The Roanoke Times from Roanoke, Virginia (2024)

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THE ROANOKE TIMES ROANOKE VIRGINIA: SATURDAY MORNING JULY 13 1940 Two Million Dollar Cain Over General und Revenue Estimates In State Seen Rotary Head Southwest Virginia's Game Wardens at Short Course 4 Pulaski Continues Efforts to Bedford Schools de 4 au no air 13 rye per cx thc CHARLOTTESVILLE July 12 General Lafayette escaped Injury or death here by a substnn tlal marpln while touring the country in 1824 Last night the old three story brick building collapsed Roanoke Second row: Wilson Tazewell Shanahan Wythe Hines Lee and Ben Bird Bland Third row Surber Craig Wheeler Kesterson supervising game warden for the Southwestern district and William A Hite Bath Third row: Kunkel Pulaski A Wheeler Giles and Henry Ratliff Buchanan (Times Staff Photo Pictured above is Pave Mor ris new president of the Buena Vista Rotary club who assumed office July 1 the Lee an fi GROUP TO CONER ON HOUSING PLANS WOUNDED MAN IS EXPECTED TO LIVE STATE LEA CROP WILL BE REDUCED William Hickok INCASTLE July 13 William Hickok 70 died at his home al Springwood this morning The funeral will be held at Andrew Chapel at 11 Sunday with Interment in the nearby cemetery INCREASE NOTED ON SOME ITEMS increase in number of people mak ing their homes outside of Martins ville and Ridgeway the only two incorporated towns Martinsville's population figure was recently announced as 10078 ns compared with 7705 in 1930 Held for Grand Jury Leffert Young middle aged farm er residing bn the Henry Patrick county line in the vicinity of airy Stone park was ordered held for the federal grand jury with trial set for September at Danville fol lowing a preliminary hearing be fore United States Commissioner Joyce here riday afternoon Bond was fixed at 500 for his re lease until date of trial Young en tered a plea of not guilty at the preliminary trial The defendant was arrested at the still operation Thursday after Clifton orge To Be Judge Home INCASTLE July 13 Judge Earl Abbott recently ap pointed judge of the 19th judicial circuit said here today that he will make his home at Clifton orge soon His legal residence is now in Craig county Judge Abbott opened court here today for his first time since he was appointed Only minor matters came before him Dr Breckinridge and two of his children Butterfly and William left here today to attend the Demo cratic convention in Chicago Dr Breckinridge is an alternate dele gate to the convention from Vir ginia DR PHILLIPS IS TO HEAD BOARD RICHMOND July 12 (AP) The executive committee of the Virginia Education association voted approval of recommendations made today by Executive Secretary rancis 8 Chase for implementing the part In the preparedness program by taking the lead in a movement perpetuate and advance the ideals of democracy" recommendations will be considered by the VEA at its state Marshall Kin Dies CHARLOTTESVILLE July uneral services fojr Miss Sallie smith of Shadwell a mem ber of one of Virginia's oldest fami lies Will be held at 4 tomor row at Rlvermont Smith died at a local hos pital yesterday after a long illness She was a daughter of the late John Massie and Nellie Timberlake Smith and a direct descendant of to 4 1 1 1 1 4 A (f convention here November 10 33 He suggested that the association carefully consider: Re formation of the program and objectives of the association to give emphasis to the services which the schools can render to the cause of democracy and the national de fense A call upon the local (Parent Teacher) association to take the lead in bringing together leaders in their own communities to formu late a program of community action designed to make democracy more effective and to propiote the devel opment of a strong self disciplined skilled citizenship That the 1940 convention be used as a means of focusing attention on these objectives That a call be issued to civic and patriotic organizations to join in putting the program into effect in Virginia VALUABLE PIGMENT OUND RICHMOND July 12 State Highway Commissioner Henry Shirley said today that a vein of valuable pigment had been dis covered on state right of way along the New river He said he had received a com munication asking for a permit to work the vein The location was not clearly set forth but it was believed to be in or near Wythe county Naval Enlistments Sought In Southwest The navy recruiting officer at Roanoke has scheduled a re cruiting trip to the following towns: Hillsville July 16 and 17 Galax July 18 Independence July 19 This trip will be made by Morrison chief boilermaker who will accept applications and give physical ex aminations to determine young fitness for enlistment in the naval service There are many vacancies in the 8 navy at the present time for apprentices in all the principal trades as machinist electrician aviation mechanic steam engineering refrigerating engineer ing electric and acetylene welding and many other trades not listed Total for Virginia Now Set at $23801938 Jesse Turner MARTINSVILLE July 