The Daily Law Journal-Record from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (2024)

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(SUCCESSOR TO THE DAILY LEGAL NEWS OKLAHOMA CITY OKLAHOMA) VOLUME XXIV DISTRICT COURT 1 CEO' CLARK Judge THOS CHAMBERS Judge hona Welnut 5917 Phone Walnut 3872 SAM HOOKER Judge Phoue Walnut 5440 LUCIUS' BABco*ck' WYLEY JONES Judge Phone Walnut 4262 Phone Walnut S9 15 CU MYERS Clerk Phone Walnut 6515 Court Reporter Walnut 6220 ullenwider Walnut 3145 NEW CASES Johnson Williams Co Bel lis Cotton Co ans and cross pet 53426 Burroughs et al Kolater Hospital 'et al reply 53567 Billingsley Stackhouse et al dem (2) 3135 Rogers Rogers ans Blackstone Institute Inc vs Royce amd bill of particlulars 3143 Semtner Semtner ans and cross pet Wollard Turner et 1 dem There will be a meeting of the di rectors of the Bar Association at the lunch room of the Chamber of Com merce at noon Monday October 3rd and also a meeting of the Bar As sociation at Judge court room in the county court bouse on Satur day October 8th at 9 a Byron Shear president Wanted: Good clean 2nd hand set American Law Report Annotated Skned A care The Daily Rec ord Singleton has moved his law office to 606 7 8 American Natl Bank Bldg Phone Walnut 1156 Stenographer employed no cnance for advancement desires change with more office work Can furnish references 4 7774 evenings A male legal stenographer wantsjob with reliable legal firm or lawyer Have done court reporting Ingram Maple 3537 Position wanted by legal stenog rapher phone Maple 4910 Hamilton Hamilton attorneys at law formerly of Wetumka have open ed up offices at 310 11 Perrine Bldg for the general practice of law MOTIONS A ILINGS Putnam Putnam to modify Sautblne Cities Corp spec appearance Winstead Jackman deposi tions f' 7 1L Hightower Calhoun et aU depositions 3132 Harell Karell withdrawal of dem' Currie Hale dis 3180 Currie Currie to dis 426io Zallinger et al ijrt Natl Bank mandate 2924 Beaclkzappl Wollard Turner et al to quash and make more def and cert SUMMONS A RETURNS 49091 State ex rel Maytubby in per and to Gen Mtrs Acceptance Corp garnishee to Martin in per serv876 Barr Pollock et al each in per and to Amer irst Natl Bank garnishee to rank Johnson in per pres 53956 Amer irst Trust Co vs Marshall et al Burwell Mee to red Leach in per secy Mrs Wallace Grace Marshall and Mrs Pearl Bridges each in per Mrs Pargett not found 3292 Walters Wtlters in per 53987 Exchange Nat Bk of Tusa Butterly family Smythe eto Empire Ref Inc et al not found 53925 Stephenson Co Cole not found 3292 Walters Walters in per 3216 Baker Baker JOURNAL ENTRIES 3132 Harell Harell Currie Hale 26142 Maney et al Okla City 3112 Stell fjtell In re Majojrjijt jyjapjjjjjetjje In re majority Rights of Cal lie Marguerite Jones 3035D Hutchison vs Hutchison 54008 Groom Tom Cavnar transcript of jdg from Creek county 3297 Mane Rogers Rogers divorce ans 11 18 Shirk Danner and Lindley plff attys 3298 Richard Johnson Ruth Mayme Johnson divorce A Har rod plff atty 3299 Mabel Edison James Edison divorce Roscoe Bell plff atty La Salle Extension Universi ty vs John A McKay appealed from Joe Adwon Murphy James Mur phy damages $50000 ans 11 7 Por ter It Morgan plff atty 3300 Bertha Baxter Edward Baxter divorce Wright Blmn plff at3301 Newton Susie Nix divorce Werby plff atty Alyne O'Connell Western Paving Co amages $35000 ans 11 1 Gomer Smith plff atty Ruth Ohls Red Cab Trans portation Co damages $15000 ans 11 7 Gomer Smith pirf atty Anna Hutchings etc 1 Ry Co dmages $3000 ans 11 7 Gomer