| Veterans Affairs (2024)

Enrollment Manager Frequently Asked Questions

For current statuses on known and resolved issues with Enrollment Manager, visit the Enrollment Manager system updates page.

Change Log
Getting Started
Enrollment Manager Functionality
Enrollment Manager Procedural Guidance
Enrollment Manager Data Processing and Outcomes
Resources and Troubleshooting
VBA and Custom Remarks and Guidance

Getting Started

1. What is Enrollment Manager?
Enrollment Manager is a modernized platform for SCOs that replaced VA-ONCE.

2. What training resources are available to teach SCOs how to use Enrollment Manager?
Log in to the SCO Training Portal to complete Enrollment Manager 100, 101, and 102 (according to your facility type). These interactive self-paced trainings include software simulations that allow SCOs to practice key system functionalities.

Navigate to the Resources for Schools page to access additional resources, such as the Enrollment Manager SCO User Guide, facility-specific Quick Start Guides, and the VA Paper-Based Forms to Enrollment Manager Crosswalk.

SCOs are strongly encouraged to visit the Education and Training page to find the schedule and registration links for upcoming live webinars, such as the monthly Office Hours series. From the Education and Training page, SCOs can also find previous live webinar recordings, event agendas, and presentation materials that offer key Enrollment Manager updates, system demonstrations, and information on the GI Bill®, related legislation, and SCO processes.

3. How do I access Enrollment Manager?
All users need to create an or account to securely access Enrollment Manager. SCOs must complete necessary training and submit VA Form 22-8794 prior to following the below steps to access the platform:

First Time User Log-in
1. Navigate to the VA Education Platform by going to
2. Select the "SSOe" button. This stands for Single Sign On External.
3. Select one of the applications below to log in. Follow the steps for either of these options to login or create a new account:
4. If needed, set up multi-factor authentication. Setting up multi-factor authentication is a required step for both LOGIN.GOV and
5. Then, authorize VA to access your personal data by selecting the "Allow" button.
6. Once you are verified, you are redirected to the VA Education Platform Portal (VA EPP). From the VA EPP, select the "Request Access" hyperlink in the Enrollment Manager section.
7. There, you are prompted to submit a request form. Please complete all the required fields and select the "Submit" button.
8. Once your request is submitted, you must wait until you receive an email notifying you that your access to Enrollment Manager was granted.
9. Once your access is granted, proceed to the Pre-existing User Login section below. Please refer to the Enrollment Manager SCO User Guide on the Resources for Schools page for additional guidance.

Pre-existing User Log-in
1. Navigate to the VA EPP by going to
2. Select the "SSOe" button.
3. Select the following applications below to login and follow the appropriate steps to login:
4. Once logged in, you are then redirected to the VA EPP.
5. Select the “Open Enrollment Manager” button to redirect to Enrollment Manager.

4. Is a new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) required for Enrollment Manager?
No, but all users are required to view and accept an End User Agreement. Upon logging in to Enrollment Manager, users can see a pop up displaying the End User Agreement.

5. Why is it required that SCOs give their personal Social Security Number (SSN) to sign into or
The and verification process requires collecting sensitive pieces of information, like your SSN. These platforms need this information order to uniquely identify you, a critical step to prevent impersonation and fraud. Using and/or is a government policy, not just VBA.

6. Can SCOs add SCO Read Only Users and Assistants to Enrollment Manager?
Yes, SCOs can grant access based on a request submitted by the Assistant or Read Only SCO. Work-Study students and other School employees need to request access to Enrollment Manager and the SCO needs to approve it. Assistant and Read Only access requests are submitted using the same method performed by SCOs through the VA Education Platform Portal. No training is required for either role. Read Only SCOs also must be listed on the VA Form 22-8794, which is submitted via the VA Education Platform Portal.

7. Can students see their certifications in the Enrollment Manager system?
No, students do not have access to Enrollment Manager.

Enrollment Manager Functionality

8. Is there a solution for Enrollment Manager timing out so quickly?

To keep Personal Identifying Information (PII) secure, Enrollment Manager times out in 15 minutes to align with VA’s security requirements. An inactivity warning message appears two minutes prior to timeout for users to save work and opt to stay logged into the system.

