Kim Dokja's new kink - nero51 - 전지적 독자 시점 - 싱숑 | Omniscient Reader (2024)


“This isn't fully my fault, ok.” My face burns up as Yoo Jonghyuk stares. His harsh eyes make me feel like he's looking right through me. He covers his face and looks down with a face full of disappointment.

“Why are you dressed like...that.” Yoo Jonghyuk points at the tight dress I have on. To be exact, a cheongsam with a garter belt. Damn you, Uriel. The stockings are hugging my thighs, extenuating the gap between the waistband and the hem of the socks.

“Blame Uriel for this madness, you know her…taste, ok? She offered a sh*t ton of coins, but she didn't tell me one of the conditions until after I agreed. It was harmless, so I didn't overthink it." Why did I think she would have a simple idea for once, especially if she gave over 100,000 coins for it? My judgment was clouded by greed.

“So, you agreed to put on…that for 100,000 coins and didn't even ask questions?” Yoo Jonghyuk turns around and sits down, looking like he wants to murder me immediately.

“How was I supposed to know she would say only you could take it off!? I didn't put this on! She just asked me to ‘dress up,’ then this appeared on me!” At this point, I was beet red and trying to cover up my overly exposed body. Why the hell did he have to have such an intense gaze? It looked as if he was a predator looking at his prey, anticipating what it may do next. I can feel my temperature rise at the thought of him stripping me to get this garbage off. The worst part of this dress is that it rides extremely high on me, showing off every inch of my body and leaving nothing to the imagination, and I'm stuck wearing women's lingerie. The fabric was chafing my skin with every move I made, leaving me more sensitive than usual. I was already dying when she said he had to take it off. Him having to kneel and take off my stockings, undo the dress and slip it down my body, and touch my bare skin, but also having him undo a bra and panties!?! What the hell was she thinking?!

[The constellation ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire’ slams her head into a table.]

[100 coins have been sponsored.]

“This is bullsh*t. I'm not doing this crap, just wear your normal clothing over it and let it be.” Yoo Jonghyuk's stern tone echoed throughout the room as he picked up his sword and left.

“W-WAIT! I-I know you're not into men, so this is gross for you, but-” I tried to grab his cloak and stop him. He swings his arm at me, and I fall backwards when trying to dodge his swing. Oh. f*ck. As soon as I hit the ground and regained my ability to think, I realized that my body had landed in the worst position possible for my current state. I tried to catch myself when I fell but ended up with my legs open, showing off my crotch underneath the already promiscuous clothing, leaving Jonghuyk to see everything.

[The constellation ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire’ has a nosebleed and falls over.]

[The constellation ‘Secretive Plotter’ smirks.]

[100 coins have been sponsored.]

“Kim Dokja…” Yoo Jonghyuk turns to look at me. He instantly turns back around and slams his head into the wall. “What am I going to do with you?” The sword falls from his hand as he slowly walks towards me. My heart sinks at the painfully loud steps in this already awkwardly quiet room.

“H-hey, Jonghyuk, don't kill me, please? It's not my fault. I'm so sorry. Please forgive m-MH~” As I try to compose myself and sit up, Yoo Jonghyuk pounces on top of me and starts to kiss me passionately. “A-ah~ w-wait what are you doing…nggh!” I feel something hot enter my mouth as I try to talk to him while something hard presses on my leg. “W-wait, stop!” A rough hand slowly trails up my thigh, dangerously close to my crotch. His tongue goes deeper into my mouth since my body is becoming weak to his touch. I grip his chest, trying to push him off, but he grabs my wrists and pushes them above my head. “L-let go, asshole! What the hell has gotten into you?!” When he finally stops kissing me to get a breath of air, I start to yell. My whole body squirms under his touch, and I can feel myself getting wet.

“This is your fault, Kim Dokja. You really do know how to seduce a man, don't you?” A sharp tone pieces my ear as I see him reach for his belt and undo it. The cold leather slides around my wrist as he lets go of me, leaving the strap to hold my weight.

“Hey, I just told you this isn't my fault!” I cried out at him as I tried to kick him off, only to get my leg stopped halfway.

“Yeah, sure. Are you also going to blame Uriel for these?” As he says this, he starts to rub the lace panties. “You're soaked down here. You look like a slu*t right now, you know that, right?” His hand grips my leg harder as I try to pull it back to cover my body.

“What's gotten into you? You're acting crazy! I'll just wear my normal clothing over this, ok? Just let me go!” Tears start to well up in my eyes due to embarrassment, and every inch of me is bright red. “Just let me go-AH!” Yoo Jonghyuk suddenly bites down on my ankle, and a sharp pain flows through my body, leaving me breathless. I feel his hot breath pass over me as his tongue licks up the blood from the wound he just made. The taste of blood hits me as I realize that I bit my lip when trying to suppress a small yelp from escaping my mouth.

