The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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Springfield, Massachusetts

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IHE SbklNcrrikLD DAILY KEbUBLlCAN THURSDAY JULY 3 1924 Labor in Politics III Springfield Thursday july 3 1921 EIGHTEEN PAGES Broad in cannot Men cannot a will In Copyright New York Tribune syndicate JOHN DAVIS to enlist NOTE AND COMMENT anti 4 an How many listeners in keep a a' all been for the the in of Men Men eve club also the for the from Yet may A British expert who has been over the ground says that our oil supply will last only a generation At least we may hope that it will not give out while we are miles from home Prohibition is on the list of topics of the team to be sent to this coun try by the Oxford debating union ortunately they will not be called on to deoate the Klan They are out now for the little cap italists against the big capitalists just exactly as James Weaver and his fellow Populists were in the third par ty campaign of 1892 They will demand that our natural resources be held for the people in general just as the Pop ulists demanded it They will demand that natural monopolies be publicly owned just as the Populists demand ed it They will demand that the func tion of labor be generously recognized just as the Populists demanded it They will demand that the federal ju diciary be tamed and told to go and sit down in a back seat just as the Populists demanded it and just as Thomas Jefferson in George Washing ton's administration demanded it There are still people who have not heard that the first big delega tion of advertising men from all parts of the country sailed Tuesday from New York to attend the inter national convention in London or 3000 miles they will miss the bill boards badly given between New York and New Haven Why not make July toxin day are re 1 WHKSSA MATTEH DOWM there are You STUCK? he was finish On the afternoon his to 444 where On the 40th WILL AT LEAST LOOK SCARED rom the Ohio State Journal Well our alert department of justice has brought proceedings of the most sweeping and far reaching nature un der the antitrust law against all the Standard Oil companies and quite few of their little playmates but about all we hope in view of our past ex perience in laying the heavy hand of the law upon these vast and sinister 1 interests is that they'll try to look just as scared ns they possibly can under the circ*mstances until after election another never to live down impression He was a little his state Legislature a little the solicitor general's office They are scholarly dignified evidently able to accomplish for their people city is not called upon to do entertaining for them though Nobody is surprised at the nouncement that Premier Mussolini will not be able to attend the Lon don conference He is busy at home doing as the Romans do and doing it first In Great Britain where radio seta must be licensed the number of li censes has increased since January 31 from 636000 to 804000 and a still more rapid increase is looked for as a result of abolishing the ex tra tax on home made sets casting is under the control of the postoffice and while it may be less Activities of Health Agencies and Civic and Antiquarian Associations 'Subscription rate: Dall 6: Sunday ti SI 50 per year advertising rates: Dally 80c per Inch Sunday SI per Inch Nuisance taxes after taxes which have not yet pealed whom the lust of office kill: whom the spoils of office buy: who possess opinions and who have honor men who will not lie Suzanne withdrawal throws a shadow over Wimbledon but nobody suggests that it was due to temperament and her triumph i was looked for by all until her doc tor ordered her to retire Her com petitors may sympathize with her without feeling altogether sorry New traffic rules are causing per turbation in many cities Adjustment to the revolutionary changes caused by the automobile is a slow and dif ficult process and the end is still re mote Meanwhile even makeshift expedients should be borne with pa tiently until a better solution is found coring blank at hand The con vention is making keen politicians out of many women who never knew before how candidates are chosen Possibly they do not think much of the process now that they have watched its workings The of the Philadel phia Public Ledger expresses sur prise that little has been said about the electrification being done on the New Haven What has been said lately is all that need ed to be said namely that with the recent delivery of 12 new electric locomotives the company has been able to effect 100 per cent electrical service on its New York division which was equipped for electrical operation between 1906 and 1914 The Philadelphia paper attributes to the development in electrifi cation the improved position of the bonds The Philadelphia geography like its finance is somewhat amiss It says that the change from steam to electric power or vice versa is now made at Bridge port and Norwalk instead of Stam ford If this were the case there would be no occasion for the an nouncement that a 100 per cent electrical service was now