12 (Spe Jesse Turner 49 Henry coun ty farmer died Thursday afternoon at his home near Axton following an Illness of several days uneral services will be held Saturday at 10:30 a at the home Interment will follow in Oakwood cemetery Martinsville Mrs Mattie Epperly CHRISTIANSBURG July 12 Mrs Mattie Epperly 69 widow of Epperly died Thurs day in a local hospital uneral wiil be at the home at 11 a Saturday and burial will be in Huff vllle loyd county She leaves a daughter Mrs John Mulkey Chris tiansburg a son Gilbert of Wil liamson Va: three grandchil dren and a brother and sister Robbie Littrcal RIES July 13 neral services were held at New Hope church near here Thursday for Rob bie Littreal 35 son of Mr and Mrs Robert Littreal who was killed near Charleston Va Tuesday by con tact with a high voltage power wire He was employed by the Appalachian Electric Power company Burial was in the church cemetery Mrs II Echols CHILHOWIE July 12 Mrs Echols 66 died at her home near here early this morning She is survived by her husband one sister and one brother uneral services will be held Sun day morning at the Riverside Bap tist church at 11 Burial will be in Beattie cemetery Naval Officer Dies SAN DIEGO Calif July 12 (AP) Riley McConnell 56 commanding the San Diego naval training station and regarded as one of the navy's authorities on ar Eastern affairs died today at the Balboa Park Naval hospital He was a holder of the Navy Cross for conspicuous and meritorious service in the Orient from 1936 to 1939 during Slno Japanese hostili ties McConnell did much to smooth the path of American naval policy and diplomacy in the Orient prior to and after the bombing of the Panay by Japanese airmen A native of Gate City Va Mc Connell entered the Naval academy in 1903 and was graduated in 1907 Memorial aervices will be "held Sunday at th chapel of the naval training station ollowing crema tion the ashes will be sent to Ar lington National cemetery Narrows Group Asks unds for Disposal Plant CLUB DISCUSSES SECURITY Rural Pastors Close Meeting At Blacksburg RICHMOND July 13 (AP) Com pilations at the state comptroller' office showed today that increases in corporation income and certain other unanticipated Items would cause the estimated general fund revnues for the last fiscal year to be exceeded by $1200000 Estimate Up $1200000 The estimate was placed at $22 567800 originally but It now appear that the total Including ABO profit will' be 33801038 Because of the war In Europe the drop in revenue from tobacco companies was expected to cause a decline in general revenue The to bacco income revenue did fnll from562000 in 1939 to 490000 In 1040 but other Items more Ilian made up the difference Corporate income exceeded the estimate of 2250000 by 450000 Revenue from the chcmlrnl and drug industry gained nearly 400 per cent from 100000 in 1939 to $385000 for 1940 pulp and paper products from 2000 to 71000 cotton textiles from $18000 to $45 000 and the furniture industry from $41000 to $76000 Other increases were noted from fertilizer food products leather goods liquors and beverages metals and machinery printing and publishing and mer chandising Rayon and cellophane manufac ture like tobacco showed a de crease The drop was from $118000 in 1939 to $51000 in 1940 Norton Is To Visit Mines In Southwest RICHMOND July 12 (APj News of a mine fatality at Pocahontas was followed yesterday by an an nouncement from Labor Commis sioner Thomas Morton that ho would spend at least a week in the coal fields beginning July 19 The (first reported mine death in the new fiscal year was that of Dewey Hartnett 38 an employe of the Pocahontas Coal company who was crushed by a slate fall while loading coal in a mine Deaths in Virginia mines during the fiscal period ended June 30 showed a slight decrease from the previous fiscal period The figure was 39 against 41 but non fatal accidents reported jumped from 669 for the 1939 fiscal year to 1002 for the last year Norfolk Is To ight Negro Teacher Ruling NOROLK July 12 Work on the preparation of his petition for a writ of review by the United States supreme court of the adverse decision on salaries of Negro school teachers recently handed down by tlie United States circuit court of appeals for the fourth judicial dis trict will be pushed as rapidly as possible City Attorney Alfred An derson said today The city of Norfolk apparently will have to bear the entire burden of fighting this case which involves thousands of dollars for other states cities and counties Mr Anderson said "They are all leaving it to us" he pointed out "although all of them would seem to be vitally interested No other state city or county ha offered any George Tolley BUCHANAN July 12 George ranklin Tolley 73 died at his home near Arcadia last night following a lingering illness uneral services will be held to morrow at 2:30 at the home with interment in the family ceme tery RICHMOND July 12 The Virginia tobacco crop will be about 37 per cent less than the yield In 1939 the Virginia cooperative crop reporting service predicted today