July Meets for Orlando Area Roadsters! ;) [Archive] (2024)

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Neo Masamune

26th June 2003, 20:01

Yea yea....next monday is the 30th. Bite me. :)

Mark and I were talking about where to hold the next little shindig at. We've got an old friend who's a waiter at the Chili's loc. on Alafaya and 50, has ample parking space in the old KMart lot. Then of course we have Gators on Alafaya and Lake Underhill (408). And finally, a more central location, Bennigan's on 50 across from the Fashion Square Mall.

Vote here :)



26th June 2003, 20:07

Originally posted by Neo Masamune:
[QB] Yea yea....next monday is the 30th. Bite me. :) You're a funny guy! I was gonna razz you when I saw the subject, but I can't top that!

Anyway, I don't care where, since I'll be late again. I could actually be there by 9 if I remember about it as soon as I get off work instead of an hour later! :ohno:


27th June 2003, 20:48

I'm gonna miss this Monday meet again...test on Tuesday :(

Tony Orlando

28th June 2003, 19:52

No Monday meet for me. See June thread for sticky details.



28th June 2003, 23:58

Chris, you're alive!!! I meant to email ya about karting. I thought you were back home for the summer. :confused: Obviously not. :D


29th June 2003, 18:10

Tony - what company did you say, painted your wheels? Are they local and how much did it cost??

Tony Orlando

29th June 2003, 18:37

It was a private shop up in Leesburg that repairs "shipping damage" on our new Caddys. (near my dealership). I can give you directions if you want, I think he charged me $250 for everything. (Stripping, sanding, priming, painting, baking, clearcoat, baking again.) I sold the car about a year and 1/2 later, and they still looked perfect.



29th June 2003, 19:04

Tony - Cool! yea, email the info :) Hope your car gets well soon!

July 4th plans... anyone doing anything??


30th June 2003, 00:04

Anyone up for seeing Terminator 3 on the morning/early afternoon of July 4th at the new AMC theatre in Altamonte?? Showtimes I considered: 11:30am, 12:45pm, 1:30pm, 2:15pm, 3:30pm, 4:15pm

10AE 2344

30th June 2003, 01:32

I'll be out of town on the 4th. :(

I was reading a thread in the interior/exterior forum about air dams and came across this. (http://images.cardomain.com/member_img_a/211000-211999/211756_64_full.jpg) This guy stole my idea! I knew the "bruise" scheme (black and blue :p ) would look mean. :D He's even got the garage vary lip spoiler, and "virtual" black side skirts. Black wheels, black rollbar, some black numbers... heck, slap on some silver paint, toss a bucket of dirt in the engine bay, and call me Neo! :p :p

Anyway, after also finding this...

http://www.geocities.com/attvira/car_sidere.jpg (have to cut and paste)

I realized that i'll eventually have to repaint the brake calipers black or silver or something. I don't like the way it draws your eye.

Also, anyone ever seen this guy (http://www.cardomain.com/member_pages/view_page.pl?page_id=154488&page=4) driving around? Awesome looking car and it says he's from Orlando. His wife even has a '02 Ti. From the looks of the house/2 miatas he's probably some rich old guy. I signed his guestbook anyway and told to come meet us some night.


30th June 2003, 10:25

Looks like Celebration or Avalon Park. I think I saw him going up Dean Rd one time. I'm always wrong about that stuff though. :D


30th June 2003, 20:20

Matt: Yeah I've been in O-town the whole time. Working and taking a few classes.

Been away from Miata.net for awhile b/c my laptop got zapped by lightning, but I'll save you the story :)

Hopefully I can get out on the track again sometime, but I have some new priorities and money is a little tight.

I'll shoot you an email one of these days though.


30th June 2003, 20:24

I've never seen that Miata around. I need to meet up with him and have a photo shoot....My red/white NA with his red/white NB :)

I was leaving Arden Villas (Apt complex on University by Hopps) and saw a Miata with the Italia kit on a trailer. Anyone ever see this? IIRC it was black.


1st July 2003, 09:40

soo... anyone? T3?? :confused:


1st July 2003, 10:21

Hopefully I'll be installing a new top Friday. So T3 is out for me.


1st July 2003, 11:00

Mark, All depends if I can get my tires on Friday morning. I now have to drive to Kiss. to get them put on since my guy got moved to a new store. ARGH!!

It really depends on if I can get the car done before noon. If so I'm game for a movie just as long as I'm out of there before 5:30. I have late night plans :D


1st July 2003, 14:45

Originally posted by CMM83:

I was leaving Arden Villas (Apt complex on University by Hopps) and saw a Miata with the Italia kit on a trailer. Anyone ever see this? IIRC it was black. There is a guy here in Melbourne that sells the kit. I have seen a couple of them around here.

Tony Orlando

1st July 2003, 22:02

New chip installed.

Car running strong.

All is right in the world.

-Tony :)

10AE 2344

1st July 2003, 22:37

sweet dude :)


2nd July 2003, 16:47

my, my... july is slow :rolleyes:

10AE 2344

2nd July 2003, 19:00



2nd July 2003, 19:58

umm, yea...

soo, no one wants to see Terminator 3?? :(

Bruce, still doing the rollbar install on sunday?

Tony Orlando

2nd July 2003, 20:06

When do you want to see T3? I'll go.

Especially now that my CAR IS RUNNING AGAIN !!! WOO HOO !!!! :)


Tony Orlando

2nd July 2003, 22:29

Hello? (hello.......hello.......echo.....echo...) :confused:

Seriously though, I'd like to set up another small group to make a run to a dyno.

Gerald, Aaron, Dan, Patrick? Any other takers?

Now that I've got my updated fuel and timing maps installed, as well as the FM water injection, I'm ready to make another run at 200 RWHP. I wish I hadn't broken the chip the way I did, because the car feels so fast now, and I can't tell if the new maps are that much better, or if I just got used to driving a 4900 lb. Deville. :rolleyes:

If anybody is awake out there, let's set up a dyno day, and if anyone has a suggestion on location then throw it out here. I'm off work Fri, Sat and Sun, so I'll probably be doing it then, it'd just be more fun with a few of us.



2nd July 2003, 22:57

Off Friday... :) Working Saturday... :( Off Sunday :)

Friday, was trying to get a group to see T3... looks like no takers... well, I'm still going dangit! :mad:


3rd July 2003, 00:14

If yas read up ^ I said I wanted to go.. But I have to get my new tires. I plan on being three at 7:30 and the'll have me out in an hour or so.

So I'm game for a noon-ish showing of the movie


3rd July 2003, 07:04


Were you looking for something like this? :confused:
Co-Pilot Cam (http://www.auto-expressions.com/Co-Pilot.htm)

Looks interesting...


3rd July 2003, 07:06

Ouch!!! :eek:

Never mind... I saw how much it costs... :rolleyes:

Neo Masamune

3rd July 2003, 08:41

Mark, I'll go...but let's try to make it a fairly early show, like noon-ish to 1-ish. Are we going to try the new theater in Altamonte?



3rd July 2003, 09:27

Sunday is still a go for OM Meet @ my house.
Roll bar will be installed,finally!


3rd July 2003, 09:36

OK, since I can't install a harness :rolleyes: (which would have been ideal) do to lack of a true rollbar.
I've decided to look into race seats. :p

What do you guys think of this one? :confused:
Momo RS Tuning (http://www.applevalleyperformance.com/momo_rs_tuning_seat.cfm)


3rd July 2003, 09:37

That camera is similar to something I was looking into last summer. SportsCar Mag (or was it GRM?) did a feature on it last year. There are dozens of cool cameras out there for racing/autocross. It would be a lot of fun to put together a video using different camera shots, and there are endless possibilities with setups such as this. Suspension shots, front tire shots from side of car (think of Beastie Boys video where they're dressed up as cops, can't think of the name).


3rd July 2003, 10:11

Originally posted by AutoXRacerMiata:
OK, since I can't install a harness :rolleyes: (which would have been ideal) do to lack of a true rollbar.
I've decided to look into race seats. :p

What do you guys think of this one? :confused:
Momo RS Tuning (http://www.applevalleyperformance.com/momo_rs_tuning_seat.cfm) will it fit is the question? check the shoulder width measurement


3rd July 2003, 10:14

Originally posted by AutoXRacerMiata:

Were you looking for something like this? :confused:
Co-Pilot Cam (http://www.auto-expressions.com/Co-Pilot.htm)

Looks interesting... check out conecam.com


3rd July 2003, 10:19

Unfortunately, the seat is so new that specs have not been released yet... :confused:

The only reason I like this seat is because you can use the factory seat belts with it.

I would REALLY prefer to install a four point harness... :mad:


3rd July 2003, 11:02

I have to say I really haven't seen a race seat that I like that looks good in a Miata. They just look too goofy.....

You prolly could spend the same amount on a harddog bar and get the tabs for the harness. That is what I will most likely do.

10AE 2344

3rd July 2003, 12:28

Originally posted by Dream2Race:
...think of Beastie Boys video where they're dressed up as cops, can't think of the name). ...I'm tellin' yall its SABOTAGE!! :cool:

Neo Masamune

3rd July 2003, 16:02

So about that movie tomorrow. Who's going, and what time are we aiming for then???? :)


Tony Orlando

3rd July 2003, 20:42

Whatever time you want is good for me. Where we meetin'?


" IIIIIIII can't stand it, I know ya planned it.......


3rd July 2003, 22:54

I'ma set it straight, this Watergate! I can't stand rockin............