“You're really sensitive. Your whole body trembles at the smallest touch. How cute.” Jonghuyk grabs my face and starts to place marks on my neck, tracing them with light kisses, his teeth gently grazing my skin.

“P-plese, let me go.” He shoves his tongue back into my mouth while removing my soaked panties. I hear a few minor moans escape my mouth as he rubs around my opening and starts to play with my cl*t. “Ngh, give me a second-ahh~” His thumb passes over it, and I feel a tingling sensation build up in my stomach.

“You're so pretty, Dokja.” He latches onto my neck and starts to lick my marked skin.

“AH! Wait, n-no, stop-” His hand starts to rub harder, and I feel him biting on my neck, which leaves my whole body shivering at this new sensation. “Wait, no~ I'm cumming! Ngh!~" I start to moan louder, and my body goes limp. “Ah, I'm sorry, Jonghyuk,” I try to reach for his hand but am stopped by the belt that tied me to the wall. I look back at him and see that he's licking his hand clean.

“f*ck, you taste good.” He starts to undo his pants and pulls out his dick. “I can't stand this anymore.” A hand begins to wander lower as I feel something wet touch my entrance.

“W-wait, that won't fit!”

“Don't worry. It will.” Coarse hands slowly played with the flaps of my puss*. A sharp breath came out as Jonghuyk's fingers tried to enter. “f*ck, I can't wait any longer.”

“J-Jonghyuk, wait- AHNGH~” His thick fingers entered me as lewd sounds poured out of me. “Please, ngh, wait, I've never done this before. I feel weird.” As I beg Jonghyuk to stop, his other hand grips my thigh.

“Oh? Well, I'll make sure you enjoy this thoroughly.” A shiver goes through my spine as his deep voice rings in my ear. He pulls his fingers out of me, and I feel his hot breath on my puss*.

“f*ck, wait, don't!- NGH~” My head falls back as his lips harshly latch onto my cl*t, and his tongue passes over the tip. My body starts to shake at this new feeling as I can't help but feel embarrassed at the noises that are coming out of me and the sounds that Jonghuyk is making as he's eating me out. I try to close my legs so that he will stop, but he harshly grabs my thighs and pins me down, stopping me in my tracks.

“f*ck, why don't you just be a good boy and stay still, hm?” Lustful eyes look up at me, face still buried in my crotch.

“Augh!” He talks with his face still buried deep within my c*nt. The feeling of vibrations and him slapping my thigh to get me to behave gets me to twitch aggressively, leaving me weak. “F-f*ck, wait, I'm gonna cum again.” My voice shakes as I talk, feeling him start to speed up. He shoves one of his fingers in and plays around on my inside. At this point, I can't even think anymore. My whole body has fallen into this new sensation. An intense feeling goes through me when he presses a weird place deep inside me. “Please, please, I can't take this anymore. Please, Jonghyuk, f*ck me already.” This bastard smiles as he pulls his fingers out and sits up. A small moan leaked out as my back arched.

“Are you finally going to listen to me?” This prick, Jonghuyk, slowly starts to pump his half-hard co*ck up and down with my cum.

“Please untie me, Jonghuyk-ah~” My face fills with innocence as I try my best to plead to get my way.

“Well, wouldn't that be boring, Dokja-ya?” He saw through my fake act, dammit. “Let's make a deal then. If you can make me cum, I'll let you go. If not, I get to have my way with you. Deal?” He says this with a sly smile.

“F-fine.” My face starts to heat up as he puts me on his lap. “What do you want me to do?” His hands begin to caress my ass.

“f*ck me.” He looks at me seductively as he kisses and nibbles on my neck. “That should be easy for you since you do it all the time, right?”

This asshole, this f*cking- “AH! I wasn't ready, d-don’t, not yet!~” He harshly thrusts his dick into me as my body rives in pain and pleasure. At this point, I don't care what noises I'm making. I start to squirm, but it keeps getting deeper. “Ngh, a-ah, f*ck, please, I can't do this.” I can feel my hips starting to move up to try and get off.

“Does that mean you give up?” He grabs me by the waist and pulls me down back onto his entire length.
“AH-ah, ngh~” I feel my back snap as drool and cum leak down on me. He starts to slowly move me up and down on his co*ck. “F-f*ck~” I bury my face into his neck as my tongue sloppily hangs out my mouth. I unconsciously moved my hips to the rhythm of his thrusts. “gah!” One of his hands grabbed me by my hair, pulled my head back, and kissed me passionately. All my senses start to fade due to the overstimulation of being used in both holes. “It's not over yet.” I try to pull myself together as weak pants spill out of me.

“Oh?~ be my guest, Dokja-ya.” He holds me down and stops moving as he says this. His sultry voice pierces my ear as he bites my lip. A tiny drop of blood falls into my mouth as he lays another kiss on my already bruised body. “You look amazing covered in marks.” His callused hands start to roam higher on my body.