9. Is a student’s biographical and contact information prepopulated?

When logged into Enrollment Manager, SCOs can search for students with existing accounts in VA systems. If a student is found, biographical and contact information appears. If a student is not found, SCOs can add a new student to Enrollment Manager.

10. Can SCOs update a student’s biographical and contact information (e.g. birth date) in Enrollment Manager?

SCOs cannot change the biographical or contact information. If the biographical or contact information is incorrect on a student profile, please encourage your student to submit an Ask VA (AVA) inquiry or contact the GI Bill helpline at 888-442-455 to update their profile information.

11. Do SCOs have access to students' entitlement information in Enrollment Manager?

Yes, this information can be found on the Student Profile Page under the Benefits tab, unless a student has opted out.

12. When a student has applied for education benefits, but the application has not yet been approved, can we see the status of their application in Enrollment Manager? What happens when a student cannot be located under “Find and Add a Student”?

No, you cannot see this information. Benefit information is not available until it is determined that the student is eligible. If a student cannot be located under “Find and Add a Student” in Enrollment Manager, then the SCO can still add the student.

13. Does Enrollment Manager display Social Security numbers (SSN)? If so, how do I find it?

To remain in compliance with a legislative mandate, SCOs cannot search by SSN in Enrollment Manager; however, SSNs are still used to verify students and are associated to students in VA systems not visible in Enrollment Manager. SSN is used to create a new student in Enrollment Manager and other VA systems. It is printed on enrollments and certifications and can be accessed in EM by selecting an enrollment/certification, clicking the View Details link and then selecting the print button. Students without SSN cannot be processed in EM. Please use paper enrollments in this case.

For tips on how to search for and correctly identify students in Enrollment Manager, reference the Student Search and Identification Microlearning available in the February SCO Office Hours recording.

14. When payments come in, the student’s Social Security Number is how we identify payments. How can we identify payments going forward?

The U.S. Department of Treasury submits payments as directed by the VA. Each payment includes an addendum with the student’s SSN, name, and term dates.

Additionally, upon request, financial institutions are required to provide this information according to the rules established by the National Automated Clearing House Association. While financial institutions are required to provide this information, this request may incur a fee.

15. Is "Benefit Remaining" information also be available for non-CH 33 students (30, 1606, 35, etc.)?

Yes, excluding CH 31, you can find this information on the Student Profile Page in Enrollment Manager. The Benefit Remaining shown reflects the student's remaining entitlement as of the End date of the last processed term.

16. Is Enrollment Manager able to send electronic letters, instead of paper mail letters and debt letters?

Enrollment Manager does not send any paper mail letters, it only sends an email notification when enrollments were submitted on a student’s behalf.

However, VA Processing sends notices through paper mail, and not electronically.

17. Is there a feature to see school debts specific to the student in the student file in Enrollment Manager? Can we see school debt and/or student debt on terms? Can the debt process be any different/faster?

Enrollment Manager does not currently have a school debt feature. However, we hope to introduce functionality in the future that allows schools to track debts more effectively.

18. Is there an option to select Graduate/Undergraduate?​

Based on the Objective Type, SCOs can set up their students as Graduate or Undergraduate and can complete the action manually. When submitting an enrollment for a graduate student, the Training Time/Full-Time Modifier field is present for SCOs.

19. Why is a Program/Objective code required for a Guest Student?

When a SCO selects the “Guest Student” checkbox, the program auto-populates as “Guest Student”. The Objective code is required systematically for auto-processing in DGI and allows graduate level students Full-time modifier/Training time to be reported.

20. Can SCOs add programs manually?  

There is not a way for SCOs to add programs in Enrollment Manager. WEAMS feeds all programs to EM and once a program is added to WEAMS it should be available in EM the next day. If you have a program that is not listed in WEAMS that was approved by the SAA, contact the ELR of jurisdiction. If you have a new program that needs to be approved, contact the SAA of jurisdiction.

21. How do you update majors in Enrollment Manager?

In Enrollment Manager, navigate to the Programs tab and select the “Update student’s academic info” button. Once selected, update the Academic program, as needed.

22. What does the "Save as Draft" button do?

The "Save as Draft" button allows you to save drafts of students' enrollments and monthly certifications so that they can be submitted at a later time.

23. If we add a note in Enrollment Manager, who can view it?

Notes are viewable to SCOs and other users with Enrollment Manager access. Any notes included in this section are not submitted to VA with the enrollment, but can be later reviewed by VA if necessary.