3rd July 2003, 22:57

Okay, back to reality (Oh, there goes gravity!). Okay seriously though...Gerald, I think you can still use the factory seat belt with any race seat. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

The Cone Cam is the one I was looking into purchasing, but there was a 3-point mount I needed that they never did put out. :rolleyes:


4th July 2003, 09:18

T3 at 2:15pm AMC Altamonte Mall


4th July 2003, 09:40

You're Scheming On A Thing That's A Mirage
I'm Trying To Tell You Now It's....


4th July 2003, 10:07

Is there something in the air...? :confused:

I have warned other before, STOP USING CRACK!!! :mad:

...this is your brain, this is your brain on drugs...
Got it?

;) :D


4th July 2003, 10:27

Gerald, the problem is not that we do too many drugs...it's that you don't do enough! :D

Okay, back to something more appropriate so we don't get this one shut down!

I think if I have enough left over from the sale of my car that I'll buy a roll bar for the new one. I found one 99 Sport in the country. To be continued........... :D

Neo Masamune

4th July 2003, 10:34

Originally posted by Waruy0i976:
T3 at 2:15pm AMC Altamonte Mall Because of early afternoon plans, I can't make that showtime :( I'll catch you all on Monday night.


Neo Masamune

4th July 2003, 11:28

Okay, I can go now....we'll be meeting up in front of the new AMC theater at 1:30-1:45pm, we'll be parking in the main lot, towards the back, should be easy to spot.


[ 04. July 2003, 11:44: Message edited by: Neo Masamune ]


4th July 2003, 13:58

MATT!! You already sold your car? :confused:
How did you sell it so quickly?

Rollbar huh... :rolleyes:
Whatever... :rolleyes:

What are you driving now? Will it be in time for July 12th? :confused:


4th July 2003, 15:11

Nope, haven't sold the car yet. In fact I'm working on the top right now. Just finished taking the old top off, so we're taking a halftime break before putting the new one on. I'll tell ya, with the new top on, I'll probably wanna keep it! I won't be at the autox on the 12th anyway. I have race 2 of the RMax Challenge that weekend in Ocala. The course looks pretty neat for that day. But how it drives and how it looks on paper are always two different worlds. Hopefully it turns out as good as it looks! :D


4th July 2003, 18:03

Anyone interested?
Group Buy (http://www.miataforum.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=019640)

I'll be ordering my set (flywheel and clutch)!!! :D
The saving on the flywheel is awesome!!
But the clutch is still questionable. Depends on wether it includes bearings and alignment tool...


4th July 2003, 23:46

Originally posted by AutoXRacerMiata:
Anyone interested?
Group Buy (http://www.miataforum.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=019640)

I'll be ordering my set (flywheel and clutch)!!! :D
The saving on the flywheel is awesome!!
But the clutch is still questionable. Depends on wether it includes bearings and alignment tool...
;) I agree about the deal on the flywheel, but if all your worried about is the bearing and tool for the clutch, you can borrow one of my tools and I can get you a bearing pretty cheap.


5th July 2003, 09:40

- FYI - Monday Night Meet Announcement -

This coming monday's meet: Gator's Dockside, but not at the Waterford Lakes location... :eek:

Yes, somewhere different... here's the address 5601 S. Semoran Blvd. It's in the shopping center area near Semoran (436) and Hoffner, near the airport... hopefully, this is a more centralize location for everyone to meet out at.

Thank you - this ends the Monday Night Meet Announcement - you may now resume your normal forum activities. :D


5th July 2003, 10:49

I don't think we'll have enough room for parking at that one... ;) :p :D


5th July 2003, 11:01

Originally posted by Dream2Race:
I don't think we'll have enough room for parking at that one... ;) :p :D Well... you showing up, we'll definately not have enough spaces... :p :ohno:


5th July 2003, 11:21

oh... how goes the new top, Matt?


5th July 2003, 13:40

Thanks for the offer Hazimwood, but the clutch in the group buy I just heard includes everything...

Wahoo!!! :D :D

Just ordered mine... :p

...I wonder how much HPs are freed with a light-weight flywheel? Gee, I already have a light-weight crank pulley...flywheel + pulley = 11 + 3(or so) = approx 13lbs off the crank = HP^10000...



5th July 2003, 17:50

Originally posted by Waruy0i976:
Well... you showing up, we'll definately not have enough spaces... :p :ohno: [/QB][/QUOTE]

Hey! Implying that I have a big ego? Listen, once I thought I was wrong, but it turns out I was mistaken. :D ;) :p

Top is on and looks sweet! Except for a couple wrinkles. I'll have to retighten the rain rail. It's niiiiice. :D And I lined up a free set of factory shocks with 56k miles on them. Will try to install tomorrow at the tech day.


6th July 2003, 08:11

So who is going to Martin this weekend?

Matt is out. :(
Are we meeting anywhere or just meeting at Martin?

:confused: :confused: :confused:
:D ;)


6th July 2003, 10:23


what are you doing today? come out and watch a rollbar install :)


6th July 2003, 10:55

Sorry guys, I'm at work... :sad:

I only get weekends off for autocrosses...
Take lots of pictures so I can see them...

Make sure you tell everyone to come out for the Martin event next saturday!!!

Make sure Tony also comes. I want to see his supercharger in autox action(smoking tire frenzy). :D

Tony Orlando

6th July 2003, 18:13

Hey guys, I just finished cleaning my intake/EGR port. Man, was there some crap in there! When the engine was cold, I was getting no power off the line, then it would kick in like a turbo at about 3000 RPMs. It's been happening for about a year now, so I knew it wasn't my SC. After reading some similar stories on the forum, I spent the day disassembling the manifold and cleaning it. Two cans of carb cleaner later, I'm hoping it'll run a little smoother.

I'll see everybody at Bennigan's tomorrow night, and I promise I won't be driving the Cadillac this time. ;)



6th July 2003, 19:09

Tony, tomorrow's meet is at Gator's on south Semoran by the aeropuerto. As for the EGR valve, you should've just blocked it off since you were working on it. :D

Well the "newer" shocks are in and the car feels like new! However I still have the same creeking and popping, so I now know that it's clearly the bushings. Oh well.


Tony Orlando

6th July 2003, 19:26

I don't know, I've got much smoother bottom end AND a better idle now. The drive home was great. Actually, the first half I had a wicked bad idle droop and 1200RPM idle. I freaked out, thinking I screwed something up. Then I realized I forgot to hook my cruise control back up. D'oh.

After hooking that back up, the idle is rock solid, and I don't have the faux turbo lag anymore. All in all, it only took 2 hours, start to finish, and I'd recommend it to anybody with over 40K miles. As I said, there was a whole lotta junk in there, and the car seems to like it better this way.

Now I really need to get to the dyno.... :D


[ 06. July 2003, 19:38: Message edited by: Tony Orlando ]

Neo Masamune

6th July 2003, 20:23

I know I really really really really need to get in there and clean out my manifold. Like, REALLY REALLY bad.


Tony Orlando

6th July 2003, 20:37

Really? :)

Tony Orlando

6th July 2003, 20:39

Seriously though, I can feel the difference. The amount of crap lodged in there is unbelievable, and it's nice to take it all apart and put it together again. Feels good, you know? Seeing the inside of the intake is neat, and while you're in there, you can clean off the back of the throttle body like I did. Loads of crap there, too.



6th July 2003, 21:03

That's the beauty of the M2s. It is fairly simple to remove the intake, open it up (which you CANNOT do on the M1s), and clean it out. Big reason why I want a 99. I have really bad low-end problems cuz my intake is caked with carbon and other crud (all from the useless EGR...hint hint), and I'd hafta pay $50 to have the dealership do a top end cleaning.


6th July 2003, 23:17

I'm planning on being at Martin. I'll be taking the 417 to 46 unless you all want to meet up somewhere.



7th July 2003, 09:49

Just a reminder for all those taking I-4 or 417 to SR 46: there's no exit for 46. I-4 East used to have one until the construction began. From each highway, take the Rinehart Road exit and turn left (west) onto 46. Just don't want anyone to have to drive all the way to Deltona just to turn around! :ohno: :D


7th July 2003, 10:43

Couldn't you also take 436 west to Main Street west to OBT west to Sadler...etc...? :confused:

Phase II

7th July 2003, 10:59

Mark, Aaron,

What time is tonights meet?


7th July 2003, 11:03

Originally posted by Phase II:
Mark, Aaron,

What time is tonights meet? 8:30pm... :confused:


7th July 2003, 12:53

^ - BINGO!

Neo Masamune

7th July 2003, 13:12

Originally posted by Phase II:
Mark, Aaron,

What time is tonights meet? We'll probably be there around 8:15 though, show up tonight Edgardo!!! :D



7th July 2003, 14:21

Mark, Aaron, are you guys planning on attending Martin on Sat? :confused:
Aaron, perfect time for you to test those new springs... ;)

Try to get some of the S-2000 guys to come on Saturday too... :D

Tony...? :confused:


7th July 2003, 17:08

Why don't you just do the Top End Cleaning yourself?
Maybe we can do it @ my house?
I need to do mine too.

"But Make No Mistakes And Switch Up My Channel,
I'm Buddy Rich When I Fly Off The Handle..."

Neo Masamune

7th July 2003, 18:22

Originally posted by AutoXRacerMiata:
Mark, Aaron, are you guys planning on attending Martin on Sat? :confused:
Aaron, perfect time for you to test those new springs... ;)

Try to get some of the S-2000 guys to come on Saturday too... :D

Tony...? :confused: You can try to get them S2000 guys to come out on Saturday yourself you know, cause you're supposed to be attending our meets, bub. :D :D :D

I won't be attending cause I have prior engagements I have to tend to. I can never do any event on Saturday, that's my self-work-day, and half the time, I'm out of town.



