The Best Korean Fried Chicken Recipe (2024)

Why It Works

  • Using whole wings eliminates the possibility of overcooking light breast meat and ensures a good ratio of skin to meat.
  • The correct ratio of cornstarch, baking powder, and vodka in the batter makes for perfectly thin, crispy, tender, and golden-brown skin.

You could say we have a thing for fried chicken in our household. My wife recently ran in her first 5k race (and came in 8th in her class!). The only thing she asked me to celebrate with? Not Champagne, not a night on the town, not even a complaint-free girly-movie night. All she wanted was fried chicken.

The Best Korean Fried Chicken Recipe (1)

The thing is, we don't eat it that often round these parts. A few times a year, max. So when we do get around to it, it had darned well better be the best fried chicken out there.

And when it comes to frying chicken, nobody—and I mean nobody—does it better than the Koreans. My apologies to all you Southerners.

Korean fried chicken (or KFC as those in the know call it) differs vastly from American-style fried chicken. Rather than the craggly, crusty, significant coating you'd get on say, a Chick-Fil-A sandwich or a Popeye's drumstick, you get an eggshell-thin, ultra-crisp crust around a drippingly juicy interior.

The end goal is clear, but the road to get there required a bit of bushwhacking.

The Chicken: Dark vs. White Meat

First things first: the chicken. In Korea and in some of the Korean joints around here in New York, I've had fried chicken made with both light and dark meat. But we all know which one is superior, right? Dark meat can withstand the high temperatures of frying and has a much greater window of time between being perfectly cooked and overcooked.

Dark meat can withstand the high temperatures of frying and has a much greater window of time between being perfectly cooked and overcooked.

With white meat, on the other hand, even a few degrees above the right temperature—an extra 15 to 30 seconds in the oil—and you end up with dry stringy meat. In Korea, they mitigate this by using very very small, young birds that have a higher concentration of moist connective tissue in their breast meat—the equivalent of using a Cornish hen. And while frying Cornish hens is one very easy way to guarantee moist breast meat, here's an even easier, tastier way: just use wings.

Tastier and cheaper with a better ratio of skin-to-meat (that is, more skin, less meat), they're a natural choice. I like to use meaty whole-wing portions with the tips still attached rather than drumettes and flats.

Sticky Situation: Preparing the Skin

The Best Korean Fried Chicken Recipe (2)

I started my testing with a very basic thin batter of flour and water into which I dipped my chicken wings before frying in hot oil. (Peanut oil or shortening is my frying media of choice for optimum crispness and re-usability.)

Korean fried chicken typically uses a thin, thin batter that barely coats the wing in order to get that eggshell-thin crack. My first task was to figure out a way to get that batter to stick. Chicken wings are covered in fatty skin that is a natural repellent for water-based liquids. Try dripping a wing straight out of the package into a batter, and you'll find that it just runs straight off. Just like a painter rolling on a layer of primer to make sure the paint sticks to the walls, my chicken wings needed some kind of pre-treatment.

I tried a variety of tactics, including air-drying overnight (successful but time consuming), salting to carefully draw out moisture then drying (works!), coating with a salt and baking powder mixture (also works! The baking powder raises the pH of the surface, allowing it to crisp better*), and tossing in plain cornstarch to absorb some surface moisture and create a rougher texture for the batter to adhere to.

*See more on the science of baking powder and chicken wings in this article on oven-fried buffalo wings.

The Best Korean Fried Chicken Recipe (3)

The best was actually a combination of all four methods: I tossed the chicken wings in a mixture of cornstarch, kosher salt, and baking powder, before spreading them out on a rack and letting them air-dry for about an hour (overnight is better, but even as little as 15 minutes will work).

The Best Korean Fried Chicken Recipe (4)

Once the coating was in place, I had no trouble getting my batter to stick. But which batter is best?

