hell for me earlier but they’re wearing helmets when you’re wearing helmets on the field that is an OTA to me well an OTA is just offseason it’s an organiz the first day the first day you show up for offseason program that is OTA yep the volunteer all the volunteer Dove reported on Eagles lifting weights you know so that was obviously a little change so with that being said let’s go offseason conditioning program phase two round up okay let’s see some videos that have hit the internet Joe Burrows back doing it obviously yesterday we saw him just warming up the the tan is fantastic spent the weekend down at the G1 race down in Miami has a little wobble but he threw a lot of touchdowns that were wobbly last year as well he said his wrist injury is something to notd a lot of what Joy B is all the way back throwing darts he said there’s good days with his wrist there’s bad days with his wrist there is a couple uh you know plays that are being leaked by people that aren’t within the Cincinnati Bengals organization or social media where maybe Joey burrow misses a little low and outside but that’s going to happen that’s what practice is for that’s what practice is for yeah so any video you see of Joe is going to get talked about but OT sorry offseason conditioning program phase two is going well in Cincinnati seemingly for Joey burrow back from an injury AJ yeah so he had uh risk surgery did he say what it was exactly he they had to do we just saw a post that um Joey burrow told the media that he has never seen another quarterback with the wrist injury that he had linebackers I think offensive lineman yeah Albert Brier actually reported it Joe burough said he couldn’t find another quarterback who had the wrist injury that he did he talked with offensive and defensive linemen and linebackers that had it but emphasized that those guys don’t necessarily need the mobility in the rist that he does he also said the r has good days and bad days just like his knee did he’ll be smart about it but he’s out there doing behind the back back passes and everything I feel like he is in a good spot yeah I don’t know okay I’m very concerned I I may just Scar from the the Andrew Luck era uh here in Indie but whenever you get one of those injuries that aren’t like hey it’s eight it’s 12 weeks it’s this it’s that um no not even his shoulder the calf remember the calf that was just lingering for a long time so for him to still have good days and bad days coming into what is it called now offseason conditioning program phase two yeah coming into this point in the season you want you know everybody but obviously you’re franchise quarterback to be you know even you know Aaron Rogers coming in hey no limitations that’s kind of what you want coming to this point of the year and obviously he’s been banged up you know in college and then early on in his career so hopefully you know it’s it’s all all go ahead but uh this is concerning for me well in the injury in the and thank you for that but the and I can see how you would feel that way the injury being a physical one kind of goes back to how Joey burrow plays you know like he takes massive shot like stop taking as many he’s been miked up as saying I don’t need to take as many but for this injury to be a dline offensive line linebacker injury it’s like okay so something happened to him that he’s not even able to get advice from other quarterbacks and being able to do this pretty big deal pretty big deal for a quarterback it’s like when Andrew I thought you were leading to when he had a shoulder he had a shoulder injury he came back yeah that took yeah that the balls he was cleared to play but the balls were lollipop I mean it was me and Vinnie were watching the training camp like that’s not that’s not an NFL quarterback that’s not Andrew Luck seems like there’s a little juice though on Joey’s ball I I don’t think it’s the torque it’s more so the how long though Pat did you hear he said he when he feels good he will he’ll throw the days that he does feel good but is that just for offseason program or does that count training camp like how long do you think he’ll have have these days on and off I don’t know we have months until it actually matters so we have to remember that but I assume all this is a great step in the process and you might be worried cuz what if it does linger what if it does just continue to linger and uh which is what debut is kind of alluding to it’s good that you know it’s not it doesn’t look you know heavily taped and things like that we all had teammates who played their entire careers with bulky ass RIS brace and they couldn’t bend or move or you know one all their fingers taped up but when you’re playing dline o line you can get away with that obviously as a quarterback it’s not only just throwing but taking hits you know breaking your fall like all these different things that he has to do so uh you know hopefully you know he’s one of the best quarterbacks in the league so hopefully top gu too yeah and I think the the cause for the concern if you are a Bengals fan or just a fan in the NFL is like if if this hasn’t been an injury that a quarterback’s had before like he said last year like you know it was it was hurting him going into the game that he injured it on but like this I don’t think this is the type of thing like when that goes like it’s not like oh he’ll be back in four to six weeks or whatever like I think if if he has another issue with it like that’s a that’s a season ending injury all valid points Joey be’s back in my eyes and his hair looks amazing I’m excited for the Bengals to be back to who the Bengals are Tyler Boyd actually uh just signed with the Titans speaking of the Bengals there is a nice little Weaponry around will Levis down there in Tennessee you SE seemingly had a plan this whole time which is wild I didn’t know that was the case another offseason conditioning program phase two Roundup here before we’re joined by an absolute Legend Anthony Richardson quarterback that was heard last year for the Indianapolis Colts he’s back spinning it looks bigger stronger faster than ever looks big this guy’s a horse okay we’re watching Kentucky Derby is he’s a horse he’s an actual cult maybe even a Bronco at this point and he’s throwing darts to a farmer this guy’s an actual farmer he was on uh Z Franklin in EJ speed’s podcast from his barn sitting on Hay Michael Pitman Jr and obviously we had ad Mitchell to the crew we got Don and you know this this is a year now for Anthony Richardson we’re all excited to watch him play and that’s the offseason conditioning program phase two Roundup yeah we’ll do it later in the show whenever we have some time because guess what Philadelphia’s getting after it they learned how to do squats and stuff climan said wait till 31 other teams do that and the place want bananas there’s also some footage of uh Aaron Rogers back at the Jets facility you know he was at the Derby all weekend with this uh inveterate yes inveterate Gambler uh AJ Hawk uh all weekend in Kentucky goes back to New York New Jersey so we’ll continue to keep everybody updated with what’s going on the offseason conditioning program phase two when did that start I hate it I absolutely no sense well so that they can divvy it up even more during a new CBA negotiations the more [ __ ] you can negotiate the more leverage you have and I assume both parties are happy with it but it sounds dumb saying it whenever we got to talk about it joining us now is a man who’s never sounded dumb saying anything he’s been with the ESPN for 31 years if my math is accurate high in 1993 has been covering hockey for ESPN for a long time was the only person in the ESPN’s hockey coverage to pick the Bruins to beat the Panthers in this particular series he looks like a genius right now after game one goes 5-1 to the Bost ladies and gentlemen Steve [Music] ly hey great shirt obviously rest in peace to the legend Steve now let’s talk about you thinking the Boston Bruins are going to be able to beat the Panthers and being the only one in the entire ESPN NHL roster to think that’s the case for us obviously we grew up watching hockey we know game seven into a a game one is a little bit easier than people think it is and then having a week off going into a game one a lot harder than people think it is do you think that was indicative of the game last night and or do you think this is how the entire series goes Steve absolutely a factor and along those same lines watch out for Dallas tonight right Dallas is in the same spot off an emotional game seven Colorado’s been sitting around for a week after they took care of our Winnipeg Jets but thanks to you Pat the whole world knows where Winnipeg is right now y it’s right over and now they’re playing they’re playing golf but but we know where this the city is with the province yeah it’s right here Steve if this if this was Canada it would be right here real far Indiana down here yep it is a uh it would have been a real far trip quite a bummer we’ve gotten invited back to uh now to go up to the uh Oilers yeah Edmond oh which province is uh Alberta Alberta it’s right near where you’re pointing did we did we learn this I don’t know if I did I don’t think America cared at all I just want to let Canon a geography I was a geography bow champ 8th grade what geography bow Champion I won the geography Bowl I I knew [ __ ] that other people didn’t our valid dictorian and I final two I win second largest Coral Reef in the world bise final answer that’s the winner give me the cup got presented a trophy yeah have no idea about these provinces how many are there Gump how many guys got up there Edmonton no provinces oh great question Jesus problem we we don’t got to go down this road again brother I’ve explained this a million times show me a show me a paint brush and a sprayer brother I don’t know a damn thing about provinces Vancouver’s British Columbia Emon Alberta seven there’s there’s territories as well though yeah the north Yukon territories Northwest Territory how did they not just join us you think in 1776 Steve I don’t know how it happened but I am hey K has got its own thing going on 25,000 to leave right now it could be 30 but the uh Alaska being right here is wild you know what I mean that’s a wild I mean what I’m learning I think is I I don’t know enough you that’s what that’s what I’m that’s what I’m like how did this all happen we have no idea we have no clue no none but to your point growing up in school not not even a you’re not wasting a breath on teaching kids about Canada the US what’s that all about well just who cares that’s kind of what it’s all about I think that’s the way the teachers felt as well no hockey great hockey’s awesome lacrosse great Canadians we know awesome Bobby Roode I get a chance to see him every Monday the Glorious Bobby Roode Legend thron a maple Le fan dead loser see you later but do you think Bobby Roode knows what the capital of Arkansas is I’m sure he’d be able to figure it out yeah I think they’re much more than us when it comes to that type of stuff well that’s also cuz they live right right on our border yeah probably it okay that’s what’s Canada is known for we’re not getting into this Steve Le is joining us yeah you’re right you’re right Steve we’re so sorry it’s kind of your fault no it’s actually my fault I I took a s you as Boston Florida I went Winnipeg for some reason it’s my fault yeah well our Winnipeg prediction uh did get dunked on on the internet pretty quickly you that happened but hey that white out we’ll always have it we’ll always have that moment whenever Winnipeg was flying around game one against the ABS but let’s talk Florida uh uh Boston here the game one rust for Florida we think was the big deal and 5-1 and Swan standing on his damn head uh how long does that normally last is this throughout the entire playoffs now are Boston Lifting lordo for sure seemingly after game one against Florida listen they’re very much in this series and you know I picked him to win I picked Boston in seven I didn’t think I would be alone I thought I’d be in the minority but a lot of people had had Florida in five certainly in six Panthers were a much better team in the regular season Florida’s great I mean they’ve got everything but there is something about the hot goalie and I was think and Swan is the guy and it’s like not even close he’s not even close to giving up a goal and and Florida’s buzzing around the cage last night he just looks so confident you see him after the whistle guys he’s smiling he’s like joking with the officials on the ice and the only comparison to the hot goalie in the Stanley Cup playoffs I think is is the starting pitcher in baseball it’s it’s not really about quarterback right because quarterbacks don’t get hot like if you’re the greatest quarterback if you’re Patrick Mahomes you’re always hot you know what I mean you might have an off series but that’s it so you don’t really get hot and cold I don’t think as a great starting NFL quarterback you’re always great in hockey it’s totally different man and it’s like the starting pitcher and if you get a guy standing on his head like swan has done uh it’s it’s really a remarkable thing to watch and at some point you start to get in the heads of the opponent now I’m not sure we’re they yet and and listen no we’ve seen another series Boston could win game two and still lose the series who right we saw Dallas lose the first two games at home and come back to win the series so home ice is completely overrated in the NHL it is virtually a coin flip except maybe you get to a seventh game uh but Swan right now is the key factor I’ll give you something else look who scored for the Bruins tonight Lori Carlo brazzo you know not exactly household names nobody’s going to win any Norris trophies not coming up this year or next year and so the secondary scoring man that’s a really big thing in the NHL and the Stanley Cup playoffs they’re all going top shelf on Bob too seemingly that was a conversation piece I remember who was uh our goalie for the pens that just couldn’t Matt Murray couldn’t use the glove yeah Matty Murray just couldn’t use the glove and it was like here we go everybody on the ice and in the arena seemingly knows if you shoot to this quadrant of the net it’s going in last night Boston had clear strategy there going top yeah there’s look there’s a book right there’s a book on every goalie and I’m not sure that’s a bob thing yeah Bob’s a stud that’s what I’m saying I didn’t I didn’t expect that from last night when I was watching the highlights and then got to watch the game it’s like Bob’s a stud so just like them clearly being like this is where we need to go when they were doing that to Matt Murray it was a different story Bob I didn’t expect it is this his thing I I I don’t think I’ve watched enough of him play I I don’t think think so I don’t think it’s a book thing but he was like jumping up in the air a little bit I saw that a bunch sort of the shrug of the shoulders up in the air to make saves up high and uh that caught my attention too well stepen we’re we’re not professional