How to Make Almond Milk (Recipe + Variations) (2024)

Almond milk is a healthy and inexpensive alternative toconventional dairy that you can easily make at home!Statistics show that many people are choosing dairy-free milks and other products due to allergies, concerns about sourcing, or just taste preference.

Why Make Almond Milk?

Like virtually every other food or drink, almond milk is both less expensive and healthier when you make it yourself. While there are decent store bought brands available now, many brands contain additives like carrageenanto remain shelf stable and a keep aconsistenttexture.

Almond milk is a low glycemic alternative to rice milk, and doesn’t cause problems with hormone levels like soy milk does. It can be used in place of regular milk in recipes and baking. It is easy to make and has a light taste.

We used almond milk when we were working on reversing our son’s dairy intolerance and I still often use it (or homemade coconut milk) in recipes, coffee, or to drink simply because it is so inexpensive and easy to make.

If you are dairy free, making your own almond milk is a great way to save money and avoid additives. As a bonus, you can use the leftover almond pulp to make almond flour for use in recipes! If you are nut free as well, coconut milk is another good alternative.

If you go through a lot of almond milk in your home, I have found that it is much faster to use the Nutr Machine. While it can be pricey (use code WELLNESSMAMA10 for a discount), it can pay for itself very quickly if you use it often enough!

How to Store Homemade Almond Milk

This recipe lasts approximately 4 days in the refrigerator. Our family easily consumes this much almond milk in a few days, but if you won’t use this, it is best to reduce the recipe and make less to use as you need it.

How to Make Almond Milk (Recipe + Variations) (1)

Homemade Almond Milk Recipe

This almond milk recipe is super simple to make at home in just minutes! It is customizable so you can adjust the sweetness and even add flavor, plus it is naturally dairy free, paleo, vegan and all around delicious!

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4 cups



  • If desired, soak almonds for at least 12 hours in pure water with 1/2 tsp sea salt. This is an important step as it breaks down the phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors and cultures beneficial enzymes in the almonds. The longer the almonds soak, the creamier the finished milk will be. (Side note: soaking nuts should be done before eating them as well. Soak nuts in salt water for 12 hours, rinse them, and dry in oven on lowest heat. See tutorial here.)

  • Drain the soaking water and rinse the almonds well. Do not keep this water to re-use as it contains phytic acid and is best to discard it.

  • In blender or Vitamix combine almonds and pure water along with vanilla, sweeteners, or any other optional ingredients. See the notes below for some flavor suggestions.

  • Blend 2-3 minutes until smooth and creamy. Mixture will expand some, so make sure your blender is not full before starting it.

  • Strain mixture into a large bowl through a sprout bag, cheesecloth, or thin kitchen towel.

  • Pour into glass jar or pitcher and store in refrigerator for up to four days.


Nutrition Facts

Homemade Almond Milk Recipe

Amount Per Serving (1 /2 cup)

Calories 34Calories from Fat 36

% Daily Value*

Fat 4g6%

Saturated Fat 0.3g2%

Sodium 6mg0%

Carbohydrates 1.9g1%

Fiber 1g4%

Sugar 0.4g0%

Protein 1.9g4%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.


Reuse the Pulp: Save the pulp of the almonds, put on cookie sheet and dehydrate in oven on lowest heat until completely dry. Run through blender or food processor to make almond flour, which can be used in recipes in place of flour. Alternately, just store in the refrigerator for use in baking or smoothies.

Flavor Variations: Add ½ cup strawberries for strawberry almond milk, 1-2 TBSP cocoa powder for chocolate almond milk, or any other flavor you can imagine!

Imitation Store Bought Almond Milk: This recipe will produce a creamy almond milk that is much better than store bought almond milk (in my opinion). Most store bought milks only use 2% almonds so they are low calorie but you’re essentially buying water in a box. If you prefer this type of almond milk, you can reduce the amount of almonds to ¼ or ½ cup and use the recipe above.

Like this recipe? Check out my new cookbook, or get all my recipes (over 500!) in a personalized weekly meal planner here!

Do you eat almonds? Ever used almond or coconut milk in place of regular milk? Tell me below!

How to Make Almond Milk (Recipe + Variations) (2024)


How do you jazz up almond milk? ›

Sweeten almond milk with maple syrup, honey, agave nectar or granulated sugar. Stir in 1 tbsp. (12 g or 14.8 ml) of the sweetener for every 4 cups (0.95 l) of unsweetened almond milk. Stir very well, until the granules dissolve.

