How Often Do I Need to Do Pilates to Get Results? - Moving Spirit Pilates (2024)

“How often do I need to do Pilates to get results?” This question comes up a lot with newcomers to the Pilates method, and sometimes with veterans of the technique too. Standard guidelines suggest that a minimum of twice to three times per week is necessary to get good results. I’d say that’s mostly true. But I’m not one to stick to protocols just because they’re protocols. I want the best solution FOR YOU. To help you make a smart choice, let’s unpack the question a little further. After answering a few important questions, you’ll have a pretty clear idea about how often you need to do Pilates to get the results you want.

What kind of results do you want?

To know how to get where you’re going, you have to have some idea of where you want to go! What do you hope to achieve? What is the quality of your movement and the state of your overall fitness right now? The goals you start with will have some bearing on your optimal training frequency. Here are a few things to consider:

General Fitness

If general fitness is your goal, then a minimum of twice to three times per week is a pretty good guideline. The Pilates method was designed as a whole and integrated system. Pilates mat work provides a deep connection to you and your own body moving, with limited props and assists. You can take it with you anywhere! The apparatus work (reformer/cadillac/wonderchair etc) offers opportunities to support, load and challenge the body in a variety of different ways. Bodies need variety to learn and get stronger! Mix up your Pilates classes for best results.

Cross Training & Performance

If you’re using Pilates as cross training to improve athletic performance; the frequency necessary to get meaningful results will depend on a number of factors. Your athletic goals, current movement patterning, your training/competition/performance cycles and even available time are considerations when calculating frequency. For many, a Pilates class once or twice a week will be enough to support more efficient movement and improved performance. For others, a more frequent dose of Pilates may be helpful to organize the body well for the demands of the sport/profession. Pilates can help you find a whole new gear in your athletic pursuits.

How Often Do I Need to Do Pilates to Get Results? - Moving Spirit Pilates (1)Movement Restoration/Rehabilitation

If you’re rehabilitating an injury, or illness, you have to consider the impact of physical activity on your whole system. Every movement is a whole body movement! When we work to rehabilitate any one part, we have to consider the effects on the whole body. This can take some concentration, and some time. As you recover, you will first be working to deconstruct compensation, perhaps manage pain, and create access to appropriate support and patterning. Then you’ll work to create stamina and strength in the new patterns. Then you’ll progressively integrate all of that in to a whole body movement program. Short cuts here cost you later. Take the time to do it well, and your body will thank you with a much better recovery overall.

Where are you NOW?

Be real with yourself. What is going on in your body right now? Your base level of fitness will have in impact on what is immediately possible to achieve. No matter where you start, you will see results right away if you commit to the work. But if you’re starting at zero, give yourself a little time. Don’t expect to be climbing Everest in the next month. Real change requires commitment and some time.

Pilates has a learning curve!

No matter how fit and athletic you may be, there is a learning curve to Pilates. You will be asked to access new muscles, and to create movement in a way that you may not be used to doing. You may need to focus on releasing currently overactive patterns so you can gain access to new strength. Shifting HOW you move requires concentration and practice. There is a technique and often a re-education to this! (Check out this article on Integrating New Movement Patterns into Higher Level Activities)

Beginner Level:

You’ll learn the form of a whole bunch of new exercises, and the breath patterns that go with each of them. You’ll learn how to connect to your “core” in a supportive and functional way. You will realize that your “core” is not just about your abdominal muscles. Your early workouts may feel more like mental gymnastics than a serious sweat session. You will begin to integrate your whole body in a way that creates a sense of ease and flow.

Intermediate Level:

As you become more practiced in the Pilates method, you will experience a deeper understanding of your own body in motion. You will progressively gain better mobility, strength and control. Your body will be capable of more complex movements without strain. You’ll likely find that you can support more load with less effort. There are more advanced exercises to learn, but even the basics will net better results because you can work through them with a more knowledgable and physically capable system. Movements in other parts of your life will likely feel lighter and more pleasurable. If you’re an athlete, you might notice that you have “more in the tank” than you’re used to, without other contributing factors.

How Often Do I Need to Do Pilates to Get Results? - Moving Spirit Pilates (2)Advanced Level:

At an advanced level, the body becomes capable of sophisticated movement in a wide variety of planes and under a wide spectrum of load demands. You’ll experience a quality of flow as you negotiate difficult physical challenges. The breath becomes truly integrated into every motion, informing and supporting the body. Rather than feeling “beaten up” and depleted by hard workouts, you might feel energized. One of my favourite descriptions from a student was that she experienced feeling “buff but loose” at the same time. In martial arts, some say that the real learning begins at the black belt level. I think the same is true of Pilates. At this level, it’s not about fancy tricks, although those are always fun. There is a depth to the work in the body that can feel truly nourishing.