being Important documents are expected to provide the bulk of the mail to be sent by the projected fast coast td coast air service In the case of documents which cannot be replaced however a slower but more conser vative method of transportation may be preferred There are on the other hand many documents the quick delivery of which is important although the destruction of them by fire or other accident would cause no irremediable loss and these to gether with personal letters for By WILLIAM HARD Washington July 2 The conven tion of the National Conference for Progressive Political Action at Cleve land this week and next week is go ing to adopt a platform which old Gen Weaver of Iowa who ran as the Pop ulist candidate on a third party tick et for President in 1892 could read without once shuddering or turning pale There will be a certain amount of public ownership in it So there was in the platforms of the Populist party and also in the platform of the Greenback party and of the Anti monopoly party which preceded the Populist party in the days immediate ly after the Civil war tion He cutioner's master of noose of neck will I settled down comfortably thinking that wit would surely flow from that countenance You could hear him a dozen times speak solidly and still have that comfortable illusion You could hear him say should never change one letter of the and feel somehow that he was saying something as good for the digestion as the best after dinner speech I don't know any public man who makes a better first impression than he does He is handsome He is healthy and plainly enough loves life I have never seen a face that aroused so much expectation And like the guest that knows enough never to outstay his welcome Mr Davis has always moved so quickly from one place to the first while in while in a place rather out of the public view a little while at the Court of St and he has been a little while in Wall street It would be almost too bad to make him stay four years in the presidency for in the difficult time that is at hand it will be hard for any man to live up to first im pressions Nobody can really persuade many people that locomotive engineers as a class are starving Everybody ad mires locomotive engineers Every body is thrilled by them Everybody wants them to get three meals a day and most people suspect that they in fact get sometimes four if the lunch countes are numerous along their runs They also own banks and have enormous insurance funds They look after the orphans of their fellows who have died on their runs died doing their duty to the company and to the passengers These men are adventur ers wage earners and capitalists The unions represented in the Cleveland convention are some of them owners of banks and some of them also engage in co operative efforts with private capita to increase out put and to diminish the evils and dis tribute the burdens of unemployment The unions represented at Clevelan 1 will be more conservative in their economic views than they would have been four years ago and they will be sterner against the Communists than they would have been four years ago and yet in considerable part they will be more eager than they would have been four years ago to follow a La presidency What is the explanation of this Correspondence of The Republican Boston July 2 It is not merely a sign of prosperity but an indication of desire to be of the utmost service to the city in a really central location that the Community Health associa tion has moved its office from Massa chusetts avenue to the Park Square building that mammoth structure that houses not merely an enormous number of business offices but nu merous welfare organizations The Community Health association is com posed of the Home Nursing and Baby Hygiene societies united in one or ganization They have been thus united for a year and the union has been very prosperous In the new lo cation their office will be more easily found by those who wish their help Last year the organization suited by 15000 persons tions and combine upon a candidate who far from being a pitiful com promise would be equal to the crisis that confronts the party The se lection of so negative and stodgy a man as Senator Ralston would mean that the leadership would pass to the Taggarts and Brennans for Mr Bryan after the convention could not contend with those very practical men however much he had helped to bring about such a nomination A weak nomination at New York if that is what the fates have in store for the country must be an other blow at the present party sys tem La opportunity will be much improved by the outcome It was a strong nomination at Balti more 12 years ago that saved the Democracy from being shattered by the independent Roosevelt candi dacy The more votes La ollette polls in consequence of a disap pointing Democratic ticket the worse will be the position of both the major parties in the next Con gress and in the next administra tion whether it be Republican or I Democratic in personnel These major parties cannot long preserve the two party system as the only agency of government unless they present their best as leaders This