Is Pilates good for weight loss? (2024)

No matter where you are on your health journey, consistent physical exercise and activity is a critical part of losing weight and improving your general health.

Finding an exercise class that meets you where you are can be daunting. Walking into a class is intimidating, especially if you’re new to fitness or getting back into a regular routine.

Are you on the hunt for a low-impact workout that you can perform consistently? Pilates is an effective workout for beginners, long-time athletes, and everyone in between. The exercises done in Pilates are challenging for the muscles but easy on the body as a whole.

If you’re working on losing weight, Pilates is an excellent tool to add to your fitness routine. This post highlights the benefits of Pilates for weight loss and general health, types of Pilates to try, and much more.

We’ll help you set realistic expectations about what this popular form of exercise can bring to your life, so you can enjoy the movement and health benefits it provides.

What is Pilates?

Pilates is a form of exercise originally developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates.

This muscle-building and body-conditioning exercise consists of small, technical movements that improve muscle tone and core stability. The movements in Pilates are designed to lengthen and sculpt muscles for a stronger body.

As a low-impact exercise, Pilates focuses on strength, mobility, and alignment within the body. The primary muscle at play here is the core; Pilates focuses primarily on strengthening and stabilizing the core and then training other muscles in the process.

How Pilates Works

Pilates is performed on an exercise mat on the floor or through the use of an apparatus called the Reformer. Designed to target posture, balance, and flexibility, seven general types of Pilates are taught and performed.

Pilates participants experience a full-body workout via around 50 repetitive exercises designed to increase muscle strength. At first, these movements won’t seem that difficult, but as the class continues, they may become very challenging as your muscles become tired.

If you’re new to Pilates, don’t stress. Most instructors provide modifications to each exercise should you need them at any point.

Is Pilates good for weight loss?

There’s a certain stigma that when exercising for weight loss, a person has to be out of breath and dripping with sweat. This is nowhere near true or accurate. Take walking, for example.

Consistent walking is widely embraced as an effective form of exercise that contributes to weight loss. Walking promotes a faster metabolism, burns calories, and improves cardiovascular health; all of these help with healthy weight loss. While you may not work up a sweat on a brisk walk, your body is working hard.

The same goes for Pilates. Pilates is a stellar example of a highly effective weight loss exercise that won’t result in you panting or sweating. Because it’s a low impact exercise, Pilates puts less stress on the joints and muscles, making it a great introductory exercise for those new to working out.

Pilates for weight loss is highly recommended if you have limited mobility or are new to this type of exercise because it’s not a highly intensive workout. Make no mistake - you will be sore later, but soreness is normal.

For weight loss, in particular, Pilates is gaining in popularity. While you won’t burn hundreds of calories during a class, Pilates can help you lose weight through the following:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Sweating
  • Improved body function
  • Building lean muscle (which helps burn fat)

This 2021 study revealed that for adults with obesity or who are overweight, Pilates significantly decreases body weight, BMI (body mass index), and body fat percentage.

Weight loss comes with its own complications, and navigating the number on the scale is one of the most significant for so many. However, it’s crucial to remember that while losing weight may be your goal, you will also gain lean muscle from Pilates.

While the number on the scale may not drop in the way you expect, you’ll start to notice muscles you didn’t have before, and then you’ll build on those with muscle definition and sculpting.

In time, Pilates will help you create your own vision of what your body should look like rather than focusing on the numbers on the scale.

So, does Pilates help you lose weight? When paired with healthy eating and cardiovascular exercise, Pilates can absolutely contribute to weight loss.

Can you lose weight doing Pilates everyday? Yes! While Pilates is considered low-impact, every form of exercise should be done in moderation. If you’re just starting, try doing Pilates three days a week. You can add more Pilates workouts to your daily routine as you build strength and endurance.

Benefits of Pilates Beyond Weight Loss

When paired with other forms of exercise and lifestyle changes, Pilates can significantly impact your health journey, no matter where you’re at right now. Aside from weight loss, here are a few of the impressive benefits of Pilates.

Improve Muscle Tone

The core muscles consist of the abdominals, lower back, and hip muscles and are emphasized in a Pilates class. After consistent practice, participants notice significant toning and strength in the abdominal area and other muscles in the body, including the glutes, inner thigh muscles, and upper back.

Increase Flexibility

While Pilates movements work to strengthen muscles, they also mobilize the joints and improve muscle flexibility. As your body builds strength, stretching and activating the muscles in this stretched state promotes flexibility. Your muscles will slowly but surely warm up early in a class, and as they do, they become actively engaged, so you can stretch further.

Boost Stability & Endurance

Performing more reps at a lower weight is Pilates' bread and butter, and this action slowly builds muscular endurance. Some classes and instructors will add resistance training to their classes, which adds to the endurance you’re building on.