7th July 2003, 23:26

No point in doing the top engine clean...you know why. ;)

I had every intention of showing up tonight, but I forgot that it was the first business day after a holiday. In the banking industry, that means late night! Didn't get out til 10:15. Next week, I promise!

Buddy Rich...awesome drummer! :D


7th July 2003, 23:30

Originally posted by AutoXRacerMiata:
Couldn't you also take 436 west to Main Street west to OBT west to Sadler...etc...? :confused: Sounds like a really long way to go, especially for you. Take I-4 East to 408 West, to the Pikey to 429 North to 441.

Did you get your Pit Patter? There are rally style directions to the site! :D :p


7th July 2003, 23:32

Err... Those that wanted to come out/tried to come out but missed it... t'was an error on my part. I should of cased the joint first, didn't realize that it was kinda hidden from 436 :(

Well, other than trying to find it... what did you think? A possible location for future meets? Those that like Gator's in general, how about rotating locations through out the month? Say next week, the one off west 50 (by Patrick, Aaron, and Edgardo)?

Tony Orlando

7th July 2003, 23:33

Fun (yet small) meeting tonight. If the autox runs past 5PM, I'll be there. The crap part is that I'll be working 4 miles down the road while you guys are racing. :mad: I already had my Sat. off this year.

I think I decided on my next mod: Blue LEDs in the dash... Mmmmmm.....Blue.....


Oh my god, it's a mirage
I'm tellin' ya'll it's SABOTAGE!!


8th July 2003, 00:02

Tony, everyone will probably be at home by 5 pm!

Aaron, can you talk to your friend about selling her Sunburst Yellow? I have a buyer awaiting.


8th July 2003, 00:10


I would like to join you guys, how big is the location out there in Tavares? Is it alot bigger than Palm Bay?




8th July 2003, 07:45


I heard from Matt that it is a little smaller (same length, less wide).
Are you asking about the actual driving area or the total field? :confused:

But basically very similar...

Matt? :confused:


8th July 2003, 09:33

Yep, that's it. Same shape as Palm Bay, slightly smaller.

John, do you know if Billy will be racing in Ocala this weekend with us?

Neo Masamune

8th July 2003, 10:09

Notice how Gerald totally avoids the fact he didn't show up last night...without any explaination as to why? We'd expect something like that you could not find the place. ;)

I want to warn you about the Gators in Ocoee. Remember what section of town it's located in (close to Apopka, Ocoee, and Winter Garden), and considering that, you'll get an idea of the normal clientel there. Most of the vehicles parked outside could run over our little roadsters.



8th July 2003, 10:18

Matt, I will have to find out if Billy is going to be racing this weekend. He just totalled his car and got a truck for easier Kart transport. I am sure you will be seeing alot more of him. I am looking forward to seeing you all on Sat, how is the course?




8th July 2003, 11:00

Neo, What do you mean avoiding the excuse for me not showing up? :confused: :p

I was at work unfortunately... :sad:
That location would have been great for me since it was a lot closer to me... :(

What happened? Anything interesting? Did you get any S-2000 to come on Saturday?
Oh, wait you won't be there. :rolleyes:

How is Tony's car running?
Is anyone besides Pete and I going on Saturday? You know there is also an SCCA event the following weekend too... :D

Oh, :eek: Matt!!!!
How am I going to pick up my trophie on saturday?Who should I ask for it?

10AE 2344

8th July 2003, 11:24

...I can't stand rockin' when I'm in this place, because I feel disgrace, because you're all in my face!

everybody play nice, now. :D


8th July 2003, 11:51

Yeah, I'm going Gerald.. I'll see you out there.


8th July 2003, 12:28

Wahoo!!! :D

Oh, what about your "new" tires. :confused:
Did you ever get them?
Aren't you concerned about tearing them up since they are so new?

Be ready for that 60sec record time to be broken... :p

Neo Masamune

8th July 2003, 12:57

Bah, work smurk....just pull a <cough cough> on 'em and joing us next time, LOL :)

Unfortunately I can't and never have been able to attend a Saturday Auto-X. As long as Martin continues to have them on Saturdays, I'll not be able to go and join, so I have to stick with the SCCA's events. Matt's said that should be changing soon enough, though.....hopefully, cause I like their format better.



8th July 2003, 14:11

Gerald.. oh yes. I'm very happy with the new tires. Had an alignment done as well :D

We'll see how it does. Its not too agressive but enough to get the job done I think.

Besides tires are ment to be driven.. not looked at :D


8th July 2003, 17:13

Originally posted by PAW467:
Gerald.. oh yes. I'm very happy with the new tires. Had an alignment done as well :D

We'll see how it does. Its not too agressive but enough to get the job done I think.

Besides tires are ment to be driven.. not looked at :D :sad: you mean i can't put tire wax on anymore?? :sad: I guess brown tires are the in thing :rolleyes: :D


8th July 2003, 17:21

Course maps are online for the 19-20th at palm bay. Go to: www.cfrsolo2.com (http://www.cfrsolo2.com) and click on the schedule.

Anyone who goes on Saturday should have an advantage, as they are re-using about 1/2 the course on Sunday. ;)


8th July 2003, 21:05

Gerald, at the end of the autocross, see Pam Ware, the trophy person. You'll see her handing out trophies during the trophy presentation. Go figure. There should also be an engraved nameplate to go with it.

Patrick, what kind of tires did you get?

Pete, what's that rubbing compound you said would take out the scratches in my headlights? I think I'll give it a go.


8th July 2003, 22:12


I need an answer about the road trip...


Are you heading to the autocross?

Tony Orlando

8th July 2003, 22:18

My car's running strong, thank you.

So strong, in fact, that I laid down a patch of rubber on 436 pulling out of Gator's right in front of a cop!!!!

John was following me out and I redlined first turning onto Semoran, dropped into second and smoked 'em. Shot past the cop at about 6000 RPMs, which for those of you who have heard my car, is not subtle. Oops.

Amazingly enough, he did not follow. He was parked on the side of the road, and I thought I was toast for sure. Lucky this time, I guess... :rolleyes:


10AE 2344

8th July 2003, 23:59

No, no autocross for me this weekend. Got lots of things to do for school this weekend. Not to mention the quite one sided 'discussion' I had this past weekend with the one making the Miata payments right now, after finding the no cones sticker. :ohno: :rolleyes: Also, I'm trying to save up for some Rspeed "toys" on the trip. :D I think I'll be on a water diet on monday nights until then! :p


9th July 2003, 00:47

Wanna come over for Rahmen Noodles? Hahahahaaaaaa!

10AE 2344

9th July 2003, 01:09

ha! the sad thing is that I've bought those by the case! even worse... you know you're broke when you buy the GENERIC ramen instead of the brand name! :D :p


9th July 2003, 08:01


Use a polishing compound for Clear Coat. The one I happen to have is made by Turtle Wax, but any brand should do.



9th July 2003, 09:04


I went with the S03's, man there great!!. So far they seem far superior then to T1-S. Be we know the T1-S's ar not the greatest tire. But they lasted a good while and served their purpose.


9th July 2003, 11:09

Patrick, once you use up the S03's, get a set of Azenis....we'll see how much you like the S03's after that! :D

I'm happy with my S03's too. Initially they're a little greasy, but 2 autocrosses should take care of that. :D They're great through puddles too. Last weekend I was ripping through puddles on I-95 at 85 mph. :eek: They handled 'em like a champ!

Thanks Pete!


9th July 2003, 11:28

Matt.. at the moment I wouldn't feel Az's would do for the amount of driving I need to do. I really wished those T1-s got more then 12k out of them.

Now, later on when I can afford to buy another Grand Cherokee and get a trailer I'll have a set of Khumo's. :D


9th July 2003, 11:45

Hey Mark,

I will not be able to go with you guys on that trip... :sad:
I am working on an intership with United Space Alliance over at the cape.
I've been waiting for this opportunity for 2 years now...

Sorry :( , its sounds like you guys will have a blast...
:( :sad: :(


9th July 2003, 12:03

Try Colgate toothpaste on the lenses first

"But yo I’m out and I’m gone...I'll tell you now I keep it on & on..."


9th July 2003, 12:19

Speaking of which..

Tony.. if you see 1998 Grand Cherokee 5.9L Limtied come across the lot please let me know. I know some gray hair must be riding around with a low mileage one.

You'll know its a 5.9L due to the louvers on either side of the hood. :D


9th July 2003, 15:43

Originally posted by AutoXRacerMiata:
Hey Mark,

I will not be able to go with you guys on that trip... :sad:
I am working on an intership with United Space Alliance over at the cape.
I've been waiting for this opportunity for 2 years now...

Sorry :( , its sounds like you guys will have a blast...
:( :sad: :( :sad: that does suck that you can't go... well, :cool: hope you do get the internship! (or do you already have it?)


9th July 2003, 15:51

Originally posted by AutoXRacerMiata:
Hey Mark,

I will not be able to go with you guys on that trip... :sad:
I am working on an intership with United Space Alliance over at the cape.
I've been waiting for this opportunity for 2 years now...

Sorry :( , its sounds like you guys will have a blast...
:( :sad: :( Damn you! I put in for an internship there too :p Sounds like it takes a while to get into that, huh? Oh well, I'll be back in Orlando in about a month. I am not sure I will still have the Miata then, but due to other circ*mstances I am no longer in as much of a rush to sell it.


