How to Make Jamie Oliver’s EASY Plum Pudding- An English Christmas Pudding Recipe (2024)

How to Make Jamie Oliver’s EASY Plum Pudding- An English Christmas Pudding Recipe (1)

What should I have for Christmas dinner? Try making an English Christmas pudding. This is a vegan Christmas pudding recipe. It is a modern easy plum pudding recipe which gives you a much lighter result or taste than a traditional Christmas pudding.

It has more dynamic flavors, and is super-easy to make. This is exactly the way you like it best. You will enjoy it!

This easy plum pudding recipe was created specifically so that it can be cooked in your microwave. (Don’t have a microwave? Turn to the traditional method of cooking or baking below.)

The “plum” in plum pudding refers to dried prunes. Over the years, some recipes evolved to exclude the prunes in favor of raisins. Today it can be made with all manner of dried and candied fruits you prefer or available.

Quick Background about English Christmas Pudding

Plum pudding (English Christmas pudding) or raisin pudding is another Christmas delicacy with origins older than Catholic religion itself. Druids or Celtic priests believed that Dagda, the god of fertility and agriculture, celebrated the winter solstice by mixing up a pudding of the earth’s bounty, including variety of fruits, meats, and spices.

For centuries the pudding was somewhat unceremoniously boiled in a sack. The Victorians finally utilized the pudding in a mold or basin to give it the more uniform shape we have today.

In England and Australia, a homemade plum pudding is usually enormous and steamed in a big heatproof bowl for hours. You can use a typical 6-cup tubed steamed plum pudding mold to reduce the cooking time.

It can be aged for days, weeks, or even months, just like a fruitcake, doused every week with about 1/4 cup of brandy, dark rum, or both. For American discerning and sophisticated tastes, a couple of days are enough.


How to Make Jamie Oliver’s EASY Plum Pudding- An English Christmas Pudding Recipe (2)

YOU SHOULD TRY THIS! If you decide to cook a Christmas pudding, so make your celebrations less stressful or demanding by cooking it in advance and simply reheating when needed.



Butter, for greasing
90g (3 oz) plain flour
¼ tsp salt
90g (3 oz) vegetable suet
½ tsp mixed spice
¼ tsp ground cinnamon
45g (1½ oz) breadcrumbs
60g (2 oz) caster sugar
60g (2 oz) chopped mixed candied peel
60g (2 oz) dark soft brown sugar
60g (2 oz) glacé cherries, chopped
90g (3 oz) currants
90g (3 oz) raisins
120g (4 oz) sultanas
45g (1½ oz) blanched almonds, chopped
30g (1 oz) peeled, cored and chopped cooking apple
Juice and finely grated zest of ½ unwaxed lemon
2 tsp golden syrup
2 tsp gravy browning
4 tbsp brandy
2 eggs, beaten
4 tbsp milk

Brandy butter or rich white brandy sauce, to serve


1) GREASE A 1.7-LITRE (3-pint) pudding basin. Sift the flour and salt together into a large mixing bowl, and then add all the dry ingredients on the list, down to and including the apple and lemon zest and mix until combined. Stir in all the remaining ingredients and pour the pudding mixture into the greased basin.

2) COVER SECURELY WITH A LID or double layer of greaseproof paper. Cook in an 800W (or above) microwave on the High setting for 5 minutes, leave to stand for 5 minutes, then repeat.

3) Transfer the pudding mold to a wire rack and let cool for 10 minutes. Invert the pudding onto a plate. Cool completely. Wrap the pudding in aluminum foil and refrigerate at least overnight and up to 3 days.

4) You can serve straight away or store in the fridge until needed and reheat as described below.

5) Douse in rum or brandy, set alight if you wish, and serve with your choice of brandy butter, rich white brandy sauce, custard or cream.

6) You can either drizzle it with golden syrup and a swig of Bourbon or be a bit flashier and gently heat a good few swigs of Bourbon and flame the plum pudding.

HOW TO FLAME A CHRISTMAS PUDDING? In a small saucepan, heat the brandy over low heat just until warm. Do not allow the brandy to come to a boil. (Brandy won’t flame unless it is warm, but if overheated, it could unexpectedly ignite.)

Carefully pour the warm brandy over the pudding and light the brandy with a match. Present the flaming pudding, spooning the brandy over the top of the pudding until it extinguishes. You can serve it hot, with the Hard Pudding Sauce.

When the flame subsides drizzle with golden syrup. Serve with cream, custard or even ice cream.

7) TO REHEAT A PUDDING COOKED IN A MICROWAVE, REMOVE THE PUDDING from the basin and sprinkle with 1½ teaspoons of water. Cover with cling film and cook in the microwave for 4 minutes. Leave for 4 minutes, and then cook for a further 3 minutes.


