The World-News from Roanoke, Virginia (2024)

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4 UJK 1 rfUli A RIDAY ATERXOOX DECEMBER 9 1921 PAGE OUR REORGANIZATiDN CITY ITEMS MAY BE EECTED CHRISTMAS GOODIES of Religious News PRICE GLENN CO Sensible Suggestions In Practical Gifts lecture on "The a Mans Store rom a CITY DEATHS Ex crii DEYERLE CO weekend In Our New Quarteri31i Jefferson St yes Rus nt this distanceAlthough there the signing ot If there ii any thing new under the sun we have it? ii to that 85 jail last of Directors Meet Board of Directors ot the In fleet Prices to Roanoke visitors to City Manager Hunter being fol lows Eubank two story brick Ctiaed dwell ing east aldo of Arlington Road between Sherwood and Shirley Avenues Blanche Errenbnght repairs Patter son Avenue 8250 merchandise you select is with tie kind he would for himself ratne of Another gym Is Named Commissioner of isheries Joseph Hall to Be Labor Commissioner TO HOLD UNERAL OREPRESENTATIVE LOOD ON MONDAY C01WJCDLEE GETS APPOINTMENT Roquefort New York Stntc ull Cream Complete of resh Vegetable! tho period of Dccenibiir December 1 1921 stated that To Do So Its Combined Earn Ings or November and De cember Will Have to To tal $2946000 differed members ot the TONEARLYEARN ULL DIVIDEND I and University Elevens May Clash Here Basketball Contests Likely Connell Meets Tomorrow The City Council wlir meet tomor row afternoon at 3 In City Hall (INCORPORATED) Clothiers Tailori Hatters wul Haberdashers He' will like your sensible gift selections you make at this store for theidentical pick ont HpaiikrrYi gentlemen I'm hre to tell you we ought to ue eorne form agslnrt all three reforms 'What's the matter with chlor Iloueton Poet i llVJHA EX Til hot did the villeire debating so rlety debate at lie riday night meet ingf" they dMd that a man i not nociwiarlJy an Irishman because he wear a cork' lorida Titn Vuiou Llona and tigers kept in captftH require one day a week without food io keep them In good health Bath Robes Smoking Jackets Pajamas Shirts Hose Ties Mark Cross Leather Goods Hand Bags' Suit Cases Hats Handkerchiefs Etc: ruit Cakes full sizes) Crystallised ruit Christmas Can'llfurdon Almonds London Layer Raisins One lb Cluster Raisins (Seeded and needless) igs Dates Citron Orange Peel Lemon Peel Plom Pudding ig Pudding White Raisins Malaga Raisins Heinz Minco Meat DOT Sweet Chocolate Svea Wafers SEALDSWEET Oranges and Grapefruit Lemons Bananas Nice Eating Apples NUTS Absolutely RESH Whole Cocoanuta English Walnut! Black Walnuts Brazil Nuts ilberts Paper Shell Pecans Almonds Shelled English Walnuts Shelled Black Walnut! Halted Almonds NTCOA Phone us for a trial order of this high class butter COUNI RY PRODUCE resh Eggs resh Country Butter Dressed Chickens resh Country Pork Sausage ull line of RESH MEATH CHEESE Edam WHAT INDEED! (Continued from One) in i ii the point of a general understanding all Separate treaties and tigrcc mer Church Ave and Jefferson St PHONES 1601 Plans Launched Yesterday Evening At Enthusiastic Meeting Patrennt Committee To Meet The general commutes in charge of part in the Virginia Histori cal pageant to be held in Richmond next May will meet Monday night at the A Several important matters are to come up for discussion and Secretary Crldlin has been asked to answer several questions the committee hag asked The Executive Committee will meet immediately be fore the General Committee openm lts session TUT WORLD NEWS RD AN ORE Vt Remains Will Be Placed In Vault At Washington Pending inal Burial At Appomattox 'A received only Tho second more than Here on ltuInes Dr Sanders of Chilhowie is In town on business en route to New York tor acme months Dublin Pec (By tho Associated Tho ratification of tlmtrcnty between Ireland rind Groat Britain will be moved nt the Dall meeting Wednesday by Arthur Griffith as chairman of tue plenipotentiaries it wasannounced today by 41'resiaent DeValora in a statement irsued by the all publicity department It would not be moved ira cabinet decision added tho statement because nis views ot tno ucicgutcs from those ot certain Tho outcome seems Impossible to predict were reports before the truce last Summer that (inferences of opinion exlrtid between Mr Dc Valerx and some of his chief support ers such as Arthur Griffith no such diffcrencis if there were ahy have ever been expiessecl In public and opinion on how tho rnntt and file will vote is considered for the most part mere guesswork Mr DeValera however will have strong supporters for tne rejection of the agreement and for the demand for an Irish Republic from Austin Ntack Charles Burgess Desmond itzgerald Liam Mellowes Countess Marklewlcz and all the out and out Republicans its