Promote Healing

Many Pilates participants use the exercise as a form of healing and recovery. Because it’s both low-impact and weight-bearing exercises, Pilates is ideal for those working through injuries and improving joint mobility and control. The exercises don’t cause any stress or tension to the body, allowing muscle groups to heal and strengthen.

Improve Posture

As you better align and strengthen your core in regular Pilates classes, your posture will naturally improve. Sitting correctly at a desk all day takes concentration and effort, but with strengthened core muscles, you’ll sit taller and potentially experience less back pain or fatigue from sitting or driving.

Manage Stress

While nearly every form of exercise helps to decrease stress, Pilates takes it a step further. The practice is designed to improve the mind and body connection and increase mindfulness in every participant. You’ll learn to focus on the current moment rather than stress about your to-do list and gain clarity for the day-to-day.

Improve Sleep

As you learn to relax and center yourself in Pilates, your sleep habits may also improve. This is likely because Pilates relaxes the body and the mind, promoting longer and better sleep.

Performing specific exercises at night, like Pilates, can help the mind wind down and relax the body. Low-impact movements release tension, help us relax, and re-center the body for sleep.

Increase Energy

Aside from physical movement, Pilates heavily emphasizes breath control and the mind-to-body connection. As you learn to control your breath, your body’s circulation and lung capacity will improve. Deep breathing can also stimulate the spine and your core muscles, increasing your overall energy level.

Convenient Form of Exercise

Pilates is a fantastic workout you can complete at home if you’re busy and getting to the gym is out of the question some days.

All you need is a mat, some space on the floor, and a positive attitude to get your workout done. At-home workouts are great for parents, those who travel often, or people who prefer to avoid the gym or classes – you can definitely enjoy Pilates at home.

Realistic Expectations: What Pilates Can and Can't Do

If you have high hopes for Pilates and what it can bring to your healthy lifestyle, we highly recommend jumping in and getting started! Half the challenge of exercise is finding the motivation to work out and sticking to a routine that works for you.

Consistent Pilates practice can help with weight loss, muscle strength and definition, and various other health benefits. However, some unrealistic expectations about Pilates need to be debunked. These include the following:

1. Pilates alone will achieve your weight loss goals

No weight loss plan recommends one single action to meet an individual’s goals. A combination of diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes gets the job done. Anyone who says all you need to do to lose weight is perform Pilates daily is incorrect. It can certainly aid in the process, but it’s not a magic tool (unfortunately!).

2. Pilates will give you a 6-pack

While core strength and stability are at the foundation of Pilates, few participants see quickly-toned abdominal muscles after taking Pilates classes. Many see muscle definition in time, but Pilates focuses on strengthening the core muscles to improve your overall stability, flexibility, and posture. Building a 6-pack takes proper nutrition, burning belly fat, and consistent core workouts. Pilates can help you get to that point, but your diet will be the most significant factor in achieving those toned abdominal muscles.

3. Pilates is not a cardio workout

Taking a Pilates class is not the same as going for a long run or walking. You won’t challenge your cardiovascular system as much as you would while performing aerobic exercise.

Types of Pilates to Try

One of the best things about Pilates is how versatile it is for any health journey. There are seven types of Pilates you can try, and most of them can be performed at home or in the gym if you don’t have access to a class.

Mat Pilates

This is the most popular and accessible form of Pilates, as all you’ll need is a mat and floor space to complete the workout. You’ll use your body weight for resistance, but some choose to add light weights or resistance bands to make it more challenging.

Reformer Pilates

The Reformer is an apparatus that is controlled by springs to target specific muscle groups and add resistance to movements. The Reformer is increasing in popularity for Pilates classes and many prefer it to classic mat Pilates.

Megaformer Pilates

The Megaformer is an advanced version of the Reformer with additional attachments and features for more advanced Pilates movements. The Megaformer focuses on high-intensity exercises while the Reformer utilizes low-impact movements.

Hot Pilates

Similar to hot yoga, hot Pilates is a great way to increase the intensity of your workout and get your sweat on by adding heat. These classes are a bit different from classic Pilates because they work to get the heart rate up, heating up the muscles faster, and improving flexibility.

Clinical Pilates

This form of Pilates focuses on body alignment and core strength. It’s ideal for people of all ages and fitness levels because of its low-impact nature. Clinical Pilates improves coordination, balance, and flexibility while enhancing overall physical health.

Classical Pilates

Classical Pilates follows Joseph Pilates’ original teachings, involving six principles that help to center the body and mind. Participants will focus on core strength, alignment of the spine, and joint mobility.

Contemporary Pilates

This modernized form of Pilates leverages traditional Pilates movements with treatments from physical therapists who utilize Pilates for their patient’s recovery. Participants will focus on breathwork and relaxation techniques during this practice.