The acreage planted of all types In Virginia this year was estimated to be 115900 acres which Is approxi mately 67 per cent of the 172100 acres harvested last year The pro duction based on this acreage estimate and the yield indicated by July condition was 90684000 pounds as compared with the 1939 crop of 143847000 pounds lue Cured Small The flue cured crop acreage of an estimated 78000 acres is the smallest since 1934 The stand is good however and the yield is ex pected: to be good if the weather remains favorable for the next six weeks Tire acreage of firc curcd tobacco was estimated to be 23700 acres which is slightly larger than the acreage harvested last year The condition of this crop is only average with cool weather retarding the growth in some areas The burlcy tobacco acreage is esti mated to be 10300 acres compared with 11700 acres last year and the growth was imported below average owing to the late season Good prices have caused sun cured grow ers to Increase their acreage the crop that year LYNCHBURG July 12 Dr Henry Phillips of Roanoke Bishop of the Episcopal diocese of Southwestern Virginia was reelect ed president of the governing board of the advance conftrence of the province of Washington which end todav at Swcnt Briar college after third annual 10 day session Others Elected One hundied eighty clergymen and lay workers from 18 dioceses attended the conference which re elected all officers of its governing board for another year Besides Dr Phillips they nere Dr Wallace Rollins of the Theological Semi nary Alexandria first vice president Nathaniel Brolon of White marsh Pa second vice president and Dr Carleton Barnwell of Lynchburg secretary One new standing committee chairman was named Rev Charles Penniman of Wilmington Del was chosen chairman of the program committee to succeed Dr Leicester Lewis of Chestnut Hill Other standing committee chairmen re named for another year were Rev Robert A Magill of Lynchburg ad ministration and Rev Gardiner Day of Wilkes Barre Pa promo tion and gublicity Dr Glass Chosen Dr: Meta Glass president of Sweet Briar college was added to the membership of the governing board representing the diocese of South western Virginia Other Southwest ern Virginia diocesan representatives an the board are Dr Marion Bene dict Sweet Briar Rev Richard Lee Lynchburg Rev Richard Martin Blacksburg Mrs Oscar De Wolfe Randolph Lynchburg and Rev John Wellford Amherst Dr Noble Powell warden of the College of Preachers and deanof the Washington cathedral Washington invited the board to hold its next meeting on November 14 at the cathedral Dr Powell con ducted the clergy seminar held the last five days of the conference The seminar was attended by 25 clergy men Building Where Lafayette Was Honored alls report said It was estimated 3900 acres were planted this against 3400 last year Other Crops Normal Reporting on other crops tJre de partment said that the yield in Vir ginia would be normal Major changes forecast are increases of 5 per cent for barley 5 per cent for oats 4 per cent for wheat 14 per cent for cow peas and 5 per cent for peanuts Tlie corn crop is expected to be i per cent lew than last year ru per cent less and cotton cent less LEGION ELECTS WAYNESBORO July 12 (Spe Miller has been elected commander of Griifith Newman Post American Legion to succeed East who has been appointed adjutant other officers elected to serve with Mr Miller Include 8 Mcelecr vice commander A Loth second vice commander Shumate chaplain East nance and service ot fleer John Ellis sergeant at arms and EEtter alling Rock Badly Injures Two Men RADORD July 12 Two men were seriously injured when struck by a large falling rock at the Radford Limestone corpora tion's operations at Claytor Dam near here about 4 today The men Hobart Roop and Robert Phillip both about 45 and bqUi from Radford were taken to the New Altamont hospital at Christiansburg where it was said tonight Phillip was suffering from a badly crushed leg head injuries and a fractured shoulder and that Roop received a compound fracture of the left leg and a fractured skull A hos pital attache said left foot and a portion of the lower part of the leg had been amputated and that both men are in a serious condition The rock Is said to have fallen from a considerable height upon the men PULASKI July 13 voting to continue efforts to obtain a $350000 federal housing project for Pulaski tlie town council hist night named a committee to con fer with other officials and to pre pare recommendations tor consid eration next mouth The committee is composed of Coundlmen A Eskridge Bunts Hall and A Seagle It will confer with the board of supervisors and a special citizens committee which re cently endorsed the development Reported avorably The citizens committee a month ago reported favorably on the proposed development which would bring 100 housing units for low in come families to Pulaski under the USHA slum elimination program That committee will act as housing authority if and when the project is approved Mayor Cal lee indicated several weeks