believed Government circles in Lon don however remain convinced that Grltfith Michael Collins and their sup porters will win the day as it Is felt that the moderates trill follow this group 1 4 London Dec (By the Associated Press) The ilnal result of the deli berations In Dublin yesterday which developed a'apllt in the Dall Elrcann cabinet over the Irish peaces treaty has been to throw the treaty into an early meeting 'of the Southern Ire land Parliament In his statement last night' declaring himself against the terms L'amon De Valera Republican leader announced that the Dail had been summoned in publlo session tor next Wednesday morning He also disclosed that his attitude was supported lv two 'members ot ins cabinet Austin Stack and Charles Bur gess The other cabinet members are In Thn Hly Wsrwtr nobble in (pending the at his hem tr I1 tnrsrtd in eon luclln work st Bockley In lnrtdn ii 8 lielor visiting in lorids Uillllnt )'rnln Tvn reiidtog pernuw have Jbesa 1wm4 hr 011(11 1 GET AWAY WITH 88000 Augusta Ga Dee Two bandits entered the office of the Sibley Manu facturing Company here thin morning lield up the paymnster and the mill secretary gathered together In a sack tho psyroll nf 38000 and fled They were captured a few nilnutes inter after An exciting chase and exchange of shot be tween tho bnndlts and their 1'ursuerr Tim fastest trains In the world are laid to be two on the Great Western Railway which nt certain stngs their journeys travel at a spetd ot 785 Wiles per hour have This division of the by capt Vo Increase According the International Live Btoclc Exposi tion In Chicago the past week It la not likely that prices of beef will jump much Those who visited tho exhibi tion were told that lack of exports Is causing the market to be flooded with large quantities of heavy cattle which wore shipped abroad The preponder ance of that class of beef acting as a check on the price of high clans meat it wa! aaid The livestock exhi bition was said to have been the best ever given the crowds tremendous and the exhibits above tho ordinary Not Thin Mr nlhr alls of 701 Jnmluon Avenue requests The World News to stat that he Is not the aile who advertised in yesterday afternoon's Issue of The World News that he would not be Hsponalble for debts made by any one but himself giving his address ai 1311 Tazewell Avenue said to have remained firm in favor of tho treaty Thia split with tho otbls t'avoiing ratification is pointed todicro as significant of tho possible lluu up In the Jiall Eireann Itself when ih1 time for action arrives While MraDo Valera's A statement was issued too late Jan night 11:30 for tho newspapermen in Dub lin to gauge public opinion on it it ia likely in view of opinions outHne i in previous dispatches tQ causa dis appointment to a majority of tho peo ple In the Houth of Ireland although naturally it will be endorsed by the staunch' Republicans ot following Correspondents who asserted that tho Dall would ratify tho treaty re affirmed their belief In filspatchos filed during the cabinet sessions They dec'ared that popular opinion In the South of Ireland had acclaimed tno with Joy and would insist on its ratification Apart from tho genera satisfaction in the agreement which these corres pondents declare Is general 'In the South the release yesterday ot a large nuniner of Republicans Interned for political offenses produced a strong feeling of good will toward England Arthur Griffith's promises that the Southern Unionists should have a full share of representation In the first chamber of the nll Ireland Parliament set up under the peace agreement has also been approved tho correspon dents say The Dally Mirror In nn icdltorlal written before the receipt of the De Valera tnet'sagc refer! to tho rumors of his hostility and expresses doubt as to whether ho Is able in any event to disturb the settlement "It no secret that his 'influence has gratlv declined" says the newspaper "while his telegram to tho was an al most fata blunder which is uufor given" Meanwhile the attitude of Ulster Is awaited with Interest Sir Jambs Craig Ulster premier left Belfast tor London last night and was expected to confer with Minister Ltoyd ilr orge at noon He was accompanied by a large party including the Mar quis of Londonderry 1 Reorganization of tho irst Coast Artillery Company will become" a real ity if plans launched last evening at an enthusiastic meeting in tlie'AssocIa tion of Commerce go through Kitty young men aro needed for this proposed unit and already sntisfactiny iiririficrt nr nir race veu be Dcetittry to blgn up fifty mtn by tomorrow night and as this is the last chance for Roanoke to be represented it Is highly probable that there will be a rush