Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (2024)

Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (1)

Standard searches reveal no Imperial citizenship record for a 'Raina Temple,' but the usual caveats apply–our data on the Imperial populace remains sadly incomplete. Temple's skills and attitude suggest Imperial Army training, but her presence inside the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force is extremely unusual - neither the CEDF nor the Imperial military is known for its transfer programs. Analysis: Personable and bright Imperial military cadets don't end up embedded with aliens at the far edge of the galaxy without good reason. Temple could be a plant, but it's just as likely she's been intentionally forced out of the picture. Best-guess personality profile suggests she's a typically patriotic example of the rank-and-file Imperial military–a true believer in Imperial superiority and duty. No matter how easygoing or empathetic she may be at times, the needs of her nation have to come first.

  • Class: Imperial Agent
  • Returns: A Traitor Among Chiss Flashpoint Story
  • Likes: The Empire, the Sith, duty, honor
  • Dislikes: Ideology, honesty, selfish actions without clear long-term gain
  • Weapon: Dual Blaster Pistols

Ensign Raina Temple Customizations

Ensign Temple Customization 2Belsavis Companion Customization Vendor (Imperial) / Cartel Bazaar Importer

Ensign Temple Customization 3Belsavis Companion Customization Vendor (Imperial) / Cartel Bazaar Importer

Ensign Temple Customization 4Belsavis Companion Customization Vendor (Imperial) / Cartel Bazaar Importer

Ensign Temple Customization 5Belsavis Companion Customization Vendor (Imperial) / Cartel Bazaar Importer

Ensign Temple Customization 6Belsavis Companion Customization Vendor (Imperial) / Cartel Bazaar Importer

Ensign Temple Customization 7Belsavis Companion Customization Vendor (Imperial) / Cartel Bazaar Importer

Ensign Temple Customization 8Security Key Vendor Ilum Orbital Station (Imperial)

Ensign Temple Customization 9Cartel Market or Underworld Reputation

Ensign Raina Temple Recruitment

In the later expansions, players can recruit many companions to join their alliance, including companions from other stories.

Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (25)

Returns: A Traitor Among the Chiss Flashpoint Story

Recruitable By: All Characters

Ensign Raina Temple Romance Guide

Romanceable by: Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (26) Imperial Agent male characters

About: Personable and bright Imperial military cadets don't end up embedded with aliens at the far edge of the galaxy without good reason. Temple could be a plant, but it's just as likely she's been intentionally forced out of the picture. Best-guess personality profile suggests she's a typically patriotic example of the rank-and-file Imperial military--a true believer in Imperial superiority and duty. No matter how easygoing or empathetic she may be at times, the needs of her nation have to come first.

Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (27)

How to start romance: The male Imperial Agent can romance Raina during the Imperial Agent story as well as the companion conversations with her. These companion conversations are unlocked by completing quests within the Imperial Agent storyline, so check your companion on your ship after every planet to see if more companion conversation quests have become available, indicated by a quest marker over your companion's head. The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. A very important thing to know is that if you start the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, or the Jedi Under Siege / Ossus / Onslaught expansion, you will automatically lock yourself out of the original companion storylines and will not be able to complete them later, and it is not guaranteed that your romance will be toggled for future expansions. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commander's Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Master's Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.)

Romance continuation: Players can resume their romance with Temple after the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, during the A Traitor Among the Chiss storyline. This Chiss expansionary forces will land on Odessan, bringing Temple with them. Afterwards, Raina Temple will meet with the Agent, and admit she had been looking for the Agent for years and asks if the Agent still loves her after all this time. The player can reply "Of course I do." to resume the romance or "I'm sorry. I've moved on." to break up. Choosing to resume will have a box pop up that says "This choice will resume your romance with Raina Temple. Doing so will end any other romances you may be involved in. Are you sure you want to proceed?" and will lead to a kiss. If the player chooses to break up, Raina will be sad but understand, and would like to stay and continued working with the alliance.

