Summoning Circle (Hatch) (2024)

Summoning Circle is a node in The Hatch, a dungeon in The Kingdom Of Senenthia.


  • 1 Connections
  • 2 Event
    • 2.1 The summoning ritual
  • 3 Encounter
  • 4 Event
    • 4.1 Lord of the imps
  • 5 Boss Encounter
  • 6 Event
    • 6.1 A great feat


Previous nodes: Stone Statue (Hatch), Pit (Hatch)

Next node: Outer circle (Hatch)


The summoning ritual[]

You reach the end of the basem*nt, and here you can see many cultists in a summoning circle.
The summoning has begun, and from the number of cultists, it does not seem like just a normal imp will show up.
They become aware of your presence near the ritual, and some cultists leave the circle to confront you.
The cultist looks at you suspiciously, waiting for an answer.


  • [Combat] You respond by drawing your weapons and striking first.
    • They react a little slowly, and you start the fight with some advantage. Begin combat with 2 bless charges on each hero.
    • After the combat, proceed to Lord of the Imps.
  • [Pretend] Tell them you are new here, and you've come to help with the ritual.
    Summoning Circle (Hatch) (1) Group [6 or higher]
    • Critical Success: They welcome you with open arms and give you several magic shards to help them finish the ritual. The heroes receive Summoning Circle (Hatch) (2)200 and Summoning Circle (Hatch) (3)68 and proceed to the Lord of the Imps event.
    • Success: You are in their basem*nt and at the ritual, so after a brief moment of doubt, they let you join. The heroes receive Summoning Circle (Hatch) (4)58 and proceed to the Lord of the Imps event.
    • Fail: They look at you a second time and clearly see that you don't belong here.
      You didn't fool them, and the fight begins.
    • Critical fail: They look at you a second time and laugh in your face... It was too obvious that you were not one of them. You prepare to fight. The heroes receive the Low self-esteem injury.
  • Zek: "I am a specialist in this sort of ritual. Let me help you."
    They don't need to look at Zek twice to know he's telling the truth. Since you are already there, they see no problem in letting you help with the ritual.
    You get Summoning Circle (Hatch) (5) 72

    Proceed to Lord of the imps
  • Cornelius: "You fools! You don't know what you're doing. Stop this at once!"
    Summoning Circle (Hatch) (6) (Fire spell card)
    Success: The nearby cultist recognizes Cornelius immediately. They bow down and leave, but it is too late, and the ritual is about to end.
    You get: Summoning Circle (Hatch) (7) 72

    Proceed to Lord of the Imps
    Fail: Only one of the cultists recognizes Cornelius. When he sees no reaction from his comrades, he flees from the fight that is about to begin.
    You get: Injury: Low Self-Esteem.
    Start encounter with one less Evoker.


  • Fire Brander x2
  • Evoker x2


Lord of the imps[]

The ritual ended, the room filled with red smoke, and the temperature rose rapidly. You don't know if it went well or not, but all the remaining cultists start to flee in panic after realizing what they've done.
An impressive imp appears before you. It's the greater demon Belphyor, the Lord of the Imps.
(Belphyor) "What do you want from me, mortal?"
Although he's been weakened by the precarious summoning conditions, you can't underestimate him.


  • [Leave] Well... We were just passing through, killing cultists... Can we leave?Summoning Circle (Hatch) (8) Group [5 or less]
Critical Success [X or less]:

The heroes receive Summoning Circle (Hatch) (9)X, Summoning Circle (Hatch) (10)X, Summoning Circle (Hatch) (11)X, Summoning Circle (Hatch) (12)X, and OTHERREWARDS.

The heroes receive Summoning Circle (Hatch) (13)X, Summoning Circle (Hatch) (14)X, Summoning Circle (Hatch) (15)X, Summoning Circle (Hatch) (16)X, and OTHERREWARDS.
(Belphyor) Ha ha ha... That's a good one... I can clearly see that you are not one of those pesky cultists, and that you can use your brain.
But I am afraid you killed a lot of imps in the process, so I cannot allow you to leave."
The fight begins.
Critical Fail [X or more]:

The heroes receive Summoning Circle (Hatch) (17)X, Summoning Circle (Hatch) (18)X, Summoning Circle (Hatch) (19)X, Summoning Circle (Hatch) (20)X, and OTHERREWARDS.
  • [Combat] He is weakened. Now is a good chance to defeat him forever. Attack him.
    (Belphyor) "Fool...". The fight begins.
    Begin boss fight
  • [Persuade] Oh, great Belphyor... Maybe there is something we can do for you?
    Summoning Circle (Hatch) (21) Group [5 or higher]
Critical Success [X or less]:

The heroes receive Summoning Circle (Hatch) (22)X, Summoning Circle (Hatch) (23)X, Summoning Circle (Hatch) (24)X, Summoning Circle (Hatch) (25)X, and OTHERREWARDS.
(Belphyor) "Interesting... You don't seem to be one of those cultists who enslaves my kind by summoning us whenever they like. Here's the deal: take this scroll and use it in a place full of cultist. It will summon a horde of imps, and they will take revenge without being controlled.
Do this and you will be greatly rewarded."

You get the scroll and leave the basem*nt.
(Belphyor) "Interesting... You don't seem to be one of those cultists who enslaves my kind by summoning us whenever they like.
But there is no way I'll let you live after all the imps you have slaughtered."

Begin boss fight
Critical Fail [X or more]:

The heroes receive Summoning Circle (Hatch) (26)X, Summoning Circle (Hatch) (27)X, Summoning Circle (Hatch) (28)X, Summoning Circle (Hatch) (29)X, and OTHERREWARDS.
  • [Cornelius] "Hello…old friend…we meet again."
    (Belphyor) "I see you're still alive... And you dare to call me old friend? Last time, you summoned me into the depths of that damned forge and then abandoned me to my fate. You owe me one, and now is the perfect time to repay me. Your former followers are using my imps as mere tools... They've had enough, and now they're out for revenge. Take this scroll and use it in a place full of cultists. Do this for me, and we'll be even. Plus, I'll reward you generously."
    You get: Summoning Circle (Hatch) (30) 8
    You skip the fight
    You receive the quest item Belphyor Scroll
    Starts the quest Revenge of the imps

Boss Encounter[]

  • Belphyor


A great feat[]

You have defeated a greater demon!
Although he has not died, he's returned to his plane of existence and will take time to recover. Still, it is a great achievement that must be celebrated.
There should be some magic shards in the demon's remains, and now that the basem*nt is empty of cultists, you can loot it.

[Loot] Loot the basem*nt and get some rest.

  • You collect all the magic shards and also find a hidden chest near the summoning circle.
    One of the greater demon's horns remained after the fight. You take it as a trophy and proof of your deed.
    You open the chest and rest for a while.
    You get: Summoning Circle (Hatch) (31) 352 Summoning Circle (Hatch) (32) 4 Summoning Circle (Hatch) (33) 1

    Equipment draft including Belphyor's Pipe and Searing Dagger
    Get item Belphyor's Horn

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Summoning Circle (Hatch) (2024)


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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

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Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.