of applicants Ex members of the irst Coast A tillery Company which was later changed to Company A 117th and IM serving with the 12d Di vision In the American Expeditionary orces are lining up for enlistment Captain Turdon is at Scholz Deckley's and Guy's today prepared to sign up applicants Every effort "will be made to let Roanoke have this unit In tho event that it is successfully re cruited it is planned to make it one of the best companies in the State Tltere will be 35 per cent of the company farmer service men They will Im alRRvcd to enlist for one year bther mon will be required to enlist for three years The first "Const Artillery Company win organized before the World War by Cantain Henry Mcllnrg Jr who was the commanding off icer When li roHlarned Captain Massie auececded him? This unit was attached to the 42nd Division serving with distinction in rance ns Company A 117th JL and Under tho new organization plan the StAo of Virginia Is supposed to have seven coast irtlllory companies tJix of these companies have been formed and efforts are being made to organize on company in this city Member of the old irst Const Ar tlllerv Company are keen for re organ izing Captain eliz Barker formerly of this unit is assisting In getting the movement started and presided at the meeting last night 'V' fV (Continued from Tago One) shot by an Senator Watson declared "It was testified at the trial that the officer shot the soldier with out provocation whatsoever" "Do you want Colon Roosevelt call ed as a witness?" the Senator was ask ed i "No I would not embarrass Will Curry Jt To loor Senator Wntson said he had no wit nesses to present today adding that he proposed to try the case on tho floor of the Senate Senator Slilelds Democrat Tennes see told the Senator the committee was not going Into Irrevelnnt matters but were determined to give him fair hearing "rom the time camo info this room lelt the committee had prejudged this case in secret sessions" the Sena tor shouted 1 "That statement 'Is absolutely with out foundation" Senator Shields shot back As the officers retired Chairman Brandegeo asked Senator Watson if he wanted tho audience driven out "No ho said "These officers sat there and eyed me with an Insolence that roused my Southern blood I beg the pardon ot this Senator Watson said lie had a num ber of witnesses he wanted called but had no power or money to bring them to Washfntgon will summons all the witnesses you want" Chairman Brandcgee re plied 1 '1 Y' 0 Expect Early Announcement Of An Agreement Builder to Meet According to information received in Roanoke today tho annual convention ot the National Association of Build ers' Exchange will be held in Mem phis commencing ebruary 1 A long and varied program has been arranged for the series of sessions that havo oeen Planned Wool Pool Successful The average price received for the entire Virginia wool pool was 24 5 rents per pound according to informn 1 tlon from Meek of the State Division of Markets received in Roa noke today This price enables the Growers' Association to pay at Jeast an average of 2' cents per pound more than the average price received by growers In Virginia who were not In the Pool The price Is 4 cents better than the average price re ceived by growers all over the United States this season County agents and farm organizations nre given credit In Mr Mcek's report for the assistance given the pool gave bond in tho sum ot 81000 Judge Waller It Staples of this as surety Three Property Transfer Three property transfers were terday recorded in the offlcn of sell Watson clerk of tho Corporation Court being as follows Dillard to Wood lot Now land property 32500 Nannie Henson to Sarahf Woodzelle lo 10 section 4 Virginia Heights Ji McCormack to Reed Wise avenue apd 17th street J5750 Mnke Many Testa Charles Denit clerk at the health office examined 141 cultures of diphtheria during November Of this number 45 were positive and 9S were negative During the same period thirteen tuberculosis tests were made of which two were positive and eleven negative ive typhoid fever cultures were examined during the month with the result that only one was positive and four negative Picture Show Postponed City School Superintendent McQul kin today announced the post ponement of the educational picture show that was to have been given this afternoon and tonight at the Lee Junior High School building The series have been indefinitely post poned because of the nearness of Christmas when the time of the chil dren is occupied with activities per taining to the Yulntfde It is probable that the scries will be given at a later date to on inenis then would remain to be drawn up to cover them "Definite word vyas