hockey players but you know you get Carlo Fresh Out of Heaven a baby and he gets toldy you want to score one for a new Bambino go ahead and go pop bins on this and that was just game one wait till game two when he slides it home right below Bob because Bob’s going to be he’s going to be jumping like this for the rest of the series Deb saying that they’re in Bob’s head already you know I know the score was ugly but I actually think this game was a lot closer than it was we were buzzing around that net now can s can swen keep this up the rest of the series listen I I think he can you know Boston’s played this alternating goalie thing didn’t work out the postseason last year and they’ve gotten away from from alternating now uh Lena somark has parked on the bench and they have a great relationship and I think he’s okay with it for now you’ll still probably need him at some point uh but Rayman looks like the difference right now and um again like I said he’s not even close to giving up a goal I know he gave up one last night but the flurries Around the Net he seems quiet which is you know not a lot of crazy moment movements right that’s a quiet goalie and uh the smiles his reaction uh but there were so many scrambles in the blue last night I was really impressed and and not to be lost I thought this was really interesting last night Jim montgom used you know hockey get one time out Montgomery took his time out with 14 minutes left and up by two that never happens in hockey you wait for the last minute rest up your key guys down a goal up a goal and he could see that Florida was all over the Bruins to start the third period even those 30 seconds man that calmed everything down I thought it was a critical move good little strategy there con man yeah and right after brazer slid it home that’s when that third goal came when he you know a little right to or fourth goal excuse me to kind of put it away and that was right after that time hey that’s good timeout coach fantas good strategy here that’s good strategy there go ahead AJ Steve uh you mentioned Dallas earlier now I know Colorado comes to town and Nathan McKinnon and the boys trying to uh try to take this series how do you see this one going and who do you think has the the goalie like who do you think has the edge when it comes to goalie play in this one I think it’s probably a big Edge for Dallas and goal everybody loves Jay you know we spent some time talking about you know the hot goalie and AER was brilliant all season and you know I think was still waiting for gorv he had you know gave up a lot of goals in that in that first round but they scored a lot of goals right he had a lot of offensive or run support a goal support if you will so I think this is a much lower scoring series I really like Dallas Colorado obviously can fly but again that same scenario coming off the game seven so I would think early Advantage Dallas especially at home to start they were the best team in the west Dallas is going to win 2-1 32 I think think but this has the makings to me to be the best series of the second round okay best series of the second round congrats Texas hockey huh yeah let’s go good Hockey Club good Hockey Club it’s loud Barn down there I mean gave up the first two of the Vegas golden knights but loud Barn down there can certainly do some damage especially against the Avalanche Who coming off a tough tough place up there in Winnipeg we should see how it goes there’s another obviously massive Mass uh matchup in the East tone has a question for you big one tonight yeah Steve huge one tonight obviously the Rangers had a huge win on Sunday led by zabad uh two goals and assist I believe um was that surprising um them getting the first game like that in a in a higher scoring game I thought uh in that series and what do you think the rest of the series gonna be like I I think actually by the numbers for those people who were into such things I think Carolina was favored to win the series might a favorite to win that first game and I I didn’t really understand that so uh I expect this also to be a longer series I did pick Rangers in five I think the Rangers are the superior team I think they have a big Edge and goal Freddy Anderson was great in the first round uh but I think shurin is a clearcut better goalie here in the second round I was surprised by how the Rangers were able to jump on him that first period was nuts you mentioned zabana Jad probably should have had a hattrick in the first period Alone by the way it was sort of weird what happened at the end of the first period I’m sitting next to Mark Messier and he said watch for the adrenaline dump and I’m like whoa a mess what are we talking about we’re on ABC I’m not sure you can say that and then my buddy reminded me that’s something he gets like after he has his first coffee in the morning I’m like whoa whoa where we going here oh I got you you’re talking about you’re talking about come the point mess was making is from the energy of the crowd come off a big first series win you have a good first five minutes and then that energy adrenaline can fade on you a little bit and that’s when Carolina started sing back in the bird to late yeah after the dump you need a smoke that’s what you know what I’m saying what am I GNA tell mess am I gonna say something to Mark Messier really come on now you should bodyman of the seems like you guys got a good crew Good Vibes right it does feel like that all season thank you very much we love PK I know he’s a big friend of your program as well and uh do so PK let’s talk about it uh yeah let’s six massages a week retired athlete did you know that he takes an Epsom salt bath every single day 90 minutes every day that gets a massage every six out of the seven days of the week I don’t even know how it’s even possible how do you have enough time list he’s got some quirks I mean I don’t know if you sometimes he gets caught he has this giant picture on the set it’s the biggest picture I’ve ever seen and he’s drinking from it constantly and frankly we don’t know what’s in it but it’s massive that’s tb12 Steve that’s that’s the tb12 stuff he’s got going on there it feels like is he going to be able to do that for the rest of his life could you imagine getting that’d be that’d be tasking to get massages six days a week that’s a lot that’s a lot of time SP like he eats he eats four meals like every game so if we have a double header that’s like eight meals he’s got a personal chef like me and mes just stare at it we don’t watch the game most of the par we’re just staring at PK eating and drinking and then the PK special this is beautiful is like with a minute left on the clock we only do the eight minutes of the intermission right with a minute left on the game clock in the period PK’s is this a good time for me to go to the little boy’s room like no this is the only time you can’t go but he’s drinking out of this massive thermos yes and oh he PK is entertaining to watch just like the hockey game he’s he’s a beauty that guy PK is an absolute Beauty he’s been fantastic on our show he has cologne in his necklace you know just so he can he can I mean all these stories we starting to say about this guy is as he like Chuck Norris it’s a real deal this guy is a real deal hey PK way you go pal hey Steve first time he was on the show first time he was on the show one of his first answers was like I got to give me a lot of credit too like that that was literally how he started I’m like I love I love this guy uh a trend of what you’re were saying in every answer about every series seemingly was the goalie and that is it’s like in the NFL playoffs it’s like how’s your run game and how how can you stop the run when the games matter you’re going to have to be able to move the ball on the ground and you’re going to have to be able to stop the run like that’s going to have to happen in hocke it’s like your goalie is going to have to be great it it’s it’s the most important thing of it all you’re talking about Florida buzzing around obviously 40 seconds in that’s a massive save the reason why they’re considering that a massive save is because that should have been a goal and that’s one nothing 40 seconds in that’s a whole different that’s a whole different ball game all of a sudden but instead swayan with Incredible explosion flexibility eyes instincts everything gets a huge save the whole game’s flipped the other way now with momentum because there’s probably a swam and chant happening immediately upon that save taking place it’s like the goalie is the big one right I mean this is in hockey the goalie is the big one especially when it matters that’s it I mean the cliche in the playoffs has always been special teams and goal tending but goal tending is by far the biggest one I mean it helps to have a great power play and you’re right so listen that Florida CL crowd they’re full the Barn’s full but they can be a little sleepy down there the FKS the folks out in Florida 8m start and uh if they go to goal there early then the barn takes over right The Crowd Goes Bananas and I will say this Florida did a really good job they kept they kept Bruins fans out of there not a ton of black the original six would have been in there especially with how many like Irish and Italian moved to Florida the Panthers the Panthers do that [ __ ] [ __ ] where they don’t sell them to Boston fans Not bit appreciate yeah no hey it’s good that’s good gamesmanship but at the end of the day when you’re beating the piss out of a team 51 it doesn’t matter if there’s no one in there if if it’s full of people cuz San’s locked in so oh my I didn’t know that I should have noticed that there was nobody in that bar at the end of the game nobody yeah regular season games though that’s that crowd could be 5050 Rangers come in Toronto comes in in the playoffs bwag I talked to some people at the game last night very little black and gold and uh again that saving the could have been the difference yeah wow so bandwagon fans is what Steve is saying no don’t give a [ __ ] he’s not saying yeah bandwagon that’s not what stti from the ground that’s what it sounds like Yeah The Grand Prix came the G1 yeah yeah they care more about that stupid sport that no one watches than they do most watched actually most watched most watched G1 yep F1 most watch cool three something million get Steve did you see that race did you watch the G1 no man I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t see that I Was preparing for the hockey yeah yeah cuz CU that’s what doesn’t suck Steve that’s why Steve you’ve been in ESPN 31 years g1’s on ESPN don’t you think you should at least be w we had boots on the ground Steve our show our show had boots on the ground the truth is we had we came on with the Ranger game Ranger Carolina game one that was that weird 4:00 start on Sunday it was immediately following the race so I was in heavy heavy preparation studying M PK of course yeah we we appreciate that dedication C we appreciate that dedication to the craft and uh thank you so much for joining us man I uh it’s been a fun NHL playoff run for us because obviously we’ve talked about hockey in the past but we couldn’t play or any of the video and we had no connections with anybody in the NHL cuz how guarded the NHL has been for a long time I think like allowing people to talk so this year we’ve gotten a chance to chat with a bunch of people we’ve been able to run stuff you guys have St like we’re very lucky and thankful so we appreciate the hell out of you great coverage all playoffs can’t wait to watch you finish thank you hey and the league loves you Pat now really I’ve talked to people at the league the league loves you they love the show they love what you’re doing they see kachuck on the show like they’re seeing players too and uh they’re very happy you’re on board with the with the puck as they say well we love being on board with the puck and uh swayman comes on show yesterday and then stands on yeah well kachuck also he he came on last week what did kachuck do yeah yeah you’re right hey so we might be a little bit of had the opening goal cuz we’ve been accused of other things you know some guests that have come on what I haven’t heard like what we would just we’d have somebody on show and then like they would not make a shot in the NBA for like four months yeah Tyree salber you know so like then all of a sudden we’re the curse you know all of a were the reason why so when San does what he does after a 7 minute and 53 second interview yesterday big for the program that’s big big for the program Steve we got to keep it going we appreciate you ladies and gentlemen Steve Ley Steve he does incredible stuff oh yeah yeah crushes same seemingly same personality all the time 31 years on he that’s a long time be on TV long time anywhere especially he covers like he can do everything I feel like there’s nothing you could throw him in where he’d be like SW like he wouldn’t figure it out I think while room M grow that’s right oh yeah legit yeah you’re right hey they’re do they are do that’s the thing you know you can just act like things don’t exist or you could be like hey here’s a good opportunity you know lot of opportunity to grow we’ve been we’ve been kind of we got the score of a game real quick now it’s time to fight back second half team whatever the case make some adjust maybe first quarter because you’re just getting started I mean there’s a lot of that lot of room to grow cool exactly trade deadline hasn’t hit yet you can make some moves you know and if if anything now is the time to get in yeah because there’s a big one big season how many days away from NFL football I believe we’re 119 days away from NFL football well let me get You Zed up a little bit let’s go to an offseason conditioning program phase two from Kansas City there’s a dude that ran the fastest 40 in the history of the NFL combine what team did he end up on oh the Kansas City Chiefs of course he did and guess what yeah he can run routes okay that’s itz corners on Heels right because this guy just ran 421 got to respect the speed so you either got to jam him right or if he gets a free release right there you’re backpedal and he’s G that’s free that’s why he he should have that route you know from day one he steps he will always have have that ra he’s going to be open on that one for sure and if you do press him you better have um some safety help top yeah it’s impossible it’s and you know these are just little clips that obviously in may we got to get Zed up about because we don’t have actual football but you see that and you’re like okay now think about what Andy Reid’s going to do with him emotion and then obviously got Travis Kelce right over here who’s best player on field and some people Patrick Mahomes able to handle literally all of it it’s like Hollywood Brown on the other side Hollywood is I mean yeah D yeah so that’s what these offseason conditioning program phase two videos have us do he like how the hell do you stop that that that is literally a a question it feels like that one’s a gimme if they need it for third and four you