Smith plff atty rank Whitley etc Heaver et al damages $10000 ans 11 7 Gomer Smith plff atty Donnie Reeves Chickasha Ice Cold Storage Co et al dam ages $65000 ans 11 7 Gomer Smith Agnes Choate Geo A Hen shaw et al damages $5750 ans 11 1 Gomer Smith plff atty Raymond Grace Geo A Hen shaw et al damages $35000 ans 11 1 Gomer Smith plff atty 54018 Ed Smith Geo A Henshaw et al damages $45000 ans 11 7 Go mer Smith plff atty Ila rashier Geo A Hen shaw et al damages $7o00 ans 11 7 Gomer Smith plff atty Charles lix Geo A Hen shaw et al damages $10000 ans 11 7 Gomer Smith plff attjs 54021 Mary Dix etc Geo A Hen shaw et al damages $5000 ans 11 7 Gomer Smith plff atty Kelly et al TH Gilli land damages $2100 ans 11 7 Geo Giddings Sa plff atty Wirt ranklin Luther Jones on note $1000 ans 11 4 Priest Be Moon Mtr Co Mother sead etc et al replevin ans 11 7 llau and Thompson plff attys 54025 Wallace etc A ana Ry Co damages $110075 ns 11 4 William Collins plff atty pleadings LIEN 8212 Hanson Bros A Murray $4950 17 2 Gatewood add 8213 Benno Goerlltz vs Homan Pru lett 17235 1 4 Sec 15 NW 1 4 Sec 22 Twp 11 R2 IM By JUDGE CLARK Drake Scott contd to 10 28 1 52722 Gunn Snyder stricken 2572 Blankenship Blankenship decree to deft on cross pet all as per BlSTCfe State ex rel Amer Natl Bk set for 11 16 53267 Kissell Nelson est strlk 51923 Godfrey Inv Co Bumhagen et al jdg for plff $44305 and frcl of mtg and jdg in the sum of 1118125 in favor of John Harden Inc and frcl of mtr as per' 31ia flieui ueuree iu pui all as per 53382 Vance irst Natl Bank stricken 53830 Currie Hale dis 53642 Blackstone Institute inc vs Royce leave to plff to file amd bill of prticulan Snyder Ry Co stricken Snyder Ry Co stricken 2929 Huston Huston decree to plff all as per idelity Nat Bk Crittenden plff allowed to amd pet instanter 30351) Hutchison vs Hutchison de cree to pltf all as per By JUDGE HOOKER 3132 Bar'll Harell decree to plff as per 53445 Adams Morris jdg for plff as per 534x0 Pitchford Carter Oil Co reset 11 9 By JUDGE CHAMBERS 53541 Grant Hill 10 days to ans all as per 2869 Sheppard Sheppard de cree to plff as per 2938D Strode vs Strode contd to 10 10 By JUDGE JONES 52527 Martin vs Urudentlal Ins co Court instructs verdict for deft to which pltf excerpts New York Directors of the At chison Topeka and Santa Railway today declared the usual extra aivi dend of 75 centsJ a share on the com mon stock in addition to the regular quarterly disbursem*nt of $175 Both are payable December 1 to holders of record October 28 PIG IRON Eastern pig iron markets continue quiet Buffalo producers are holding to $17 for No 1 foundry iron but prices in the Eastern Pennsylvania market have weakened slightly' The nominal quotation is $1950 to $30 but the lower price has been shaded WESTINGHOUSE EXPANSION Westinghouse Airbrake has reor ganized Westinghouse International Brake and Signal Company to take over foreign holdings SOVIET COAL Coal production in the Soviet Un ion passed the pre war rate of output by about 8 per cent during the fiscal year ended September 30 exceeding 30500000 metric tons against 24389 000 the preceding year the Soviet Un ion Information Bureau reports Plan ned out put for the current fiscal year is 37900000 metric tons NEW SECURITIES New securities valued at $509903500 were marketed in September an In crease of $26180228 over September 1926 and a gain of almost $l0 000000 over August this year it is shown in a compilation by the Journal of Com merce Utilities led with a total of $179257600 but rail financing dropped nearly $40000000 