awaited from the rench Government today an well as from Tok io ns to acceptance of the principle of the proposed four power treaty An early favorable response from rance was looked for in reply to the recommendation ot its delegates that therl Government accept a place in the new nrrang ment The British Government la understood to have al ready accepted tho proposal In princi ple and the American delegates have proceecica to a point or indicating willingness to dlacuss details 0 SCOUT BUDGET TO BE RAISED NEXT EBRUARY (Continued from Tags One) absence was granted to the boys who were splaoted tor tho work and now the pages snd guards at the C'nfer cnce aro all Boy Scouts recruited from the troops in the District of Colum bia Hcout Executive Withers inLhls an nual report on Scout conditions In Roa iioko roc tno there Is now a total of 743 and official! in Roanoke tin Increase mH over ion per cent in the year Execu tive Withers reported that thin num ber 11 divided ai follows Members of Council 42 troop committeemen 14 merit badge examiners 22: scoutmas ter! 21 1 assistant scoutmaster) 17 scouts 677 SPURTING EVENTS ffi BEING LINED UPORBOANOKE "Sonthvmt IV Notwithstanding the inclennfncy of yesterday 'afternoon there was a fair attendance at the meeting which was conducted by the Southwest Christian Temperance Union In the Central A Mrs Boyer read an appropriate Scripture from tho second chapter of St Gospel The address of the afternoon was mado by Miss Delia Scott of Canton Ohio a pioneer white ribboner Her subject was the "Life of rances Willard from Her to HerHoine She spoke of the great opportunities of the present day and with prophetic vision pointed in the reclamation of the whole world and urged her hearers to be guided by the hand of God and tn press forward to the still greater victories An impres sve feature of the program was the enrollment'' of a white ribbon recruit little Virginia Clarke The president tied the white bow upon her arm and Mrs Boyer Invoked Divine blessingsThe program was as follows: Chorus "Stand Up for Jesus'' Opening prayer Mr Spect i Devotional Mrs Boyer Address "Life of'l'rances Willard' Miss Della Scott' Talk and reading "Pmental Influ Mrs Harry Martin Reading Not a Mrs Elizabeth Saul Rending "Mother of Mrs Clarke The Community Bitdo Class had for consideration half ot the fourth chap ter of Genesis To Organise Club The Christian Endeavor Society ot the irst Christian Church will or ganzle a Christmas Carol Club to sing carols early Christmas morning It was announced following a meeting last evening The club will be under the direction of song leaders of the so ciety and Sunday School and will visit various sections of the city to sing This 'organization won the banner awarded by the City Union for the best work during the month! of October and November and the hrist mas Carol Club is part of a program competing with other Boclctlea in the city for the same honors in December and January The society will also give basket! to needy families Christmas Games were played and refreshments served fol lowing tho meeting last evening Wins Another Arthur lippen private secretary to Jtnks general manager ot the Norfolk and Western Railway Com pany was awarded fourth prize in tbe Philadelphia Record's word" con test according to an announcement yesterday Mr lippen's prize is 3300 in cash Webber of Bryn Mawr I'a was awarded first prize 31000 This is tho second time Mr lippen has won The Cincinnati Post held a similar contest and he took first place but owing to the fact that lie failed to completely quaitry ne 3325 Instead of 41500 prize winner received I neat jVcb to Indicted Hugh Taylor colored 6f this city a dining car waiter whose motorcycle recently struck Atwell Guard a Stephens City farmer while the latter and several other men were driving cattle along the Valley Pike In the vi cinity of Kernstown causing Mr Guard's almost Instant death has been Indicted by a special grand jury in the Circuit Court of rederick County He witn 1 ci tv (By George IL Manning) Washington Dec it The funeral Congressman lood who died Thurs day will be held at o'clock Monday morning nt the Churab of the Cove nant here Dr Wood the rector will officiate assisted by Dr Nelson of Winchester The remains will bo placed in a vault at Rock Creek Cemetery here until such time as proper arrangements can be made for the hurialr at Mr lood's home at Appomattox The Senate yesterday named a com mittee to attend the funeral consist ing of Senators Swanson Glass Harri son Caraway Heflin Curlis McKinley and Willis all former members of the House of Representatives and" close friends and associates of Congressman lood of telegrams of con dolence were received