convention is a fair test of the ability to give us men Men The Seething East No great stir has been made Washington by the tearing down the flag over the United States em bassy in Tokio It was apparently the act of an irresponsible individ ual and the Japanese government may be expected to express its re gret at an incident for which it was in no way to blame More signifi cant is the nation wide demonstra tion made in Japan on Tuesday against the exclusion clause of our new immigration law which went into effect on that day In Tokio and presumably elsewhere the prin cipal meeting was held at a Shinto shrine where great crowds besought the ancient deities to aid the people in a time of trouble Patriotic so cieties covered Tokio with innumer able placards beginning with the words: must never forget 1 when America inflicted an insult on Japan Always the date Prepare steps as are demanded by of the fatherland when To impress the date on their minds they are urged to alter their mode of living to abandon all lux ury and to put national honor above private gain But while hating everything American and refusing to enter a church guided by Ameri cans they are enjoined to remain kind to American individuals and indeed the absence of violence is a tribute to Japanese self control Al though a proud and sensitive race and temperamentally more impulsive than most Orientals the people of Japan have undergone centuries of stem discipline the effects of whiejj in great part still remains even though in recent years the mob spirit has grown along with the in dustrial revolution and the rise of democracy the Japanese point of view the present issue is grave enough to justify Embassador Hanihara's warning to our government despite the technical error in phrasing which made it susceptible of being inter preted as a threat That the hard boiled treatment by Congress of so delicate a matter has contributed to the turmoil in the ar East is ob vious and this result is the more un fortunate because collaboration be tween the United States and Japan is essential to the fruition of Amer ican policies in that part of the world and was a logical next step after the abrogation of the Anglo Japanese treaty The Japanese gov ernment still declares itself in favor of co operation with the United States but this is obviously made far more difficult by the intense bit terness of Japanese feeling which has needlessly been provoked Clinton Gilbert in the Phila delphia Public Ledger The first time I heard of John Davis was when he was solicitor general of the United States Then I was told that he was best lawyer practicing before the supreme court The next I heard of him was from London correspondents of the Ameri can newspapers that he was best man we had had In London These memories were short but he was still Now what he most commonly is called is best candidate in any party for the presi a little regretfully as if it were a foregone conclusion that he wouldn't be nominated And certain it is that he is Wall street's best law er If I could run back over his 1 ecord I would probably find that he was once best lawyer in his and that a little later he was best lawyer in his of West Virginia and again that he best of the younger members of the House of I saw him the other day at the Princeton commencement He wore the disguise of a mortar board and gown and I was at a distance so I did not recognize him I thought what is that worldly and interesting face doing among these other worldly academic faces? It absorbed my atten bowed his head to the exe gesture with which the ceremonies puts the purple doctor of laws about the ew survive it but I think he He turned about to speak and The explanation simply is that the trade unionists represented at Cleve land are now in just about the same sort of position and just about in the same sort of philosophy as the great frontier agricultural elements which produced the Granger movements and the Greenback movements and the antimonopoly movements and the Pop ulist movements of the last third of the last century in the United States They are little capitalists They are led by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers ired aS econi clas3 matter November 189 at the postoffice at Springfield Maa under the act ot March 3 1879 Member of the associated press All rights to the publication of news In this paper are expressly reserved and will bs granted only by special arrangement The Associated Press possesses the exclusive right to the republication of all news furnished by It and to the republication of11 naws of spontaneous origin In Hampden eounty gathered by this paper In Its capacity member of the Associated Press ROM THE GOLDEN BOOKS or a Copy of Theoerftns Austin Dobson singer of the field and fold Theocritus! Pan's pipa was Thine was the happier age of gelt or thee the scent of new turned The bee hives and the murmuring pine singer of the field and fold! f'z Thou aang'st the simple feast of The beethen bowl made glad with wine Thine was the happier age of gold Thou bad'st the rustic lovea be Thou bad st the tuneful reeda combine singer of the field and fold! And round thee ever