Hearty Vegan Stew Recipe (2024)

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Hearty Vegan Stew Italian style featuring gnocchi dumplings, meaty jackfruit, peas and carrots and a thick red wine gravy. No beef, one pot comforting stew that checks all the boxes. Rich, savory and whole foods plant based recipe.

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Vegan Stew

You’ll find a number of plant based stews on this blog, it’s really hard for me to actually choose a favorite. From the now famous jackfruit stew to my soy curl veggie stew, spiced chickpea stew, and this comforting mushroom bourguignon, they are all equally delicious stews but also unique in the way they deliver their deliciousness.

And if you make a loaf of this crusty bread to dunk into it you are without a doubt the king / queen of your castle!

Recipe Tips + FAQ

  • Which jackfruit should you use in this stew ? Glad you asked as this is very important! The jackfruit has to be young unripe, so before it gets sweet. My favorite for making stews are these organic jackfruit pieces i buy in bulk from amazon. You could also use canned jackfruit packed in water / brine not syrup. Make sure to rinse it well before cooking.
  • How do you thicken the stew ? Before adding the veggie stock to the pot I whisked in some whole wheat pastry flour. This way the stew naturally thickens as it cooks and no lumps are formed. If you prefer a thinner stew or want to make it gluten-free you can omit the flour. The gnocchi will add lots of body and texture too.
  • Can I use potatoes instead of gnocchi ? Sure you can use about 1 pound of diced golden potatoes if you prefer or any homemade dumplings.
  • Storage: The leftovers keep well in the fridge up to 4 days. They can also be frozen in lidded freezer proof containers or mason jars up to 4 months. Take care not to overfill the jars or containers and remember to thaw out in the fridge the night before reheating.
  • How to serve it: Since this is already such a hearty meal, there’s no need for rice or pasta. A thick slice of homemade bread charred under the broiler and rubbed with garlic aka bruschetta is as perfect as it’s gonna get. However you can top it with these olive oil mashed potatoes and turn it into an awesome Italian style Shepherd’s pie.

more hearty stews

Vegan Shepherd’s Pie

Vegan Zuppa Toscana

Mushroom Bourguignon

Red Lentil Stew.

Hearty Vegan Stew Recipe (8)

4.67 from 9 votes

Hearty Vegan Stew

Hearty vegan stew Italian style featuring gnocchi dumplings, meaty jackfruit, peas and carrots and a thick red wine gravy. No beef, one pot comforting stew that checks all the boxes. Rich, savory and whole foods plant based recipe.

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Prep Time:15 minutes mins

Cook Time:1 hour hr

Total Time:1 hour hr 15 minutes mins


  • 1 yellow onion diced
  • 2 carrots sliced into rounds
  • 3 cloves garlic minced
  • 2 lb jackfruit pieces rinsed well
  • 1 lb gnocchi Italian potato dumplings
  • 1 cup fresh tomatoes diced
  • 3/4 cup frozen green peas (thawed out and rinsed)
  • 8 sprigs fresh thyme
  • 3 whole cloves
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 tbsp smoked paprika you can sub sweet paprika
  • 1/3 cup whole wheat pastry flour
  • 1/3 cup fresh Italian parsley roughly chopped
  • 6 cups vegetable stock low sodium
  • 1/3 cup red wine
  • sea salt + black pepper to taste

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  • Preheat a heavy bottom dutch oven over medium low heat and sautee the onion and carrot in a drop of oil or a splash of water until the onion is translucent. (omit oil to be WFPB & Plantricious compliant).

  • Stir in the garlic and cook a few seconds until fragrant.

  • Add the jackfruit pieces, thyme, bay and the red wine. Simmer until the wine is almost evaporated. (It's very important that you allow the wine to evaporate or the stew won't taste right).

  • Meanwhile whisk the flour with the vegetable stock until combined and add it to the pot with the jackfruit. Bring to a simmer and stir in the paprika and cloves.

  • Cook everything together for 45 minutes until the jackfruit is fork tender.

  • Stir in the gnocchi, tomatoes and green peas and cook a few extra minutes until the gnocchi float to the top and the green peas are cooked through to your liking.

  • Discard the thyme sprigs and whole cloves and season the stew to your taste with sea salt and black pepper.

  • Stir in the fresh parsley and serve!