Romance conflict: If the player chooses to romance Kaliyo, Ensign will eventually confront the Imperial Agent about his and Kaliyo's relationship. The Agent must then choose between Kaliyo and Ensign. If the player chooses Ensign, he will then go break up with Kaliyo, who will be angry. If the player chooses Kaliyo, Ensign will be disappointed.

Videos: Ensign Raina Temple original Romance Conversations, Imperial Agent love triangle Temple/Kaliyo, Ensign Temple romance reunion A Traitor Among the Chiss, Meeting with Raina afterewards romance, Raina reunion Break up and all answers, Raina vs Kaliyo choice break up

Ensign Raina Temple Influence

A companion's strength in battle is not determined by their gear, instead it is boosted by their Influence Level. A companion's Influence Level also affects their crafting and gathering speed for crew skills, and their crafting critical chance. Most companions start at Influence Level 1, and you can raise their influence level by making decisions they approve of in cutscenes, or by giving them gifts they enjoy.

The higher rank the gift is, and whether they like, favorite or love it, will affect how much Influence they gain from a gift. Gifts that ensign temple can gain Influence from are listed below along with how to get them.

Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (28) Boost ensign temple to Influence Level 50: You can make your companion incredibly strong by boosting them up to influence level 50. Using a Companion Compendium is the fastest way to get to Influence 50 and levels your companion to influence level 50 immediately, without using gifts. You can either get one in the Strongholds section of the Fleet for 3 Dark Projects plus 4.25 million credits, or buy them from the Cartel Market / GTN.

Ensign Raina Temple

Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (29)

  • Loves ♥ ♥ ♥ (Best): Imperial Memorabilia
  • Favorites ♥ ♥ (Second Best): Military Gear
  • Likes ♥ (Third Best): Courting, Luxury, Republic Memorabilia, Weapon
  • Courting gifts are broken and will get a 'Like' reaction from Ensign Raina Temple, whether you have romanced them or not
Gift TypeReactionGifts
CourtingLike ♥ (Third Best)Items
Cultural ArtifactNoneItems
Imperial MemorabiliaLove ♥ ♥ ♥ (Best)Items
LuxuryLike ♥ (Third Best)Items
Military GearFavorite ♥ ♥ (Second Best)Items
Republic MemorabiliaLike ♥ (Third Best)Items
Underworld GoodNoneItems
WeaponLike ♥ (Third Best)Items

Imperial Memorabilia Gifts for ensign temple

IconItem NameGift TypeReactRankQualitySource
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (30)Collected History of the True SithImperial Memorabilia♥ ♥ ♥6legendaryOdessan Vendor (250,000 Credits), Alliance Crates earned at level 61+
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (31)Account of the Discovery of KorribanImperial Memorabilia♥ ♥ ♥5artifactFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (10,000 Credits), Fleet Companion Gifts Vendor (1 Artifact Gift Fragment, gift fragments are no longer available), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 5 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting, Alliance Crates earned at level 61+
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (32)Banned Imperial History DocumentImperial Memorabilia♥ ♥ ♥5prototypeFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (5,000 Credits), Fleet Companion Gifts Vendor (1 Prototype Gift Fragment, gift fragments are no longer available), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 5 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting, Alliance Crates earned at level 61+
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (33)Sith Opera CollectionImperial Memorabilia♥ ♥ ♥5premiumFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (1 Premium Gift Fragment, gift fragments are no longer available), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 5 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (34)Decorative Sith BladeImperial Memorabilia♥ ♥ ♥4artifactRank 4 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (35)Imperial General's Dog TagsImperial Memorabilia♥ ♥ ♥4prototypeRank 4 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (36)Philosophy of the Sith CodeImperial Memorabilia♥ ♥ ♥4premiumRank 4 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (37)Moff's Signet RingImperial Memorabilia♥ ♥ ♥3artifactRank 3 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (38)Imperial Service MedalImperial Memorabilia♥ ♥ ♥3prototypeRank 3 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (39)Imperial Military RecordsImperial Memorabilia♥ ♥ ♥3premiumRank 3 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (40)Archive of Known Sith BloodlinesImperial Memorabilia♥ ♥ ♥2artifactPersonal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 2 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (41)Declaration of the Emperor's WillImperial Memorabilia♥ ♥ ♥2prototypePersonal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 2 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (42)Imperial Battalion FlagImperial Memorabilia♥ ♥ ♥2premiumFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (600 Credits), Fleet Companion Gifts Vendor (600 Credits), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 2 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (43)Ancient Sith MuralImperial Memorabilia♥ ♥ ♥1artifactPersonal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 1 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (44)Relic of the Sacking of CoruscantImperial Memorabilia♥ ♥ ♥1prototypePersonal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 1 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (45)Imperial History HoloImperial Memorabilia♥ ♥ ♥1premiumFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (200 Credits), Fleet Companion Gifts Vendor (200 Credits), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 1 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting

Military Gear Gifts for ensign temple

IconItem NameGift TypeReactRankQualitySource
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (46)Experimental Tactical Stealth Field GeneratorMilitary Gear♥ ♥6legendaryOdessan Vendor (250,000 Credits), Alliance Crates earned at level 61+
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (47)Omni-Vision Battlefield RelayMilitary Gear♥ ♥5artifactFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (10,000 Credits), Fleet Companion Gifts Vendor (1 Artifact Gift Fragment, gift fragments are no longer available), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 5 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting, Alliance Crates earned at level 61+
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (48)Gourmet Ration PackMilitary Gear♥ ♥5prototypeFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (5,000 Credits), Fleet Companion Gifts Vendor (1 Prototype Gift Fragment, gift fragments are no longer available), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 5 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting, Alliance Crates earned at level 61+
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (49)Premium Field RationsMilitary Gear♥ ♥5premiumFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (1 Premium Gift Fragment, gift fragments are no longer available), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 5 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (50)Multi-Spectrum Target AnalyzerMilitary Gear♥ ♥4artifactRank 4 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (51)Encrypted TransmitterMilitary Gear♥ ♥4prototypeRank 4 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (52)Armor Maintenance KitMilitary Gear♥ ♥4premiumRank 4 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (53)SpecOps Camouflage UnitMilitary Gear♥ ♥3artifactRank 3 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (54)Personalized ThermosuitMilitary Gear♥ ♥3prototypeRank 3 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (55)Homing DeviceMilitary Gear♥ ♥3premiumRank 3 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (56)Hyperwave Motion DetectorMilitary Gear♥ ♥2artifactPersonal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 2 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (57)Improvised Demolitions ToolkitMilitary Gear♥ ♥2prototypePersonal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 2 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (58)Complete Camping SetMilitary Gear♥ ♥2premiumFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (600 Credits), Fleet Companion Gifts Vendor (600 Credits), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 2 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (59)Fitted All-Weather BodysuitMilitary Gear♥ ♥1artifactPersonal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 1 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (60)Advanced Recon Survival KitMilitary Gear♥ ♥1prototypePersonal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 1 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (61)Survival GearMilitary Gear♥ ♥1premiumFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (200 Credits), Fleet Companion Gifts Vendor (200 Credits), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 1 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting

Courting Gifts for ensign temple

IconItem NameGift TypeReactRankQualitySource
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (62)Haven's Blade Couple's Lounge VIP PassesCourting6legendaryOdessan Vendor (250,000 Credits), Alliance Crates earned at level 61+
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (63)Gree Temporary Mind-Link DeviceCourting5artifactFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (10,000 Credits), Fleet Companion Gifts Vendor (1 Artifact Gift Fragment, gift fragments are no longer available), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 5 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting, Alliance Crates earned at level 61+
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (64)Zeltron Personal Aroma SetCourting5prototypeFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (5,000 Credits), Fleet Companion Gifts Vendor (1 Prototype Gift Fragment, gift fragments are no longer available), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 5 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting, Alliance Crates earned at level 61+
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (65)Personalized HoloportraitCourting5premiumFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (1 Premium Gift Fragment, gift fragments are no longer available), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 5 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (66)Flawless Adegan Crystal NecklaceCourting4artifactRank 4 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (67)Tashelin Serenading DroidCourting4prototypeRank 4 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (68)Formal ClothingCourting4premiumRank 4 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (69)Electrum Commitment RingCourting3artifactRank 3 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (70)Coin of Good FortuneCourting3prototypeRank 3 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (71)Authentic Tionese CuisineCourting3premiumRank 3 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (72)Emotional Unity FocusCourting2artifactPersonal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 2 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (73)Inlaid Corellian Love StonesCourting2prototypePersonal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 2 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (74)Hutt Affection TokenCourting2premiumFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (600 Credits), Fleet Companion Gifts Vendor (600 Credits), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 2 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (75)Preserved Tarisian RoseCourting1artifactPersonal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 1 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (76)Hand-Carved Voss Courting JewelryCourting1prototypePersonal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 1 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (77)Gold NecklaceCourting1premiumFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (200 Credits), Fleet Companion Gifts Vendor (200 Credits), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 1 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting

Luxury Gifts for ensign temple

IconItem NameGift TypeReactRankQualitySource
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (78)Zeltronian 'Week of Escape' VoucherLuxury6legendaryOdessan Vendor (250,000 Credits), Alliance Crates earned at level 61+
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (79)Intricate Corellian Speeder ModelLuxury5artifactFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (10,000 Credits), Fleet Companion Gifts Vendor (1 Artifact Gift Fragment, gift fragments are no longer available), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 5 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting, Alliance Crates earned at level 61+
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (80)First Edition Galactic EncyclopediaLuxury5prototypeFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (5,000 Credits), Fleet Companion Gifts Vendor (1 Prototype Gift Fragment, gift fragments are no longer available), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 5 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting, Alliance Crates earned at level 61+
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (81)Handheld OrreryLuxury5premiumFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (1 Premium Gift Fragment, gift fragments are no longer available), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 5 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (82)Tionese Hovering OrnamentLuxury4artifactRank 4 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (83)Exquisite Cooking SpicesLuxury4prototypeRank 4 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (84)Tarul WineLuxury4premiumRank 4 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (85)Youth Preservation TreatmentLuxury3artifactRank 3 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (86)Pre-Republic Platinum CoinLuxury3prototypeRank 3 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (87)Intricate HolosculptureLuxury3premiumRank 3 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (88)Aged Chandrilan WineLuxury2artifactPersonal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 2 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (89)Comet-Stone Drinking GlassLuxury2prototypePersonal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 2 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (90)Polished CarapaceLuxury2premiumFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (600 Credits), Fleet Companion Gifts Vendor (600 Credits), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 2 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (91)Killik Silk LinensLuxury1artifactPersonal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 1 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (92)Fossilized Hutt GallstoneLuxury1prototypePersonal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 1 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (93)Small GemstoneLuxury1premiumFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (200 Credits), Fleet Companion Gifts Vendor (200 Credits), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 1 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting

Republic Memorabilia Gifts for ensign temple

IconItem NameGift TypeReactRankQualitySource
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (94)Intact Tarisian Automated Tourguide DroidRepublic Memorabilia6legendaryOdessan Vendor (250,000 Credits), Alliance Crates earned at level 61+
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (95)Holorecord of the Republic FoundingRepublic Memorabilia5artifactFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (10,000 Credits), Fleet Companion Gifts Vendor (1 Artifact Gift Fragment, gift fragments are no longer available), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 5 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting, Alliance Crates earned at level 61+
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (96)Republic Senatorial OathRepublic Memorabilia5prototypeFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (5,000 Credits), Fleet Companion Gifts Vendor (1 Prototype Gift Fragment, gift fragments are no longer available), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 5 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting, Alliance Crates earned at level 61+
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (97)Canister of Coruscanti SoilRepublic Memorabilia5premiumFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (1 Premium Gift Fragment, gift fragments are no longer available), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 5 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (98)Tython Explorer's WritingsRepublic Memorabilia4artifactRank 4 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (99)Republic War Hero's Dog TagsRepublic Memorabilia4prototypeRank 4 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (100)Replica of the Galactic ConstitutionRepublic Memorabilia4premiumRank 4 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (101)History of the Great Hyperspace WarRepublic Memorabilia3artifactRank 3 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (102)Master Satele's HolocronRepublic Memorabilia3artifactRank 3 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (103)Republic Service MedalRepublic Memorabilia3prototypeRank 3 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (104)Republic Military RecordsRepublic Memorabilia3premiumRank 3 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (105)List of the Republic's FallenRepublic Memorabilia2artifactPersonal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 2 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (106)Official Draft of the Treaty of CoruscantRepublic Memorabilia2prototypePersonal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 2 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (107)Republic Planetary FlagRepublic Memorabilia2premiumFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (600 Credits), Fleet Companion Gifts Vendor (600 Credits), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 2 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (108)Page of Gnost-Dural's JournalRepublic Memorabilia1artifactPersonal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 1 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (109)Memento of the Battle of AlderaanRepublic Memorabilia1prototypePersonal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 1 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (110)Republic History HoloRepublic Memorabilia1premiumFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (200 Credits), Fleet Companion Gifts Vendor (200 Credits), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 1 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting

Weapon Gifts for ensign temple

IconItem NameGift TypeReactRankQualitySource
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (111)Miniature Black Hole Gravity GrenadeWeapon6legendaryOdessan Vendor (250,000 Credits), Alliance Crates earned at level 61+
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (112)Unique Rakata GrenadeWeapon5artifactFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (10,000 Credits), Fleet Companion Gifts Vendor (1 Artifact Gift Fragment, gift fragments are no longer available), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 5 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting, Alliance Crates earned at level 61+
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (113)Energy Blade BayonetWeapon5prototypeFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (5,000 Credits), Fleet Companion Gifts Vendor (1 Prototype Gift Fragment, gift fragments are no longer available), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 5 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting, Alliance Crates earned at level 61+
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (114)High-Resolution Combat RecorderWeapon5premiumFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (1 Premium Gift Fragment, gift fragments are no longer available), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 5 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (115)Emergency Blaster DetonatorWeapon4artifactRank 4 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (116)Star Core Overloaded Power CellWeapon4prototypeRank 4 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (117)Personal Armory LockerWeapon4premiumRank 4 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (118)Exotic Gree Heat SinkWeapon3artifactRank 3 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (119)BlasTech Ultralight TriggerWeapon3prototypeRank 3 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (120)Concealable VibroknifeWeapon3premiumRank 3 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (121)Taung Crusader's VibroknifeWeapon2artifactPersonal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 2 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (122)Military Scope SetWeapon2prototypePersonal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 2 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (123)Padded Weapon CaseWeapon2premiumFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (600 Credits), Fleet Companion Gifts Vendor (600 Credits), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 2 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (124)Pre-Republic Slug ThrowerWeapon1artifactPersonal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 1 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (125)Czerka Blaster SilencerWeapon1prototypePersonal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 1 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting
Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (126)Ammunition BeltWeapon1premiumFleet Companion Gifts Vendor (200 Credits), Fleet Companion Gifts Vendor (200 Credits), Personal Conquest Reward for level 1-70, Rank 1 Companion Gifts Missions from Diplomacy and Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting

Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (127)Have a suggestion or correction? Go to the Swtorista Website Discord and post your report in the #report-issue channel. You will need to make a free Discord account.

Ensign Raina Temple Companion Guide (2024)


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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.