1) Grease two 1.1-litre (2-pint) pudding basins or one 2.3-litre (4-pint) basin. Pour the mixture into the greased basin(s), right up to the top.

2) Cover securely with a lid or foil and steam the smaller puddings for 6 hours or the larger one for 10 hours.

3) When the time’s up, lift out the bowl, remove the foil and paper, then carefully turn the pudding out on to a plate ready to serve, or leave to cool and reheat just before you need it.


Some hard-line traditional cooks wouldn’t dream of serving plum pudding without hard sauce (creamed butter and confectioners’ sugar spiked with brandy). Most people prefer the coolness of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream with the warm pudding. It’s up to you!

1) How to Make Hard Sauce?: In a medium bowl, using a handheld electric mixer set at high speed, beat 1 cup (2 sticks) room temperature unsalted butter until creamy, about 1 minute.

2) On low speed, gradually beat in 1 cup confectioners’ sugar.

3) Beat in 2 tablespoons brandy, 2 tablespoons dark rum, and 1 /4 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg.

4) Serve at room temperature. (The hard sauce can be prepared up to 1 day ahead, covered tightly and refrigerated. Return to room temperature.)


To reheat plum or raisin pudding, butter the steamed pudding mold well. Unwrap the pudding. To heat by steam, slip it back into the mold. Place the mold in the pot and steam again in simmering water until heated through, about 1 hour.

To reheat, steam the smaller puddings for about 1 hour; the larger for 2 hours.

To reheat in a microwave, place the pudding, upside down, in a large microwave-safe bowl. Cover the pudding with plastic wrap. Heat on Medium-High (70 percent power) until heated through, 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the wattage of your oven (the higher the wattage, the less time needed to reheat the pudding).

The pudding is heated through when an instant-read thermometer inserted in the center reads 165°F. Be careful of the steam when you uncover the pudding. Invert the pudding onto a rimmed heatproof plate.


1) Cold plum pudding leftovers are delicious with a slice of British cheese, such as Lancashire.

2) How long can you keep a Christmas plum pudding? Plum pudding is usually aged for a month or more, or even a year; the alcohol content of the pudding prevents it from spoiling during this time.

3) Old recipes for plum pudding call for beef suet, the hard, crisp fat around the kidneys. My grandmother prefers to use butter because it’s easier to find, but you can substitute shredded beef suet.

4) Suet (beef suet) can be bought in natural form in many supermarkets. As it is the fat from around the kidneys, the connective tissue, blood and other non-fat items must be removed.

It then needs to be coarsely grated to make it ready to use. It must be kept refrigerated before use and used within a few days of purchase, just like meat.

Pre-packaged suet sold in supermarkets is dehydrated suet. It is mixed with flour to make it stable at room temperature. Because of this, some care is needed when using it for older recipes that call for fresh suet as the proportions of flour to fat can alter. Most modern recipes specify packaged suet.

5) Caster sugar, often spelled castor sugar, is a term that is used in England, but most of us here in the U.S. of A. have never heard of it. It is actually just superfine granulated sugar and you may find it labeled as plainly superfine.

Try Other Pudding and Related Recipes:

How to Make Saffron Rice Pudding- Easy Saffron Recipes

How to Make Sweet Potato Pie with Condensed Milk- Easy Sweet Potato Pie Recipe

11 Yummy and Easy Pudding Recipes without Oven (Video Recipes)

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Vegetable suet is available in supermarkets in the United Kingdom and also on, made from fat such as palm oil combined with wheat flour (Atora/Tesco) or rice flour (Morrisons).

It resembles shredded beef suet, and is used as a vegetarian substitute in recipes, but with slightly different results from animal suet. Vegetable suet is also available in light versions with lower fat content. Please refer PUDDING INGREDIENTS list above if you want to purchase one.


Jamie Oliver. 2017. Jamie Oliver's Christmas Cookbook: For the Best Christmas Ever. Flatiron Books. ISBN-13: 978-1250146267

Rick Rodgers. 2009. Christmas 101: Celebrate the Holiday Season from Christmas to New Year's (Holidays 101). HarperCollins e-books. ASIN: B000W93BJQ

The Pudding Club (Author). 2014. Great British Puddings: 140 Sweet, Sticky, Yummy, Classic Recipes from the Pudding Club of Great Britain. Ebury Press. ISBN-13: 978-0091945428

How to Make Jamie Oliver’s EASY Plum Pudding- An English Christmas Pudding Recipe (2024)


What is the difference between plum pudding and Christmas pudding? ›

Why is Christmas pudding also known as plum pudding? The interesting thing is, plum pudding does not contain any plum! This goes back to the Victorian practice of substituting dried plums with other dried fruits, such as raisins.