24. How can I view or print a PDF for all enrollments/amendments for a student?
Select the corresponding “View Details” button of the desired enrollment/amendment. This action automatically routes the user to the “View Details” page. From this page, view/print the selected enrollment/amendment.

Additionally, users can generate detailed reports for enrollments, amendments, and certifications based on a weekly date range from the “Reports” tab.

25. What types of reports can Enrollment Manager generate?

Enrollment Manager can generate the following reports:

● Summary Report provides statistics of records submitted in each week.

● Detail Report provides a full readout of each record submitted in each week. This report can be exported as a PDF file containing the PDF forms of each record - 22-1999s, 22-1999bs, etc. - allowing schools to keep these records on file offline.

26. Why do OJT/APP, Flight, 1606, CH 30, and CH 35 enrollment certifications show “Pending review” after submitting an enrollment? This leaves SCOs not knowing if the enrollment has processed.

The status reflected in EM will remain at “Under VA Review” even AFTER the claim has been processed for the following enrollment types:

● For Flight and OJT/APP (all chapters)

● CH 1606, 35, 31 (VR&E) & VRRAP claim

● All non-automated CH 30 claims

The modernization of all the different systems that administer the GI Bill is still in progress. The listed benefit types/chapters are processed in systems that are not yet integrated with EM. We will communicate with SCOs when system updates are made that impact how statuses appear within EM. 

Enrollment Manager Procedural Guidance

27. How do I change my personal email/name if incorrectly displaying on enrollment documents?

Contact the SCO Hotline to request that a Call Center Representative sends the information to their coach for action. When speaking to the representative, please provide the representative the:

● Facility code

● Incorrect email address/name

● Correct email address/name

28. When selecting the benefit for the student, what happens if the student is eligible for two different benefits? At that point, is it up to the school to determine the student preference and submit accordingly?

The school should confirm with the student which benefit they would like to use first and apply that benefit accordingly.

29. How can I determine which student to add to our school if there are two students with the same name and birth date?

To add a student to their school, SCOs first search for that student in Enrollment Manger. SCOs can add a student’s contact information when adding them to their institution, if it does not already exist in the VA system. If there are multiple students with the same name and date of birth, SCOs can find their email address and other contact info to confirm they select the correct student.

For tips on how to search for and correctly identify students in Enrollment Manager, reference the Student Search and Identification Microlearning available in the February SCO Office Hours recording.

30. Do students need to submit a VA Form 22-1995 to their SCO when transferring?

No, students do not need to submit a VA Form 22-1995 or the 5495 to the VA or to their SCO for their transfer. The student’s new school's submission of enrollments in Enrollment Manager confirms the transfer with VA.

31. For making changes, is there still a recommendation that SCOs should wait 24 hours between making amendments to a certification?

Enrollment Manager can process more than one amendment on a single certification in a 15-minute period for CH 33 students. For non-CH 33 students, continue submitting successive adjustments on separate days.

32. Is there a U.S. dollar currency selection for international certification? 

For foreign schools, Enrollment Manager auto-generates remark regarding the currency of the country based on the school’s facility code. If your facility is a US Schools with an international branch that is receiving an auto-generated foreign currency remark, this is incorrect. Please call the SCO hotline and let them know that the facility code is incorrect.

33. Can we add more than one enrollment period at one time?

The ability to add multiple terms at one time is available in Enrollment Manger. To do so, select the “Add multiple enrollments” button on the Enrollments tab. The multiple enrollments and single enrollment views require the same information to be inputted.

34. Can Enrollment Manager make changes to already terminated certifications?

No. You cannot make changes to an already terminated enrollment. To make a correction to an enrollment period that has been terminated for an IHL or NCD program, create new enrollment and include the following VBA remark: "Correcting Previously Terminated Enrollment”. This will prevent the duplication of Tuition & Fees payments.

When submitting the new enrollment with the appropriate VBA remark, the recreated enrollment must reflect the original enrollment information submitted. Then, an amendment(s) must be submitted to provide the corrected/updated enrollment information. Once those steps are complete, the SCO can terminate the new enrollment.

Enrollment Manager Data Processing and Outcomes

35. What is a reasonable expectation in terms of how quickly VA can process the enrollment and send out the housing payment?