got Xavier worthy right on the sideline because Patrick Mahomes is not going to be late and uh he’s able to make that throw every single time if they can protect him which yeah yeah they’ll be able or unless he’s sick or it’s windy different team chance different team different team last year you know that windy day that was that was the reason why a lot of people were dropping balls it wasn’t exactly because Patrick Mahomes was missing people remember the when he was sick though Real Deal a lot of people say the Raiders have their number though well the Raiders took the tractor another round they remember a few years back gu that was yeah that other guy he’s an emailer the email Guy yeah God won so many games as a coach so many games got AO where’s he at in his whole process I think he’s coaching in uh Italy yeah he is part of is it the Milan argonut or something like that think he’s coaching SE the Sean they are got football over in Italy right now football over there yeah of course Global expansion Roger gadell what do you think this is why do you think NFL Europe’s not here anymore I didn’t know they were playing yeah rest in peace NFL Europe had a hell of a run you know more people watching that than UFL no that’s still going on I saw the rating today it was good rating thought I saw a million yeah that’s what I saw yeah everyone’s got good ratings you tell me a million people watching UFL games might have been all the games up until this point but I definitely saw I didn’t read the whole graphic but I saw 1 million okay okay okay I like that that’s good to hear cuz we had a conversation this morning AJ and I’m like I have not heard ever Jake Bates that’s it the kicker for the Michigan Panthers he is the star I’ll watch I’ll watch him do his thing hits a gamewinner uh uh at the end of the game hits another 60 yard has like three 60 yarders this season the dude’s a weapon these things are right down the pipe too and whenever you get back that far sometimes kickers have like okay I got to hit this a little harder so you pull it he’s hit so many of them out at this point where this just walking a park for this guy incredibly strong leg seemly steps up in a big moments hit the game winner for him the other day now there was 14 people in the crowd and it’s UFL so it hasn’t really been defined as what it potentially means 10 15 years from now when the UFL then the cup the great cup the great cup you know that comes from the UFL is Meaningful but like he’s going to have an NFL job which I think is what the ufl’s goal is as a chance to become a feeder and more football and everything so I’m happy to hear that a million people were watching if that’s the case I was worried nobody was watching because I don’t think anybody I’ve talked to has watched yet other than a couple Clips like Brad Wayne doing his thing Jake Bates doing his thing and then maybe the crowd in St Louis but million people watching it’s good news AJ for the sport of football and for the future of football yeah so I would assume that that he will be in a camp with somebody this you know come end of July and I think probably we know Scouts there’s definitely each team has scouts watching these games watching probably film with their practices but it’s probably the most beneficial for kickers and punters because it doesn’t really matter who you’re going up against as a kicker and punter if you can kick and punt you can kick where you’re fine could be big for specialist yeah it’s you and the ball you know and now with the new kickoffs too like I’ve see people poting on videos um like showcasing how strong their leg is for kickoffs and it’s like hey bud that’s not yeah it doesn’t work like that anymore like it sucks I I’m not happy to tell you this but it’s like like I don’t think that’s necessarily like what people are going to be looking for now it’s just all about being able to land it at the one yard line is all your landed at the one yard line is seemingly going to be the skill you know you’re going to have to be able to hit like an eight iron that’s right that you’re going to have to be able to hit the best eight iron and put that driver go ahead and just at the end of some games you might you’re going to need it just say ah the hell with it we’ll give him the ball whatever the 25 or the 30 whatever it’s going to be and we will move along but it’s like uh it’s a whole new whole new ball game but for kickers and punters it’s just them in the ball if you can turn one over in the UFL you’ll probably be able to turn one over in the NFL and for field goal it’s like if you can kick field goals you can kick field goals if the operation’s good it’s very similar to being judged and it doesn’t even matter about hangtime right because they can go when the guy catches it so he’s got to put it at the one doesn’t matter if you hang it for 5 seconds or it’s a line drive to the one you can get that thing left footed yep and just have it like knuckle yeah knuckle might be that’s the move as long as it how are they going to do it everyone will be different but how are they going to attack that you think I don’t know cuz hang time does not matter no like each guy would be different though right whoever’s comfortable some people more comfortable blooping it some people more comfortable kind of like hitting a little liner just to get into the landing Zone yeah and I assume if you get a lead by two scores it’s just going to be a who cares who cares anyways they just going to be blasting it out but there’s going to come time where like that bloop kick is going to be very beneficial I was not great at it never had to be like college I hit a couple of them uh to the right but it was like to like the 1520 as opposed to like the 5-1 I wasn’t good at like hey we need like 77% I’m like ah I hate to break to you this one’s going to have to go this one’s either going to be an onside kick or this thing’s going out of there these guys are talented they’ll be able to adjust but the game is changing Andy Reid very excited about the new rules said coach to went in and started finding an edge on it like everybody’s going to do Xavier worthy another guy that’s good news for the new kickoff return especially if there’s going to be500 more plays potentially of explosivity now I don’t know if it’s 1500 plays and this is kind of a late booking so I didn’t get all of the information but there’s a man joining us who has played professional basketball for 17 years it’s a long time he currently playing currently playing oldest bastard starting in the playoffs still right now this guy went to high school here in Indianapolis went to college at Ohio State was the fourth overall pick played for the Grizzlies what for about 13 years the Jazz for about four years and now he’s on the Wolves for the last two season ladies and gentlemen Mike Conley Jr up y’all hey you’re old as [ __ ] dude old as [ __ ] how’s it feel body feel good life feel good this has to be uh very fulfilling to be the oldest guy still playing and starting in the NBA right now in the playoffs uh it does it does it definitely uh the body does take a take a hit here and there but um you know as you as you get older you learn how to deal with it and luckily I’m around a bunch of young guys they keep me young and uh keep me moving good okay so let’s talk about that team and obviously Indianapolis incredibly proud of you man hell yeah City loves you City loves you uh back here as does everywhere you’ve been I saw in Utah some stuff that you did with the community and then obviously same thing so like incredibly human thank you for joining us happy you’re still around let’s talk about what’s currently happening with the Nuggets what the hell so I thought okay Malone Joker Jamal championship guys in the playoffs very used to this they were going to figure out whatever your guys’ [ __ ] was that obviously put the Phoenix Suns into a blender into a potential boom in the middle of a desert of a team but it’s like two last night 26o margin of victory over the reigning Champs what is it about this team with how long you’ve been in the league that makes you feel good about where the Timberwolves are headed where you guys are at this exact moment Mike man uh it starts it starts at the top you know you look at ant you look at cat U look at Rudy Go Barrett our coaching staff uh Tim Conley our GM the culture that was built here is is is all about winning it’s about doing it right now it’s about doing it the right way um there’s no cutting Corners you know guys go out there and they they put their hard hat on and and and take pride in defense and um that’s not just one or two guys it’s all 15 you know who who jump in there and when you have that kind of atmosphere man you can do a lot of good things go ahead AJ Mike watching you guys play defense is fun like it watching you guys hustle and just harass everybody it’s crazy to see is that more of a like playing defense in the NBA is it more of a scheme thing or is it just pure effort and and you guys hey we want it more than them uh a lot of it is you just got to want it more you know you got to have that desire to do it you got to take pride in it I mean our guys you know we don’t want to be scored on one-on-one let alone just you know as a team but um you know our schemes have been really good we’re able to do that because we have guys like Rudy Gober you know Nas Reed jayen McDaniels nil Alexander an like everybody’s chipping in on that aspect of the game um but guys just want want it more right now and uh that’s spectacular to see guys really really take take pride in it yeah it potentially made a guy throw a heating paddle on a court last night it potentially your defense potentially did that you know that is uh that’s not easy to do in 2024 in professional sports get somebody to throw something onto a court crazy that’s in the game that’s not easy to I’ve never seen that I’ve never seen that I didn’t I didn’t know what happened actually until it was you know later in the the day but that was crazy yeah and a tow I think the first thing was a tow I do believe that ref was the target I I don’t think the court was necessarily the end goal the tow goes not enough density can’t make it to the ref from where I’m sitting okay so we got to get something a little heavier looked around probably what do we got it’s not too heavy but can I can get ends up missing if that takes out a ref though that’s a I have a whole different conversation and it’s yeah I was more worried about cat’s foot I was I was a little worried he didn’t step on it but could you imagine because they they moop those l so there’s no sliping that is uh I mean that’s a potential Pro we missed it catastrophe avoided thank God we move on you guys win by 26 before the boys have some questions for you Mike I want to talk about the guy that you sit next to at some of these press conferences and is obviously captivated the entire basketball world he was phenomenal in Hustle like just such a good actor he’s only 22 years old right now and now everybody wants to talk about who he’s compared to oh it’s Michael Jordan this guy might actually be the next Michael Jordan with his mindset he said let’s not do that because of everything what have you seen from him over the last two years I assume behind the scenes uh there’s been a lot of growth that has also taking place for him as a man that the NBA is potentially getting put right on his shoulders do you guys feel that in there and what are your conversations like with him yeah um you know he’s he’s transforming right in front of our eyes you know all of us I think he’s uh he’s a you know a guy that’s worked hard you know from from since I known him he’s been that kind of guy he’s been a guy that comes in early leaves late um really demands the most out of his teammates and competes every day and practice like all that stuff the mentality portion is is dead on um but I think he’s just taking an approach now where uh it’s about winning whatever it takes to win uh you know pping up his teammates you know knowing you know how to get guys going at different moments and games knowing when to take over um and it’s all happening you know in prime time for him and couldn’t happen to a better guy who truthfully loves the game he loves you know loves the people he’s around he’s he has an infectious kind of uh personality uh I think that the world is getting to know him a little bit now so hopefully uh he just continues to grow and uh and develop into best superstar we think he can be yeah and the NBA folks are like Yep this is the future this is the future he’s right now M it feels like he’s right he’s right now it feels like Mike yeah yeah no he’s he’s not waiting and that’s that’s what’s different about him is you know you expect guys like that to be like oh yeah I’ll be up next and you know I’ll take my you know a couple years of of learning and bump some bruises like he wants it right now he wants to be the best um he won’t tell you but he believes he’s the best you know in the world he’s very humble at the same time he gives respect to those in front of him and guys he looks up to uh which makes him you know that’s that much more special young Talent yeah I I I love the way he get he’s a dog yeah he’s just his dog absolutely yeah it’s 2024 you know you don’t know how many of those are left a Roman and uh seems like the NBA’s got one for at least the next 20 years with the way it looks like he competes and he’s taking care of his body Conor’s got a question for you Mike yeah Mike with being like the Elder Statesman in the locker room and you know you’re mentioning aunt and how he wants it now like what are some of the things that you do as that vet to kind of pass on knowledge to him and some of the younger guys and then also you know going back throughout your career obviously 17 years and still plenty of basketball left do you almost feel like a proud older brother when you see some of the other guys that you’ve been teammates with in the past do well like spider Mitchell winning a series for you know the Cavs the first time 50 years basically without LeBron that they’ve won a series is that something also you see in like hey sure my game itself speaks for you know who I am but you know the effect that I’ve had on other guys and how well they’re doing now is also something you hold high in your career oh yeah most definitely at this this point in my career um you know as far as it is you know being the older guy in the old as [ __ ] sorry sorry sorry old as yeah what you just said um but uh yeah no it’s it’s uh you know it’s a fun it’s a fun little journey for me you know being able to be the guy now that has to you know put guys in line but not Al Al only that but you know kind of set things in order of you know how important the moments are how to take care of your body you know things you can eat things not to do um because these young guys can get away with a lot but I want them to start you know fixing their body right now getting their mind right for you know as they get older and and the grind of the game gets a little bit tougher on