ago The Rev Albert Teasley of John son City minister who received na tion wide publicity several years ago when he was bitten by a rattlesnake with which he was demonstrating the power ot fattn wm deliver Sunday morning sermon at the Avenue Church of God it was nounced today Pulaski and Roanoke county Docket Is Arranged In Alleghany Court COVINGTON July 12 A special term of' the Alleghany county circuit court was convened by Judge Earl Abbott Thursday morning for setting the docket of the regular term which will begin July 15 and to dispose of a num ber of motions Among cases set were those on these charges: Roy Hughes rank lin manslaughter July 29 a civil case of A Wolfe against the Craig Botetourt Electric Coopera tive September 23 and Jake ord murder July 18 Approximately 25 cases of alleged liquor manufac turing and selling ardent spirits were set for July 15 GAME WARDENS PICK OICERS A Robertson Norfolk Is Named President Episcopal Clergy Laymen Close Conference New Library To Be Built or Concord BLUEIELD Va July 12 Construction of a new library building at Concord college Athens Va will begin imme diately Dr rank Marsh presl dent announced today as he re vealed that a 150000 appropria tion for the project has been re leased by the West Virginia board of public works It will be a two story brick build ing with full basem*nt and of Greek architecture The adminis tration building now houses Con cord's library Robert A Jennings GALAX July 13 Robert Andrew Jennings 41 died at his home in the Baywood commu nity near here yesterday afternoon uneral sendees will be held Saturday morning at 10 in the Galax riends church with burial in the Nuckolls cemetery west of here i lue Cured Yield Io Be Low est Since 1934 Robertson Says May Call CCCTo Arms STRASBURG July' 12 Representative A Willis Robertson this afternoon told civilian conser vation corps enrollees of Camp Roosevelt that their government in the very near future may ask them to take up arms in defense of this country against a possible German invasion Speaking at the dedication of ort Organization camp constructed in the Massanutten mountains by Camp Roosevelt boys for the ute of underprivileged chil dren the Virginia congressman de parted from his prepared manuscript to voice this warning after remind ing the CCC youths that they were indebted to their government for the $100 per month it has cost Uncle Sam for each of the 2500000 boys who have passed through the civil ian conservation corps in the seven years of its existence Lieutenant Woodson Promoted To Captain RICHMOND July 12 In spector Cowan said at state police headquarters today that Lieut Woodson Jr would be trans ferred to Richmond from the Roa noke office July 16 and would be elevated to a captaincy Lieutenant Woodson went to Roa noke from and has been at the Roanoke office for a year and a half No decision has been reached as to his successor at Roanoke Inspector Cowan said BLACKSBURG July 12 (Special) The responsibility rural ministers have to aid in solving certain youth problems was stressed by Dr William Garnett rural sociologist of the Virginia arglcultural experiment station at the concluding session of the eleventh annual rural minis ters school meeting at Virginia Tec) today He pointed out some trends affect ing the training welfare and op portunities of Virginia rural youth as brought out In a survey now being conducted here More than 70 registered for the five day course Hummel or ganizational specialist of the I agricultural extension division ana secretary treasurer of the Virginia rural church conference board which sponsors the school reported BLACKSBURG July 12 (Special) A Robertson Norfolk was elected president of the Virginia Gaine Wardens' association meeting here at Virginia Tech this after noon Other officer chosen Include Purks redericksburg first vice president Reeves Galax second vice president A Boone Salem secretary and Norton treasurer The group voted to hold its 1941 meeting at Virginia Beach subject to approval of the state commission of game and in land fisheries Pistol Matches Staged Southwest Virginians took first second and fifth places in the pistol matches staged by the wardens The winners follow: Reeves Galax A Boone Salem Kiser Har risonburg: Pingley Winches ter and O'Neill Norton Because it Is the only source con taining all the chemical elements sea water will eventually be utilized for soil conservation and "the ex tension of tenure of the earth into the indefinite Justus Cline Stuarts Draft director at large of tlie National Wildlife ed eration predicted in a talk on "Our Mineral Environment" at the Appa lachian wildlife conference this morning He stressed the impor tance of the less common minerals in preventing diseases due to dietary deficiencies Discusses Research Chester Lelchardt of tlie United States fish and wildlife serv ice discussed the research and plan ning activities of that department Other speakers on the program were: lippin United States bureau of agricultural economics whose topic was "County Agricul tural Planning