Enrollment Manager speeds up processing time for automated CH 33 enrollments and amendments. If the submitted enrollment is automated, the T&Fs and Books & Supplies payments are sent out 2 weeks prior to the start of the term or sooner, depending on start of term proximity. Housing payments can be received by the 1st of the following month after the start of the term, if applicable. If the enrollment requires manual processing, an average of 3-5 additional days are needed for T&F and Books & Supplies, dependent on the backlog of claims.

36. How does termination create debt?

SCOs terminate an enrollment when informed by the student and verified through school records review, or directly from school registration records. Debt creation from this process depends on:

● If the Original enrollment was processed and any payments have been released

How quickly the SCO reports the termination

If acceptable mitigating circ*mstances are provided by SCO or studentWhen VA processes the termination

Exception: No debt is created when reporting Graduation or Program completion.

37. Can we see students that applied for benefits? Or only ones that have been approved?

You can search for students who are present in VBA systems, e.g., Compensation or Veteran Readiness & Employment (VR&E). If your student has applied for benefits using the My Education Benefits (MEB) application of, they should appear in the search. If your student applied via the paper application or legacy system application, they would not appear in the search until their claim is processed. In the latter scenario, you can create the student and begin setting up their profile.

Resources and Troubleshooting

38. What resources are available if assistance is needed with

Watch this video to learn how to create your account to log in to Enrollment Manager. You can visit VA & Help Center if assistance is needed (VA and – Help Center).

39. Is there a preferred browser for Enrollment Manager?

Enrollment Manager is browser agnostic. Feel free to use your preferred browser.

40. Is there a streamlined way of reporting issues should they arise?

If you need assistance with Enrollment Manager, please contact the ECC toll-free at 1-888-442-4551, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. ET to be transferred to the SCO Hotline.

41. Can Regional Processing Offices (RPOs) contact SCOs through Enrollment Manager?

No, there is not a communication tool for the RPOs to reach out to SCOs through Enrollment Manager.

42. Does Enrollment Manager replace the Tungsten Network?

No, VR&E continues to use Tungsten Help, which is available at vafsccshd@va.govor by calling (877) 353-9791. Enrollments submitted through EM for VR&E continue to be sent to the VR&E system for counselor review.

VBA and Custom Remarks Guidance

43. How should we use the new VBA remarks?

As of October 7, 2023, Custom Remarks for CH 33 enrollments at Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL) and Non-College Degree (NCD) facilities are no longer available.

See the table below for guidance on using the five new VBA remarks.

New VBA Remark

When to Use

What to Enter in Custom Remarks Field

Compliance Survey

Use this remark only when your facility has had a compliance survey and needs to report a correction. It’s critical to include the email address of the person who conducted the survey.

Enter: "Compliance Survey Referral. Upon completion of processing, send overpayment or underpayment amounts to:

Correcting previously terminated enrollment.Notice of Change in Student Status(s) to follow.

Currently, there is no way to edit a terminated enrollment in Enrollment Manager. This remark is used when recertifying a terminated enrollment. Use this remark to prevent a duplicate tuition and fees payment.


Dual Degree Program

Use this remark to report when a student is matriculated in a dual degree program that is not listed as such in Web Enabled Approval Management System (WEAMS).

Enter name of second degree not selected during certification. For example, “Student enrolled in dual degree program: second degree is BS Chemistry.”  

Incarcerated Student

This VBA Remark only applies to currently incarcerated students convicted of a felony. If you need to use this remark, you must list the cost of books, equipment and supplies individually (in addition to the charges reported in the Tuition and Fees field) after deducting any amounts paid by federal, state, or local government.

Enter "Books = $XX.XX, Equipment = $XX.XX, Supplies = $XX.XX."

Tuition and Fees is in a Foreign Currency

A remark for this situation is currently auto-generated based on a school's facility code. If the auto-generated currency is incorrect, select this VBA remark and indicate the correct currency in the Custom Remark.

Enter "Tuition and fees is billed in [Name of currency]."