them and and that’s what I’m here for and then as far as like you know spider and um you know you look at Joe Engles was on uh was on Orlando and I’m over here watching them both and and don’t know who to root for because they’re both you know ex- teammates and um you know calling them both and just checking in on them and in their serieses and um you know just fun to see them all you know being successful and uh being able to uh you know play at the highest level even though we’re not teammates we’re still checking in on each other so you knew that series was happening that’s great that’s what I just learned it was still going on we didn’t know until game seven that was all that on me that was 100% on us it was a great game though yeah Cavs were down 10 and a half big time then they end up winning by 10 first team ever do that how about how about being a team that just goes into the Champions house and just says yeah this is our house now without even blinking dominate them deot got a question for you Mike yeah usually uh at least from the outside looking in the mindset going on the road is like hey let’s still one get back home with at least one win in our in our back pocket but you guys went there got two now you’re going back home what’s that mindset going back to Minnesota is that hey we don’t want to get back on the flight like or do you think about just one game one play at a time yeah our mindset hasn’t changed no matter who we’ve played and what game has been it’s been a one game mentality uh each game has been the biggest game of the you know season for us and we’ve kept it at that um we feel like we can win anywhere uh anytime and we have so much respect for the nuggets and what they’re capable of doing and there you know Superstar power that they can come in and beat us on our home court so we’re definitely aware of that and going to be locked in for game three and um and and we’ll see what happens after that hey the the shirt you’re wearing Good Guys Finish First that’s your uh merch brand that’s a great motto that’s a good logo yeah man uh it’s uh we actually started a little minseries not too long ago earlier this early this series uh season where I was you know kind of showcasing some of my personality and sportsmanship and all that stuff that people think I’m think I’m good at um but now it’s just become a a motto become something I want to live by and then um you know point out those examples of good solid people throughout um you know our world hey that number one good guy mug that thing’s going to be moving number one good guy coffee mug what a uh yeah that’s hilarious and and why you hold that that number one good guy is going out too if you’re right that that’s I need you I need you to hold I need you to hold one one day that’s all I need I’ve just got into coffee I’m an Americano fan couple shots of espresso add some hot water I will I will dabble with a Splenda I will put a splend in there I’ve just got into it number one good guy onone way we appreciate you joining us good luck the rest of the way brother thank you appreciate you guys Lawrence North High School right here in Indianapolis what a legend now playing in his 50th year in the NBA ladies and gentlemen Mike Colley [Applause] j i i he’s Indianapolis Legend oh yeah leg stud golfer I think he’s scratch golfer too really Beast yeah he plays back in Ohio all the time he’s monster I assume there’s some good guys finished first golf stuff I I would assume CH another too if not good golf Guys Finish First boom jeez that’s right there starting a blunder come on let’s just are we there’s not golf come on isn’t he is he Lefty uh how is he golf he was in the Bahamas when we were down there but I do not remember what hand he is I tell you what my golf game has gotten worse boys what what do you mean no I don’t no I watched you out the other day and it looked pretty good to me did you see what what 40% of the shots though and every time one of those happens every time one of those happens I go to I think of myself walking in Taho into the woods for 250 yards you know who you are out there so tired and being so exhausted and then guess what punching out off a tree on back and now I got the opportunity to go back in the same damn woods but I’m going to work through it AJ we’re going to do the American Century Championship yes yeah just like we’re going to do a big time Wednesday tomorrow tomorrow we hope you’ll join us show stinks but sports are awesome so why not chat about it be a friend tell a friend something nice it might change their life just like dude wipes that’s right only one per flush but it will change your life but day on the go we’ll see you tomorrow goodbye feel like I got a that was good was good you’re like Adam Viner out there though okay you always say that he practiced in the hardest conditions or whatever you guys are hitting the greens that are the sides of this desk and also the same material as this desk and then when you guys don’t hit the green you’re upset at yourself it’s not the same material but do need to get some sand treatment out there that was part of the deal we needed to get them to come out and treat the greens with a little bit of sand so those those balls S A little it’s impossible to get a ball R green I’m looking at you brother you need to get you know get a couple of the boys out here and treat these greens with some sand who’s Russ green is that uh neighbor you know who that is former neighbor uh he is not my neighbor anymore um but uh but yeah he needs to get out here with with Miguel and some of the boys and and treat the greens with a little bit of sand so we can get we need some of those shots to be a little stickier we did make GC M go whenever they were building it with his team they were fantastic they put in two greens literally in like three days or whatever it was it’s a nice addition to uh the property here to Thunderdome Foxy’s hitting hole one on both of them I absolutely love there what’s that AJ the video foxy I saw the video of Foxy draining one that was the 100 yard one he dunked it so like he found his 100 Club yep that that one is so much harder to hit and you know you go out there enough one of them’s going to go in eventually yeah it’s not a whole is it a whole one whole no no no no no yeah it’s not a hole in one it’s it’s half a hole in one and you made two of them so chip in it’s a chip in for sure I think it’s a chip in yes is how I if I was to put it in I would say I chipped in and there’s not a lot of part 3es that are 100 yard not texting your buddies and saying like hey I made a hole in one today no it’s a good point the only thing cool about it was a slam donk I mean the odds of that are unbelievable it is fantastic such bll only way that’ll hold that green is if you dunk it I guess you can see the sand come up a little bit but it’s not not even close what’s do it I don’t know I don’t know you guys could do it get a spreader put some sand in there get a little fertilizer spread that wasn’t the deal that’s not part of the deal AJ you pay for a service I didn’t know you guys going to react that way Russ green uh was a character in the office for whatever the two weeks that this was all coming together y he just wanted us to have a good time he offered like six different flag colors out there I’m like bro Master’s Edition Flags I believe we got yep custom ones we can get in here different pole sizes obviously oh man we should get 20 foot poles I think we did get the max pole yes I would like there was a shorter pole that was available good stiff pole handles the wind pretty well we’ll take the big poll please you know we we would like to be represented with big old poles out there stiff as you got on our tiny little bushes those greens exactly those greens are tiny yeah small Landing P tiny bushes like major coming up huh yeah next week next week which one at Valhalla PJ Championship I do believe in guess who’s playing in it who’s that good yeah nice so whoever wins that’s right it’s real it’s a real M yeah it’s a real major well they let Brooks in I think Brooks is yeah oh yeah defending defending Champion I believe okay so this is a real major oh yeah PJ yeah PJ doesn’t have anything PJ Championship is not run by the PJ tour it’s run by the golf pros at the courses that you can go to around town right that’s the block this is what this is that tournament that yes you play in the this blocky’s tournament you play in the tournament you get into the US Open when you do that too though right what that you do US Open you can qualify through like local qualifiers you can do that for the PGA as well yeah but I think the people that are running this is the group that is the professional golfers of America or whatever like the uh so you’re like the pro of like a big country club whatever like blocky and then all of a sudden you get in and you take the World by storm no like just if you’re in it you’re a part of the group I think and that they’re the ones that run it right you could sign up for it oh they run it but I’m saying play to actually play in it for those guys can some of those Pros qualify to play in this well that’s interesting can bu themselves in like hey or I mean play your way in somehow I don’t know I thought they got selected cuz it wasn’t blocky like hey this was the representative yeah the selection for the you still you still have to qualify you still have to play andn and blocky and blocky obviously [ __ ] went out and went real low shot like a 55 or something right he was on the he was he’s invited the Masters yeah he went to the one the weekend after the RBC Canadian open thing yeah and he dominated no I believe won he win the following oh no why you remember that so fast it feels like well I got I got a little s blocky deal pretty quick um it was cool at PGA and then I I’ll be honest I was one of those guys who was like all right I’ve had my blocky fil for the for the year because in an interview he got thrown into a deep end yeah well yeah you’re right it was when he came out and said like listen if I hit it like Rory I’d be the best [ __ ] player in the world that was kind of when I was like all right [ __ ] this guy I’m done hearing from this guy no way yeah it was fair that was he didn’t say that he didn’t say that that’s basically what he no if you read the if you read the quote sure that is certainly how it read but in the conversation I think blocky was like I play with my kid he hits to like 370 yards so whenever we’re doing scrambles I play from where he’s at I’m I’m best iron player in the world which there’s a chance I mean who are we to say abely there’s not yeah list I love blocky but if he was sounds like actually you’re right I don’t love blocky uh but if he was the best iron player in the world guess what he wouldn’t be teaching golf lessons for 85 bucks an hour he’d be [ __ ] playing on the tour that’s kind of the way it works couple I just Hope’s back next week yeah well he had baby right no he’s uh taking off this weekend cuz they are expecting to have it I believe this weekend or listen I don’t know how pregnancies work only been through one of them okay there’s others on the call who have been through more but them telling us it was happening at the Masters I guess possible you know like any time could potentially green light that entire thing but the fact that it’s still I don’t think it was as cold her when she do do we know I think two weeks from now I hope she’s okay obviously everything is just a healthy thing but get the away the PGA that’s next week yeah yeah but well I don’t think he’s playing my belief my belief Master’s day was like he might have to leave whole four because like we are very spinning that though it wasn’t him I don’t think I think the media might be played that up a tiny bit possibly we all we hope for is a healthy pregnanc legitimately healthy pregnancy healthy baby that whole thing for sure but boy they play with my emotions with Scotty Sheffer with how great he was playing and how important Masters is as a whole for your legacy and everything I’m like have to go see the baby though especially if it’s first one have to go do that entire so it was like a real that was a nice added little element of the Old Scotty Sheffer drama uh as he was doing it all I don’t think there were really that I don’t know if there was any because there is some signs right yeah she might have been having like contractions or something like that they call it right fake contractions M course how many kids you have AJ four so for like five weeks not four four five weeks is that how long it’s how long has it been I mean yeah you know you’re in the you know when you’re in the zone when it could happen I guess so yeah it could happen time sometimes the last month or so okay my my baby girl came I think 10 or 11 days early something like that okay 10 or 11 days early so that was that was certainly surprising I had one oh yeah no I had one kid two weeks late and another kid two weeks early from their due dates so yeah it all I don’t know mine was almost a month early but I mean it is what but Scotty I just looked up Scotty was asked um you know if she were to go into labor would you leave early would you leave the Masters and he said yes but as far as her going to labor I wouldn’t say I’m very concerned we haven’t seen any of the early signs oh we didn’t hear that’s all hear that that’s on us well they didn’t let us they didn’t let us hear that I think or they tried to hide that part about it well I mean we’re easily find a here on May 7th so I assume it but he said but yeah open lines of communication and she can get a hold of me anytime she needs to okay all right so we just uh didn’t do enough journalizing sure yeah we blindly just heard what was going on yeah cuz we’ve been through a couple of us have been through and it’s like Jesus that’s a lot of for him to be golfing as good as he’s golfing with that potentially about to happen on the horizon this guy is a machine it for us it like built up Scotty in the story so maybe we weren’t looking for the truth and that’s part of the problem yeah and that’s part of problem a it just something to get better at nothing wrong with that yeah you’re right only go up from here yeah good to know jot it down and be better he’s a robot I wonder what the OD are for him whoa to be human professional pickleball player which is insane insane how’s your golf game it’s all right you’re doing G1 races and stuff it is the golf game is coming along I’m glad with where is I’m I’m still mid 90s but I’m happy with that God that’s awesome mid90s New Year I’m about what about 17 months into it so it’s pretty good and you’re still not taking gimmies absolutely not I don’t believe that do you better be a scratch golfer in like eight months from now yeah I I think once you crack into the second he play he’s down there in Florida the weather’s nice and and a lot there’s something about DBS too in DB I’m sure you play with some DBS when they get into golf like they are all in even white outs like Joey Galloway I don’t know how good he is now but Joey is deadly