Seriously, How Often Do I Need to Do Pilates to Get Results?

Once a week:

Once a week is not ideal, but you will see some benefits regardless. You will will learn the exercises and gain some confidence in creating access to your core support. If you continue working out once a week for several months, you will begin to create some change in your movement patterns. Once a week won’t likely develop the strength and stamina you need to sustain the changes or to make substantive structural change. You may spend a significant portion of each session just trying to find the connections you discovered the week before. Although you’ll feel great after class, the results you achieve each time will be hard to hold onto for any length of time.

Twice a week:

With more frequent practice comes more reliable control and an improvement in mobility, strength and stamina. At twice a week, you can begin to build on important connections created in the last class, rather than having to re-create those connections every time. Exercises will be more familiar, so you can spend more mental energy on HOW you’re doing, not just WHAT you’re doing. More frequent practice means steadier improvement.

Three times a week

If you’re looking to create change and develop whole body fitness using the Pilates method, three times a week is often the sweet spot. More focused concentration and continued practice creates changes in the brain that will support more optimal movement patterning. Frequency promotes the development of strength and stamina in the particular way that Pilates promotes. Your new movement patterns remain fresh and available to you, so you can build on them and challenge them more fully each time.

How Often Do I Need to Do Pilates to Get Results? - Moving Spirit Pilates (3)Four or more times a week

There is a lot more to life than Pilates. Get out and play! Challenge your body in different ways. Dance, run, play soccer, ride your bike, play with your kids, lift weights… whatever turns you on! This is particularly true if Pilates is currently your only fitness activity. Unless there is a particular reason you need the kind of support a daily Pilates practice provides, mix up your workouts when you can. To be truly healthy, bodies need to move in a variety of different ways, at different intensity and different speeds. When you start feeling too comfortable, or “expert” at anything – introduce some new challenges!

But Pilates can be expensive!

Pilates is definitely not the cheapest fitness option in the world, particularly if you are taking reformer/apparatus classes. But there are ways to manage it’s really your jam. If you plan on investing in Pilates training for more than a fun, trendy fitness hit – do your homework! Teachers with comprehensive training and experience will often provide better support in reaching your goals. Not all Pilates is equal. Spend your money wisely.

There is a saying that “you can spend money on your health now, or on illness later.” Making a strategic investment in healthy food and fitness is a choice that will increase the likelihood for active, independent aging. (In this Forbes article, fitness is the first of “6 things You Need to Spend More Money On“). What value do you put on your ability to move freely into old age? Regardless of whether you do Pilates or not… you should probably move more.

How Often Do I Need to Do Pilates to Get Results? - Moving Spirit Pilates (4)Talk to your Pilates teacher about what frequency is best for you based on your needs and what you are able to afford. There may be ways to balance reformer/apparatus and mat work in a way you can manage financially. If you’re dealing with a specific issue, you might want to consider more frequent classes initially. When you get some real traction on the issue you’re working with, you can reduce frequency as appropriate. Many Pilates teachers can set you up with a home program, or teach you strategies for carrying your Pilates learning into other aspects of your life and fitness.

Pilates works

Pilates is a fantastic way to create a supple, strong and capable body now and into old age. For lasting results, and to open the door to a truly transformative experience, you need to commit to a regular Pilates practice. Scheduling a class once every few weeks can feel good in the moment; but it’s not the path to really meaningful results. Find a teacher you trust, work together to create a plan that will realistically take you where you want to go. So much more is possible than you probably even imagine for yourself right now. Plan your Pilates practice and reach for the the results that are waiting for you. You’re worth it!

Check our Moving Spirit’s Getting Started Guide to learn more about our programs, and book an Introductory Private Training Package today.

About Susannah Steers

How Often Do I Need to Do Pilates to Get Results? - Moving Spirit Pilates (5)Susannah is a Pilates and Integrated Movement Specialist, and owner of Moving Spirit. Through movement teaching, speaking and facilitating workshops, she supports people in creating movement practices that promote fitness from the inside out. She loves building community, and forging multi-disciplinary connections. Susannah co-hosts the Small Conversations for a Better World Podcast, an interview-based podcast dedicated to promoting the kind of conversations about health that can spark positive change in individuals, families, communities and across the globe.

How Often Do I Need to Do Pilates to Get Results? - Moving Spirit Pilates (2024)


How Often Do I Need to Do Pilates to Get Results? - Moving Spirit Pilates? ›

“For anything that you're starting to build a real impactful relationship with, three times a week is a good place to start to really commit and to be able to feel and see your progress,” she says. Maybe you are wondering when you can expect to feel stronger and have more defined muscles.