Combining Starches for Crispness and Browning

The Best Korean Fried Chicken Recipe (5)

The goal of frying a batter is twofold. First, hot oil causes moisture and air inside the batter to evaporate, leaving you with a dried-out crust in place of a wet slurry. Simultaneously, protein networks within the batter will harden, making your batter stiff and crisp. While all this is going on, you're also browning both proteins and carbohydrates, creating new flavorful compounds. So frying is about drying, hardening, and browning.

Where does the recipe for batter fit into this? Well, working with batter is a balancing act between crispness and structure. See, when you mix flour with water, two proteins called gliadin and glutenin start to bond with each other, eventually forming a stretchy, net-like matrix of intertwined proteins called gluten. It's the same protein network that gives good bread its structure or allows pancake batter to hold onto its airy bubbles, and it's this network that hardens when you fry.

Some gluten development is necessary—it provides structure and support. But too much gluten development can lead to tough or leathery crusts.

Take a look at these two wings, one made with a pure water and flour batter, the other made with a cornstarch and water batter. Cornstarch is a pure starch, meaning that its protein content is essentially zero, and it produces no gluten when combined with water.

The Best Korean Fried Chicken Recipe (6)

Using 100% flour gives you a thing that is leathery and greasy—too much gluten forms, making the coating too robust. On the other hand, 100% cornstarch produces a coating that is powdery with relatively little browning (the proteins in flour aid with browning). To get a crust that's both robust and crisp, you need to use a combo.

I fiddled around with the ratios and found that a 50/50 mix of all-purpose flour and cornstarch was as good as I could get it. But I was still unhappy with the results. For starters, everything could have browned a bit better. And more importantly, no matter how hard I tried, no matter how much flour/cornstarch batter I used, no matter how many cooking temperatures or different fats I tested, there seemed to be a limit to how crisp I could get the coating. Heck, I even tried using no batter, just tossing the dry starch-coated wings directly into the fryer. No dice.

There had to be something more to the technique.

Powdering Up: A Lighter, Browner Crust

In a classic fried chicken or any other batter-based recipe, how do you make the batter crisper and lighter? One trick is to use a leavener like baking powder. This accomplishes two goals. First, it raises the pH of the batter, which has the effect of increasing its browning properties.

The Best Korean Fried Chicken Recipe (7)

Secondly, and more importantly, it creates tiny, tiny air pockets that bubble up as the batter hits the hot oil. These pockets not only increase the surface area of the batter, making it crisper and crunchier, but they also break up the thick layer of the batter, reducing its toughness.

Ok, so then why not just increase the amount of baking powder in a recipe until the batter is as crisp and as light as you want it?

Here's what happens:

The Best Korean Fried Chicken Recipe (8)

With too much baking powder, the bubbling gets out of control. Rather than forming crisp bubbles and layers, when an over-baking-powdered batter hits hot oil, it erupts violently, popping bubbles and blowing them off of the wings. The goal is to inflate those bubbles to maximum capacity without causing them to rupture, not to make them burst. When that happens, grease rushes into the cavities where the bubbles used to be. You end up with an inedible oily wing.

1/2 teaspoon of baking powder per cup of flour/cornstarch mix was about as high as I could go.

My next thought: What about double-frying as some recipes suggest?

I tried it repeatedly, and found that I never really got anything that was markedly superior to a single-fry. Double frying works in some cases—when building up the gelatinized starch layer in a perfect french fry, for example, or when softening naked chicken skin to get ready for bubbly expansion in a confit-style double-fried buffalo wing. It's even a great method for an ultra-crunchy craggy batter in traditional Southern fried chicken.

But with a thin batter-based fried food? It doesn't really make much difference, other than allowing you to rapidly reheat and serve large portions of par-cooked chicken. I suspect that's where the idea for the technique originated from: It's something that's useful in a high-volume restaurant, but unnecessary for a home cook.