Ht the lood home heer today from men of protnl nence in Virginia and all the country The list of active pall bearers is be ing prenared but probably will not be ready for announcement until tomor row morning 1 0 TOM WATSON THREATENS TO SLAP OICER Home Economic Meet The Home Economics Committee of tho Civics Division of the Association of Commerce is meeting this afternoon at the Association of Commerce rooms to outline a program for winter work as well as to discuss the part the com mittee will play at the regular meet ng of the Civics Division on Decem ber 18 To Meet The regular session for the of the A will be held tomorrow morning This class of boys Is gradu ally increasing its membership and is tinder the guidance of "Pat" Smith Boys' Work Secretary every Saturday morning To Rehearse Christina Program A practice period will be held to morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock at St Mark Lutheran church for the Christmas dialogue to be given ut the church during the holidays IL Honk superintendent fo the Stindav School has asked all the children and older folks of Qie church to be pres ent at the rehearsal Life Saving Corp to Organize Roanoke's life saving corps rill be started within the next few days Physical Director II Bonk' of the 9e1traJ 51 A who Is the official Red Cross examiner in this section will select a list of keymen for train ing and will give them the examination at the completion of a three course The junior Red Cross life saving corps will be organized after the men's company has been drilled and graduated Roanoke to Salem Swim Just as soon as the list of stations on the electric car line from Roanoke to Salem has been secured the work on the chart for the marathon swim to be staged at the A will be com menced by those in charge This unique aquatic event is schdeuled to lake place (during the holidays and much interest has been aroused In the city by the announcement ot the swim from Roanoke to Salem and return' Jay Walking Week Continue Boy Scouts continue to patrol the streets of Roanoke in the effort to stop jay walking The "police depart ment has promised to properly marl the street intersections The white paint used by the department has been rubbed off by the elements and autos cut tnt department is experiencing with several brands to find one that will stay when Jt is placed at th street intersections ChrlMmiu Carol Club Grow Eighty five boys have registered at the Central CA for the anr Christmas Carol Club that will be 0110 of the community activltv features thia year during the holidays As soon as practicable "Pat" Smith the bovs' secretary will begin the first re hear s0'And outline the organization that will sing enrols In the morning hours of Christmas day throughout tho city Traveling Mnn Hl Branham a traveling salesman for Harwood Brothers of Richmond is a patient nt Shenandoah Hospital here he was taken after becoming suddenly 111 this week An operation was necraaary His condition is re ported as favorable Meeting Today The annual meeting of the Virginia arld Protective Asso ciation is being held todiy at Rlch xvgln d'iliXe ttce met 'vp Alien of Leo County is chairman of this committee either rs ln attendance were Ira Rich xi? Nansemond County and Wilburn of Giles County game redericksburg Greer of Rocky Mount: pinr RichardnVMa n' TC' urlson Of Vinita hir of supervise me same warden IWt Board Member ft Hurt third of ths Roanoke Council of Boy Scouts has been made a member of the cxceu District conn District of Columb a and ronnsvi Sco wnU 18 branch Jo the VoaT r' wH1 muet with me board at Its stated meetings when problems relative to the work lirouc 2 rtJ8trlct w111 b0 discussed and m'ani devised to overaonm obstacles and promote the work In nil parts of the entire district Coal Producer Aid g'ehooh financial Assistance given schools of West Virginia i'y the vn rlous coal produlera in that terrltorv Is the subject of a pamphlet received nt th Association of Commerce ote com pany is reported to ha ve spent 312 EDO building which it com th? Counlv ws nn able to proceed on account of the lack Counl' Producers are Jlty p6nl about $10i)000 porPoses In the last four Jf I 0 A Turned His Back On Surgery To Become a Cop xw' York Doc (By The Asaocl r1' I I ress) Twenty five years ago Richard Jhrmhighnm ordham grud tiato cut short a post grnduato course In survery to become 11 vollcemnn be cause he sold he'd "rs th walk 'i bcat than be tho greatest surge Ho wag on the retired list today with one of the best records in New York police history A student ot criminology Bermlng ham who was made a sergeant of de tectives was credited with having ob tained ths confessions of many crlml nala through kind