9th July 2003, 16:12

Here's an example of what I was talking to you about with regards to your C.A.I.



9th July 2003, 17:10

An internship with United Space Alliance. I wouldn't work for them unless they paid me. Oh wait, they do. :D

Bruce, Matt's scratches were on the headlight doors. Sister closed the garage door on him.



9th July 2003, 18:45

Pete, do you work for USA? :confused:

I don't have the intership yet, I am still sweet talking them. But I've been told its pretty much in the bag.

We'll see, I'm praying everyday for this opportunity... :)


9th July 2003, 18:56

just got a black-n-tan 92 and was wanting to meet up w/other peeps...when are you guys going to meet again?


9th July 2003, 19:10

We meet every Monday night at 8:15pm-8:30pm at some restuarant. Usually Gators Dockside (at least the last 2-3 mondays).

We post every weekend the details of where we are going to meet.

There is an autocross event on Saturday in Tavares. (hint, hint) :p
Martin Sports Car Club (http://www.martinsportscarclub.com/)

Keep in touch...
;) :D


9th July 2003, 20:09

hey thanks for the info!!! I just might show up for the autox!!!


9th July 2003, 20:17

Ahh.. Welcome to the clan Chris.. :D

Tony Orlando

9th July 2003, 20:31

I'll keep my eyes open for that Jeep. I haven't seen one in a while, but if you really want one, I know a few people and could ask around.

Gerald, I'd love to make the auto-x this Sat, but will be working all day. Damn bills just keep coming.... ;)

Chris, welcome to our nutty little world. :D

BTW, I might as well start the voting for this Monday's meet. Any location is good for me since I'm centrally located, so it's up to you guys. My two concerns are quality of the surrounding area and visibility of our cars. But then again, I guess one influences the need for the other, doesn't it?


10AE 2344

9th July 2003, 21:13

Originally posted by Tony Orlando:

... My two concerns are quality of the surrounding area and visibility of our cars. But then again, I guess one influences the need for the other, doesn't it?

-Tony well, I know a nice empty field where we can meet! :p better yet, a nice empty parking lot! wait... isn't that called an autocross? :p :D

Tony Orlando

9th July 2003, 21:17

D'oh! :ohno:


9th July 2003, 21:32

Hi Guys been lurking here for a couple of months. I was just wondering about the Palm Bay event. My son and I (hint I graduated when UCF was FTU) wanted to see what Autocross was about and specifically Miata s doing it. :) Is there someone there every event or do I need to wait till closer to the event to find out if one of you are competing?


9th July 2003, 21:40

I am stoked! Since I'm a newbie maybe you guys can give me some ideas on mods...can you believe i traded my cavalier even-up for my miata? What a nice guy!!I don't think that the guy who got the cavalier realizes who got the better end of the deal! :D

10AE 2344

9th July 2003, 21:40

sweet! go citronauts! haha. dream2race is at just about every autocross. :p a random smattering of the rest of us is usually found there as well. I think it's a pretty safe rule to say that where there is an autocross, there is a miata. :D


9th July 2003, 21:43

Great we will try to be there for the July event then. Thanks for the info.

10AE 2344

9th July 2003, 21:44

Originally posted by oyveychris:
...can you believe i traded my cavalier even-up for my miata? :eek: :D


9th July 2003, 21:48

Pete, Bruce...did either of you fix my power antenna last Sunday when I wasn't looking? Suddenly it works! :D

As for the Monday night meet, I won't be attending if it's on the west side of town since I'll be late already. Next week will be back to normal at work, so I'll be out between 8:30 and 9. Whatever works for the majority! :)


9th July 2003, 21:54


Martin Sports Car Club (http://www.martinsportscarclub.com) holds an autocross on the 2nd weekend of the month. For the next several months we'll be at a police training facility in Lake County. SCCA (http://www.cfrsolo2.com/) holds events more often and occasionally at VCC West Campus on the west side of town. If you want all the info on both clubs, shoot me an email and I'll give ya the details. Dream2race39@aol.com

Despite what they say, I'm not at ALL the autocrosses! :p I hardly make any SCCA events.


9th July 2003, 22:43

Gerald: Yes I started with Grumman in '88, as a technician. They got bought out by Northrup, who lost the contract to Lockheed. Lockheed picked me up with the contract then formed United Space Alliance with Boeing. I've been doing the same job for 15 years (Actually I'm now a test conductor) but have had 4 different employers.

Matt: I didn't fix it. Maybe you had a loose connection and all the work we did in the trunk tightened it up.

Kenn: I too went to UCF when it was FTU but I still havent graduated. :ohno: I guess it's true UCF = U Can't Finish, at least in my case.


[ 09. July 2003, 22:49: Message edited by: Racer46 ]


10th July 2003, 00:48

MidLifeFun and oyveychris I will be at the Martin (12th) and SCCA (19-20) events for the month of July.

oyveychris, we'll talk mods all you want... :D

Pete!!!, we've got to talk!!! ;)

See you all on Saturday...


10th July 2003, 11:47

** Attention - Monday night gatherers!! **

This coming monday's meet hasn't been fully decided yet. I threw up the Ocoee location of Gator's to be fair to Patrick and Aaron since they are usually the ones driving the furthest... but hearing of the local locales there, it may not be a wise place. I propose the UCF location again, it has been the proven place for both of Tony's requirements ( ;) :D ) Soo, if there are no objections - Gator's Dockside Waterford it is!! (Unless you guy's want to propose another location) Today's thurday, y'all got 4 days to decided!

** This ends the Monday night announcement - resume normal forum activies ** :D

Neo Masamune

10th July 2003, 12:46

Yea, I've thought better of that location, agree we should stick with the old tried and true Waterford Lakes location.



10th July 2003, 13:12

Fine with me.

Would anyone with a shady place to work like to assist me with removing the left rear shock tomorrow? I need to inspect the upper mount. FM suggested possible broken piece there. I'd like to start early, so I'll buy ya breakfast! Anyone? Bueller?

10AE 2344

10th July 2003, 13:28

Matt, I'll help, but I have no shady place to work. :(


10th July 2003, 14:00

It must've been the breakfast offer! :p

Hmmm...any shady parking spaces at your complex?


10th July 2003, 19:56

AutoXRacerMiata and Matt
Thanks for the info guys, hope to go on the 12th but depends on work stuff, will definitly be there at Palm Bay since it is closer.


10th July 2003, 20:33

Dan, check your email.

Anyone else? Free breakfast...... :D

Tony Orlando

10th July 2003, 20:35

I'd be glad to, but alas, work gets in the way yet again.

10AE 2344

10th July 2003, 20:39

Matt, hmmm... well I'm sure we could find something, but I don't know if I'm really supposed to be taking cars apart in the parking lot. :( however, no one really yelled at me when I took off the wheels and painted the brake calipers. :D I guess it wouldn't be so bad because all the 'normal' people will be at work. :p I'm trying to think of any tools we'll need that I don't have... maybe some large chunks of matter to chalk the front wheels. I dunno. Can't remember everything we used when I did mine. I've got the memory of a 60 year old. :p :sad: Call me or e-mail me or IM me (DanCowles79) or something.

Aaron, you were the one that wanted the yellow film for your fogs, right? I found and ordered some this morning, but I'll be surprised if it gets here by Monday. :( Anyway, it's super thick protective stuff designed just for this purpose. I got the smallest size they offered, which should be just enough for 2 sets of fogs lights. It was about 20 bucks with shipping :( so for 10 bones you, too, can have yellow fog lights! :D I was also thinking about getting the grey smoked flavor for the markers and tail lights, but the stuff aint exactly free. Maybe later. If anyone else is interested I'll post the link.


10th July 2003, 21:47

Matt, I've got to take my car in for A/C service @ 8:00 am. If it gets done early we can do the shock at my house. E-mail me with your phone # and I'll call you when I get home.



10th July 2003, 22:40

Pete, thanks mucho for the offer. Dan and I are going to tackle this puppy at 8 am at his place (he just wanted the free breakfast). It shouldn't take more than an hour. Then again he lives in a complex filled with sexy college honies, so we'll probably stop every few seconds for a looksy. If you bring the beer we'll hang out by the pool afterwards! :D

Neo Masamune

11th July 2003, 08:32

Dan, I'll give ya $10 on Monday, bring the stuff :)



11th July 2003, 10:38

Well Dan and I pulled the spring/shock assembly this morning, but in order to inspect the upper mount we'd need a spring compressor and an impact wrench, so we didn't bother. It wasn't necessary anyway because once we played with the control arms, we discovered the problem IS the bushings: the inner control arm bushings to be exact. So, I'm placing an order from Mazdaspeed for the bushings, and I'll also order the press from Harbor Freight that makes life much easier when replacing bushings. Bruce has offered assistance on Sunday the 20th, but neither of us have any experience with bushings. Anyone with experience like to assist that day? This time....free lunch! :D

10AE 2344

11th July 2003, 11:44

mmmmmm... croissan'wich :D :p

Neo Masamune

11th July 2003, 12:12

Would you like me to contact Dan from Irish Mikes? I'm sure he'll be able to help out.



11th July 2003, 13:19

I've already established that as my last option, since it'll cost me money! :p I'm probably gonna call him anyway to find out what's involved and how much blood I can expect to shed. :D


11th July 2003, 15:32

I have Theatrical colored gel that can be used for the Fogs if you want them?
I put some yellow gel in a buddy's GTI and it looks sweet
Best of all ....Free

"'Cause What You See You Might Not Get
And We Can Bet So Don't You Get Souped Yet..."