Thinking Thin: Just Adding Water Leads Nowhere

Here's the problem: I had two conflicting goals here. On the one hand, I want to get my coating as thin as possible. Eggshell thin with a crunch to match, remember? This meant that unless I was willing to manually paint a thin layer onto each wing pre-frying with a paintbrush (a prospect I didn't completely disqualify), then making a thinner batter by adding more liquid was the only recourse.

Unfortunately, adding more liquid to a batter has an unfortunate side-effect: It actually makes the batter tougher. Weird, right? You'd think thinner batter = thinner coating = crisper crust. However, what you find is that as you thin a batter out, the final fried product goes from having a too-thick, too-crunchy crust when the batter is thick, to a thin-but-leathery-and-not-crisp crust when the batter is too thin.

The culprit, once again, is gluten formation. The more water you add to a dough or batter, the more easily those flour proteins swish around and bind with each other, thus the more easily gluten forms. What I needed was a way to thin my batter while simultaneously limiting gluten formation.

My first thought was to make a very thin slurry with just cornstarch to coat the chicken, then dip it into a dry cornstarch/flour mixture to add a bit of heft and extra brownability to it (as we've seen, a plain cornstarch slurry doesn't work so well).

The Best Korean Fried Chicken Recipe (9)

No dice. It came out crisp alright, but the coating was unpalatable: thick and tough (the wing on the left in the photo above).

The solution had to be built into the batter itself, and it just happens to come in a bottle.

Booze Clues: Using Vodka Limits Gluten, Promotes Bubbles for Extra Crunch

The Best Korean Fried Chicken Recipe (10)

Regulars at Lenox Liquors on 133rd and Lenox will recognize Georgi as the cheapest vodka they offer (1.19¢ per milliliter!), while fans of Heston Blumenthal will recognize vodka as one of the ingredients in his Perfect Fish & Chips recipe*. If you are in the small group of people who recognize both this bottle and its context, then we are kindred spirits and I welcome you to my home for fried fish any day of the year.

*It's a brilliant recipe that you should all check out, by the way. You can catch the video here.

When Heston presented the idea, initially the thought was that the volatility of the vodka (that is, its propensity to evaporate quickly) would cause it to jump out of the batter faster as it fries, allowing the batter to dehydrate quicker and thus brown faster and crisp up better in the same amount of time. At that task, it serves admirably.

But for my purposes, there's an even more important factor it brings to the table: Limiting gluten development.

The Best Korean Fried Chicken Recipe (11)

Back when I was working at Cook's Illustrated in 2007, I came up with a recipe for Foolproof Pie Dough that relied on the same principle to achieve the same goals: better hydration in dough/batter while simultaneously limiting gluten development. The idea is that since 80-proof vodka is 40% alcohol and gluten does not form in alcohol, you can add more vodka to a batter than you would be able to water, while maintaining the same (or even a diminished) level of gluten formation.

Precisely what I'm looking for with my fried chicken.

Take a look at the photo above, made with a thin batter of flour, cornstarch, and a touch of baking powder mixed with water. Notice that while the coating is brown, it appears a little papery. (Ok, tough to show that texture in a picture, but take my word for it—the batter was flexible, and a little tough, despite being very thin.) Then take a look at this picture:

The Best Korean Fried Chicken Recipe (12)

"This means a thin, thin crust that gets extra-extra crisp."

Exact same batter, exact same proportions, totally different results. There are some clear advantages offered by the vodka. First off, its volatility means more violent evaporation, which means a more blistered, bubbly appearance and more surface area, leading to extra crunch. More importantly, it means limited gluten formation. This means a thin, thin crust that gets extra-extra crisp. And wait, there's more!

With most batters, you've got to use them very soon after they are made. Even as they sit, gluten develops—any fry cook will tell you that the first piece of fish or the first onion ring to come out of a batch of batter is the best one. As time goes on and gluten develops, they get progressively breadier and breadier. At really great Japanese tempura shops, every batch of batter will be made fresh to order, to ensure maximum lightness.