serious about golf he’s posting every day he’s out there he’s either cutting down a tree this guy was removing a tree stump from his house Joey Galloway today did you see that he had an axe I didn’t see it today was he he’s swinging a he’s swinging a [ __ ] axe he he’s doing this entire thing okay he’s got this big towel hanging out of his [ __ ] and and then probably later he’ll end up he’ll golfing tonight and it’ll be him rolling like seven Footers on the green and like making him it’s like Beast this guy loves golfing I think he likes doing housework he was digging a trench the other day in his [ __ ] front yard getting ready All Pro PO he he’s a stick too he’s nice one the longest drive at the Pro Bowl a couple years AG this is Joey Galloway this morning [ __ ] swinging the ass Jack busy [ __ ] Jack what the hell yo yeah and then he’s going to go golf and he’s going to go is this the or just a screenshot got be least 50 cuz if we get to the video he’s swinging that he’s swinging that [ __ ] axe I’m I’m telling you like yeah I mean those are you kidding me that’s those guys arms are you joking Joey Gallow he’s [ __ ] huge probably still around like a four four right now what the [ __ ] he’s [ __ ] I mean where we are trying to yeah got he’s trying to cut through roots of trees that have been there probably 150 years there’s a better way to go about that yeah certainly there’s the machines that can go about coming down but Joey says I am the machine that’s good work shortcuts mhm wonder what he’s going to put there he’s trying to get that stump out of there what’s he going to do put a statue of his arms I think he’s put potential statue of himself which wouldn’t be a bad idea from our particular program all in favor of that say I okay so if you do it Joey know we’re behind you uh could be a Japanese maple though Japanese purple maybe a garden some flowers yeah he’s good golfer Fresh Veggies he’s out there golfing all the time sav’s what he said I’m just trying to do chores in a morning so we go a golf Bingo he’s probably living at 52 years old Jo Joe yeah geez [ __ ] that’s [ __ ] where’s he him going he lives right in Columbus like 10 minutes from me is he I see him I see him coaching his kids basketball games and stuff I had to he pulled me out the stands to ref a game one time when I was wearing construction boots with no laces in him and I had to ref with no whistle for half the game as well so I clap at these I was clapping at these kids like the game was starting and he comes up I see him Point me out on the stand come on man’ come on I was like what and I was wearing these boots I have that don’t tie he’s like I need you to ref I’m thinking all right sure and I had no whistle you know how hard is a ref without a whistle I was clapping in kids faces hey hey yo like yelling at him you had no li no laces no whistle yeah running up and down in dead of the winter I was running up and down you know I don’t run distance well I only can Sprint so it was it did not look good either how many refs you were the only ref on the court only one man ref crew luckily a guy got me a whistle after halftime uh dude found me a whistle and that that helped more than you would know yeah that helped more than you would know no I think I think we would understand absolutely hey hey hey hey and the kid just keeps going and get drains a lay up I’m like all right count it whatever here we go three yeah all right let’s take a break hour three is going to be terrible well we got a lot to catch up on yeah can’t believe what happened to Sheamus last night criminal busted blood vessels on his chest last night God that was vicious full hand print on his back MH that’s from G that’s not the biggest news of the night what’s the biggest news of the night I just want Drew to get healthy quickly Drew M yeah yeah he got pulled out of the King of the Ring yeah what’s going on well Adam Pierce had to look out he said if you don’t say anything okay I don’t even know you’re hurt but you want to go out and say I’m hurt all the time and I show up to work now Adam Pierce’s like that’s on me yeah so for the safety you I got to pull you from the match got to save him from him what was Adam Pierce tweeting you about well cuz I do you know he’s got a lot on his on his plate Adam Pi do your job scrap Daddy yeah but scrap daddy AP does do his job pretty well and then something will pop up does he sometimes I think there were some decisions he’s made in the past that have been good last night he made some good decision put Jay Uso in the king of the rig bigo that was great great decision tell her his comments on too I want to leave Jay shouldn’t have to be King of the Ring okay he should just be champion earn it he could have been this weekend he had a shot and he should have won well JD McDon and Finn Balor interrupted which ultimately pissed off Damen pre she’s a part of Judgment Day He said I won’t prove this myself exactly so last night there was a big kiss and makeup situation I mean it was a lot happening Harford Dan Hurley was there y yep got a match all truth didn’t he set up a match with the uh Yukon hus well see he thought the NCAA was a wrestling promotion ah sure you see like there’s ovw there’s gcw there’s old school TNA ocw office championship wrestling aew he thought NCAA was a wrestling promotion I can see how I can get it and he saw he heard he heard that Dan had two titles so that means tag team right so they’re tag team Champs you’re obviously a Tag Team champ let’s go ahead and settle this thing and Miz had a straighten him out but I’ll tell you what the way truth brain works one of the greatest we got big time we need to hang on to truth yes we do put him over how about the car CM Punk showed up in last night so sick so Punk that is so Punk truly right after Drew mcy Le a Ferrari was yeah that was also sweet pretty cool I thought was way too big for a Ferrari he got right in there yeah as I saw the car behind him I was like is Drew McIntyre about to pick up a Ferrari right now like as it was all unfolding and he opened the door I’m like Drew is getting into a racing car Ferrari Kit and he did such a good athlete just such good easy just got right in there oh it was a good night in Harford long long night good drivers in Connecticut great drivers pause music just to my point this I’ve been pounding the Connecticut as the worst drivers in the country for how long basically since I got here okay so I’m not going to get into how the driving was oh boy okay okay but that because that’s always the thing you know trying to get the arena it’s tough It’s [ __ ] awful it’s not an easy job okay it’s like officials trying to leave an arena when they shut down roads and then if you make the wrong turn guess what you’re going right back to the Arena’s traffic again and then you’re going to have to do another you’re going to take the tractor another round there’s a chance you get stuck in Arena traffic for no [ __ ] some of these places hour and a half after you’re leaving one of these events so that’s a big part of the drive and a recklessness of it but the driver that picked us up at the airport and drove us to Hartford which was a 32-minute draft longest one that we’ve had you know getting into Harford not easy but worth it great that’s nothing that is worth it is’s easy to get to you know in Harford Connecticut the XL Center that they need to do some upgrades to I cannot believe that’s where the national champions are playing but J nonetheless got a lot of good history a lot of good history the driver uh I don’t know if he had a mint in his mouth great great man very kind man was dressed very well Noble but I very very great voice too love very I don’t know if he had a mint in his mouth for 32 minutes or if he just had something about he oh is it a worther worther original probably might have been 10 of them might have been 10 of them 32 minutes straight you talk you guys you guys chatted the whole time no I turned the music up on my phone as loud as possible and held it to like right in front of my face so that I could drown out that sound and then I Googled what the name of it is because I knew it was it misia okay I have misophonia all right an individual is misophonia which afflicts up to 20% of people feel anger disgust and a desire to flee when they hear certain sounds chewing in similar noises from the mouth are most often associated with the condition I wanted to jump out of this guy’s car okay that that’s what I got to and I said I can’t be the only one who feels this way obviously 20% of the people I think that number is wrong I think it’s a lot more people we are getting to a point where I think more people in society are sick of people with their Mas whenever they’re chewing on something and that’s good news for society I am pumped about that and if we can be an advocate for hey the only difference between you and a barn animal is the ability to Che with your [ __ ] mouth closed I am excited that that is what we are standing for on this particular May 7th AJ I won’t let you know that I mean now you have a a name you can put a name to the now I wouldn’t call it a disorder but yeah I I completely understand like get me out of here Mis it’s a disorder it’s 100% a disorder it’s not your fault Pat don’t feel bad at all this happens to a lot of people including myself remember that the the disorder is the person that Chomps their mouth open you know with their mouth open slaps their gum and eats wethers the whole time okay that’s yeah I saw a lot of people that’s what foxy was trying to text foxy was texting me privately and posting thing on hey fight the good fight here you are not wrong you’re allowed to be uh disgusted right now and feeling the way you’re feeling this guy was such a good guy didn’t want to tell him like hey how about uh how about you can’t really tell him right hey man uh can you please just spit out whatever you’re doing yeah you’re stuck right there you’re just stuck there in a car car that’s tough in a car 32 minutes trash maybe you should have put something put like eight 15 pieces of gum in your mouth and started chomping it and talking to him oh talk over maybe on my chomping talking see he would have been like hey man can you take that got out your mouth that’s really I got Miss phony that’s tough you I had to say something cuz we talked about providing service before like that he’s providing service 30 something years it break his heart did he not know like that sound was projected that’s what I’m saying obviously not I mean at least he got a to B without any yeah guy was great driver yeah driver great driver good VI second guy though guy lost twice he’s a good guy well [ __ ] drove yeah you know what you’re right for you someone with miss phonia you should definitely travel with earbuds yes yeah but I don’t like that CU I like you know I don’t like the isolation of I like feeling would you rather right AJ isn’t that how you you know what I mean I I I don’t sometimes too like yeah you wear headphones you feel like someone’s going to attack you from behind too I need to be aware of what’s happening around in the car do you yeah the WWE cars you you do I mean you never know [ __ ] ilot dragowski could be behind you ready to [ __ ] slip in a deep joke hole I guess in that situation you’re probably right don’t want I’m talking walking around in public I got a problem with that draganovi what is it it’s ilot dragonov are you sure he from dragov Moscow are you sure he do a knocking off Ricochet his ACC is not kind of looks like a jag off he needs to have a thicker accent he has a 10 pack what are we even talk like guy Russia be from Russia five leaping tricks last night tricks those are all those are all punishing mov yeah exactly how’s he losing to that guy first night from NXT it’s over Ricochet is a dog is it true dragov got suspended from the Olympics and then wrestling listen we all are he was that’s why they fight okay exactly that’s why they fight why is the ring there Ila got a big win okay over Ricochet last night but I mean Ricochet how does ricochet not get hurt every night box office he’s a maniac jeez cuz he’s he’s like an Olympian when it comes to gymnastics he’s tough and also look at him he’s over he’s a speed champion oh that was one suck it commie what a sell by dragon off that was one wait a minute he thought this is unbelievable he thought he was going to be able to get away huh no American dive too jeez yeah right off the front row thought there’s maybe some oh drag off almost hit the pole there didn’t he not even going down so woozy well somebody you get a little Ricochet woozy you know in uh how about the third one he’s going to do the same thing Dragon off’s ready uhuh oh yeah yeah ass to MTH yeah that’s that’s Ricochet football uhhuh so so much higher than people think it’s so much higher than it looks like on Scream how about when you’re standing up when you so scary you got to add where your eyes are and it’s like so high it does feel like it but the fall comes quick you know you got to get your head over yeah you could break your neck have that fear that that could take care care yeah we’re all big Ricochet fans around here so Ilia was certainly impressive he’s [ __ ] technician and Striker yeah he came in yeah a little bit of both it the homb got some Roman in him interesting interesting yeah that is can you ask it’s a heavy bomb should have been the UB bomb will you ask him if he’s actually from Russia yeah he what are you actually what are you talking about you think this guy’s a lion well if he is then tell him to use his real accent because it’s not thick enough for me you you can’t hear his accent when he Cate come on he goes you can’t hear his russan action I hear there I mean Bill does that same thing doesn’t mean he’s Russian let’s get to a break okay Bill Bill kills people that’s how you know he’s Russian okay he’s daav American he’s not whoa whoa that’s not true that’s not true yeah there Moscow Russia and Germany by way yeah dude he’s had other stops before from Russia to here I don’t know Rick Baxter trained him that’s Y and ax yeah axel tisher one of the best not the best he’s the Bob B we all know who the best trainer is of course rest in peace no rip Rogers is still alive I was thinking of uh yep our good personal friend Drew gulock well that’s who I was thinking of as well how about Drew he’s no longer with WWE Ronda situation happened between him and Rond Rouser Rond Rous is not like him boy and some people responded Jimmy Smith does not like Ronda Rousey either no it’s got that’s the part of the WWE though the wrestling world has so much like is the that is wrestling mhm it’s part of it but if anybody got offended by anything obviously that’s not great Ron Rousey is a legend we are yeah fan of Ron Rousey so let’s not get crazy and her husband Travis good dude May seen the whole like hey but Drew gulak did not make any friends over there he didn’t or anywhere else seems like people are kind of charging out of the woodwork to say this guy’s a piece of [ __ ] I don’t I don’t love it but it’s happening he came to