for Conservation" Wake supervising teacher of science at I and Blacksburg high school who spoke on "Teaching Conservation in Virginia High and Henry A Mosby of the Virginia commission of game and inland fisheries whose subject was "Restoring the Wild Officers of tlie Virginia Wildlife ederation will be elected tomorrow morning The state game group is meeting here in conjunc tion with the Wildlife conference STEEL WORKER KILLED NEWPORT NEWS July 12 (AP) Horne 23 steel 1 worker in the Newport News Ship build mi? nnri Drv nnrlf rnmnnnv He was guest of honor at a public plant was killed jn tantly today reception al the Central hotel here when a rack of steel plates over turned crushing Hornes skull be neath them Horne was a resident of Ivor in Isle of Wight county Pictuied on the steps of the student activities building on the campus of Virginia Tech wheie they attended along with other game wardens throughout the state the short course conducted in ronjunction with the Appalachian Wildlife conference i a group of wardens from the South west Virginia counties They are left to right front iow: Dave Neal Wise county Alley Scott Hunter Peiry Russell and Boone Old Eustis Center Is To Be Garrisoned WASHINGTON July 12 The war department announced plans today for early garrisoning of the old World war mobilization center at Eustis Va The site has been used in recent years by various agencies under a war department loan though title has remained in the army Department officials said it was planned to develop the site as an adjunct to nearby Langley ield wing headquarters for the GHQ airforce and to locate there the third battalion 21st engineers (avia tion) of 288 enlisted strength to be transferred from ort Benning ua to junction witn tne ghq force nleted three bridges in this section named officially at the recent ses sion of the general assembly will also be dedicated They are thf Wil liam Thompson Memorial bridgelx miles east of Hillsville tie Ira Coltrane Memorial bridgft four miles north of Hillsville aid the Thomas elt Memorial briigo on route 58 near Galax i Several thousand person ire ex pected to pack the Carroll county seat for the celebration I Members of the program cwimit tee meeting at loyd today wort Walter Edwards Hillsville chalr man: Moomaw secretary the Roanoke chamber of Commerce Dr red Hamber Mrs' Wilkinson Hillsville publicity chair man: 8 Landreth Gal' Kylt Weeks loyd Lucas Hillsville John Burwelloyd LOYD July 12 The route 221 celebration program com mittee meeting here today mapped final plans for the observance which will be held at Hillsville August 3 with Governor Price as the principal STlie committee voted to ask Col filncltlr Brown of Roanoke coun ty a tjioneer in working for develop mint of route 221 to the governor and to sketch the history of the Virginia members of congress ana members of the general assembly from Roanoke loyd Carroll and Grayson counties will be invited to attend along with Highway Com missioner Shirley members his commission and other state or flclals Tn Bed i calc Brldes Along with the dedication of the route which is now being com Ideals of Democracy Will Be Advanced by Teachers NARROWS July 13 Mayor elect Dewey Spangler Ivcry councilman and Co burn former mayor of Narrows re turned yesterday from Washington following a conference with RC officials relative to obtain ng federal aid in the installation of sewerage disposal system here ull cooperation was assured by the federal agency the committee announced at the Kiwanls meeting last night and the group will meet jointly with a special session of the town council tonight Tentative plans call for a survey to be made immediately and nego tiations with bonding companies to determine where the lowest interest rate may be obtained for th needed bonds Tlie estimated cost will be about 76000 Lieut Gov Charles Adair ad dressed the Kiwanls gathering last night reporting on his trip to Min neaiKilla where he attended the or ganization's international conven tion STUART July 12 A man docketed as Gray Hawley 34 of Roanoke is in jail here fol lowing a shooting affray last night in the town of Stuart and rank Burton attorney says a warrant has been issued charging Hawley with felonious wounding of Beamer Sutphin 33 The prosecution said Hawley is be ing held without bond pending out come of wounds while at the Stuart hospital it was said the condition of the wounded man was Sutphin received a wound in the abdomen right hand and upper left leg He was expected to recover barring complications after an emergency operation last night Charge Is Denied Mr Burton said Hawley still nles that he was in the vicinity where the shooting occurred but several witnesses had placed him near the place a short time previous to the shooting Mr Burton said that Agnes Pack in the yard of whose home the shooting occurred told him a man giving the name of Gray Hawley came to her house about 9 last night and asked to see her daughter Mrs Pack told the prosecutor he says that the man was told to leave and an swered with profanity Sutphin