What is the British Christmas pudding? ›

No British Christmas is complete without a Christmas Pudding. Unlike American puddings, a Christmas Pudding has a sticky, dense sponge, much like a fruitcake, made from mixed dried fruit, candied fruit peel, apple, citrus juice, and zest. Brandy and spices provide a deep, complex flavor and signature dark color.

What is traditional English pudding made of? ›

Traditional puddings are often made of leftover or stale bread, usually with a sauce or custard. Bread and Butter Pudding has slices or cubes of bread baked in custard, often flavored with spices or dried fruit. Summer Pudding consists of slices of bread around the edge of a pudding basin/bowl.

What is hidden in English Christmas pudding? ›

It was common practice to include small silver coins in the pudding mixture, which could be kept by the person whose serving included them. The usual choice was a silver threepence or a sixpence.

What is Christmas pudding called in the USA? ›

Christmas Pudding (also known as plum pudding or figgy pudding) is a dish as famous as it is misunderstood.

What is traditional plum pudding made of? ›

Directions. In a large bowl, combine flour, bread crumbs, suet, eggs, carrot, apple, brown sugar, chopped blanched almonds, stem ginger, ground almonds, cherries, raisins, currants, golden raisins, mixed peel, plums, lemon juice and zest, mixed spice, baking powder and ale.

What is British pudding called in America? ›

American puddings are closer to what the Brits would call "custard." A British pudding is a dish, savory or sweet, that's cooked by being boiled or steamed in something: a dish, a piece of cloth, or even animal intestine.

What alcohol do you pour on Christmas pudding? ›

How do I flame the Christmas pudding? Turn out the steamed pudding onto a serving plate with a good-sized rim around the edge to catch any spirit. The important thing is to get the spirit really hot. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of brandy, rum or whisky into a long-handled metal ladle and heat it over a gas flame until hot.

Why do Christians eat Christmas pudding? ›

Religious significance

It is believed that a Christmas pudding must contain thirteen ingredients. These ingredients each represent Jesus and each of his twelve disciples. Traditionally, brandy is poured over the Christmas pudding and set aflame before serving. The flames are believed to represent Christ's passion.

Can I use butter instead of suet in Christmas pudding? ›

It's best not to. Suet is a very hard fat, which melts slowly through a mixture during the cooking, whereas butter melts very easily and quickly through a mixture. They are different types of fats and shouldn't be substituted for each other.

What is the sixpence in Christmas pudding? ›

The Christmas sixpence

A silver sixpence was placed into the pudding mix and every member of the household gave the mix a stir. Whoever found the sixpence in their own piece of the pudding on Christmas Day would see it as a sign that they would enjoy wealth and good luck in the year to come.

Why is American pudding so different from British pudding? ›

Pudding can be sweet or savory, a course or a dish

Further complicating the linguistic difference between American and British "pudding" is the fact that in the U.K., pudding may refer not to a dish or recipe at all, but to a course.

What was in the original Christmas pudding? ›

The pudding we know today began life as a pottage. This was a kind of broth, including raisins and other dried fruit, spices and wine. It was thickened with breadcrumbs or ground almonds. Not dissimilar to the mince pies of yesteryear, it often included meat or at least meat stock.

Is plum pudding the same as figgy pudding? ›

Figgy pudding is a specific type of Christmas or plum pudding that contains figs as a primary ingredient along with other dried fruits,” Heron says.

What is the button in the plum pudding? ›

Bachelor's Button: If a single man found it, they would be stay single for the following year. Spinster's/Old Maid's Thimble: If a single woman found it, they would be stay single for the following year. A Ring: If a single person found this, it meant you will get married in the following year!

Is a British Christmas pudding the same as an American fruit cake? ›

You're forgiven if you think Christmas Pudding is the round English version of an American fruitcake. While it has similarities, they are altogether different. Both improve with age and include dried fruits, chopped nuts, hearty spices, and steep in a cold dark spot for weeks, but that is where the similarities end.

What do Americans call Christmas pudding? ›

Christmas pudding might seem a bit strange to Americans

Christmas pudding, also referred to as figgy pudding or plum pudding, is another long-time holiday tradition in the UK.

What's the difference between Christmas pudding and figgy pudding? ›

Figgy pudding is a specific type of Christmas or plum pudding that contains figs as a primary ingredient along with other dried fruits,” Heron says. “However, the name 'figgy pudding' doesn't always mean it exclusively contains figs. It could contain a variety of dried fruits in addition to or alongside figs.

Why was the plum pudding replaced? ›

The Plum Pudding model persisted until Ernest Rutherford discovered the existence of the nucleus in the alpha particle scattering experiment (detailed below). With the discovery of the nucleus, atoms could no longer be considered as solid spheres, so the accepted model changed to the Nuclear model.


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