India to help uh train uh with us yeah yeah when uh was that Cole yeah cuz he Adam Cole yeah yeah 2019 yeah 2019 2020 I see that Adam Cole scumbag still trying to get some rub on your birthday yeah he said some mean on my birthday that’s what I’m saying it’s like Cole give it up brother no one cares about you anymore he said he wish had to have a bad birthday worst birthday worst still wrestling no see that’s a question and it’s sh be cuz he’s he’s great well I don’t know if a tree falls in the wood AJ I don’t I don’t know still Adam still do it Adam will always do it mhm scumbag but he will always there’s one thing I’ve been certain of it’s my disdain for Pat magy show hope you have a worst birthday you scum bag middle finger emoji even whoa yeah [ __ ] you party [ __ ] you party two [ __ ] you parties jez [ __ ] this guy yeah I hope your birthday sucks too Adam yeah except we don’t know what it is it’s a lot of retweets I’d say he still over yeah I got a lot of action I saw it a lot on my uh timeline birthday what’s this guy’s problem yeah foxy you retweeted too prick just pointing it out foxy pointing out the stats it who’s team on you like AJ whenever almost got surrounded by I was front row for Adam Cole and I know how much of a scumbag that guy is like this what he do to you Ty remember yeah it [ __ ] shoved me and I actually got a small perforation in my colon so still dealing with that actually I was just trying to [ __ ] mediate hey we don’t need to do this on when we’re live you’re going to look like an [ __ ] you’re going to look like a [ __ ] you don’t want to do this shove me you want to hear it and what happen you’re yeah I got well I shouldn’t say small fairly large perforation in my colon that I I’m still dealing with very painful almost on a daily basis that’s why I have to go poop all the time damn nobody talks about it n poop your pants too thank you D wies thank you D thank you no thank you Adam Co yeah no thank you he’s so short tempered wow that was a funny little joke he made there yeah he got so bad he did I mean so quick that was part of the that was part of the reason he got so upset a couple of those what just you know I I I thought we were joking too just making cracks about his height but he didn’t see it that way he didn’t love it I saw it hit the internet the other day people calling it our most embarrassing moment it wasn’t we don’t like people acting like that on our show not at all we like to be a welcoming Place bomb that moment maybe like bring people together and all of a sudden we got got L is in mine yeah M that’s unprofessional bmed out that’s Unbecoming of us AJ wasn’t it that is Unbecoming but why he came into your studio and did that though like you can’t do that we know that he was in time seeing family hadn’t seen a While y and he said he let’s bury the hatchet in our house like dump it in your house yeah taking the remote and you don’t dump in somebody else’s house yeah exactly Jim broke big news today same page there the master master bathroom too oh yeah mhm primary after a couple helping some meatloaf y some do he he flush for dude wipes down well I think he actually just wiped the ass with like a very nice hand towel they had in there kind of left it on the ground embroidered it was embroidered yeah said McDaniels on wedding gift what did Ur say in break news he tweeted big big news coming oh boy yeah last time we did this we got Trent Richardson I think this one BR White Buffalo here to the Indie Zoo tell you what this news we’re going to make at least a show or two out of it what yeah holy hell I’m Zed up about it what is it he said the schedule’s coming real soon okay wow o if you smell a 2024 schedule coming out soon dot dot dot he’s talk about Football let’s go yeah we can react to that and we Circle some dates yeah we will call K the guy that said it’s offseason conditioning program phase two and say is this happening in I’m calling yeah is this part of the ocp phase 2 C that music it’s called the guy start eocp yep face [Music] two that har arena is crap XL blow brother old or what to renovate they just need to renovate it they need to renovate I guess the huskys play there because uh how many people can they 16,000 I think it can hold oh it’s big okay yeah it’s big so they’re they’re they have an arena I think on campus that only has like 11,000 so it’s 5,000 different obviously con’s not in why would he started ocp phase to probably locked in there locked in on what face I did hear about that uh there’s been some local news in the uh media let’s take a break we’ll be back on the other side oh yeah saw that as well there’s suspension oh yeah who Jee how do you how do you come back don’t sounds like he he will not be invited to come back you if you need the situation broke down uh Dan do just Twitter’s a good place to go for that oh jeez okay okay let’s get to a break good to know breakdowns on the big board with DD probably a selfie video in there just like I said whole time let’s get to a break he’s every day oh yeah yep going respect it just jumping in how can I yep somebody needs to hear don’t yeah y boom people that are just getting introduced to Dan doic he used to have a Daily Show here in Indie 3 hours he was wide open I mean that is why he is who he is right now I I think he misses doing that show just stirring [ __ ] in he literally just stirred [ __ ] in Indianapolis just from a studio and we’ll walk out of there yep go play golf go right back in there now he’s in the politics world oh yeah and sports judging world and boy he loves I mean crushes I can’t do that like the amount of things that are said to him he loves he quote tweets it says this it’s like yeah bring more it drives people it drives some people man it’s like him and Mark Madden like Mark Madden like yeah come on in those local MH radio show hosts who were heels boy they got a different just view on seemingly everything and what matters and what doesn’t they don’t give a [ __ ] none of them nope seemingly special brain talent I don’t have it I’m too soft just like that Miss yeah I’ll almost jumped out of a car in a highway let’s get to a break we’ll be back on the other side wrapping up to uh beautiful Tuesday May 7th we haven’t talked about so many important things you remember oh yeah are you kidding me Micah oh yes an international conversation USA USA USA USA all right be a friend tell a friend the nice might change your life take five what an hon what a dream being a part of game day was a joke being on the field for this is a joke we continue to live the dumbest life of all [Music] timear what time to be alive3 we are live from an empty mercedesbenz Stadium all the offseason workouts all the sickness all the puking all the commitment all the dedication we got four teams left coach what’s the vibe of that locker room getting ready for this game we’re going to swing as hard as we can in this game and CJ’s our leader and he’s going to lead the way hell yeah yeah we’re going to try to make the most dumb television on Earth this evening live from this field right here in Mercedes-Benz Stadium Darius Butler 9-year NFL vet played at Yukon that team stinks but they’re coming back Stanford Steve here this man right here wearing a wolf t-shirt underneath a sport coat he works for me fulltime but what are you excited about this evening Conor I mean p like you said I have the IQ of a goldfish so I’m not really taking all this in strictly because there’s so much the moment is huge you know where you make your money in this in this college level is the red area Georgia number one 120 is where Ohio State is ranked which is nuts Max dou is a do let dogen cook con good job are you boys we say dumb stuff on the internet every day cover the how how say [ __ ] didn’t say [ __ ] that was close but I didn’t do it that’s a win that’s a win look at this look at this hey coach I don’t know if you headbutted one of your guys or not but cut sh you are awesome I I got a six-year-old son man me they’re going to have to rely upon those do K over theate he’s like fourth generation farmer sponsored by John Deere yeah okay and they don’t just put that deer on anybody hey yes there’s going to be billionaires barking okay there’s going to be billionaires barking grown folks in khakis barking in unison so that’s got to become a thing next year no serious yeah that was great all right right anything no spilled your [Music] phone could have been worse could have been much worse the college football playoffs are about to kick off in Phoenix Arizona my name is is uh pton Manning that’s an Ohio [ __ ] wet dream not just a [Music] dream did you see AQ Shipley stacked on top of of Cu on top of pole I feel a shot coming sound like Taylor I told you told I got to go to the bathroom let’s go baby congratulations and be on for this evening is the reigning Defender what Undisputed national champions in a home B against the Ohio State par I’m joined by Darius J Butler then we have the face of Ohio State AJ Hawk Boston Conor Tai and AJ drove down here in a sprinter van his son puked twice on the way down here broke an iPad had the windows bashed in this morning just on the streets of Atlantic here if Ohio State loses would you Dr this down as the worst trip of all time we love adversity Pat we love adversity in Ohio Marvin oh [Music] Marvin what it is so L you can’t hear a thing Marvin Harrison Jr ran how many routes Connor I think he had a post then he had a corner then he had another Post in the end zone tough to guard nice you know everything this guy is all about ball he is all business all ball all the time [Applause] looks like he’s about 79 550 he he looks 2T bigger than everyone else out there de look at this dog look at this dog look at him look one one over there that tou the Ballou the ball touch the ball touch the ballow back [Music] [Applause] what a run uhoh uhoh again again oh my God oh my God there go that man again two tight end deep shot got him the money [Applause] [Music] [Applause] grab that ball are we live right now and that’s the way the cooking crumbles [Applause] [Music] hey coming right to [Applause] me any thought of like a fake punt direct snap here Pat that would be awesome there it is time they call timeout what happened the time out on the fake punt in the fourth quarter is being described by a lot of people as maybe the greatest timeout in the history of college football you know we’ve had two punts faked on us this year we are very aware and know that people are going to try to steal possessions Conor what quarter is it I believe Pat if I check my left hand it is the fourth quarter snap down hold the kick is look good [Applause] C well I I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge your great catch under the goalpost I want you to know when I saw you make that I thought I thought for a second is he going to return it I had envisions of kick six when you caught that ball so don’t do that to us anymore Tak a shot to the [Applause] corner oh no oh no oh no is that time oh seconds and if you didn’t know who we were before our show yes every day it is somehow this time wow what a game it was a good time man from all of us to all of you happy New Year enjoy the hell out of your evening probably the most interesting trade was the Randy Moss trade after the draft the first day of the draft we’ve been trying to trade for Randy Moss for 2 months all like child birth I mean it’s took forever after the first day of the draft I talked to Mr Davis I said are we going to make a deal or not and he said yeah we’ll do it we’ll do it for your fourth and I think we were picking like seventh in the fourth round I said well we got to get the guy in for a physical we can’t take his contract we’re going to have to renegotiate his contract and Mr Davis said well that’s your problem you want to trade for him then you get it done I said all right I call up Randy hey Randy this coach Bel Bo hangs up the phone what let me try this again Randy it’s coach Bel who who is this who’s pranking me who is this hang up the phone Randy this is coach Bel we traded for you what is this a joke this better not be a joke who is this no no no no this is all right all right all right really I said yeah but look we got to get this done by tomorrow at noon goes all right what do I need to do I said you need to come up take a fiscal and we need to renegotiate your contract by noon yeah well I’m in Houston now but I got a plane I’ll be there nice he flies and he’s there at 8:00 in the morning comes in and takes the physical you know the old yeah uhhuh sure okay you’re good renegotiate the contract we’re done at 10:00 and first thing he says to me is where’s the Playbook oh that’s awes he said right here he said okay because when I walk out there with the first team with Brady I got to know all the place I can’t go out there and make mental errors and screw up I got to know his offense and he was smart now this guy was smart on this post safety coverage what are you going to do goes coach you ain’t going to see any post safety coverage against me like he goes you’re going to see cover two we haven’t seen cover two in years he’s like you’re going to see cover too and he was right and then he would say well here’s how I’d run this route here’s how I’d run that route and I started thinking like we got to start giving Randy some routes we’re running this and they play cover two how he can move him into the slot he’s like move me into the slot I said yes you can got on the middle of the cover too all right good 25 touchdowns so many up the running I’m tell you it Randy come on man trying to Jaylen milro often wears his own branded apparel reading lank across the front it’s an acronym that stands for let a naysayer know being told by his former offensive coordinator Bill not what I thought is that not what you thought boy let a naysay or no let a naysay or no of professionals right in the middle of his Le that’s all right I just keep you almost lost me it got real tight up here as you were I Mo that I thought it was going down I thought it was going down out here sry let say or no say or no that’s what we thought the whole time that’s what we all thought hey what let’s go this show stinks and the fact that you listen we are very very thankful for the all-time leading tackler for the Green Bay Packers you pink up damn it be a friend tell a friend something nice could change their life sport sport sport sport sport hello beautiful people and welcome back to our humble abone the thunderone on this Sports Tuesday May 7th 2024 hour three of the program starts now Now Sports are wonderful and sports bring the entire world together like a guy in an atak Ohio AJ Hawk like a toxic table at Boston Connor and at Tai Schmidt like one half of the hammer Cowboys tone Diggs in a nine-year NFL vet Darius J Butler and I regret to be the one that continues to hammer home this particular fact we learned earlier in the day from our friend Darius J Butler who said uh I’ll keep the plastic straws uh [ __ ] them Turtles is what Darius Butler said ver he then said uh have you seen what some of these