With a vodka-based batter, the useful shelf-life of a pre-mixed batter is drastically extended. You can mix this batter, go catch an episode of Good Eats on Youtube, walk the dogs, and start on your income tax return and it'll still produce thin, perfectly crisp chicken wings.

The Best Korean Fried Chicken Recipe (13)

Bam. That's what I'm talking about.

To be quite honest, the wings were so damn good on their own that they didn't even need a sauce—this mirrored the thoughts of some of the restaurants that served great naked wings in Korea. But I guess the dress is what makes the prom queen, so I went ahead and developed a couple anyway.

A sweet soy-based sauce flavored with garlic and ginger along with a spicier gochujang-based version are the traditional choices, but if you want to make my wife really happy, skip'em both in favor of Buffalo wing sauce.

That is the kind of fusion I can really get behind.

The Best Korean Fried Chicken Recipe (14)

October 2012

Recipe Details

The Best Korean Fried Chicken

Prep15 mins

Cook40 mins

Active30 mins

Chilling Time30 mins

Total85 mins

Serves4 servings


  • Kosher salt

  • 3/4 cups corn starch

  • 1 teaspoon baking powder

  • 2 pounds chicken wings (about 12 whole wings, see note)

  • 2 quarts peanut oil

  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour

  • 1/2 cup cold water

  • 1/2 cup vodka

  • 1 recipe sweet soy sauce or sweet and spicy chili sauce


  1. Combine 2 teaspoons kosher salt, 1/4 cup cornstarch, and 1/2 teaspoon baking powder in a large bowl and whisk until hom*ogenous. Add chicken wings and toss until every surface is coated. Transfer wings to a wire rack set in a rimmed baking sheet, shaking vigorously as you go to get rid of excess coating. Transfer to refrigerator and let rest, uncovered, for at least 30 minutes and up to overnight.

    The Best Korean Fried Chicken Recipe (15)

  2. When ready to fry, preheat oil to 350°F (177°C) in a large wok, Dutch oven, or deep fryer.

  3. Combine remaining 1/2 cup cornstarch, 1/2 teaspoon baking powder, flour, and 2 teaspoons kosher salt in a large bowl and whisk until hom*ogenous. Add water and vodka and whisk until a smooth batter is formed, adding up to 2 tablespoons additional water if batter is too thick. It should have the consistency of thin paint and fall off of the whisk in thin ribbons that instantly disappear as they hit the surface of the batter in the bowl.

    The Best Korean Fried Chicken Recipe (16)

  4. Add half of the wings to the batter. Working one at a time, lift one wing and allow excess batter to drip off, using your finger to get rid of any large pockets or slicks of batter. Carefully lower wing into hot oil. Repeat with remaining wings in first batch. Fry, using a metal spider or slotted spatula to rotate and agitate wings as they cook until evenly golden brown and crisp all over, about 8 minutes. Transfer to a paper towel-lined plate and season immediately with salt. Keep warm while you fry the remaining wings.

  5. Serve plain, or toss with sweet soy sauce for Korean fried chicken or sweet and spicy chili sauce for Korean fried chicken (or serve sauce on side).

Special Equipment

Wok, Dutch oven, or deep fryer


A Cornish hen broken down into frying parts (drumstick, thighs, and breast quarters) can be used in place of the the chicken wings.

The Best Korean Fried Chicken Recipe (2024)


What is the secret of Korean fried chicken? ›

Using whole wings eliminates the possibility of overcooking light breast meat and ensures a good ratio of skin to meat. The correct ratio of cornstarch, baking powder, and vodka in the batter makes for perfectly thin, crispy, tender, and golden-brown skin.

What is the number 1 fried chicken in Korean? ›

#1 BBQ. Since BBQ have opened its business in 1995, the brand itself was more like a symbol of Korean fried chicken. Due to their long history and the quality of food, customer loyalty is higher than other brands; people would still order their food but complain about their price and extra delivery fee.