10AE 2344

11th July 2003, 15:46

yellow stuff... recieved and installed! only about 28 hours since I ordered the stuff! :eek: nothing beats 1 day shipping when you didn't pay for it. :D I can't wait till it gets dark so I can take a test drive. I must say, it looks cool just sitting there. Now I'm pimpin' IMSA GT style. :cool: From this thread (http://www.miataforum.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=6;t=016118) it looks like r-speed is gonna be selling this same stuff in pre-cut pieces. Now I want the blue stuff like on his mini. :rolleyes: ...It's a never ending spiral!

10AE 2344

11th July 2003, 15:56

don't tell me that! I already bought stuff! :p


11th July 2003, 16:23

Anyone wanting to see League of Extraordinary Gentlemen tonight?? Planning on going to an 8:10pm show at AMC 18 in Altamonte Springs. :)


11th July 2003, 17:45

Just some notes for anyone going to the Martin event in Tavares tomorrow, via the 417:

From my house, which is 2 miles form the Curry Ford exit of the 417, it was 59 miles and took 1hr. & 10 min. As a comparison Palm bay is also 59 miles but only takes 45 – 50 min. to get there. SR46 is 20 miles of mostly 2 lane road. In fact once you get off the 417 it’s all 2 lane except for 441. 448 is the first stoplight you come to on 441. 448 comes to a T intersection, turn right. The other way is 448A. 561 is the first stoplight you come to on 448. Bring food if you’re planning to eat because I didn’t see any place to stop, except for convenience stores, once you get past Sanford. Total amount for tolls from my house was $2.25

I’m planning on going this way tomorrow but I think I’ll try coming home via 429 and the Turnpike.



11th July 2003, 18:20

Originally posted by Waruy0i976:
Anyone wanting to see League of Extraordinary Gentlemen tonight?? Planning on going to an 8:10pm show at AMC 18 in Altamonte Springs. :) Time change to 9:30pm ... if you were planning on going...

Neo Masamune

11th July 2003, 18:29

Meet us up front at the AMC theater, we'll be hoaking around there around 8:30.


10AE 2344

11th July 2003, 19:11

aw, what the heck. I don't seem to have any other plans. :sad: :p haha. you're talking about the theater by the mall, right?

btw, what's all this hoaking nonsense?


12th July 2003, 09:27

me no go to auto-x :( must save money... (mmm, rollbar)


12th July 2003, 20:44

Originally posted by 10AE 2344:

Also, anyone ever seen this guy (http://www.cardomain.com/member_pages/view_page.pl?page_id=154488&page=4) driving around? Awesome looking car and it says he's from Orlando. His wife even has a '02 Ti. From the looks of the house/2 miatas he's probably some rich old guy. I signed his guestbook anyway and told to come meet us some night. I'm "this guy". My name is Rob and yes both me and my wife Kristina own Miatas, and yes we live in Avalon Park, but no I'm not a rich old guy(well maybe old, 42 now). The 01' Sport & the 02' Ti are our 3rd & 4th Miatas. I see that you're meeting this monday the 14th at Gator's in Waterford? I've got class till 10:00, but could possibly show up at 10:30. I won't be driving either of the Miatas, but my work car 01'Eclipse GT.
Look forward to meeting other Miatea nuts. :D


12th July 2003, 21:15

The trip home:

Good news, it's about 10 miles shorter for me to take the 429 to the 428.

Bad news, Some A** H*** in a Lincoln Navigator changed lanes on top of me on the way home. I now have damage on all the left side body panels. The car is drivable but I don't know if I'll be able to make Palm Bay next weekend.


Tony Orlando

12th July 2003, 21:27

Hi Rob. Looking forward to meeting you on Monday. I'v got a good idea, though: Why don't you just drive the Miata to class instead of the Eclipse? :D I'd love to see that Rspeed spoiler in person. Where'd you order it from? I checked Rspeed's website and can't find it. I guess we'll talk on Monday.

Pete, I'm really sorry to hear about the damage :( . That sucks out loud. I had a lady back right into me (while in the car) recently, so I feel your pain. If you need a recommendation on a good body/paint man, I've got one for you. Email if you need it.

All you other guys, see ya' Monday.



12th July 2003, 21:28

Sorry I missed the auto x today guys, I opted to spend time with my family instead...looking forward to monday night though...Should I be embarrassed if my car "ticks" at low idle, or is it more common than i think? just wondering... :cool: :confused: :D

10AE 2344

12th July 2003, 21:44

retro... sorry about the old guy comment. ;) look forward to seeing ya on monday.

pete... :eek: :mad: :( :sad:

oyveychris... don't worry, my car ticks until it gets up to temp. I just ignore it. funny noises under the hood are meant to be ignored! :p

Tony Orlando

12th July 2003, 21:51

On a 92 you've got HLAs. (versus the solid lifters us NB boys have) My 90 A pkg. had the same problem,(it's common) and the general consensus is that it is caused by the oil not flowing through the HLAs at startup, then once it's heated (and therefore flows better) the ticking stops. I switched to Mobil 1 5W-30 and it disappeared.

The only other thing you may want to check for is a loose plug. It sounds crazy, but the #1 plug on my 10AE somehow worked itself loose about a year ago, and I couldn't for the life of me find this ticking noise. Turns out I had air blowing by the plug because it was only held in by one or two threads.

If the oil doesn't work, drop a plug wrench down in the wells and make sure that none of the plugs can be hand tightened. (when I say "hand", I mean without a driver. Just the extension and the plug socket. If it's blow-by, the plug will be ridiculously loose)

Hope one of these helps.



12th July 2003, 21:57

the scary part is, mine never really stops ticking,changed weights of oil, messed around a bit, no change...runs fine,just a little annoying... :(


13th July 2003, 12:01

Sorry to hear that Pete... :sad:
I hope you get her fixed soon. :(

Maybe you can take advantage of this repair and get some custom paint work done...

Like airbrushing your name on the doors, side strips (can't get hood strips-I've got them and they are ricey), numbers, etc... ;)

I hope everything turns out well. Is the evil Navigator going to pay?

Tony Orlando

13th July 2003, 13:12

Check the plugs. That's what my 99 did, ticking all the time. If you have a blow by at the plugs (or an exhaust leak, maybe around your headers) that's the sound it'll make. A mechanical ticking noise, but it's actually air.

Try getting a length of garden hose or a stethoscope and listening around for leaks.


13th July 2003, 17:22

thanks for the tip tony, it's definately worth checking out. see everyone tomorrow night at gators! :rolleyes:


13th July 2003, 20:00

Yes, the evil Darth Vader Black Navigator is going to pay. Turns out we have the same insurance company so I don't know if I'll be able to sue for damages above the repair costs or not.



13th July 2003, 20:57

you kind of have to wonder why someone would need as much vehicle as a navigator anyway, it's almost like a super-plush paramilitary urban assault vehicle...hope your car gets fixed better than new! :cool:


13th July 2003, 23:59

Gerald scores another podium at the Martin event! Way to go dude! How'd ya like Palmblad's superchardged Miata? How was the course? Fun event overall?

My weekend was a bummer. Chased a motor problem all weekend and we never could figure it out. Finished 2 laps down in the 15 lap pre-final!! LOL!! Then the skies opened up before the feature race. Three guys didn't have rain tires, so they had to sit it out. Then another dropped out of the race. So just by putzing around the track for 20 laps with an ailing motor, I managed a 4th place! How silly!

Not sure if I'll make it tomorrow night.

Sorry to hear 'bout the car Pete. Damn SUVs! :mad:


14th July 2003, 07:47

All I can say Pete, is OEM replacement parts.. not the Body shop special..


14th July 2003, 08:17

What are you talking about Matt? :confused:

I placed third in the Novice class. :( :rolleyes:
Though, I did lose to a fully modified and gutted drag race car, and wicked lightening fast supercharged Miata.

My real disappointment was that I forgot to tune my shocks, though I wonder if that would have made a difference. Now I am curious to test the suspension by running a few laps with it set on soft and hard. I don't imagine that would make a big difference in speed entry and exit of corners, slaloms, etc... The car did feel kind of loose/slippery, but that could have been due to the lakes and gravel on the track..? :confused:

Anywhoo, the track was awesome. I really enjoyed that design. I wish I was able to run it more though.
I was really looking forward to fun runs, darn rain!!! :mad:

I was just loosening up on my last run (which was my best time). Definately 3 runs are not enough.

Anyone going to the SCCA Palm Bay event this weekend?

10AE 2344

14th July 2003, 08:28

podium --> top three spots ;)


14th July 2003, 09:00

I thought Gerald did pretty dang good out there. Considering the over powered and highly modifed CRX Drag car. Not to mention Bob's dad driving the Monster Supercharged Maita..

I also have to say this will prolly be the only time I'll ever bring home a trophy as well.. :D

And they need to do something about putting a P-Car with a Miata in E-stock. No way a 1.6 Miata can keep up with a early model 944.


14th July 2003, 09:34

Thanks guys... :)

That was really unfair for Pete. :(

Hey, does anyone remember what Dan (@ Irish Mikes) said about the limited slip that was available from other Mazda/KIA vehicles. :confused:

I just saw FM's my diff (GURU), its really nice, but kind of-definately-too expensive!!! :eek:

I remember Dan saying something about getting a limited diff from other cars that might not be so expensive? Did he ever say the approximate costs of something like that?