laughing rolled The blithe and blue Sicilian brine Thine was the happier age of gold Alas for us! Our eonga are coldj i Our northern suns too coldly shinst A singer of the field and fold ITY PER CENT HONEST rom the Boston Post Dem But frankly the platform is just about 50 per cent honest That is a relatively high percentage in these days when principles are persistently subordinated to vote catching The Democratic senators who aided by William Jennings Bryan dic tated the platform could not resist the temptation to go gunning for votes by playing one section of the country against the other The League of Nations plank is pure hypocrisy It really means when analyzed that the present Democratic party is through with the League of Nations as an issue The platform might have well said so in stead of presenting a wholly insincere plea for a referendum No such ref erendum can or will be put through even by a Democratic Congress was con Boston shows great interest in every project for the promotion of health and has given especial encouragement to the Grant plan announced by tjje state a few months ago for the stamping out of tuberculosis To work out this plan will take 10 years at a cost of about $500000 Of this sum $50000 has been appropriated by the State Legislature The general plan Is to eliminate the disease by studying the child and elim inating the disease in him especially those between five and 12 years of age who are run down and have a bad posture probable victims of glandular tuberculosis Other states will follow the example of Massachusetts and eventually it is expected a country wide movement in the same direction will be instituted All state institu tions in Massachusetts connected with health work will co operate with Dr Remick and his colleagues and the numerous local health authorities will take the work over The Boston health department is starting an important health cam paign of its own this summer to pro tect children between five and 16 against diphtheria Many requests for the protection of children of this age have been received by parents Dr Cecconi of the bureau of com municable diseases has charge of the work in which he and his staff of and nurses have already given 50000 treatments with only one baa result 11 1 1 sicians in private practice will work along the same lines that all the chil dren of the same age throughout the city may have equal protection Protection in the matter of health is a little less obvious than the sort of protection given by one of our older the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Chil dien which last year saved more than a thousand children a month from neglect and cruelty About one sixth of these children were protected in their horries by the courts an average I of a child a day was placed under state care permanently and about twice this number were removed ironi their homes and placed in the care of relatives or friends Though commencement exercises both of schools and colleges are at an end for this season the college atmos phere hangs over the only conventions of the week notably that of the 33d biennial of the Phi Kappa Psi grand arch council the first ever held in New England A good representation of members was present and at the opening meeting Payson Smith com missioner of educatioii spoke of the need in this country of greater atten tion to the study of civics and history Visits to Concord and Lexington formed part of the program A pop concert for the women and a smoker for the men occupied one ot the nings while golf at the Oakley and a ball at the Somerset were on the list of amusem*nts Rabbis from Palestine The most recent visitors to attract general attention are the two Jewish A GRADE CROSSING REMEDYrom the Hartford Courant A correspondent of The Springfield Republican calls attention to the fact that at every grade crossing in North Carolina is placed a sign which reads: Law This may be of some use but a custom prevailed some years ago in and pos sibly still continues which was much more impressive it consisted of putting up a black post at every grade crossing for each person who had been killed there That would make people stop and think much bet ter than a mere statement of the leg islation It would appeal to a higher law that of selfpreservation Of course facilities would have to be provided to secure room enough to put up the posts at some of our grade crossings but the multiplicity Of them would presumably reduce the need of further I addition JI They simultaneously absolutely will say nothing about abolishing capital any more than the Populists or Thom as Jefferson ever said any such thing It is going to be al! the philosophical standpoint from the political standpoint it determine this election (Copyright 1924 by Current News eatures inc) rabbis who have come all the way from Palestine They are members of a delegation of rabbis that is touring the United States in the interests of $1000000 fund to provide religious training and in some cases' support for Jewish children in certain countries that suffered the most during the war They were welcomed by great crowds at the station and thousands are