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Is Pilates good for weight loss? (2024)


Is Pilates good for weight loss? ›

That said, according to recent research Pilates can be incredibly helpful for your weight

Human body weight is a person's mass or weight. Strictly speaking, body weight is the measurement of weight without items located on the person. › wiki › Human_body_weight
loss journey. A 2021 study found significant weight loss benefits from practicing Pilates for those who are overweight or obese. Pilates dramatically reduced body weight, body mass index (BMI) and body fat percentages.

Can you just do Pilates to lose weight? ›

Pilates can help you lose weight by conditioning and working your muscles. It helps you burn calories, which is associated with weight loss. The effectiveness of this exercise will, however, depend on factors such as age and how much weight you are looking to lose.

Is 30 minutes of Pilates a day enough to lose weight? ›

If you want to lose weight, it's recommended to do around 150 mins of moderate exercise per week which equates to an average of five 30-minute pilates classes per week.

What type of Pilates is best for weight loss? ›

You can also try more advanced Pilates classes like Pilates reformer classes and combination classes like Piloxing (Pilates and boxing) or Yogalates (yoga and Pilates.) You'll burn more calories in these full body classes than in a traditional Pilates mat class.

How long does it take to see weight loss results from Pilates? ›

In summary, you can expect to see results from your Pilates practice within a few weeks to a few months, depending on various factors. Remember that consistency, quality instruction, and patience are essential components of your Pilates journey.

Can I lose belly fat with Pilates? ›

Does Pilates help you lose belly fat? Pilates Prahran can definitely help you lose belly fat, but it's important to note that targeted weight loss is not possible, meaning that if you want to lose belly fat, you'll need to aim for overall weight loss.

Why am I not losing weight with Pilates? ›

You may not lose weight with pilates if you're NOT in a calorie deficit over time. To lose weight, you must eat fewer calories than your body needs. This is a calorie deficit. To gain weight, you must eat more calories than your body needs.

Why did I gain weight after Pilates? ›

There are several research-backed reasons why you might notice a slight weight gain after exercise. These include muscle gain, water retention, post-workout inflammation, supplement use, or even undigested food. In most cases, post-workout weight gain is temporary.

Is Pilates alone enough exercise? ›

Since Pilates isn't aerobic, plan on doing this workout a few days a week along with cardio. It's demanding, but not the kind of workout that always works up a sweat. It's all about concentration and breathing. But you'll feel it in your muscles during each exercise.

Should I do Pilates in the morning or at night? ›

There is no 'best' time to do Pilates. Showing up at all is the best thing you can do. You don't need to change your routine, you just need to find the best time for you. You may find that keeping a consistent schedule helps you show up and makes your body feel prepared.

What to pair with Pilates for weight loss? ›

However, weight loss requires a calorie deficit. Therefore, to see results, it is important to ensure a healthy and sustained calorie deficit in combination with any workout plan. Thus, a person may wish to combine Pilates workouts with a nutritious, high protein diet and other forms of exercise.

Is Pilates and walking enough? ›

If done right, you can achieve amazing results with just pilates and some walking. Of course, your goals also depend. But for relatively any person who doesn't want to look like a big strong person, pilates and walking is the way to go. Most fashion models that you follow on socials do way more pilates and walking."

Can Pilates change your body in 2 weeks? ›

While individual results may vary, most people can see noticeable body changes within just three weeks. However, those who do Pilates less often may take up to eight weeks to see noticeable results in their bodies. However, Pilates changes more than just the body.

How much weight can you lose in a month with Pilates? ›

To lose one pound of fat, you have to burn off 3,500 calories more than you consume. That means if you didn't alter your diet, and assuming you practice pilates every day, you can expect to lose one pound about every 16 days. Pilates are not as vigorous an exercise as other intense forms of cardio, such as cycling.

Why am I not seeing results from Pilates? ›

To see visible results, it's important to do the right amount of Pilates consistently. That means not overdoing it, and going gung-ho trying to force your body to be something it's not ready to be. It also means, keeping up a consistent practice.

How often should I do Pilates for weight loss? ›

How Often Should You Do Pilates to Lose Weight? To help you lose weight, you should take Pilates about 3 times a week. Just keep in mind that weight loss doesn't happen with exercise alone. To lose weight, you need to take Pilates classes, address your nervous system, and eat a nourishing diet.

What happens if you just do Pilates? ›

Pilates promotes mobility and strength of all the major muscle groups in the body in a balanced fashion, whilst also having a key focus on the deep core muscles. It improves posture, flexibility, strength, balance and body awareness.

Can you get in shape just doing Pilates? ›

It's possible to strengthen, improve flexibility, and sculpt with Pilates—but as we'll soon see, it's typically not enough on its own to achieve significant muscle gains. At any rate, Pilates helps to maintain muscle since it's a form of resistance training, Aditi notes.

Is walking and Pilates enough for weight loss? ›

She told us: "The biggest misconception about pilates is that it's not enough, and can leave you 'skinny fat,' which is not true at all. A lot of people fail to realize that there are many forms and levels to Pilates. If done right, you can achieve amazing results with just pilates and some walking.


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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.