‘Ngh! T-that feels weird.” A sharp pain passes through my body as Yoo Jonghuyk harshly touches my chest. “I'll be good. Just untie me, please.” My voice comes out like a small whimper. He slides his hands behind me and finally releases me. A stinging sensation from the leather being ripped off my wrists and the metal buckle hitting my back left me to jump a little. I squirm around due to the itchy feeling that swells as small grunts spill from Jonghuyk. I forgot that he was still inside.

‘Oh?~ I can use this to my advantage.’ With a sly smile, I harshly grind into his legs. I slowly start to move, watching him scowl as he tries not to let his voice out. “Dokja…” He deeply groans out my name while giving me a dirty look. “What are you doing?” I slide my hands up his body, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him close.

“I’m just doing what you asked Jonghuyk-ah. You know I won't give up that easy.~” With a bullsh*t-eating grin plastered across my face, my body slowly starts moving up and down, leaving a kissing trail in my path. The sensation of f*cking myself on his dick left me whimpering and gasping for air. Feeling his hot throbbing co*ck move in and out as I shook my hips made me close to cumming. Seeing his amber eyes filled with lust, his smoky voice calling out my name, left me wanting more. “P-please Jonghyuk-ah, f*ck me.” His hands wrap around my ass and suddenly pull me down onto his full length with no warning. “Wait, no, no, it's too deep, a-ahh! F-f*ck, you're hitting my womb~”

“I told you not to f*ck with me, Dokja.” A grin cut his usually unchanging monotone face. Sore lips that looked kissable parted and whispered in my ear, “Dokja-ya~” Unknowingly, I started to beg to be f*cked more. “sh*t, you’re so tight, it's like your begging for more.” The crude noises of our wet skin hitting and the sounds of our moans syncing up as he quickens his pace fill the room. “Don’t give up so fast.” A hand slowly trails to the front of my body, and his thumb gently grazes over my reddened and puffed cl*t.

“Wait~” Soft curls slip through my fingers as I latch onto his hair to release me. Since I came already, my cl*t is more sensitive than before, making any slight touch painful. “D-don’t touch that, stop!” I start grinding myself on his co*ck while we move in unison to finish the burning sensation that builds up in my stomach. My jaw becomes loose as he continues to f*ck me. “Ngh!” Unconsciously, I shove my tongue into his mouth. Our teeth clash, and my head starts ringing. The hand gripping my ass falls and instead grabs my neck to pull me in for a deeper kiss. My hands lower to hug his shoulders so I can support myself while I f*cking myself on his thick co*ck. With every movement I make, his hand touching my cl*t fasens in pase. “Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop!~” my pace quickens. Loud sounds of our heavy breathing and the sound of our skin slapping fills up the room. As I start to get closer, my body begins to spasm, and I become weak.

“Who told you to stop?” Yoo Jonghuyk grabs my waist and turns me on my stomach. Before my face hits the ground from the sudden movement, he grips my face and pulls me into a deep kiss. My hands grip the fall as he f*cks me senselessly.

“Don’t spin me when you're inside!” My guts feel like they're being churned as his co*ck changes positions inside my body. He slams his entire length into me, knocking the air out of my lungs. “Guh~” I helplessly slide down and fill with pleasure. ‘f*ck, this position makes it feel so thick~” His hands gripping my waist leave a heavy pressure on my body, making it impossible to get away. “Nooo~” My face is disarranged as snot and tears fall from me as strings of saliva hang out of my mouth.

“f*ck you're so tight!” Yoo Jonghyuk groans into my ear as he grips my stomach to pull me up.

“W-wait- NGH~” My back arches onto his stomach, making it seem like our bodies were supposed to fit like this. He sides his hand over my nipples and up my neck to grip it. The other lowers to pump my cl*t. “No!~” I yell as the sensation is becoming too much. “Cumming!~” my body goes limp as I have a full-body org*sm.

“f*ck, I'm going to come!” My body starts to be lifted in the air as my legs spread. Yoo Jounghuyk drops my total weight onto his massive co*ck as hot liquid fills me up.

“NGH!~” I pull my arms behind me to grip his neck as I fear I'm going to fall since my body has lost all its power. He continues to thrust into me as cum leaks out onto the ground. The continuation of being f*cked after cumming makes my mind feel like it's on fire. After he finishes filling me up, he slowly drops down with him still inside.

“f*ck, you're amazing~” He slowly pulls and rubs his co*ck a few more times as he comes on my face. “I love you, Kim Dokja.” he places a small kiss on my cum soaked face.

“W-what?” Yoo Jonghuyk picks me up, starts to clean me, and lays me to rest with him lying beside me, and he holds me close to his chest. I'm too tired to comprehend the words coming out of his mouth, and I slowly doze off.

“Sweet dreams, Dokja-ya.”

Kim Dokja's new kink - nero51 - 전지적 독자 시점 - 싱숑 | Omniscient Reader (2024)


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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.