at tending the various meetings they ad dress men much The much they have been guests of the mayor at City hall and of the governor at the State House On their way they have had a chance to see the great prepa ration being made for the parade especially the mammoth staging on the Common for those who wish to see the parade on the 10th Mean while the Common near fiog pond is getting itself ready the municipal celebration of ourth where as of recent years there will be a fine international dem onstration by men women and chil dren of our many adopted races olk games folk songs and rites in general will be given full nlav The ourth of July regatta will be held off City Point and the large prizes in cash of fered will bring out a great many competitors in the various classes Something is still left of our old ourth the same in name though different in kind Civic League Activities The Massachusetts Civic league had an unusually successful year during its past season of active work which begins a little before the Leg islature comes in session and con tinues after it is prorogued and well into the autumn Its part: in the initiative petition for the bill for the classification of prisoners is well known as well as its efforts in the campaign which had no small part in bringing about the success of the bill In the billboard legislation the League took an active interest The most important of the three measures that mean improved conditions in the matter of billboard advertising ended a six fight It is the measure permitting municipalities to draft their own regulations without the approval of the highway division if they do not conflict with the general regulations The league has also tak en a keen interest in the new zoning law for Boston and thoroughly ap proves it But it is wiser perhaps to look for ward rather than backward and to see how the league proposes to help the coming year It especially hopes to bring the Civil Service laws to the highest standards set by any state: then it wishes to see the experiment tried of paying wages to prisoners to strengthen the law 'governing th health certification of working chil dren and to co operate in the: in vestigation by school superintendents of children leaving school between the ages of 14 and 16 It will sup port whatever legislation seems wise for increasing educational require ments for these children It promises to worn actively Tor a "xes vote on prohibition enforcement in Novem ber It expects to have regular monthly conferences in the Town room and a good attendance may be expected The league is growing as indeed it should in this 28th year of its existence It has added 124 mem bers since April and now numbers about 700 men and women Every one of them has a vote and voice that counts in civic matters of the state The Town room and the little bulletin are not the least important among its material assets Women Working for Jackson To an observer the probable in fluence of women in the torial is worth considering Certainly they are showing much In terest in the candidacy of James Jackson for governor The members of the Women's Republican club for some time have been doing their part and now in Cambridge there has been organizing Cambridge James Jackson with Mrs 1 Addington Bruce chairman and 1 Mrs Rlcbarfi Dana vice chairman Thine WM the hWPjer eC ffoMf Tall men sun crowned who live above the fog public duty and in private think This was because on their farms in the Northwest they are at a great dis tance and far removed from the fac tional struggles which the Commun ists have produced within the trade unions in the urban industries of the country Those struggles have turned our American trade unions for the most part strongly against the Com munists The Cleveland convention this week and next week will have nothing to do with Communists and absolutely nothing to do with any Communist idea of eliminating capital from our existence and of substituting for it a dictatorship of the proletariat was warned that court would the matter with great feeri should a further offense be This explanation was given in a public statement by the magistrate which he attempted to have read at a hearing which the board of city magistrates was giving to one Doran an attendant at the traffic court He wanted he explained 'prevent if I can the punishment of innocent Without this testimony however Mr Doran was found guiltless an outcome that so disturbed Chief Magistrate McAdoo that he threatened to transfer th attendant who lives in the Bronx to Staten Island OneNif the alleged offenses of which Doran was acquitted was the falsifying of the court records to make it appear that the first com plaint against Miss Rockefeller was dismissed making the second case against her a At the' investigation conducted by Com missioner Hirshfield the policeman who arrested Miss Rockefeller in May testified that Magistrate Marsh had directed the altering of the rec ord Doran at the same time testi fied that both he a'ld the magistrate had been under the impression that 1 the first case was dismissed He did not however look up the earlier rec ord to make sure' The explanation seems