How often do you need to go to Pilates to see results? ›

“For anything that you're starting to build a real impactful relationship with, three times a week is a good place to start to really commit and to be able to feel and see your progress,” she says. Maybe you are wondering when you can expect to feel stronger and have more defined muscles.

How long does it take for Pilates to transform your body? ›

While individual experiences will vary, many people begin to notice physical improvements within a few weeks of consistent Pilates practice (usually the initial results within about 3 weeks) This is because even in the first few weeks, your ability to activate the correct muscles and be aware of your posture begins to ...

How many times a week should you do Pilates to make a difference? ›

Because Pilates is a low impact exercise, it can be done more frequently than other forms of exercise as it doesn't require as much recovery between sessions. If Pilates is your only form of exercise, we recommend 2-3 sessions per week, ideally with a mix of equipment Pilates and mat-based Pilates.

Is 2 Reformer Pilates classes a week enough? ›

Two Reformer Pilates classes a week can be a great start to your fitness journey. It's enough to begin experiencing the benefits, such as increased flexibility, core strength, and stress reduction. However, like any fitness regime, the more you put in, the more you get out.

Why am I not seeing results from Pilates? ›

To see visible results, it's important to do the right amount of Pilates consistently. That means not overdoing it, and going gung-ho trying to force your body to be something it's not ready to be. It also means, keeping up a consistent practice.

Is 20 minutes of Pilates a day enough to lose weight? ›

If you're following the right workouts, absolutely! 20-minutes a day is plenty to get you in Pilates shape. And if the alternative is not doing Pilates at all, then it's even better (you gotta work with what you've got).

How Pilates changed my body shape? ›

Pilates Sculpts Long, Lean, Strong Muscles

Balance postures, deep core movements, and small, repetitive exercises that test endurance will transform your body and build strength by lengthening, toning, sculpting and strengthening. You will be able to see visible muscles along your arms, abs, and legs—long and lean.

Is Pilates and walking enough exercise? ›

If done right, you can achieve amazing results with just pilates and some walking. Of course, your goals also depend. But for relatively any person who doesn't want to look like a big strong person, pilates and walking is the way to go.

How to get the best results from Pilates? ›

Make Pilates part of your routine: You'll have more fun and experience real effects of the practice if you attend three to five classes each week – at least while you're still learning. The more classes you do, the more the movements will 'make sense' and flow on to greater strength, and mobility.

Is it better to do Pilates in the morning or at night? ›

There is no 'best' time to do Pilates. Showing up at all is the best thing you can do. You don't need to change your routine, you just need to find the best time for you. You may find that keeping a consistent schedule helps you show up and makes your body feel prepared.

What is a good Pilates schedule? ›

In conclusion, Pilates is an excellent way to achieve your fitness goals, and the ideal schedule will depend on the type of Pilates you are doing and your fitness level. But if you're looking to see real results, aim to attend classes three to four times per week or up to five times a week if using a Pilates reformer.

How often should I do Pilates to lose weight? ›

How Often Should You Do Pilates to Lose Weight? To help you lose weight, you should take Pilates about 3 times a week. Just keep in mind that weight loss doesn't happen with exercise alone. To lose weight, you need to take Pilates classes, address your nervous system, and eat a nourishing diet.

How long before I see results from Pilates reformer? ›

After two months of regular pilates practice, individuals may begin to notice improved overall fitness. Pilates can lead to improved cardiovascular health, increased muscle tone, and reduced stress levels.

Why is Reformer Pilates so addictive? ›

Mind-body connection: Reformer Pilates emphasizes the mind-body connection and the importance of proper form and technique. The focus on the present moment and the physical sensations of the body can be calming and meditative, which some people find addictive.

Is reformer Pilates better than weight training? ›

If you're looking to develop a lean and toned body, improve flexibility, and alleviate musculoskeletal issues, Reformer Pilates is a compelling option. In contrast, if your focus is on building muscle mass, increasing strength, and improving athletic performance, weight training may align better with your objectives.

How many Pilates sessions does it take to change your body? ›

Joseph Pilates has a famous quote: “In 10 sessions you will feel the difference, in 20 you will see the difference, and in 30 you'll have a whole new body.” I committed to 30 sessions, which broke down to about three times a week over three months.

How long should a Pilates workout be to be effective? ›

For most individuals, sticking to 20 minutes for a Pilates session is enough. So, 20 minutes / 3 times a week is a good schedule to begin with. You may find that as you get more comfortable with the routines and you begin to get stronger and more flexibile that you will want to increase this to 30 minutes or more.


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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

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Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.