Manufacturingjss sues were larger DISTRICT COURT MOTION DOCKET PAGE 2095 Plumblee Plumblee mo to strike ans 53654 Smith Enslinger mo to sep state and number and mo to make more def and certain Walker Wilson Tyler Co vs Gunter mo for new triai (Jones) 53271 McLain Rodesney et al dem to amd pet 53708 Ramsey Rumsey et al mo to make definite PAGE 51617 Leterman Cole et al mo to confirm sale 53897 Tackett Mid Cont Life Ins Co mo for new trial (Jones) i 52260 Moore Welles et al mo to confirm sale Moore Welles et al receiv report 53742 Davidson Case Lbr Co Crit teuton dem Dale Groth et al (2) dem 53226 Reneger Garr et ai mo to make def and certain 53766 Eby Bell demurrer 53420 Ponca City Assn vs Snodgrass et al mo to con firm sale 53657 Saunders Henson Pierce Constr Co dem 52869 Producers Supply Tool Co Roddie mo for jdg on pl 53449 Ponca City Co Lang ston et al mo to confirm PAGE 53547 Howe Standard Roofing Material Co mo to strike 53582 Barnes White Lee et al mo to strike and dem Elsea Armstrong mo to make more def and certain Tinsley et al Lee et al mo to strike and to make more def and certain 53596 Okmulgee urn Co Meridith dem 52628 Phelps Carrico et al mo to set aside jdg 43632 Shellenbarger McIlwain mo to strike 53470 isher Hendricks mo to quash gam summons 52002 Riley Talbott mo to make more def and certain PAGE 53651 Loggins Weiss mo to sep state and number 52787 Levy Doyle et al motion to confirm sale 53334 Noftsger Armstrong dem 53701 Griffith Amusem*nt Co vs Goodman dem 52391 Dooer Hemingway dem idelity Natl Bank Crit tenton dem 53765 agin Billingsley mo to quash 53494 Stice Hotel Lawrance Co mo to make def and certain 52787 Maliee Watts demurrer 49180 Keys Border demurrer 52852 Hilton Wilson demurrer 53358 Oldsmobile Sales Co vs Natl Surety Co mo to make def certain PAGE 51726 Midland Assn Gibsonmo to confirm sale of 51916 52278 International Tag Co Squyres mo for new trialHooker) 51976 Shinn Cook Paint Var nish Co mo for new trial (Hooker) 45911 Bentley Burrus et al mo to I dismiss 2722 Walden Walden mo as to atty fees 1 Bivins Harper demurrer Broadwell et al Tipton et i al dem to pet 53755 Burrows Carolina Ins Co dem 53762 Burrows New Hampshire Ins Co dem Bishop Hart mo to streng then bond or dismiss case PAGE 52082 Helms Hani demurrer 2511 Deal Deal mo for new trial 53743 Local Assn Scott et al mo to quash 53745 Ingie Peoples Mutual Life Assn mo to strike cross Canning Orum demurrer Taft Vlvittl et al dem Grisso Spivey et al mo tovmake pet more def and cert OKXtAHOMA CITY OKLAHOMA RIDAY EVENING OCTOBER 7 1227 NUMBER 304 DtTRICT COURT AMIQNMINTI OCTOBER 52768 Pet tee A Co Wiggins Co 2639 Sides Sides OCTOBER 52706 Holt Lackey et al etc 52509 rost Midwest Enterprise Co 52493 unk Woods et aL Snyder A Ry Co 53327 General Constr Co KUne Iron A oundry Co Kersch CoraelL 53290 Barnett et al Parr et Holloway System McMahan Toldo ire A Ins Co Russ Leslie et aL 53268 South Okla Town Co Ray mer 6492 to 6499 both State vs VinSant 53634 Maupin Krapp OCTOBER It 6441 State Bill Granthan 52825 Pettee Co Derr et aL Snyder A Ry 53304 Kirsch Swatek 53267 Kissell Nelson adm etc 53264 Patterson Inv Co Aulick 53261 Keys Isaacs Garage 53250 Kennon General Mtrs Ac ceptance et al 53233 Smith Rawles easier Buckley 53236 International Shoe Co vs Earlsboro Clo Co Hill Mahaffy 51974 Slicing Mach Co Lib erty Nat Bk 52106 Little Spring Lake Pk Co OCTOBER lz 6446 State McGee et aL 53354 Roberts Becker 49255 Okla City Phillips 53299 Antonio Beckham 53213 Goddard Bynum 53203 Washington Institute Mc Gunnagle 52553 