to ignore the testimony as to his own part if any in the incideftt of the altered record He ex presses the opinion that the only fault of either Doran or the police lieutenant in charge of the station was in relying upon their memories instead of looking up the records Whether first or second offense he declares his treatment would have been the same but he also relates the circ*mstances of the two arrests and the plea of guilty on both occa sions and the warning of dire ef fects likely to follow further offense His explanation is confusing The demotion without explanation of the motorcycle policeman who made the second arrest may have been merely a coincidence If so it was rather unfortunately timed As the record stands there is in sufficient evidence on which to base assumptions of corruption or of fa voritism for the rich Just why women offenders should be permit ted to appear in court by proxy while men offenders must appear in person as the explana tion seems to imply is not clear and not very important The chief mvsterv however is why the magis trate has waited a month for his ex planation such as it is while sinister rumors and even sinister testimony have been broadcast unchallenged Sweden seems to following the latest German innovation in its proj ect to abandon government opera tion of railroads and to transfer the lines to an independent business cor poration in which tie government would be represented In Germany prolonged operation without regard to the losses incurred had made'a fresh start almost essential and for some time there has been a demand in Sweden for more businesslike methods without sacrifice of govern ment ownership HE SPRINGIELD REPUBLICAN daily Sunday The Republican Publishing 32 Cypres St Springfield Mass Telephone River 3150 crV Connecting All Departments Of all the abounding and unneces sary hysteria which exists at this time in this country the most extraor dinary is that which sees in old fash ioned American radicalism an inspira tion from Moscow' In the Cleveland convention this week and next week the assembled representatives of numerous outstanding American trade unions will take all delegates who are even suspected of association with Moscow and will deliver them if they can to the police stations The agrarian radicals who came to the convention for a third party at St Paul week before last were willing to associate with William oster an Ruthenberg and Joseph Manley and other competent and sincere rep resentatives of Communism The Court and Miss Rockefeller Magistrate Marsh of the New York traffic court has come forth with a belated statement re era rd inc his disposition of the more or less celebrated case of Miss Abby Rocke feller John Rockefeller daughter twice arrested for speed ing and twice let off with a sus pended sentence The incident of the second arrest and the resulting happenings have been the occasion of much publicity with special ref erence to the question whether I wealthy offenders or some of them I are a privileged in the New York courts There is still something of a mystery about it all Mr explanation now given for the first time more than a month after his disposition of the second charge makes it appear that Miss Rockefeller was treated as any other woman offender under similar circ*mstances would have been Both in January and in May she was represented in court by a young law student as her attorney and pleaded guilty She Was speeding on River side drive when it was comparative ly clear of traffic and was courteous to the traffic policeman who arrested her After the second offense she varied than in the United States the general quality is excellent A novelty is the use of radio for lec tures in public halls with correlated stereopticon views which rapid dispatch is desired may ollette independent candidacy for the suffice to fill the mail pouch 1 The Democratic Eeadersliip The greatest individual force a vx ik tvnvenuon iur Bryan dominating it with consid erable success and thus far coloring the most vital decisions The plat fomi cannot be read intelligently Without bearing his influence inB mind deadlock in the voting for a presidential candidate has a distinct Bryan slant The candidates whomB he opposes get nowhere John Davis was stopped dead yesterday by JUrt Bryan and Mr surprising revival can be attributed in some degree to his exhortationsB He is more and more active on theB floor and the rostrum trying to con trol the convention's final choice ofB the ticket A national convention is peculiarly the arena in which Mr Bryan is most adept In his early manhood he first leapt into national fame from such a stage setting and Muth scarcely diminished personal powers and vastly more experience he is still seeking to impose his lead ership upon the Democratic party In 1912 at Baltimore Mr natural instinct to dominate a Demo eratic convention found a brilliant epportunity and was happily crowned with success in the nomina tion of Woodrow Wilson But as a party leader he went into eclipse as Wilson asserted his own masterful aupremacy throughout two admin iatrations The present reappear ance of Mr Bryan in a role of lead ership