treatment He was opposed to the "third system of grilling suspects He loved his job so welt that ha fought he said against promotion for he did not want to taken off the beat During his career he arrested more than 300 murderers im'lndlng Hens Bchmldt slayer of Anna Muller done my duty" be said today I'll make frequent lour of old beet Juel for old A mosquito hai twentytwo teslh all of which may seen through micro geepe yollee IHreclery "i Tbe Rcpartment 'js preparing a di rectory of it personnel Bach member of the force has ben requested to (rive a abort history of his life for the record which will be kept at beadquarters Antlone! Thrift Week Local organizations will be naked to co operate and co ordinate' with na tional societies in the observation of a National Thrift Week planned to begin on January 17 Benjamin' ranklin's birthday and continue until January 22 orty one organizations ot nation wide repute are Involved in the move ment and local branches will be asked to properly observe the week" in lion noke Hoard The A met yesterday morning et the Association headquarters on Roanoke street Only business of a routine na ture was transacted It wn said Scant Leaders tn Meet Ths regular mu tin Io the out training coure wil) be held on Monday night at thn ci Commerce auditorium Problems ot troop manaaemenf the merit badge system use Of exixirts and calislhrnlea arc the tonim to bo liicufd 'Di mnsln Ing two m' eting In the tmurw will be post poned until after tbe Christmas holiday it wm teported today Olrls lo piny Bnsketbnll Ml Judith l'PPO Is coacliln the 1 bas ic lb 11 Umn of the Do Junior High 9booi ourteen player repotted yraterday afternoon In th A and were rtren a stiff practice Amnrcment are to bo made for th player to Practice next week with an outside team Mls Lannton mi ap pointed eap'oin of the team sui MUf Ann McNulty will set manager ti te aud gold are to oe ine ciuo colors ano tbe th organization Is practice gome will be riven at the tomorrow afternoon London Dec (Ry The Press) Kir Arthur srson Is dead ax the result of an eccident nt hfs her While in his bath ho slipped trlklng his head against a faucet Stunned he fell Into the wat and ws drowned before aid could reach him Cyril Arthur Pearson was born eb rua 21 1S8G the on of the late Rev Arthur pear on of Hprlngfle'd Chelmsford and was a baronet In 191 6 Ht one of the outstanding publi cist In England until his tyeeleht completely tailed tn 13H He founded earann Weekly and other well known publications among which probably ll 0 best known is the Daily Express of Tondon Another of his properties which hn Required by pur chare woe rhe txmdon Standard which he consolidated with the 6L James Gazette disnosed 'of this property fopowfng his affliction At the time of hl death Sir Arthur was president of tho National Institute for the Blind and during the Euro pean War he organized measures for rhe benefit ut blinded sailors and sol Giers Activities on the part of the newlyadded Association of Commerce's ath letic department successor to the Sports Corporation have commenced and while tire plans torihe reorgani zation are under way arrangements to bring important sporting event to Roanoke still continue Secretary Preston today received a Utter from Taylor manager of the basket ball team of the Washington and Lee University stating that thy arrange ments promised by Roanoke for the playing ot the gam" between Washing ton and Lee and the Catholic Univer sity at Washington are perfectly agree able to the Washington and Lee fac ulty and student body Mr Taylor said In his letter that he was taking the matter up with the manager of the Catholic University team and that just as roon as that body had issued a statement the ath letic department would be: notified rom the tenor ot the Utter it Is thought by officials at the Associa tion that the game between tho two college basket ball teams which is scheduled for January 18 will bt play ed In this city Roanoke Collego has also issued a challength to Emory and Henry Col lege for a basket ball game to be vlav a 111 i oanoKe on January ttRated at the athletic department negotiations are now under way bring this event to the city That tho University of Virginia I football game in 1923 will le Played in Roanoke is also a possibility It is known that negotiations bet ecn these two institutions of learning hrs a been opened to Rad to incluili ng a gain ('tween the two elevens to be played on b'ntlier nnd 8on Campaign According to reports being received at the Central a a series of "ather nnd campaigns aro being condurted throughout Virginia Tho object of the campaign is to bring parent and child In closer relationship Hl Speakers Chosen Rev Dr IV Smith