Johnson Krippendorf et aL 52552 Johnson Krippendorf et aL 52550 Johnson Krippendorf 49601 Miller Long 51185 Long Behr 51973 Eastman Kodak Co McCoy 49656 Caulk Truax OCTOBER 13 53394 Davis Rogers et aL Whitebill Green 53382 Vance idelity Natl Bank 52881 Burgess Sloan' 53505 Chabon ord 53508 Marrinan Ham 53509 Gragg Keen Bottling Works 51834 Gwinn Red Top Transpor tation Co 52614 Okla lint Co Guyer 6452 State Thomas OCTOBER 14 53289 Dean Rock Island et aL 53642 Blackstone Inseitute Royse State Stroud 6456 State Stroud 53688 Daye Stroud 53659 Grant Henzlee 53647 Cummings Orum et aL 53637 Vaughn A A Ry Co 52318 Mcllvina et al Chandler 36325 Jeffrey Trosper OCTOBER 15 2S47 Tinkham Tinkham 43151 Meadows Beebe et al 52725 Kiowa Lbr Co Long et aL 51341 agan A Co RusseU Prod ucts Co OCTOBER 17 52079 Hollman Henshaw et aL Hankins Nichols et aL 53344 Kelley McEweu HaUibur ton Co 52653 Taylor Okla City et al 50843 Billington Johnson Bros et al 6461 State Payne 6462 Stale Wood? 47813 McMahan Western Union Tel Co 53636 White Jenkins Whitbeck Harris Tourist Bed Co 52275 Loury Clifton OCTOBER 18 52867 Pettee Municipal Excava tor Co 51437 Brane lood 51523 Riley Owens 6470 State Shinn 6471 State Corey et al 51517 Okla urn Co Club Sales Co 53635 Nokol Automatic Heating Co Sprankle 53605 Smith Rock Island 53603 Shellenbarger Miller 45152 George Okla State Baptist et al 52031 Gardner Whitehurst OCTOBER 19 52562 Mulligan Okla City et aL 52379 Wilson Wilson et aL 6474 State Drake 6478 State Boswell 6481 State Perry 53633 Rice Keen Bottling Co 5362R Sigmon urn Co leming 53612 Kings Baggage Co Shee han 53599 Baker risco 53596 Okmulgee urn Co Meri dith 52453 Williams Edwards OCTOBER 20 Kiley Okla City 6491 State Bales 6490 Seate Shinn 53586 Appling Haywood et aly 53551 Capitol Typewriter Co Car ter 53549 Carey Lombard Young A Co Roberts et aL 52303 Wagoner Wilson 52678 Brookshire Okla City Ada Atoka Ry Co 52679 Sebers Same OCTOBER 21 6486 State Jackman et aL 6500 State Johnson 53611 Cbeever Joyce et 53529 Eggers Miskosoy 52491 Stevens Davis Corp Olds mobile Sales Co Cornell Huckins Hotel Co 2453 Rupert Rupert 51857 Akin Elerick et aL OCTOBER 24 52221 Mann Cavnar Chandler Okla City 6511 State Bradshaw 6512 State Donegan 6483 State Rosa James Bath 53607 Hirsch Holmes et aL 51853 Dooley Santa 52544 Davis Archer A Brydeu Webb Boley 2945 Baily Baily 2987 Hibbetts Hibbetts 52082 Helms HanL OCTOBER 25 53348 Blessing Standard Roofing Co 6515 State Kornegay 6516 State Payne 47448 Gould Mfg Co Amer Natl Bank et al 47449 Cook Amer Nat Bk et aL Natl Steam Pump Co Am Natl Bank et aL 53202 Clausen Hanson Bros 52209 Wiley Hedges et aL" 52778 Haynes Beasley OCTOBER 26 Trave Okla City 6431 State Bowen 53322 Martin Thompson 52046 Bulington HanL Winfield Inv Co Smith 48414 Bland Morse 48393 Lee Shannon 6525 State Baas 53352 Owen Rock Islaid 51966 Herskowitz est Wilson et aL OCTOBER 27 51795 Smith Keeling et aL51928 Buchanan Stewart et aL 51500 Okla Travelers vs Wright et aL Bull eb al Vinsant et aL Bull et al Vinsant et aL 53486 Bull et al Vinsant et aL 52626 Leech Co Anderson OCTOBER 28 41938 Martin Bauman et aL Pitchford Carter Oil Co McGee Beck 51851 Cain et al Scruggs et aL 3046 Winslow Winslow OCTOBER 31 47888 Ranch Hyde 53284 Duckett Metropolitan Chain Stores Gillespie Boardman Orth A Co Rock Island 51663 "Lanyon Johnston Hutchinson Blake Killian Campbell Co Barrett OUa Natl Stock Yards Co 42546 Lynn Jones Amarada Pet Co Huffman NOVEMBER I 53455 Brown Boardman et aL 53533 Manning Pitchford et aL Block" Drakfe5 52314 Boyack Hivick