and a brother boarders in the Pack home called from the house to the alleged Intruder that he had been ordered away and had better com ply Hawley it was said refused and invited the Sutphins outside to continue the argument Mr Burton was told that as the men stepped into the yard a pistol was fired and Beamer Sutphin was struck Hearing Probably 27th Mr Burton said a hearing prob ably would be held July 27 the de lay being caused to await his return from Chicago It was said by officers that Haw ley did not have a pistol when ar rested and that whereabouts of the weapon used had not been found A lawyer irom Roanoke was pected here today to discuss case with Mr Burton he said 4 club members will participate in a broadcast from VPI on July 23 as part of tlie state short course for members of that organization which opens at Blacksburg on July 22 Grigsby county agent announced today Registration lists have not been completed but it is indicated that several club members from Pulaski 4 clubs will attend the five day training course Mr Grigsby said Drive Continues Continuing its efforts to raise the second $800 quota set as part in the Rod Cross war refugee relief fund the finance committee is staging a rumrnage sale in the old Price Hardware building on west Main street With residents of the Pine com munity endorsing the proposal first steps to bring electric service to that area were launched last night at a meeting held at the home of Miss annie Howard A committee head ed by Miss Conway Howard was named to continue negotiations and complete details Hope was seen that the power line can be Installed within a reasonable time it was announced Grand jury To Hear Bedwell Murder Case HILLSVILLE July 12 The case of Claude Bedwell charged with murder in connection with the fatal shooting of Justice ot the Peace Wright 73 in Carroll county last May was sent to the Septem ber circuit court grand Jury by Trial Justice A Cooley here today Ed Sayer an eye witness to the shooting and Dr A Porter cor oner were the principal prosecution Witnesses Ane UUW4Q4 witnesses 4 Clubs To Rally In Wytheville Today WYTHEVILLE July 12 (Special) Chase Virginia repre sentative of the English olk Dance and Song Society In America will be in charge of the program pre sented before the Wythe county Home Demonstration and 4 clubs in their county rally day meeting at the court house Saturday from 3 io 5 Mr Chase is an outstanding thority on English folk lore MARTINSVILLE July 12 (Spe The town of Stuart seat of Patrick county has shown a gain in population of 132 persons during the past decade according to the preliminary announcement of fed eral census results mode public to day by McCormick Jr census supervisor for tire ilth district The figures show Stuart today hav ing a population of 720 persons as compared to a population of 588 in 1930 Preliminary figures are sub ject to change Rocky Mount Increases Rocky Mount showed an Increase of 26 persons 'flimbing from a popu lation of 1339 persons in 1930 to1305 in 1940 Chatham has a population of 1319 In h)40 or gain of 76 over its popu lation of 1143 in 1930 Henry county is expected to show a substantial increase over 1930 due noon agents of the federal alcohol to industrial development and the I tax unit said Plans Completed for Road Celebration at Hillsville BEDORD July 12 National security and the part Rotarians should play in shaping public opinion in the Western Hemisphere during the present chaotic conditions in Europe were discussed at tlie meeting ot the Rotary club of Bedford Thursday night 8 9 Hylton newly elected president and other new officers were installed Tlie bridge over Staunton river at Anthony's ord will be formally opened July 19 with exercises be ginning at 2 This bridge connects Bedford and Pittsylvania counties and residents of that section have struggled for years to have a bridge located at that point Principals of the high school in the county have been elected as fol lows: New London Academy 8 Crockett Boonsboro Stewart Marcuse high school and Big Island A Camden Montvale McKee Stewartsville A John son Moneta Coffey Huddles ton Morgan Bonner has been re elected principal of Liberty Academy the largest graded school of the county A ELECTS EIGHT Richmond Julv 12 Tire state A convention here today elected eight new members to the executive committee for three year terms each The new members include: Dr Thompson Clifton orge John Ihorp ries and Ed John son Roanoke DEATHS two sons Ben and Watt Mor ton Mrs Morton BLACKSBURG July 12 (Special) Morton of Pendleton died suddenly Thursday after noon at the Blacksburg home of her brother in law and sister Professof and Mrs A Massey The body was taken to Pendleton Thursday night for burial Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock Mrs Morton ar rived early in the week for a visit John Marshall to Mrs Massey She is survived by I United States Population Gains Shown By Stuart Rocky Mount 'HJiimiLi lQiL" dl tiff jra tr Bkz IMmm Project Appointed 4(.

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.