Turtles are acting like towards uh you know the color white and then uh the color block mhm and I had not heard about racist Turtles uh we saw one video earlier where a man was wearing a white Air Force One and then he he put a black piece of tape over the white Air Force One and when the black piece of tape was on there his turtle was attacking big time they you take the a black piece of tape off all of a sudden well everything’s fine mhm we have found more videos of racist Turtle no damning AJ AJ it’s not good this has been during a break we’ve been doing some journalism here is a similar setup a little different there’s white tape all good says Turtle this is fun this is fun how about some black tape wait a minute the what is that boom boom son of a [ __ ] boom okay take the black how about Brown oh no no we didn’t know we didn’t know what all colors okay how about this line of whites get out of here no problem there’s white t pretty close but white tape all right I get what you were doing here the turtle let me go around the bed oh no boom you can’t go to school here oh who who it’s okay it’s okay everything’s okay there what’s going on over there yeah it is a little how about this just full on but white skin obviously he’s a okay sorry sir how about this oh oh Firing Line he’s fing he just no how can I get to the other side of this thing please get this out oh [ __ ] how are we just learning this man oh what a better side of the shoes get them both except for this one son of a [ __ ] these racist ass Turtles there now what’s foot you know which one get out of here what do we even think oh both sides I hate them all listen with this much evidence let’s go to the next video I believe the uh this one’s the one no we’re going through you’re good the barracks going through the barracks hey buddy gentlemen nice to see you gentlemen nice to see you as always gentlemen you son of a [ __ ] I knew you’d be here how about this oh man thanks for lighting them up for me boys everything’s fine thanks for liing them up neighhood man he thinks the whites are coming out to watch him do his thing he’s bu a parade for him put on look at this what can we get some kind of animal person on here to explain this I don’t think I don’t think we need an explanation brother we know what it is look at we know what’s happening a long time ago fastest moving turtle ever pretty black and white man anyways hey just like we’ve been saying this whole time oh no the bottom of the Soul oh excuse me I mean it’s 100% so wow socks oh this this can’t be real oh oh no goddamn reddit’s real all right jeez so just like we’ve been saying this whole time and I guess even nature there’s always going to be [ __ ] that’s right okay we don’t assume that all turtles are racist there’s a chance we we’re just learning learn about at least some of these Turtles but there’s always going to be asshol we can’t let them you know determine how we feel we got to keep moving forward even if these [ __ ] turtles have been around for hundreds of years yeah hating the hell on everything they white did you see the uh other unfortunate uh black and white animal news oh no don’t yeah Tony why don’t you uh why don’t you share with the group tell us Tony why don’t you share with the group brother there was a zoo that was dying puppies they them look like pandas is that right hold on pandas which one making puppies look like pandas you say why wouldn’t they just use their pandas I don’t know oh I think I know why callor me shot cuz they’re all [ __ ] not real that’s why pandas yeah all of them yeah come on where’ they come from where’ they even [ __ ] start who who show me the first [ __ ] Panda I think the realest panda in the world is probably Kung Fu Panda that’s Jack Black brother uh New York Post is reporting and I don’t know is New York Post a real thing or no oh yeah yeah the old it’s it’s a gossip rag oldest news outrage to discover Panda exhibit was actually dogs died black and white and I’ll tell you what they do certainly look like dogs but if I went to a zoo and wasn’t expected I think that little [ __ ] could run by and I say a panda a panda exactly how many [ __ ] times how many times you think people I’ve done exactly what you just said you’re just walking by oh Panda exhibit that’s cool oh look look at these cool little pandas yeah nothing to see here [ __ ] it look at these sweet little things no those aren’t dogs they’re just baby pandas that’s what happens in every Zoo across the country brother and we’re just sitting here letting it happen letting these people think that they’ve seen pandas or what about the 600 Pounders they got rolling oh yeah there’s no 600 lb fatos we have in America that aren’t looking for jobs that we can’t just dress them up and throw them in there then you would definitely not no oh no that’s not you’re saying it’s Halloween that’s not some fat load in a panda costume eating bamboo no that’s definitely a real Panda doubt it this is a wild piece of information to hit my timeline though with the conversation we had just a few weeks ago yeah it’s always we the crazy guy always has some sort of Truth doesn’t it there’s always just that sliver truth with the crazy guy how’ they get caught oh they started barking I think somebody that knows an yeah I think somebody knows animals was like wait a minute pouring pouring Pina their their food bowl out there and the zoo goers saw that maybe pandas eat dog food that could eat anything because they’re not [ __ ] real they only need bamboo there has to be real pandas out there says who boom like those these these are not real pandas me and my squad hang out I don’t know we can’t be sure The Blood Hound Gang I mean maybe it’s a different type of bloodline yeah that’s not a panda that’s not a panda a group of pandas right no no nobody’s confused about that I think there there are people probably confused cuz there’s at least 50 zoos across the country Wheeling those four [ __ ] out and saying hey look at our pandas it was interesting that there was a piece of news that I think made the national news that said like uh yeah there’s going to be no more pandas in America’s zoos because China’s taking them all back I was like that was wild to hear I didn’t even know that was even Paul leasing pandas when like 1600s or like 1750 or 18 they had zoos in the 1600s yeah well back then who knows what they had I don’t I know what they didn’t have what’s that [ __ ] pandas cuz they started in 1920 okay so obviously those two are real the front yeah I would agree no the ones on the right which ones Conor the ones on the right they put a backpack on that one that’s impressive they can train him to wear backpack how about the one wearing an actual bucket on his head like a a paint bucket bottom right I think it’s the same one bottom left bottom right yep those right ones are pandas though panda so what are they doing here they’re hurting them they think they’re going to dress up like this and H them somewhere no they’re training them because they’re lab animals they’re not real they have to show them what they need to do oh you so your your take is that they’re made in a lab there’s a chance I think that’s one of the many possibilities with these things so it’s still a real animal yeah I don’t know if we make a human in a lab is it a real human wow now we’re opening up a whole different can of worms true speaking of like labs and [ __ ] are we going to another planet soon why are they saying publicly about multiplanetary exist they’re already up there elon’s been saying that for a while though yeah you see when we WE Post the what is it post whatever on X like from Earth interplanetary or whatever yeah but I need like a projection and I’m not talking about like one of these [ __ ] internet installation we got to be there from 10: to 6:00 p.m. we might fall I need a projection of when we’re planning on being in another planet years 2095 no way that’s not that far that’s not far at all maybe that’d be sweet couple centuries I’m not going to make it maybe one century that sucks yeah I said before 2050 2050 before is this this is your just super this just me I’m yeah I mean that’s not crazy because if like AI continues to change and and by 2030 AI is where it’s supposed to be then they probably could figure out a way for us to get up there soon so what happens when 3D printer and AI come together oh boy nuclear war you ever seen Terminator no cuz like right 3D printer was just making everything right they was making everything so when the AI puts its mind to rocket ships or mass production of saas that ain’t happening these AI know these AI are good and if they get mean we unplug them we’ve already talked about this I don’t think we can slow the spread it’s too late now that’s how that Google the guy who invented the Google AI was like yeah it’s gone too far I got to get out yeah it does feel like all the people that are around it say yeah too much is happening too quickly terrifying I mean in 2016 Elon went to Congress and he was like hey everyone needs to stop using AI now for the next year yeah 2016 he did this yeah well he’s got grock on X so oh yeah no you know pot calling the kettle black grock he could have done something grock paper scissors and for me I have not used grock or the metal one me neither I’m scared to type anything in there I haven’t searched anything on Instagram and also you see the AI like papers it writes like it’s a [ __ ] it’s got the brain of a a fourth grader and that little yachty video that’s the worst editing I’ve seen out of anything when they’re putting people’s faces on that little yachty on in the stage video it’s like AI is whack dude they’re bad at what they do yeah give it two years and all the Mentalist can predict all the pcks [ __ ] AI do that canny what what what what did O predict on Saturday night for the Bruins M police yeah he knew we were getting too close to realizing what he was a dumb [ __ ] he he didn’t know that you’re saying hose is a dumb [ __ ] I am after Saturday night yeah yeah right did you not see what o did right to your facea he literally did it to you I saw him I saw him ruin my shirt too well I would say sacrifice it charge it to the game that was a great pick that was a great thinking the those dude that was incredible he did say Maple Le in overtime when it got to overtime you thought to yourself [ __ ] this always did it again oh man I mean I told you on Friday on Friday night I said like yeah for shoot I think this is going to be a problem and the Boston Bruins now burying the Panthers uh 5-1 we got a couple hockey games to couple NBA games tonight uh we obviously love anytime anything happens in the football World which is why we showed AR earlier Xavier worthy we saw Joey burrow uh I don’t know if you guys saw in Tokyo Japan America Reigns Supreme their sport our guys we win you lose CJ stad michah Parsons taking a global World Tour don’t know if this was done before or if it’s happening now I have no idea CJ St mik a nice little tag team in immediate content world I’m enjoying it they go to Tokyo end up at a sumo wrestling Dojo I do believe and as Micah and CJ are shirtless in a room with no windows with a couple sumo wrestlers wearing Sumo diapers there’s a little bit of a jalous to standoff there 17-year-old sumo wrestler kind of gets Micah then CJ and sumo wrestler talk [ __ ] and Micah oh he’s a little baby he’s a little baby and Micah goes oh is that right okay okay excuse me let’s run it back he says let’s do one more and he said I’m working legs every single day I can’t be getting embarrassed in a basem*nt of a Japanese Place doing sumo wrestling and all of a sudden man with no clothes except for a diaper gets we needed that now it’s a 17-year-old allegedly and obviously Micah is you know one of the strongest most explosive people we got in the United States from America so certainly have that chatter but I like to see the bounce back I like to see the bounce back out of Micah right there in Tokyo that was big for us AJ that was big for us that was big did CJ get in there at all and mix it up with him I he saw lined up across from Micah I don’t know if they went at it but uh I mean mik michah was the alpha doj right I mean he is the guy that 17y old I would I would like to see him in the trenches uh we need more sumo wrestlers as offensive line what I saw been thinking that long time they’re so big so flexible so athletic no leverage bull rush them you can’t bull rush those guys and no leverage like that’s literally the game is leverage and they have nothing they can grab on to literally nothing except for the I don’t know what it’s called it looks like a diaper I apologize it is what it looks like it is called something else so imagine if they were able to use hands a little Jersey inside little snug little grab that 17 the second one here where Micah ends up winning or whatever but at at if we’re just talking pass rush this guy he put his his feet in the ground and he anchored and held him there for like I might want an entire old lineman of just sumo wrestlers cleat on if you had cleats on too wouldn’t slide at all like that it’s called a maishi the uh the kit that is being wored there by the guy with the cheeks up that’s just good knee drave yeah yeah passes balls out though he got up under that uh maishi yeah maishi if he needs cheeks out to play in the NFL we can we could cut some asess chaps out well I think it’s already happening with some of the uniforms right uhuh yeah Chris Angel his were yeah his were chaps yeah I was talking about actual uniforms or see-through there for a bit but you’re talking about Chris Angel wearing uh football fants while he did something magical with Las Vegas that’s right yeah a lot of magical pants happening congrats to Michel getting a big time and represent represent came back I saw Sports go ahead no you know like I watched there’s a documentary on those guys don’t they all go live together sumo wrestlers and they eat like 15 billion calories a day and they like that is their life once you become a sumo wrestler that doc was pretty far back I don’t say like I I think I’ve watched a similar long time ago yeah and they talk about whole and they’re they’re very Flex and it’s like those guys are looked at as like Gods over there aren’t they when you’re like a stud sumo wrestler I think professional wrestlers also viewed sumo wrestler obviously heralded but their life is like very much adding weight joints obviously not exactly the happiest and then the flexibility they kind of I don’t want to say if stop me if I’m wrong but I do remember I think they were like ripping hamstrings almost to make them more flexible right weren’t they like getting was that the same documentary I don’t remember if they did or not but I saw something on it they’re like all incredibly flexible nuts like insane it would be great yeah really good W has anyone tried to do it yet have we has anyone tried to sign like some young sumo wrestler uh Shane Falco had a sumo wrestler on his offensive line he was really good a bunch of raw eggs before the game that’s right Shane