I think I'm in the market of a limited slip.
I am starting to hate my one wheel tire slippage. :mad:


14th July 2003, 10:28

OOoo.... Limited slip. As much as I would like to have a limited slip. I don't really have the power with my auto tranny to use it effectively.

I can say I like this new place much better then Palm Bay. It only took me @ 35 mins to get home :eek: A lot better then driving the 1 plus hour to palm bay.

Neo Masamune

14th July 2003, 11:10

Gerald, are you coming tonight, or do you have to work :confused:

Congrats on the 3rd place spot, by the way. Considering the competition, I'd say you did pretty damned good. :)



14th July 2003, 11:48

Thanks Neo,

No :sad: , I'm working again... :sad:

Sorry :(

I am having withdrawls from Monday Night meets. I was really looking forward to meeting the "Newbees". ;)
And talking about mods...

:( :sad: :( :sad:

Who are you again? Neo...? I can't recall your face. What kind of car do you drive...AAAAArrrrrr...
These withdrawls are killing me...aaaaahhhhhh...


14th July 2003, 14:04

Umm.. He Drives the Silver one.. thats really "low" ROFLMAO!!

REMEMBER RAIN OR SHINE!!! Ya'll better show.


14th July 2003, 14:15

Originally posted by PAW467:
Umm.. He Drives the Silver one.. thats really "low" ROFLMAO!!

REMEMBER RAIN OR SHINE!!! Ya'll better show. wha'chu talkin 'bout WILLIS!! :cool:

i'm there! :D


14th July 2003, 16:19

waterford lakes, or what?nobody really said for sure

Neo Masamune

14th July 2003, 16:42

I'm a maybe for tonight. I'm extremely under the weather right now (read: sick) sitting at work wishing it was all over already. It feels like extreme allergies though, so maybe after taking a histamine blocker I'll feel better.


Neo Masamune

14th July 2003, 16:45

Originally posted by oyveychris:
waterford lakes, or what?nobody really said for sure Waterford lakes has been the definite.



14th July 2003, 17:56

I'm going to try my best to be there..."she who must be obeyed" has a honey-do list for me to complete before i leave... :rolleyes: :(

Tony Orlando

14th July 2003, 19:10

..."she who must be obeyed" Yeah, I follow my car's orders too.... ;)

I'll see everybody at Gator's tonight, and I'm coming armed with interesting material:

While my LOF was getting done at Mazda tonight, I drove an RX-8. :D

Details to follow tonight.....


Tony Orlando

14th July 2003, 23:07

Everyone remember the guy in the white Firebird that vented his NOS on the way out of the parking lot? Well, I guess he either doesn't really have NOS, or he didn't see fit to use it on me because I kicked his ass at the light outside.

I put my car sideways in first as we turned out of the lot for Dan's amusem*nt (and to hear Mandy scream...), and the Firebird was behind me. Well, he pulls up next to me at the light, (we went straight over Alafaya onto Lake Underhill) revs his engine, and vents his NOS. I figured "ah, what the hell, let's see how long I can hang."

The light turned green and he shot off, me in hot pursuit. When I hit second, I pulled up on him (he was all the way into it, I could hear his exhaust), then pulled by him!! :confused: When I hit third, I was doing about 90 and was about half a car length ahead of him, so I backed down. He, of course, proceeded to do a fly-by at 100, but I was the obvious winner. :)


I grinned the whole way home. How I could possibly take this guy was beyond me, but it clearly happened. There's no way he hit the NOS. He was all over the gas, shifting hard, and I pulled right by him.

I need to get back to the dyno.

:) :D :D


14th July 2003, 23:51

May have been compress air. That was a dinky V6... Car had no balls..


15th July 2003, 00:02

Hey Guys, it was nice putting faces to all the written dialog.
Just down alafaya(Avalon Park) is a new sports bar called Raptor's. Nice area, but the real reason to meet there is Avalon Park Blvd.(can you say mini race course, including a small skidpad circle)it's a ball! Let me know if you guys would like to try it. It's my weekly weekend ride.
Tony, way to go man! One more american iron owner who won't call a Miata a girlie car! :D


15th July 2003, 00:58

Ooooh yeeaaaah! The rotaries in Avalon Park! Can we say drift fest? :D

Gerald, when I said "Gerald scores another podium", that means you were in the top 3 again. It was a congratulations. Someone needs to turn on SpeedChannel more often! :p

Anyone have a compressor and impact wrench I can use this Sunday? Pete?


15th July 2003, 09:17

Hey it was great meeting everyone last night! Nice to know that there are other miataheads out there! Tony, that was definately a V-6 you were up against, still, nice to know you can beat up the general's finest... :p


15th July 2003, 09:38

Ok guys, am I the one that going to have to break it up here...?

Keep your racing on the track my young friends. The consequences of street racing are too high!!

"Take it to the track!!!"

In a more lighter note...
Great job Tony!!!! :D

Seems like a really fun night.
I would be interested in that new sports bar location. I've been wanting Noel to experience some 360s (shes never experienced it)...

I miss ALL the fun meets... :sad:

Tony Orlando

15th July 2003, 14:41

A rare break in my normal demeanor. He was revving up and smirking, I just couldn't resist.
Normally I let it go, but it was too hard to pass up.

The road ahead was empty anyway..... :D


15th July 2003, 15:41

Originally posted by AutoXRacerMiata:

Seems like a really fun night.
I would be interested in that new sports bar location. I've been wanting Noel to experience some 360s (shes never experienced it)...

I miss ALL the fun meets... :sad: she just needs to ride with me on a run... wahoo, spinouts! LOL :D


15th July 2003, 22:22



15th July 2003, 22:28

I'll definitely be at the next MSCC event on Saturday, August 10th. Any early committers? I ask because I really enjoy jumping from car to car during fun runs and trying out other cars, especially Miatas. Wink wink... ;) Gerald's looks like fun... :D

Okay, I ordered the bushings today. I'm still looking for an air compressor and an impact wrench. Anyone? Bueller? Free lunch.............................. :D


16th July 2003, 12:01

Matt, I'll go on one condition you and Geraldo drive blind-folded. And don't let Mark drive Geraldo's Miata. I think that is a simple request :D


16th July 2003, 12:56

Gerald or Gerardo? :confused:

BTW, the date of the event is Saturday August 9th. Oops.


16th July 2003, 14:15

Err.. tis Gerardo... I suck with names :)

So do we have deal :D

10AE 2344

16th July 2003, 14:41

Originally posted by Dream2Race:
Gerald or Gerardo? :confused:

I think he meant both, he was just too lazy to type both names so he smashed them together! :p

Either that or he was talking about that talk show host, Her-all-doe. :p :D

BTW... I'm curious. What kind of penalties do they have here in O-town for street racing? Is it like out west where they take everyone's car involved (including onlookers) and smash it into a small cube, or do you just get a speeding ticket?


16th July 2003, 15:07

Anyone up for seeing Pirates of the Cabbie tonight?? Neo, myself and a co-worker are wanting to... Dan? you want to go? Patrick?? Anyone? :D


16th July 2003, 15:19

O.o Movie eh? What time?


16th July 2003, 15:21

Car become property of the local PD. Not a good thing... Thats why it's best to take it to the 'track'. I'd like to see Tony chase down a few guys :D


16th July 2003, 15:48

Originally posted by Dream2Race:
Gerald or Gerardo? :confused:

BTW, the date of the event is Saturday August 9th. Oops. It's Gerald :rolleyes: :D


16th July 2003, 16:06

Originally posted by 10AE 2344:

BTW... I'm curious. What kind of penalties do they have here in O-town for street racing? Is it like out west where they take everyone's car involved (including onlookers) and smash it into a small cube, or do you just get a speeding ticket? Actually it got harsher faily recently. The current law was passed in October 2002 and can be found right here:

http://www.flsenate.gov/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=Ch0316/SEC191.HTM&Title=->2002 ->Ch0316->Section%20191 (http://www.flsenate.gov/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=Ch0316/SEC191.HTM&Title=->2002->Ch0316->Section%20191)

Basically if you are caught racing the officer may arrest you on sight and impound your car. The first offence brings a second degree misdomeanor and can be punished with a fine between $250-$500 and a one year suspension of your driver's license. If caught a second time within 5 years you'll be brought up with first degree misdomeanor charges. This'll bring a $500-$1000 fine and a two year suspension of your license.

The punishment for being a spectator also increased, though I am not sure what the current fine that brings. In Spring 2001 "someone I know" was a spectator at some races during a big bust. The ticket was written for $80 but the fine ended up being around $28.

P.S. The law is vague enough to include such things as spinning your tires, probably "doriftu", and, according to the UCF PD :rolleyes: , accelerating from a stopsign next to another modified car. (I got off with a warning) *shakes head*

Hope that was a little helpful :)


16th July 2003, 16:33

The 2002 Florida Statutes


316.191 Racing on highways.--

(1) As used in this section, the term:

(a) "Drag race" is defined as the operation of two or more vehicles from a point side by side at accelerating speeds in a competitive attempt to outdistance each other, or the operation of one or more vehicles over a common selected course, from the same point to the same point, for the purpose of comparing the relative speeds or power of acceleration of such vehicle or vehicles within a certain distance or time limit.

(b) "Racing" is defined as the use of one or more vehicles in an attempt to outgain, outdistance, or prevent another vehicle from passing, to arrive at a given destination ahead of another vehicle or vehicles, or to test the physical stamina or endurance of drivers over long-distance driving routes.