et al 51516 Hightower Calhoun Porter Okla Pub Co Culbertson Cullimore et al Bennett Santa Pollock Gordon 8841 Marion Meh dry vs Stuart et aL NOVEMBER 2 532S7 rSpradling Boyer et aL 53528 Goodman Boardman et aL Coyle risco a St Johns Grand Lodge Hickman Ryan et al Woodward et aL 'l 51517 Okla urn Co Club Sales Co Smith Sloan ESsminger Maples 49176 Baker Henshaw et aL NOVEMBERf3 49563 Kenyon Kenjpn Roberts risco et al 53527 Giles Boardman et aL Elerick Reid' Whitman Sullvan 45423 Green Derr NOVEMBTR 5353 Minick et al Amer Iron A Mcb Works Sachs et aL 13S Swan Williams Hunt NebergaUI 52581 Loral BAL Agricul tural Ins Co 1 5256 Local BAL Assn Twin City ire Ins Co I (22643) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 3276 0 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma' county ss In the District Court within and for said County and State Carl plaintiff vs annie Johnson defendant The State of Oklahoma: to the said defendant: You the said defendant annie Johnson will take notice that you have been sued in the above named court for a divorce on the grounds of abandonment for more than one year next preding the filing of plain tiff's petition and you sid defend ant must answer the petition filed therein by said plaintiff on or before the 15th day of November 1927 or said petition will be taken as true and a judgment for said pZaimiff win rendered according to the prayer of plaintiff petition Seal Cliff Myers Court Clerk By Chas McCafferty Deputy Brown Atty for Plff 16 4 27 16 26 37 COUNTY COURT CHR1STISON Jndg WALNUT 7522 CU MYEftS Ckrfc Yakut NEW CASES A Est Wilford Lee pet Levy atty 7740 Est Karl pet for letters Treadwell atty 7741 Est Adolph Christenson pet for letters Everest Vnght A Brewer attys 7742 Gdsp William A Shipman pet for appt of gdn Treadwell atty 7743 Est Henry Bledsaw pet for letters Loyal Miller atty MOTIONS A ILINGS 7212 Est Ruby Graham order no tice 7M3 Est Ella leetwood notice 3S Esc rank Andaka proof no tice order pet $35 Est Edith Rushing notfee or der pet 7499 Esf Ray bond letters T6 Est lura Dow inv A appr 7739 Est Wjiford Lee per notice order aft 867 Est Mose Herskowctz notice final acct order 7512 Est A Mason final report order notice 7615 Est Ernest Eruza notice 05 Est Kathrine Lovell order inv and appr Suppose the securities you own were matur ing today: would your' heirs be capable of re investing the money wisely? If they manage your property today they to morrow CAN YOUR HEIRS MAKE WISE INVESTMENTS NOW? A good bank experienced in investment problems managed with integrity and safeguarded by law makes the best executor for your estate It insures a safe and steady income for your loved ones Why not come in and talk the matter over? pWahOmaCity Bans WOT Member ederal Reierve SyUem Thorough Training Before we give extracts from lx letters we have received from Insur ance Offices relative to the efficiency of our students employed by them These letter are similar to more than two hundred which we have on file PERECTLY satisfactory COULD NOT ASK or expect better from a new employe' HER WORK IS NOT ONLY satisfactory but she Is able to turn out a good amount of work in a short length of time WE HAVE GENERALLY been very well satisfied with the students sent us from your institution and Miss Blank la no exception to this ml BOTH THE YOUNG ladies in this office are from your school and we feel that both have been exceptionally well trained" WE HAVE TWO your student now They are the best trained business col lege students I have ever seen We have had considerable