pastor ot Greene Memorial Church will open tbe new year session at the lli Club meetings It was announced today on January 5 Dr Smith will speak on "Tho Master's Affection" in connection with osdlck's book "The Manhood of the Master" On January 12 Rev Karl Block will talk on "The Master's Scale of and on January 1 Rev Blackwelder pastor of Vir ginia Heights Lutheran Church will oenver tne Spirit" Th Norfolk and Western Railway Company is expected to nearly earn the full dividend on its common stock this year without much it any sscrifice of maintenance according to report In the ten months ending October 31 364'7799 surplus over Interest on fund ed debt and other charges has been earned it is related To fully cover the 4 per cent dividend on the pre ferred and 7 per cent on the 3121481 000 outstanding common the available earnings for the year will have to be 39424000 Therefore to reach this fig ure November and December earnings must average 31473000 a month it is said As October net income was 3161? 309 the final for the 12 months should "not fall much short of 7 per cent on the common even If November and Decem ber are not as productive as October October is usually a manner month nnd it is the best ot any this year net in cume being a rate of over 15 per cent per annum Tho best previous month was July when a rate of about 11 3 1 per cent per annum was shown There were several factors entering into th favorable effect figures for October On account of the then threat ened railroa tstrike ant the chock off decision which for a brief period caused a furore among coal miners ot tho country there was a heavy movement of bituminous coal over the linos of the system Another reason for accelra tEon in coal tSJjuJga was the fact of temporary lower rates to Lake ports: tp to October 31 effect was to hasten shipments before close of Lake naviga tion Live stock shipments also were stimulated by growers in advance 01 tne winter season Traffic in the first part of November held up well but It is reasonable to ex pect that October volume will not be equalled this or next month Bitumin ous coal shipments which are a most Important part of the road's business are quite good this month and are be ing helped by the present extension of the markets for southern coal Into New England interior cities and points along Long Island Sound and New York City Masons Getting Line On Royal Ratification Of Anglo Irish PactWillBeMovedByGriffith IRST COAST CO Postoffice Prepare nr lluMh The Roanoke is looking forward to one of the heaviest mailing reason's in its history and Acting Postmaster LeGrand has perfected his arrangements for properly handling tho influx of mall expected to begin next week Additional help will bo se cured and It Is believed that tho new mailing platform will be readv to re lievo the congestion that will occur about next week Bible ClnsNe to Meet Several more of the Neighborhood Bible Clnases will start tonight their season of work and study for the win ter At a meeting last Monday Dr Smith pastor of Greene Memorial Church met several of tho loaders mid arrangements were mado to open a number of new classes for th present ynr The Book of Genesis will be stud ied by Hie classes 1 BANK Ot" GRAY HOBBED Gray Gn Dec Bank of Cray was ransacked last night and nearly 32000 In postage stamps money orders and Liberty bonds and 38000 in commercial notes were stolen An Investigation conducted by local Masonic officials has revealed that Royal arrested here and convicted of posing as a Mason is an "old according to information obtained this morning Royal it will be recalled was given 60 days In jail He maintained that hewas a Mason Information received along with his pictures shows that he has as Royal 4310 and Gray 6567 been traveling through the South for years fllmflamraing members of the Maeonlc fraternity ft was re Rt "lie has found many willing to aid him by the appealing manner in which lie toils his hardluck snys a circular received from Rlchmand The picture of Royal shows a board ncross his chest the numbers on the board being 14701 which Indicates that' somewhere somebody "took his picture without his consent" Royal was taken In charge here after a young man met him the second time in eighteen months The first time he was touched be said On the second meeting he was prepared to do tho touching himself Other Masons were noon found here who alleged ihat Royal fleeced or attempted to fleece them 0 334 Convictions In Police Court During November A Out of 405 person arrested here last month for violating State and city laws 334 were convicted says the report submitted by Major Tay lor of the Police Department to City Manager Hunter A big de crease was