(2)(a) A person may not drive any vehicle, including any motorcycle, in any race; speed competition or contest; drag race or acceleration contest; test of physical endurance; exhibition of speed or acceleration; or for the purpose of making a speed record on any highway, roadway, or parking lot, and a person may not in any manner participate in, coordinate, facilitate, or collect moneys at any location for any such race; ride as a passenger in; or purposefully cause the movement of traffic to slow or stop for, any such race, competition, contest, test, or exhibition. Any person who violates this paragraph commits a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. Any person who violates this paragraph shall pay a fine of not less than $250 and not more than $500, and the department shall revoke the driver license of a person so convicted for 1 year. A hearing may be requested pursuant to s. 322.271.

(b) Any person who violates paragraph (a) within 5 years after the date of a prior violation that resulted in a conviction for a violation of this subsection commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083, and shall pay a fine of not less than $500 and not more than $1,000. The department shall also revoke the driver license of that person for 2 years. A hearing may be requested pursuant to s. 322.271.

(c) In any case charging a violation of paragraph (a), the court shall be provided a copy of the driving record of the person charged and may obtain any records from any other source to determine if one or more prior convictions of the person for violation of paragraph (a) have occurred within 5 years prior to the charged offense.

(3) Whenever a law enforcement officer determines that a person was engaged in a drag race or race, as described in subsection (1), the officer may immediately arrest and take such person into custody. The court may enter an order of impoundment or immobilization as a condition of incarceration or probation. Within 7 business days after the date the court issues the order of impoundment or immobilization, the clerk of the court must send notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the registered owner of the vehicle, if the registered owner is a person other than the defendant, and to each person of record claiming a lien against the vehicle.

(a) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the impounding agency shall release a motor vehicle under the conditions provided in s. 316.193(6)(e), (f), (g), and (h), if the owner or agent presents a valid driver license at the time of pickup of the vehicle.

(b) All costs and fees for the impoundment or immobilization, including the cost of notification, must be paid by the owner of the vehicle or, if the vehicle is leased or rented, by the person leasing or renting the vehicle, unless the impoundment or immobilization order is dismissed. All provisions of s. 713.78 shall apply.

(4) This section does not apply to licensed or duly authorized racetracks, drag strips, or other designated areas set aside by proper authorities for such purposes.

History.--s. 1, ch. 71-135; s. 1, ch. 76-31; s. 138, ch. 99-248; s. 1, ch. 2002-251.

Note.--Former s. 316.186.


16th July 2003, 16:37

Took some digging but found the complete law.

Heres the website. Just plug in the statue numbers



16th July 2003, 17:26

^ yea, before that law was even passed - there was a big discussion on a lot of forums, esp. pertaining to autocrossing - a lot were complaining that that law would prevent even organized events such as autocrossing...

about the movie... nix me out, i'm using the same excuse that Aaron emailed me "I'm going to pass tonight. I've got stuff I've gots to do after all. Sorry" If y'all haven't seen the waruy0i stuff, that's what I'll be working on ;)

Neo Masamune

16th July 2003, 18:59

Working on airbrushing some character work of mine tonight. I NEED to find me some blue line comic book board paper so I can get cracking on the first issue/series, but everybody's sold out right now. :(


10AE 2344

16th July 2003, 19:34

fabulous :rolleyes: I figured as much. This place is so screwed up. :ohno: I'm gonna start my own country. Who's with me? Free miatas at the border! :D

I thought this was a strange inclusion in the definition of racing:

"or to test the physical stamina or endurance of drivers over long-distance driving routes. "

The movie would be better another night. ;)


16th July 2003, 20:09

Originally posted by Waruy0i976:
Originally posted by Dream2Race:
Gerald or Gerardo? :confused:

BTW, the date of the event is Saturday August 9th. Oops. It's Gerald :rolleyes: :D He could've been talking about Gerardo: driver extraordinaire of the 99 Sport. We should all fear him more so than anyone here!


16th July 2003, 20:11

Originally posted by 10AE 2344:
[QB] fabulous :rolleyes: I figured as much. This place is so screwed up. :ohno: I'm gonna start my own country. Who's with me? Free miatas at the border! :D ROFL! I'm in! Bernie Ecclestone for president! :D

Tony Orlando

16th July 2003, 20:44

(a) "Drag race" is defined as the operation of two or more vehicles from a point side by side at accelerating speeds in a competitive attempt to outdistance each other Well, that settles it. There's no way I could have been busted for street racing.

That guy's car wasn't competitive at all. :D

Sorry everyone. Sorry Mr. Policeman. Sorry Mom.
It won't happen again, I promise.

Time to start participating in cone dodging I guess.....



16th July 2003, 22:20

Well looks like my plans for this weekend are up in the air because the ball joint press I needed to do my bushings is on back order. Someone might be able to pull some strings and get me into a shop on Sunday. If that falls through, then I might go to Palm Bay for the SCCA autox. However I won't be running my car. If I go, I'll just put a "for sale" sign and park it. Which means I'll need a Miata to autocross. :D Anyone going and looking for a co-driver? Think of the fun! Tony...what a perfect time to begin your autocrossing career! ;)


16th July 2003, 23:05

does anyone live on the north end of town, or are you all out by the airport etc...just wondering if it was worth suggesting another area to meet sometime :confused:


16th July 2003, 23:15

Most of us are in the UCF area. We try to shuffle around each week so that the same people don't hafta do all the traveling. Throw out some suggestions. I know a killer Italian place on 17-92 in Lake Mary. It's a family owned place called Vivona's, and they make the BEST pizza you'll find in Florida!

[ 16. July 2003, 23:31: Message edited by: Dream2Race ]


16th July 2003, 23:32

Originally posted by oyveychris:
does anyone live on the north end of town, or are you all out by the airport etc...just wondering if it was worth suggesting another area to meet sometime :confused: 1 vote for the "East Side". :D

I breazed through the anti-racing info so forgive me if I missed it, but is racing per the gov't. only if two are going head to head in some manner?
If so think of all we could get away with, :p if only all the roads were not so straight in Florida. :sad:


17th July 2003, 01:37

Originally posted by RetroMiata:
Originally posted by oyveychris:
does anyone live on the north end of town, or are you all out by the airport etc...just wondering if it was worth suggesting another area to meet sometime :confused: 1 vote for the "East Side". :D

I breazed through the anti-racing info so forgive me if I missed it, but is racing per the gov't. only if two are going head to head in some manner?
If so think of all we could get away with, :p if only all the roads were not so straight in Florida. :sad: They'll get you for illegal exibition of speed/power if the wheels break loose. If you are just driving hard through some corners you'll probably get a speeding ticket along with Reckless Driving.

Florida's laws for cars aren't bad at all. At least we are allowed to modify our cars, unlike some states.


17th July 2003, 08:21

vivona's is awesome! plus i live like 2 minutes from there... :p ;) :) :cool:


17th July 2003, 08:34

Don't get me started with the "LAW". :mad:
It's a bunch of crap!!!

I'm in with Dan to start a new country!!

I always had a dream, and that was to find a way to live back in the 50s. Where the meaning of "Freedom of the Road" meant something. If your car was faster than the cops, then too bad for the cops.

In todays world there is no freedom (more freedom than other countries for sure) like it was back then.
I was born in the wrong time. :(

What wouldn't I do to live in the 50s...

Neo Masamune

17th July 2003, 08:45

I believe we're going to go see the movie this evening sometime, I'm just waiting to hear from Mark. If any of you all want to join us, just keep an eye on here and we'll post the meetin' time/place.

We can discuss meeting up at one of the restaraunts on Hwy 50 across from the Fashion Square mall again, for our future meets. Bennigan's proved to have ample parking space, and is in a good central location for most everybody.



17th July 2003, 12:50

Count me out for tonight I have to host my Auto Chat on AOL.


17th July 2003, 12:59

Whats Auto Chat...? :confused:

Obviously, I know its about cars :rolleyes: (just for you wise guys out there), but what do you chat about specifically and why do you host it? How do you join?


17th July 2003, 13:21

Bennigan's sound's fine to me. She Who Must Be Obeyed didn't really take a shine to me driving out to waterford lakes...see the thing is, my wife just can't fall asleep without me! :rolleyes: :D


17th July 2003, 13:25

we could all pool our resources and buy an island in the bahamas and call it "full throttle cay". No speed limits, just a track that runs throughout the entire island. Lotsa sun, cool sea breezes...hmmm...I'm not proposing a "Lord of the Flies" type of getaway mind you, but just a driver's paradise. :p


17th July 2003, 13:50

I'm in!!! :D
I'll volenteer my mechanical/operational engineering abilities (non-electrical/computer). :cool:
How much $$$$ donation do you require? :confused:
Lets set up a meeting to go over the details. :)

I assume there will be enough room for us to each have a beach front home? :confused:

Imagine, no taxes, no politicians, no stupid rediculous laws, just resonable responsible adults with a passion for sunshine and high performance driving and cars...

How about it? Anyone else in?


17th July 2003, 14:09

Originally posted by AutoXRacerMiata:
Imagine, no taxes, no politicians, no stupid rediculous laws, just resonable responsible adults with a passion for sunshine and high performance driving and cars..."Just imagine no heaven...it's easy if you try..."

I wouldn't call us "reasonable"!

This 12 topics at once thing is starting to bug me. That's why nobody ever gets answers to the questions they ask! Okay, everybody reply with the following (and don't reply without answering these):

Movie tonight: Yes/No
AutoX Sunday: Yes/No or...
Help me with bushings Sunday: Yes/No
Have tools/space to do bushings: Yes/No
Gone nuts: Yes/No



17th July 2003, 14:24

Movie tonight: NO
AutoX Sunday: MAYBE
Help me with bushings Sunday: NO
Have tools/space to do bushings: TOOLS WHAT TOOLS
Gone nuts: CERTIFIED

Now back to our regularly scheduled BBS....