experience with untrained help and your student are the most apt I can find We never go anywhere else any mor You know your business" If you are planning to enter the business world it will pay you to get the best business training possible to obtain A good position 1 the natural result of thorough training Thorough training is best gotten by private Instruction You can get private instruction at BLACKWOOD DAVIS PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE 206 West Second St Maple 0238 EnroHment Limited to Eighty Students WRITE OR REE POCKET CATALOG Est William Hmchsiiff ts tsmony appl waiver notice certifi cate order 2) letters 7733 Est Hudson 6ond letters 77 Est Kail Karlin peL order notice 7711 Est Adolph Christenson let ter inv end appr bond order pet 7742 Gdsp William A Shipman pet order 7743 Et Henry Bted aw peL CRIMINAL ASSIGNMENT DOCKET IN THE COUNTY COURT OCTOBER 10 State Wade 76H State Robert BoswelL 7646 State Shope 7657 State Raymond Herrod 7698 State Raymond HerrodL 762 State CogdeH 7656 State Max Maples OCTOBER 11 7236 State ex rel Lonnie Montes (22577) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION State of Oklahoma Oklahoma county ss Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned Callie Marguerite Jones will by her next friend Sadie Dickson file in the district court in and for Oklahoma county state of Oklahoma on the 6th day of October 1927 a petition and application pray ing the court to confer upon her the said Callie Marguerite Jones a minor the rights of majority concerning con tracts and empowering her the said Callie Marguerite Jones to transact buriness in general with the same ef fect as if done by a petson above day of September 192L ony Marguerite Jones 9 rr i6 6 22641) NOTICE HEARING PETITION OR LEGACIES ANO SHARES ESTATE No 7334 State of Oklahoma Oklahoma county ss Ln the County Court pt said County and State In the matter of the estate of rancis Marion Riley deceased 7659 State Louis Pool 7661 State Chambers 7662 State Charfps Rakr and Eugene Baker 7663 Slate Tony Ga refer 7667 State Ralph Brownlee and Griffin OCTOBER 12 7666 State Stanley Bishop 7676 State Thomas Polmisais Mrs Thomas Polmisais A Bill Bos welL Baron HouseL Executor The State of Oklahoma to all persons interested in the estate of rancis Marion Riley deceased greeting: You and each of you are hereby notified that Ernest Henthorne Oscar Henthorne William Henthorne Otiee Henthorne Harry Henthorne and Ara A Lee children and sole and only heirs of Martha Heaihcme de ceased and Mabel Pomeroy child and sole and only heir of Isaac Riley deceased have filed their petition in the County Court of Oklahoma coun ty Oklahoma asking that there be turned over to them by Baron HouseL exeeutnr nf raid deceased the leeades and shares of the estate of rancis Marion Riley deceased to which said petitioners are entitled under the will of said rancis Marion Riley deceas ed and the bearing of said petition has been fixed by the Judge of said County Court of Oklahoma county Oklahoma for Tuesday the 25th day of October 1927 at 9 o'clock a in the court room of said County Court in the county court bouse in Oklahoma City Oklahoma county Oklahoma and all persons interested in said estate are notified then and there to app rar and show cause why said petition should not be granted and legacies and shares of said estate turned over to said as prayed in said petition Dated this the 3frth day of Septem ber 1927 (Seal) CI1R1STISON County Judge 10 4 27 10 25 27 (22538) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION No 3187D In the District Court within and for Oklahoma County Oklahoma Edward O'Brem Plaintiff vs Mar garet O'Bretn DefendanL The State of Oklahoma to the said Defendant Margaret OBrein: You the said defendant Margaret (TBrein will take notice that you have been sued in the above named court for a divorce upon the grounds of gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty and for such other and further relief as to the court shall seem proper and mid defendant must ans wer the said petition filed herein by said pfaintiff on or before the 2th day of October 1927 or said petition win be taken as true and judgment for the plaintiff will be rendered ac cording to the prayer of said petition CLI MYERS (Seal) Court Clerk By Cart Traub Deputy Waiter A HUpirL Attorneys for Plaintiff 9 15 27 16 7 27 NOTICE TO OBTAIN SERVICE BY PUBLICATION No 3094 Slate of Oklahoma Oklahoma county ss In the District Court in and for said County and State Emma brgy pSamtiff vs orgy defendant The State of Oklahoma to the said defendant hrgy You the said defendant or gy will take notice that you have sued in the above named court for a divorce on the grounds of ex treme cruelty and gross neglect The plaintiff further prays for the care and custody of the minor child of yours and plaintiff Betty Lue orgy and you the said defendant must anwer the petition filed therein on or before the 16th day of Novem ber 1927 or said petition will be taken as true and judgment for said plaintiff will be rendered according to the prayer of said pOaantift Datd this 5th dav of October 1927 (Seal) Cliff Myers Court Clerk By Chas McCafferty Deputy 19 5 27 10 27 27 NOTICE SALE Na C3S71 In the Diririct Court of Oklahoma County Oklahoma South plaintiff' vs Mrs Sarber defendant On Saturday October 1st 1927 at 11:39 o'clock a at 43? Liberty National Bank bunding Oklahoma City Oklahoma 1 the undersigned receiver of the Interstate Press Clip ping Company will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for carii all the assets property and equipment of any and all kinds belonging to said firn iuctoding desk filing cabineL mimeograph one Remington type writer electric fan telephone desk: including the good wfiL name and rights of the subscription irrt for the service now being offered by said firm and the accounts receivable 7674 State Donaldson 7675 State Joeephson 7676 State Vasrie Gresham Pete Graves and Jack White 7646 State King Cote Seate Maryfand Lits OCTOBER 13 769? State WL Douglas State Bessie Daniels 76W State BGl Chronister State Richard Dean Jr 7705 State Oliver Brunner and Anna Wimple 7799 State Eddie Hale 7719 State Charles Piper OCTOBER 14 State Burch State Leo PoHock State Leo Pollock 6789 State Leo Pollock 7714 State Nathan Smith State 11 Hawkins and Beaty 7734 State Porter 7723 State Sam uhr So! Steph ens Gus Stephens and Nash 7729 State Donald razier 7722 State BEU Young CIVIL ASSIGNMENT IN COUNTY COURT OCTOBER 17 1527 7197 Sabestan vs Poole Vernon and MeCfellen 7259 Whitten vs red Davis Carver Chiropractic College lorence Hersiry Jennie Beaty vs Erwin and Erwin Jim Beaty vs Chas McMullen Nat Bond vs Walker Wilson Tyler Co 727 St Mark A Leedom vs 1st Natl Bk of Okla City Ida Barnes and EHe Carter OCTOBER 18 721 State of Okia ex I Pettigrew Annie Pettigrew and John Offield Andrews A A athree 7321 Davidson Mrs Chas Good Mae Good David Arnold Elizabeth and George Riley A Albright Jefferson 7334 Rorabangh Brown Co Cavanaugh John Burris SaatUne Mtr Co OCTOBER 19 red Jones Sam WHkerson Burkhart