is proof of the failure of any Stronger leadership in this conven tion Mr Bryan will always impose his will in matters political in the absence of a more powerful will He is an established Democratic insti tution for as the Democratic party inclines toward a receivership Mr Bryan is always prepared to serve as the receiver Mr McAdoo would have controled this convention and been its nominee for President but for the tragic po litical mishap winch he suffered when adopting the motto mannlust he accepted such clients ins Mr Doheney and before his former subordinates in the treasury department He has dis played amazing resourcefulness he rebounds like a rubber ball from the hardest surfaces At midnight Tuesday with his vote on the 30th ballot down to 415z he was be lieved to be near his 88th ballot yesterday Note had risen again It was on the eighth he passed above 500 A man of auch fighting power as Mr McAdoo Would have been irresistible and his claim to the party leadership un challenged had the moral content of hia character rung true at the test It is a disaster for the Democratic party that Mr McAdoo has failed it He was the leader that the progres sive wing of the party desired Had lie been adequate in his idealism as he was competent in administration and unflinching in nis prowess this convention would not now be threat ened with the wreck of the high bopes that animated it a week ago The peril of the present situation Is very visible There is no Wood row Wilson in the field of candidates to whom Mr Bryan will attach him eelf Yesterday afternoon he was Tunning wild pleading with the con tention with mock seriousness first for Dr Murphree of lorida sec ond for Josephus Daniels of North Carolina third for Senator Robin son of Arkansas and sincerely for Mr McAdoo His conspicuous omis sion was himself He openly antag onizes John Davis he vill not listen to claims and Gov Smith is of course impossibleThe convention by its platform dis position of the issue of the League of Nations probably destroyed New ton availability and in jured that of Carter Glass Mr stock of obsessions sec tional social and economic ac cumulated in the course of 30 years of politics renders him a poor judge I of candidates while his estimates of political opportunities are as biased is his opinion of Darwinism The convention can be rescued it ivould seem only by the patriotic ietennination of those who actually Ban command two thirds of the dele (taa sacrifice their own ambi a TT ani1 a reaiIy list of names ijOStOTl OllhP on campaign committee VOlO LfCC core I The list of women who sign the ap peal the Women Voters of Cam has more than 100 names also well known who urga their fellow Republicans to vote for James Jack son at the primaries fael that James Jackson present treasurer and receiver general oi the Common wealth is the best candidate we could possibly choose By character' training ability and accomplishments he is uncommonly well fitted to be A Mansion '14 The old Greenough house in Jamai ca Plain is the subject of much in terest just now It has been put on the market by David Greenough the fifth of his line since It was bought just after the Revolution' when its tory owner and builder Commodore Loring had left thia re gion for his better loved England It is a dignified square house sur round id by beautiful grounds and notable trees It is Jamaica Plain'slast remaining Colonial house particu larly interesting because it was Gen Greene's headquarters during the siege of Boston and because Wash ington is known to have visited Miss Caroline Ticknor who lives in Jamaica Plain had published an ap peal for it before the Tuesday club ot Jamaica Plain held its meeting last week rallied to the rescue voted to complete the purchase and put the building in condition for club use A subscription for the purchase bus met with a liberal response but to carry the thing through properly people outside the club especially those interested in preserving ancient and historic buildings are expected to help in buying the property The Society for Preservation of New England Antiquities by ita pur chase of ancient dwellings that other wise would have been destroyed and by its publications on the subject has cone a great deal to form public opin ion on the subject This interest in the historic is partly a matter of edu cation although in New England in heritance has a large part There are many persons here in Boston to whom the destruction of a valuable house like the Greenough mansion to make room fo" a gaudy apartment house i returning higher interest to its new owner would seem worse than sacri lege Naturally many realtors have a dif ferent basis for determining value but the average Bostonian of New England descent can at least appre ciate the point of view of those who desire the preservation of antiquities 1 tia in jdci ween rioors ana can movo ijo or dm ill nJ III i bi I I 1 Sr it dcsiri 1 1 III si III 'r Hl II I II ill io 1 lln 'ii AO Li A I III I IMS! I I Si.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

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Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.