noted In the number of ar rests Eighty seven persons were convicted of violating traffic ordinances 11 for being drunk and 57 for being dlsor Total Collections Total collections through the Toliee Department Cor November was 33 24 120 This ineluded bail fees fines Imposed and receipts for auto permits Disbursem*nts for the fnonth amount ed' to 37342' Disbuisenicnts in excess of receipts amounted to JL 3013 Reports from the Detective Bureau of the Department showed that 39 399 20 worth of goods had been stolen or lost by citizens in Roanoke last month Of the total artiount ot gobds stolen snd lost 3684250 worth was re covered This report according to city officials Is considered to bo very good because it shows that more than 87 per cent ot tne goons lost nrin recnvrrea Police Department Is headed Manning Many Sent Tn Jail The Jailor! report shows hereon ware committed to month the most of whom were placed on the chain gang and are being worked on the City's streets Last month there were 18 guests ac commodated In the Jal) showing that employment conditions here is Improv ise considerably during the last sixty davs 'lhe report ot the Motorcycle Squad shows that 142 arrests were made by that section of the Department the majority of which were for violations of the traffic ordinances Two hun dred and eleven prisoners avero trnnss ported by the patrol wagon fi Sir Arthur Pearson Drowns In Bath Tub Major Dorum 1 Winchester Dec Calvin Borum ighty one widely known Southern Railway traveling freight agent died early today of pneumonia at Strasburg Survivors Include a Son Dougjas Borum nf Roanoke Card of Thnuka 1 Wo wish to thank our many friends and neighbor! for the klndncsi and sympathy shown in the loss of our dear husband and father also for floral of ferings and use of cars MBH A MERCER and CHILDREN MRS A CAREY JNO OAKEY INC rCNERAL IHiret TOM ANO CNOEBTAKKRS Office tod Ihulora 12 Ctmnbell Ate 1 Impel and ii glrk Atetme Went (Draft Hi Kirk Avenue Wet An tbli(lied exptntno of fifty 3rii in this comtnunlty cSnjblned with jrood rauipmect in all deyarnnentn of our bud nera enables tie when called to render itlB)(inrr wrtos piiokp: si nv nr NkMI A Mt 1 Girl Reserves to Hike The last hike before Christmas for the Girl Reserves ot the (' A will occur tomorrow afternoon when the party will leave tho A headquarters for Stony Mountain where a "Bacon Is to be served Tho girls will take along their own bacon or wclnies and rolls' 1' A Taken Over General Secretary Creighton ot the Central A has been noti fied that tho Y' A In Czecho slovakia has been taken over by the government and will bo made a na tional institution Senator Klofac vice president of the Senate of the Czecho Slovak Republic and former Minister of National Defense sent the message to the United States and a copy of the message has been sent to Mr Creighton by the A au thorities in New York City COL iW McD LEE Richmond Dec Appointment ot Colonel McD I( of Lancaster County to be isheries Commissioner was announced today by Govcrnor elect Trlnkl 1 Colonel Leo served In that position for two terms and was regarded as one ef the ablest of all the men who have hold the place Under his administration the depart ment reached its highest point and profit to the State Joseph Hall of Portsmouth president of the state ederation of Gabor prominent in the affairs of the city' and State who worked himself up from laborer to draftsman waJ ntjmed Labor Commissioner thq 1922 schedule The atbletia depart ment ha already opened negotiations to secure the game for Roanoke Ot course the plans have not aa yet Lieeded to that point where a announcement catv be made but the athlotliv department is losing no op portunity secure the game for Rua noke WlK (ll" 1 I Planning To Give Banquet To ootball Squad Plans for the complimentary supper to he given to the Roanoke High School ootball Squad by the' burl ness men of Roanoke are progress ing nicely a The committee has mad arrange ments for the supper tobu given ri day evening December 16 a the Abanquet rooms The committee would like to have It understood that any man wishing to'attend this supper I coidlallj Inviied iunrt th flWMnitfAA will ntir that ha iratftv It will a ticket the price of which la one (I (J I J' I I Joe Turner will act as toast master and although a lengthy program la not being arranged an Interesting one will carried out Ernest Baldwin as vice chairman of the committee la taking active charge of the details ot the arrange ments and a iy one wishing tickets should get In touch with Air Baldwin 1 I (A TWMrt 4 K' uIKzWa CL ja A aa A ill KI pH Ixl Ik I'm 11 AV II 2J i ulv a 11 Ufl I k' 'dl 2U fl I I i.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.