Terminology Table


Term Definition


Any change made to an enrollment after it is submitted

SCO Assistant

Assistants have full access to a student’s profile such as the Enrollments, Student Info, Programs, Benefits, History, Notes, and the Reports tabs. They can enter data in EM but cannot submit trainee enrollment information to VA.  Assistants are not listed on the VA Form 22-8794 and do not complete any required SCO training. New Assistants are granted access to EM by their designated facility SCO

SCO Read-Only Users

SCO Read Only users are representatives with permission to access training information, request information from VA, and submit inquiries to VA to assist an authorized designated SCO with obtaining accurate information to certify a student’s enrollment. SCO Read Only cannot certify a student’s enrollment to VA. They must be listed on the VA Form 22-8794 but are not required to complete any SCO training. New SCO Read-Only users are granted access to
EM by their designated facility SCO.

Vacation Period

A vacation period is a customary, reasonable period identified as a holiday vacation in the educational institution's literature, approved by the State Approving Agency of jurisdiction. Only vacation periods of seven consecutive calendar days or greater that occur during a non-standard length term should be reported. Vacation periods cannot exceed 30 days.

Online Credits

Web-based learning using one or more technologies to deliver instruction to students.

Preset Enrollments

Term dates from approved school calendar that can be prepopulated into EM.

Student, Trainee

Individual using their GI Bill benefits to pursue educational programs, training, certifications, etc.

School, Institution

Includes all institutions of higher learning as well as nontraditional courses/programs where education or training is pursued.


Student’s chosen path of study that is pursued at a school or training facility. 

In progress

SCO has started working on an Enrollment/Amendment/Monthly Certification of Hours (Not yet submitted to VA).

Pending SCO Review

An Assistant has entered the data and needs an SCO to review and submit the Enrollment/Amendment/Monthly Certification of Hours (Not yet submitted to VA).


SCO has clicked submit and the Enrollment/Amendment/Monthly Certification of Hours has been sent to VA.

Under Review

VA has received submitted Enrollment/Amendment/Monthly Certification of Hours and it will either be processed automatically or manually. This is confirmation that we received it.


For Chapter 33 IHL and NCD claims ONLY: “Processed” indicates that the Enrollment/Amendment has been received by VA and is completed. Chapter 33 claims that are automated (processed without human intervention) are sent throughout the day, and the status will update same day. If the claim is not automated, it will be updated once the VCE has worked the claim.

For Chapter 30 claims: “Processed” indicates that the Enrollment/Amendment has been received by VA and is completed. Chapter 30 claims are not processed the same day. If the Chapter 30 claim is automated, the status updates to “Processed” 2 business days after submission. Note: If the Chapter 30 claim requires manual processing, the status reflected in EM does NOT update to “Processed” and remains “Under VA Review” even AFTER the claim has been processed by VA.

For Flight and OJT/APP (all chapters), all Chapter 1606, 35, 31 (VR&E), VRRAP claims, and all non-automated Chapter 30 claims: The status reflected in EM will remain at “Under VA Review” even AFTER the claim has been processed. Note: We will communicate with SCOs when system updates are made that impact how statuses appear within EM.

Change Log

QuestionUpdate Description
2Update to replace “Enrollment Manager User Guide” with “Enrollment Manager SCO User Guide”.
3Minor grammar update; context added on requirements needed prior to requesting Enrollment Manager access. Added link to Enrollment Manager SCO User Guide.
5Update to replace “SSN” with “Social Security Number (SSN)” in question.
6Context added on specific user training requirements.
8Context added on Enrollment Manager inactivity warning message update to reflect current Enrollment Manager system functionality.
9 and 10Combined guidance for updating both biographical and contact information (e.g., birth date).
13Added link to Student Search and Identification Enrollment Manager Microlearning.
15Updated response language for clarity.
19Added context on enrollment processing for Guest Students.
23Minor grammar update.
24Updated response language for clarity.
27Updated question language for clarity.
29Added link to Student Search and Identification Enrollment Manager Microlearning.
33Replaced outdated language to reflect current Enrollment Manager system functionality.
34Additional guidance and context added on VBA remark “Correcting Previously Terminated Enrollment” use. Minor update to "Compliance Survey" VBA remark guidance.
35Minor update to response language for clarity.
36Added “If acceptable mitigating circ*mstances are provided by SCO or student” to bulleted list of debt creation process dependencies; replaced “When SCO reports the termination” with “How quickly the SCO reports the termination” in bulleted list.
42Minor response language update for clarity.
43Updated guidance for Custom Remark field when selecting Dual Degree Program VBA remark.
Terminology TableMinor updates to term definitions for “SCO Read-Only Users” and “Vacation Periods”.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.