Cut wrighL Shinn Mary Turk Ixda Martin Bailey 7342 Mrs James Young Wil liam Langsford Lenora Jackson Aubrey Jordan Bradford Bry ant Old blks Home OCTOBER 26 Mrs Montooth UH fan Sherman 7348 John Barnett Geo Mc Gruder 7351 Kinney Joseph Ottle CITY APPEAL OCTOBER 29 3974 City Roy Jones City Bass City A McGilL City A McGill City A Ashinger 4916 City Lessmger 4917 City Lessrnger City Raymond Brickey (22596) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION Na 3242 In the District Court of Oklahoma County State of Oklahoma Clifford Jones plaintiff vs Peart Jones defendant Th State OkTabmna to the said defendant Pearl Jones: Too the said defendanL Pearl Jones win take notice that you have been sued in the above nafned rourt for a divorce upon the grounds of abandonment and desertion and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem just and eruit able and you the said defendant1 must answer the said petition filed herein by said plaintiff on or before the 8th day of November 1927 or said petition will be taken as true' and judgment for plaintiff will be rendered according to the prayer of the said petition (Seal) Cliff Myers Court Clerk By Nettie Blumenthal Deputy oster A Billings Attys for PtfL 9 36 27 16 31 emouuting to approximately to S266a6 all of said property wrill be sold free and clear of encumbrances or obliga ABSTRACTS Our abtracts are produced from the most complete title plant tn the County Accuracy is insured by that fact They ore backed by a surety bond and in addition by ever $500060 in live assets 100 times as much as is behind the ordi nary abstract which is covered only by a $5000 abstratore bond Our abstracters are people of long experience and long ac quaintance with local titles Courtesy and promptness are considered fundamentals of ican Service Confidential treatment of abstract orders has frequently pre vented interference by outsiders into real estate sales oil leases and mortgage loans Because of our large investment in a title plant we can be ex pected to remain here in the title business Our plant would be worthless any where else and must be kept active in the title business Our abstracts are acceptable to al purchasers and loan comi ponies They inspire confidence in th deal Insist on an American irst Trust Company Abstract AMERICAN IRST TRUST CO Successor to American National Company WALNUT 0287 201 WEST MAIN iiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiim SOME CONTRAST Turtle Derby Atlantic and Around the World lyer I sincerely hope tho that more than one out of 3780 complete the race However the odds on winning prize money are in favor of the turtles Just think: a two bit worm eating snapper drawing down 8378000 for just pulling his long neck out of his shell gaulking around then hiking for cover to be declared a winner The contrast on STRAIGHT RUN HIGH GRAVITY GASOLINE with results are in many instances proportional to the above odds count in pulling out of a circle for it will take you around the world Being as Lindy will be with us we shall stand ready to give him his gas niiMinnniiiiim NIGHT LAW SCHOOL OKLAHOMA CITY SCHOOL LAW OURTH YEAR Courses designed for men and women desiring to study or practice law Special lectures by eminent jurists will be given ROGER STEPHENS ALBERT McRILL RED HOYT and HOWARD HOPPS aculty Members or Bulletin call or write HICKOK Registrar 3030 701 SW Natl Bank Bldg.

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The Daily Law Journal-Record from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.