What makes Korean fried chicken better? ›

The key to the best Korean fried chicken, according to Taste Asian Food, is to marinate it for at least two hours with salt, ground black pepper and ginger juice. To fry the chicken, first coat it with potato or corn starch and baking powder before frying.

What is Korean fried chicken batter made of? ›

Korean fried chicken batter is usually made of wheat flour, starch (usually potato or cornstarch), seasonings, baking powder, and water. What is the difference between using potato starch and cornstarch? For making Korean fried chicken, both potato starch and cornstarch are suitable.

Why is Korean fried chicken so crispy? ›

The Korean fried chicken is super crispy because potato starch is added to its batter and the chicken is fried twice. This second frying also cooks off the excess water in the chicken from the first frying. Korean fried chicken is known to stay extra crispy for a long time, even with a glazed surface.

What are the white things in Korean fried chicken? ›

In Korean fried chicken, what is the white, square crunchy food they eat on the side? - Quora. Home-maker of kimchi and makgeolli. This side dish is pickled radish. It is typically called chicken mu (moo) which is literally 'chicken radish'.

Why is Korean fried chicken unhealthy? ›

One thing to note is that many Korean fried chicken recipes call for the use of cornstarch or potato starch as a coating. While this can make the chicken crispier, it also adds extra carbs and calories. However, there are healthier alternatives such as using almond flour or coconut flour instead.

What is the difference between fried chicken and Korean fried chicken? ›

Unlike most other fried chicken recipes, Korean fried chicken is often double-fried. The chicken is typically fried the first time to cook it and evaporate water from the skin, then fried yet again to brown and crisp it quickly while avoiding overcooking the meat.

Why is Korean fried chicken so expensive? ›

Higher-Quality Ingredients

In addition to the chicken, Korean fried chicken is also marinated in a unique blend of spices and sauces, giving it its distinct flavor. These sauces often require high-quality ingredients, such as Korean chili paste, soy sauce, and rice vinegar.

Why do Koreans fry their chicken twice? ›

Unlike traditional American fried chicken, Korean fried chicken is double-fried to make it even crunchier.

Why is Korean fried chicken not greasy? ›

One thing that sets Korean fried chicken apart from its competitors is that it's usually less greasy and heavy than other varieties. It is because it's typically cooked without skin, making it a healthier option for those watching their waistlines.

What's the difference between American and Korean fried chicken? ›

So what makes Korean fried chicken so different from it's American counterpart? While its American cousin is usually brined and dredged in a flour and buttermilk mixture, Korean fried chicken tends to be more light and crispier with a thin, almost paper like skin that is not heavily battered.

Is cornstarch or baking powder better for crispy chicken? ›

Ingredient Tips

When mixed with the flour, the cornstarch makes the flour coating crispier and gives it that golden brown color! (It has to do with prevention of gluten development.) The baking powder reacts with the oil and creates tiny air bubbles, which also helps form a crispy coating.

What is the real name of Korean fried chicken? ›

Therefore, yangnyeom chicken (양념치킨) means "seasoned fried chicken" in Korean. Unseasoned fried chicken is called dakgogi-twigim (닭고기 튀김; chicken meat fritter) or fried chicken (프라이드치킨). Outside Korea, yangnyeom chicken is known as Korean fried chicken.

Why does Korean fried chicken taste different? ›

The most notable difference is the type of soy sauce used. In contrast, the American version uses a thinner soy sauce that doesn't have any sugar mixed in with it. The result is a saltier flavor that can sometimes be slightly overpowering depending on the person's preference.

What is different about Korean style fried chicken? ›

Unlike most other fried chicken recipes, Korean fried chicken is often double-fried. The chicken is typically fried the first time to cook it and evaporate water from the skin, then fried yet again to brown and crisp it quickly while avoiding overcooking the meat.


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