What are different ways to use almond milk? ›

Almond milk is also terrific in place of dairy milk in French toast, bread pudding, mashed potatoes, creamy bisques or curries, ice cream (churned), baked goods and, of course, smoothies and milkshakes.

Is it cheaper to make almond milk than buy? ›

If you're purely looking at numbers, the answer is clear: It's mostly cheaper to buy packaged milk than to DIY. This is likely because non-dairy milk producers buy massive quantities of nuts in bulk, which reduces cost significantly.

How do you change the taste of almond milk? ›

But consider this: Dairy milk has naturally-occurring sweet and salty flavors. Without them, nut milk tastes flat and one-note. Add a pinch of salt and a little agave, honey, or maple syrup to the mix after blending. Or, do as Music does and soak the nuts with a cinnamon stick, a pinch of salt, and a date.

Is almond milk healthier than regular milk? ›

Compared to animal milk, unsweetened almond milk – but not the sweetened kind – is low in sugars and carbohydrates. It has 50% to 80% fewer calories than dairy milk. It's considered a low glycemic index food. This means it's less likely to cause blood sugar spikes.

What tastes good with almond milk? ›

  • Smoothies. We'll agree that smoothies are one of the most obvious places to use almond milk, but there's good reason to pour in a splash! ...
  • Almond Blender Pancakes. ...
  • Blueberry Muffins. ...
  • Raspberry Almond Oatmeal. ...
  • French Toast. ...
  • Breakfast Casserole. ...
  • Almond Milk Chai Latte. ...
  • Mac and Cheese.
Jan 31, 2023

What to avoid when buying almond milk? ›

6 ingredients you should avoid in plant-based milks
  • Genetically modified oils. ...
  • Emulsifiers and gums. ...
  • Evaporated cane juice, cane sugar or cane syrup. ...
  • Natural flavours and natural colours. ...
  • Vitamin D2. ...
  • Carrageenan.
Jan 16, 2023

What is the best way to drink almond milk? ›

Uses of almond milk

as a nutritious, refreshing drink. in cereal, muesli, or oats. in your tea, coffee, or hot chocolate. in smoothies.

Can you heat almond milk like regular milk? ›

Almond milk: Almond milk is a popular choice for smoothies, cereal, and other cold drinks, but it can be a bit trickier to use in cooking and baking. While it can be heated, it has a tendency to separate and curdle at high temperatures, so it's best to use it in recipes that don't require a lot of heat.

How many almonds to make 1 cup of almond milk? ›

The short answers is that this recipe is based off of 1 cup of almonds. You can blend that 1 cup of almonds to make about 3 cups of milk or up to 5 cups of milk. The lesser amount makes a more full-flavored milk, and of course the higher amount of water added makes a thinner almond milk.

How long does homemade almond milk last? ›

Homemade almond milk stored in the refrigerator will last about five days. Almond milk bought from the refrigerated section of your market will last in your fridge for about seven to 10 days. Shelf-stable almond milk will last one to two months in your pantry and up to 10 days in the fridge after opening.

Why is everyone switching to almond milk? ›

Some people drink almond milk because they have lactose intolerance, meaning their body can't break down lactose—the natural sugar in dairy milk. Almond milk is lactose-free, making it a simple solution for those who want to drink milk but don't want to experience bloating and gas after drinking it.

Why is my homemade almond milk bitter? ›

Soaking roasted nuts brings out their bitterness, and because they're drier to begin with, they yield a gritty milk.

Why add salt to almond milk? ›

For any nut milk, you only need nuts and water. But I love a touch of sweetness which is why I add real maple syrup. You can also use agave or honey. Salt is added to naturally preserve the milk.

How to thicken almond milk for coffee creamer? ›

The only way almond milk thick like heavy cream would be to use a thickener. If you don't want to use heat and cornstarch, rice flower or arrowroot you can use xanthan gum (zan than gum).

How to make almond milk taste better in coffee? ›

Tip: It's best to add hint of sweetener when using almond milk in coffee, even if you don't typically sweeten your coffee drinks. Almond milk has an almost bitter flavor compared to milk, which is lighter and sweeter.

How do you drink plain almond milk? ›

Almond milk can be drunk as it is available without adding anything to it. As it is a plant-based milk alternative, it can be used in all the ways that milk can be used. For example, it can be used for making your daily tea and coffee. You can also replace the milk in your cereal with almond milk.

What to do with old almond milk? ›

Almond milk can go bad or rancid. “Signs of spoilage include discoloration or foul odor. It can get lumpy or develop specs of mold,” White says. “Bottom line: when in doubt, toss it!”


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