Every offensive system in volleyball revolves around who is responsible for taking the second touch in a rally (i.e. The Setter).
With volleyball rotations, players must rotate their starting position on the court in a clock-wise direction every time their team sides-out (wins the point when the other team served). Throughout a game, players will start in six different locations, and will be in the front row for half the time and in the back row for the other half.
Coaches must take into account these twelve lineup situations (because of serve and serve receive) and decide who the setter is for each one.
3 Questions for a Successful Volleyball Offense
1. Where is the passing target?
A majority of volleyball hitters are right-handed and have an easier time hitting a ball coming from the right side compared to the left.
Because of this, the most common passing target is ~5′ off-center to the right, and 3′-5′ off the net. This allows two front row hitters to be “in front” of the setter and be facing the ball as it comes toward them while attacking.
- If the setter is front row, they will have two hitters in front of them
- If the setter is back row, they will have two hitter in front of them and one hitter behind
Setters can set from anywhere on the court. If there is a team of lefty-hitters, the passing target should be changed accordingly.
The passing target may change slight depending on the type of attack (free ball/serve/digging)
2. Who is the 1st setting option?
- “The Setter”
- Can be either front row or back row
- If front row, it means there are two front row attackers
- If back row, it means there are three front row attackers
- Can be either front row or back row
- Setters usually have their “base” position in right front or right back (sometimes even middle front), to efficiently get to the passing target for the second contact
- “The Setter”
3. Who is the 2nd setting option?
- Defense is a team activity and setters should have a defense-first mindset
- If the setter takes the first contact, who is responsible for the second contact?
- Usually the libero
What Do the Numbers in a Volleyball Offense Mean?
There are six possible offensive systems in volleyball. The six offensive systems are:
4-2, 6-2, 5-1, 5-2, 6-3, and 6-6
- The first number is the number of hitters (after six rotations)
- The second number is the number of setters (after six rotations)
4-2 Offensive System
A very common offensive system is a 4-2 – two setters, opposite from each other, who are both setting from the front row. Because they are both setting from the front row, they each have two hitting options.
After six rotations, there will have been four hitters and two setters.
- Simple and consistent serve receive formations
- Less chaos transitioning from defense to offense
- Setters are a front-row, offensive threat
- Setters don’t need to release from the back row on defense
- Hitters get more consistent sets
- Opens up option of middles running slides
- Only two hitting options may result in a less dynamic offense
When to Use:
- You have an inexperienced team learning rotations
- You have two tall setters
6-2 Offensive System
The most common offensive system is the 6-2 – two setters, opposite from each other, who are both setting from the back row. Because they are setting in the back row, they each have three hitting options.
After six rotations, there will have been six hitters and two setters.
- Specialized attackers can go in for the setters when they are front row
- Three attackers creates a more dynamic offense
- Allows for more players to be used in the lineup
- Setters must play defense before releasing to set, which sometimes results in a chaotic transition from defense to offense
When to Use:
- You have competent setters
5-1 Offensive System
A fun offensive system is a 5-1 – one setter, who sets all the way around, from both the front and back row.
After six rotations, there will have been five hitters and only one setter.
- Hitters get consistent sets
- Setter gets a ton of reps and stays in the flow of the game
- Other team may forget when your setter is front row, resulting in setter kills when she is front row and baiting the block when she is back row
- A new serve receive formation every rotation
- Your setter might get injured
- Your setter might get physically tired and lose focus
- Your setter might get emotionally tired and frustrated, and negatively affect team
When to Use:
- You have one star setter who you want to develop further
5-2 Offensive System
An uncommon offensive system is the 5-2 – two setters, with one of them setting in the front row and the other setting in the back row. They sub in for each other and share the position.
After six rotations, there will have been five hitter and two setters.
- There is a right side hitter for half of the rotations
- Middles can run slides for the other half of the rotations
- The other team may forget when your setter is front row, resulting in setter kills when she is front row and baiting the block when she is back row
- Playing only half the game may interrupt the setters’ flow
When to Use:
- You have one tall and one short setter
- You have one fast and one slow setter
6-3 Offensive System
Another simple offensive system is a 6-3 – three out of the six players are designated as the setters (the lineup must have the setters alternating). Whenever a designated player enters middle front or middle right, they become the setter.
After six rotations, there will have been six hitters and three setters.
- Simple rotations – easy to learn
- Useful for introducing designated positions/switching after a serve
- May not be dynamic enough for higher level volleyball
When to Use:
- You have three players with better ball control than the rest
- When you are first teaching players how to switch positions after a serve
6-6 Offensive System
The most basic offensive system is a 6-6 – also called “play where you are.”
During rallies, players stay and play whatever position they are in. The coach designated a position to set from – usually front middle or front right. Whichever player is in that zone becomes the setter for that rally.
After six rotations, there will have been six hitters and six setters.
This system is often used with beginning players who have not yet specialized by position.
- Very easy to learn
- Useful for teaching beginners
- Gives each player the experience of being the setter
- Constantly changing angles and responsibilities makes it difficult for a beginner to learn any position on a deeper level
- Giving new players a consistent position will allow them to learn the game faster and become competent at one or two skills
When to Use:
- Rec leagues
Serve Receive Formations
See diagrams of the serve receive formations for a 4-2, 6-2, 5-1, and 5-2.