f a great leader too I think he what people say come he come off that boat house in [ __ ] R exactly he scub Barnacles off the btom he still has him in his shoes yeah Nigel will come out there and say I got boys that was very nice of him to do that rugby players basketball players feels like Suma wrestlers might be a good good idea we had uh the Patriots had a wrestler Neil Hogan first name no was last name Stephen nil maybe but uh he came in and was a very very good guard what kind of wrestler I don’t know like a wrest wrestler Oh you mean like Zack Fraser four-time state champion West Virginia Mountaineer oh you’re talking about like Tristan wors ex Lind bomb Linder bomb they all work out don’t good leverage I’m sure there’s some high school wrestlers that turned in offensive lineman that didn’t end up being all Pros not that I’ve heard about me neither he has no football background The Leverage thing is just like the game pretty much for offens and then you got to have the power and the quickness and the athleticism smarts smarts you got to be very smart speaking of smart you know it’s smart to pay people back who uh spend their time with you even though they shouldn’t you know sure and for this particular conversation it’s people that watch this show yeah bad decisions are made numbers came in uh for April got a chance to go through those stats I believe we’ll be uh potentially putting some a lot of people watching it’s uh don’t make a lot of sense you know we’re all mightily confused by it all but we do appreciate it and uh we try to give back every once a while with some giveaways you know what I mean AJ some giveaways I’d say more than every once in a while but yeah yeah we do we we’ve done a lot of giveaways throughout our existence you know here as a program and I think we should continue that but we need to give away things that are like special yeah you know uh we got to give like for instance con man offered up yesterday in our travelers from hardford Connecticut which is way upper two hours it’s [ __ ] way up worst states on the East Coast I had in mind the people I thought the people were very nice shout out to lorri on cop up there they had a great hat on good fit it with a goty great I mean good people great people up there it was hard to get to Harford though uh but great it was awesome we had time up there but Connor on the trip said you know maybe some of these shirts I wear I give away I’m like oh then we can sign them yeah boom yeah no better day than today to get a racist turtle out of the office oh well this is this this one is not up on the board unfortunately but but there there are a couple there are a couple on the board right now I thought you literally said yeah the shirt like especially racist Turtle day you know what I mean well I don’t want to spread racist turtles around at least I am aware of it enough that I can now SE Turtles feel like they’re pretty like Kon by I mean Finding Nemo kind of threw us all for a loop I don’t know those those weren’t sea turtles I don’t think sea turtles might you know they they mons you know all type of [ __ ] yeah and where they everywhere they go yeah you’re right so see what is that what is that Turtle there is that a tortoise could be a taurtis spp turtle Snapp just a snapping turtle turtle looks like a pond Turtle to me so tortoise was is a tortoise a turtle yeah yeah just different names yeah kind of like hair and rabbit right yeah okay it’s a formal it’s a more of a formal name so that’s racist torsus mhm yeah oh school so yeah so if you run one over in your car you don’t have to feel bad like you used to [ __ ] no not at all cuz there’s a chance that that particular turtle is the most racist thing Walker around Earth good [ __ ] like did you see how angry in 2024 I guess there’s probably a racist somewhere in the United States as soon as he sees a black person immediate anger headbutts a wall yeah we saw that guy was on the plane yes yeah yeah mhm okay we have yep so there’s a couple of those mhm are all turtles immediately upon seeing black just headbutting what’s right in front of them and and doing that they might be the most racist there’s a chance I didn’t know they were that explosive very explosive quick Twitch in there yeah got to do some research it must go all the way back to World War II I bet the Nazis were breeding these things racist probably right cuz nobody’s going to Care CU they move so slow they don’t think they’re really a problem they’ll never landmines on their back and just let them you know kind of go into a trench and then boom you want know several casualties underneath that shell but the the Shell’s good turtle’s okay cuz it’s got a shell yeah maybe or they’re completely okay with that thing getting blown into 500 million pieces okay put it under the shell you know so it’s like hidden like oh guys get some lettuce World War I been talked about a few times here the last couple days love WW2 we’re coming up on the you anniversary of dday hell yeah about a mon world could have been very different I don’t know if we talk about it enough but our world is going to be different because this particular giveaway is going to be have an autographed animal shirt from Boston Connor wow we go Darius you will be the one that’ll have to do the winning for the folks what are you going to do uh for the giveaway you think there is let’s shoot a basketball from the stage okay right here uh yeah middle wow okay autographed animal t-shirt this is a big May giveaway hug huge is a big what’ you say m he doesn’t want to give away a shirt no right there yeah I you going to wash it I just did hold on a second Dar this will be the first time we fully autograph an animal shirt yeah this a big deal you shoot that Jack it’s the biggest one yeah you got a really cool jacket on is that going to be okay momes unbuttoned his I don’t know if you need to how about your watch how about the watch oh yeah super cool cuz you were down there in Miami in front of that indie car yep you had your watch on your right hand doing the shadur yeah you look so cool you look so cool you look even cooler if you’re able to win one of these a graph t-shirts what if people say that’s a little bit of a a downgrade from like 20 people winning 500 bucks it’s a oneone oper really because you can’t put a cash value on that no you can’t this thing’s costom boom it’s going on a wall somewhere forever that’s who we’re hoping we W to win this IDE there’s a chance somebody gets it thr and just lights on fire and that’s cool too yeah y all right let’s uh let’s see if that’s the opportunity or let’s see if somebody’s pumped about it darus J Butler for a one of one oh that was though you’re right online take one step forward same shot someone were to light that shirt on fire or anything of you know incredible value to some people I think they should be um okay all right yep agreed what are you trying to get at USA USA D J Butler knock it oh good line again jacket it’s the jacket brother you might not be able to have enough power with the Jack sweet shoes he’s got cool shoes on too ladies and gentlemen if the very cool looking Dar stay brother can bury this ball into that you might win a one of one [ __ ] what the hell okay all right what’s going on this guy play Gage just gauging it ladies and gentlemen Darius J Butler is a guy who lives down in South Florida he’s not in your NFL vet he’s got a massive brain he also has great jumper oh filthy if he’s able to bury this particular shot from the stage one person will win a fully autograph animal t-shirt right out of Connor’s closet ladies and gentlemen debut for for the oh b b b b b b wow lava watch the lava you’re good that one’s going to be tough that was going to be tough to recreate thought it was in a hell of a shot ladies and gentlemen all dbut has to do is bury a shot into that hoop right over there and we’ll have a winner but as we’re talking about a football player MH bearing a jumper potentially quicker than Ty H Burton was able to do it from the stage Randy Moss has responded to an NBA Central I can take 30 players right now in the NBA and throw them in the NFL you canot take 30 NFL players and put them in the NBA said Austin Rivers on this particular show Randy Moss who uh yep both probably yeah anything you wanted to do says wow is that right is that right I like this this is kind of happening because we’re going to learn a lot about the spectacular athleticism of everybody in this particular case that uh NBA Central tweet is doing numbers oh is it yeah quite the conversation going on on the internet right now about love it love that’s Sports media there’s 1100 weets or quote tweets I don’t know I can’t tell which one’s quote or retweet we would like to let Randy Moss know hell yeah Randy you’re the perfect person to join this conversation and uh great job the other night on a roast yeah nobody really not a lot of people talk about Randy because I think everybody loves Randy exactly that’s kind of the it’s cool you done good Randy you’re done good and also yeah if he wanted to him and Jay will in high school were basically playing NBA basketball anyways now for the good of the NFL Darius J Butler all you got to do is make one shot from the stage and somebody will win and autographed animal t-shirt out of Connor’s closet out of the Safari out of the zoo oh that would have been the one sorry people son of a [ __ ] sorry people apologize miss another again so paper straws canceled now because of all this news paper straws are yeah Plastics back it’s sorry Randy Let You Down Randy no no no no no not Randy the turtles you were worried about a turtle jumping on stage to be fair yeah PTSD from the entire show got four turtles in turn around so debu can shoot it without a bunch of possibly racist Turtles looking at we decided I think the sea turtles aren’t the racist Mak we can’t be sure we can’t be sure I saw some video of them attacking like killer whales like the top of them but then they go underneath and they would on the belly because they were white down there SE sea turtles are doing that yeah I’ve just seen like two or three clips that so I can’t say all of them but I could say at least 90% probably speaking of the killer whales uh you see a video of them four wide swimming to build a wave to knock the [ __ ] Whatchamacallit off the glacier smart the seal holy [ __ ] they’re like hunting yeah or orchestrated attacks pretty called killer rails for a reason huh so smart this [ __ ] up here huh just laying around okay that’s smart all right when did they figure out all right we can just walking scary that’s scary that they figured that out like if I do this you see what happens up there are we thinking the same thing yeah how about you [ __ ] team up here you see that [ __ ] wow who gets to who gets to eat it though do they split it no they just rip it the shreds and kind of grab the scraps yeah it’s Chum okay yeah here they are three of them see you oh that guy’s got no chance well thank you for coming that’s good eat look at them bu that wave goodness yeah just genius just [ __ ] genius oh they think they’re so smart they can hide okay mhm we’ll see where you hide oh snoozing huh welcome to the Thunderdome hello hello yep it’s up here it’s up here we’re coming for you Nature’s [ __ ] that’s yeah well rest in peace that’s what happened they were [ __ ] up boats for a little yeah attacking them yeah good on you they’re smart you got you got to paint your boat white obviously well that’s the turtles we don’t know about killer whales they were you’re right we can’t I can’t I can’t make any allegations towards at this point what what do we know about any of these animals we I look at them all differently now you should that turtle was alarming wasn’t it it’s the violence in which they ran I didn’t know CT Turtles could even Ram their head like that and then it stops immediately natural Cowboy color on that’s why they wear it they do we also got to check in on that turtle’s owner let’s see let’s see what type of flags that guy’s waving in his yard you know that’s very well said because who knows what type of environment this guy’s growing up in or girls it’s true yeah true doesn’t make it difference no it doesn’t still terrible I know what you’re [Music] saying get in there oh that would have been good for the NBA NFL thing I really wanted it to fall I did we’re out of here hey good shooting boy especially at Turtles Hey great work today boys hey good work you too tone great work bub thanks brother what are you gambling on for Hammer uh tonight we got a little bit of MLB and then NBA and nhb play kind of been carrying it I heard show is hitting bombs he is H yeah this is going to be a big Derek white game tonight when hasn’t it dere W amen my brother that’s the Boston Celtics weapon yes yeah yeah especially against a cat team like this right now all right well I can’t wait to overreact to all of it tomorrow Boys in back great work great work great boys AJ way you go pal all right let’s get the hell out of here we’ll be back tomorrow thank you so much for allowing us to do this for living you’re the greatest people on Earth be a friend tell a friend something nice it might change our life like our friends and dude wives have but they to go only one per one per that’s all you need just get in there quick shot for your ass one and done that’s right ain’t that nice mhm the best like taking a bath but just for your ass Splish Splash dude wipes boom it’s awesome it’s a tack wipe it up I’m not it’s a great Sprint it on the box Sprint it on the box it’s like taking a bath just for your ass I mean makes sense too if you think about it oh yeah oh yeah and that’s exactly what it is yeah just you’re just kind of getting in there and you’re kind of cleaning the ass out real good as if you take a shower M thank you dude wipes the road to TST continues with dude wipes look for the next clip of me doing something soccer related that will not have uh all of my terribleness in it but some will certainly make an appearance because coach gumpy’s coaching me up thank you coach boy G Good Times there good to be back on the pit coach Gino it is nice coach Gino you know get me ready for coach Tony mola the con team down there uh we got the reggae Rovers first and then we got the Natty SC team they’re [ __ ] and then the next day we got Burnley FC which is bad news cuz it’s good chance I’m probably not going to be playing in that Burnley game okay that’s going be the third game yeah save save the legs for that one yeah unless we’re load managing the first two games uh I I don’t know if I’m going to make it to that third game with Burnley but we got big one down there June 5th June 6th June 7th and if you win the whole weekend and we’re planning on doing that with K Kaa The Boys are hunting A Millie yeah amen we’re in this thing together team on me team on three 1 2 3 goodbye

The Pat McAfee Show Live | Tuesday May 7th, 2024 - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (2024)


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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.