Neo Masamune

17th July 2003, 14:28

I havn't heard from Mark yet, so I dunno if we're going to the movie or not after all. I will call him on my next break.

Movie tonight: LIKELY
AutoX Sunday: NO (will be in Tampa for a show)
Help me with bushings Sunday: NO (can't)
Have tools/space to do bushings: NOPE


[ 17. July 2003, 14:33: Message edited by: Neo Masamune ]


17th July 2003, 14:41

Movie tonight: Most Likely
AutoX Sunday: Will be out of town
Help me with bushings Sunday: ditto
Have tools/space to do bushings: n/a
Gone nuts: obviously! :ohno:

Sorry for the delay in my posting frenzy... just to darn busy, and the only one at the desk :(

I'll need to get in touch with Dan (co-worker) if he wants to see the movie also... he's off, i'm off at roughly 7pm... so an 8-8:30ish show will do for me. AMC Altamonte again? Let me know...

p.s.: what did you guys think of the waruyoi stuff? :D Getting anything?? ;)

Neo Masamune

17th July 2003, 18:13

Okay, Movie's a definite. Meet us tonight at the Altamonte Theater, located at the Altamonte Mall, up front at 8:00PM, movie begins at 8:30pm, so we'll head in around 8:10-ish.



17th July 2003, 18:22

okee... Pirates of the Cabbie v.2 ** tonight at AMC Altamonte 8:30 showing!! those going, meet out front :)


17th July 2003, 18:31

Movie tonight: nope not tonight
AutoX Sunday: Negative
Help me with bushings Sunday: You know it
Have tools/space to do bushings: of course...am I the man or what? :D ...never actually did get a hold of the guy I was trying to get in SAE, but it should all be good...I'll be surprised if anyone is even there on Sunday.

Gone nuts: Gettin there

10AE 2344

17th July 2003, 18:39

waruyoi stuff is cool. maybe a bit too much stuff tho. I'd probably only ever get a t shirt and a sticker. Do you plan on doing the vinyl cut out type of stickers or is that it? I can't really thing of a good place to put that sticker. I once was a sticker hater, but now I'm running out of good places to put them!

Anyway, down to business...

Movie tonight: yup
AutoX Sunday: nope
Help me with bushings Sunday: if needed
Have tools/space to do bushings: nope
Gone nuts: Sure, I love nuts. Especially cashews! Who dosen't love a good crunchy cashew!?! I'll even go for a walnut or two every now and then. Now peanuts on the other hand, they annoy me to no end! How come peanuts get so much attention? They're undoubtedly the most famous nut, yet people prepare them 87 different ways just to bear eating them! Even in their most basic form people coat them with enough salt to put the dead sea to shame! And those people that sell boiled peanuts on the side of the road?? What's up with them? Don't they have any better ideas on how to make a living than to sell nuts on the side of the highway?!? Is that what their high school counselor told them they should be, assuming they even went to high school? Who actually stops and buys from them anyway? I'd be scared to! Stoping to buy from those people seems almost as risky as picking up a hitch hiker! Speaking of hitch hikers, what kinda fool do you have to be to hitch hike?!? Maybe it was a decent way to get around back in the 'free love' 60s, but now days it's like putting your life into someone else's hands! Most people are scared to pick up a hitch hiker, but I'd be more afraid if I was the one hitch hiking!! Once you're in someone else's car, they can take you anywhere they want to! You can get in and say I'm trying to get to Omaha, and they'll be like "sure dude". You doze off and next thing you know, they've stolen the clothes right off your back to sell for their crack habit and left you in a ditch in Baton Rouge! People now days are crazy! The other day I saw this guy in the grocery store looking all despondent and banging his head on a jar of pickles! I was like, "dude"... "what's wrong!". He groaned and then said to me... "all the poor cucumbers!"... "what did they ever do to deserve this! Then he slipped and dropped the jar. He started crying and just laid down on the tile floor next too the pickles! I just stood there shaking my head until I realized why I came to the supermarket in the first place... I needed some cashews! Who dosen't love a good crunchy cashew!?! I'll even go for a walnut or two every now and then. Now peanuts on the other hand...


17th July 2003, 20:25

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaahaaaaaahahahaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaa!!!!


17th July 2003, 20:27

Glad we got all dat squared away. It's good that nobody's goin AutoXin on Sunday cuz I won't be either. Chris you da man! I'll be replacing bushings! Sweeeeeeeeeeet!

I guess Chris is the only one who wanted free lunch..... :D :p Rahmen Noodles for the rest of ya! Hah hah hah!


17th July 2003, 21:14

Hi Guys if none of you are going Sunday to Palm Bay are there any other Miatas that show up. Was planning on watching for a little.


17th July 2003, 22:28

I'm out for the auto x too guys, I do however work for a company that does vinyl graphics, shirts, etc...let me know if i can help on anything....Anybody ever change a dashpad? Mine gets gooey when it's hot outside...eeewwww

Tony Orlando

17th July 2003, 22:32

Okay, I'm now officially convinced that god does not want me to autocross. Every week, it's the same thing: "Tony, you gotta come autocross", or "I want to see Tony's SC at the track", or "Don't street race, take it to the track" but I'm always working.

Then I finally get a Saturday off, and nobody's going racing. :ohno: I guess I'll just detail my car and go find a nice, twisty road. I would have joined you guys for the movie tonight, but I got home around 10 so you all are probably watching the credits as I write this.

Dan: Wow. That's all I can say. Wow. Funny stuff.



17th July 2003, 23:04

Well the autox is on Sunday. This one is an SCCA event. However, mark down Saturday August 9th on your calendar if you'd like to go to the next MSCC autox. I'll be there and hopefully most of the gang will too.


17th July 2003, 23:09

Sounds good, is that on the west side of Orlando like last weekend?


17th July 2003, 23:26

Dan that was funny as hell man.. :D

Anyone interested in seeing Bad Boys 2 on Sunday afternoon? It would be at the West Oaks Mall in Ocoee.. Say between 5-7 ?


17th July 2003, 23:35

hey Tony, check your E-mail.


18th July 2003, 00:13

Originally posted by MidLifeFun:
Sounds good, is that on the west side of Orlando like last weekend?
Kenn This weekend's event is in Palm Bay at Brevard Community College. SCCA event.


18th July 2003, 00:43

This is an SCCA event with a Saturday practice. Due to faimly commitments I will not be able to be there on Sunday but I will go on Saturday. Hope I'm not the only Miata there.

Course maps are posted @ www.cfrsolo2.com (http://www.cfrsolo2.com)


18th July 2003, 01:24

I won't be racing for sure, but if a couple people are showing up for the autocross on Saturday, I'll head out there for a little bit. I'd like to finally check out Tony's supercharged car. On Sunday I have stuff to in Orlando that will occupy my day.


18th July 2003, 12:50

Tony O,
Hey can you get me the Name/# of the place you were talking about for painting rims(for a buddy of mine)?
It was a private shop up in Leesburg that repairs "shipping damage" on our new Caddys. (near my dealership). I can give you directions if you want, I think he charged me $250 for everything. (Stripping, sanding, priming, painting, baking, clearcoat, baking again.) I sold the car about a year and 1/2 later, and they still looked perfect.

10AE 2344

18th July 2003, 15:33

Small crowd at the movies last night *ahem* (Neo). :p If anyone hasn't seen Pirates of the Caribbean yet, I highly reccomend it. Even if for no other reason than this (http://www.outnow.ch/Media/Img/2003/PiratesOfTheCaribbean/?i=movie%2E1%2F40%2Ejpg&w=1400&h=939&full=1&print=1). :eek: :eek: :D Definately worth the $8. Back to the car related discussions...

edit... link changed to be slightly more appropriate. ;)

[ 18. July 2003, 15:40: Message edited by: 10AE 2344 ]


18th July 2003, 16:06


I am... I'll be there saturday and sunday!!!
So Tony, if you want to have a bast, the practice days are the best. $30 = 8+ runs...
Imagine, run a course for a full hour X2!!!

Tony, you have mail...
Anyone else going, please post by tomorrow 6:00am...

Wahoo!!!! Errrrrr!!!! Shhhhhkkkkk!!!(Miata taking high speed turns, etc...)


18th July 2003, 17:20

Gerald: We going to meet at McD's?

Bruce: They're going to repair my rims when I take it in to have the crash damage fixed next week. I'll get you the name of the place that they use.


18th July 2003, 17:28

Pete: We can meet at McD's if you would like. Are you going on Saturday or Sunday; both? Is your car OK? Are the damages minor which allow you to run? :confused: What time? 7:45am-8:00am?

Tony:...? Wanna go? :D


18th July 2003, 18:27

Gerald: I think I'm just going to go straight to the site. My car is drivable, sure doesn't look like $1700.00 worth of damage. See you there.


Neo Masamune

18th July 2003, 18:52

Leave me alone :)

Anybody interested in going to go see Bad Boys II tomorrow sometime? Possibly a Matinee show, or maybe a evening show for the Saturday workers.

I can tear myself away from my weekend "duties" (read: artwork) long enough to go catch a flick.



18th July 2003, 19:16

Pete: No problem. See you there. :D

Tony...? Wheres Tony... :confused:

I might be interested in seeing Bad Boys 2...
What time? Hopefully it'll be after the autocross....

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