Slow Cooker Method:

  • Saute the onion and carrot with a pinch of salt until translucent. Stir in the garlic and cook 30 seconds longer.

  • Add the cooked onion, carrot and garlic to a slow cooker with the jackfruit, red wine and all the spices.

  • Whisk in the flour and veggie stock and add them to the slow cooker. Cover and cook on slow for 5-6 hours or on hight 2 - 3 hours. Add the gnocchi and green peas and return back to high heat for 20 minutes or so until the gnocchi are cooked through. Season to taste with salt and pepper and serve.


  • You can use about 1 pound of diced golden potatoes instead of gnocchi or any homemade dumplings.
  • The leftovers keep well in the fridge up to 4 days. They can also be frozen in lidded freezer proof containers or mason jars up to 4 months. Take care not to overfill the jars or containers and remember to thaw out in the fridge the night before reheating.
  • WFPB and Plantricious - for the recipe to be fully compliant you must omit all oil and make sure to use a whole grain gnocchi made with whole wheat, brown rice or corn flour.
  • If using canned jackfruit but would like to give it a brown color, simply rinse it and marinate in 2 tablespoons of soy sauce for 15 minutes before adding it to the stew.


Calories: 508kcal | Carbohydrates: 116g | Protein: 10g | Fat: 2g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Sodium: 458mg | Potassium: 661mg | Fiber: 10g | Sugar: 6g | Vitamin A: 6992IU | Vitamin C: 32mg | Calcium: 187mg | Iron: 7mg

Course: Main Course

Cuisine: Italian

Keyword: jackfruit, meatless stew, vegan stew

Servings: 4 people

Calories: 508kcal

Author: Florentina


Hearty Vegan Stew Recipe (2024)


What is the secret to good stew? ›

For most types of stew, it takes time to develop great flavor. Stew uses collagen-rich, tough cuts of meat, which need at least two hours to break down. If you try to rush it and boil the stew, the muscle fibers will shrink and become tough. So give yourself a few hours to let it do its thing.

What adds richness to a stew? ›

But if you really want to change things up, caramelize your onions before adding them to your stew. Caramelized onions bring a rich layer of roasted sweetness that deepens the essence of the stew base.

What makes stew taste better? ›

If so here are some tips for making your stews tasty and have your family begging you for more!
  1. Choose your ingredients wisely. ...
  2. Start off with a good flavour base. ...
  3. Add vegetables. ...
  4. Add flavourings to taste. ...
  5. Add Herbs and/or Spices. ...
  6. Spices: (Optional) ...
  7. Add stock or wine/beer. ...
  8. Add thickeners.

What vegetables are good in stew? ›

Let's hear it for the vegetables that are like the last hurrah in this hearty crowd-pleasing dish. Although I added carrots, little red potatoes, rutabaga and cremini mushrooms, you have plenty of options. Parsnip, turnip, pearl onions, squash and fennel will also work.

What can I add to stew to make it tasty? ›

Add spices such as turmeric, coriander and cumin at the early stage of cooking, when you are frying onions and garlic, to enhance the taste of the beef stew. Fresh herbs like coriander and bay leaves also contribute a distinct flavour without making the dish too spicy for the younger members of the family.

How do you make stew taste richer? ›

Here are 10 ways to really boost the flavor of chili and stew.
  1. Season as you go. ...
  2. Include dried mushrooms. ...
  3. Stir in caramelized onions. ...
  4. Swap in roasted garlic. ...
  5. Simmer with whole spices. ...
  6. Up the umami with miso paste. ...
  7. Spice it up. ...
  8. Stir in a spoonful of fish sauce.
May 1, 2019

What vegetable thickens stew? ›

The most straightforward way to thicken soup is to puree the vegetables. Starchy vegetables in particular offer the most creaminess. Try with corn, parsnips, potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, or yams.

What does adding milk to stew do? ›

Milk can add richness to soup. Chowders made with milk, are thicker than water-based soups. However, the best way to thicken a soup might be to stir in a tablespoon of flour which has been combined with a cup of water to make a smooth base such as you use for gravy.

How do you fix a tasteless stew? ›

A squeeze of lemon juice can brighten a soup or stew and even a grilled or seared steak. If you'd like to always have juice or zest on hand for seasoning, try freezing in small portions, such as in an ice-cube tray. You can toss the frozen juice or zest straight into a hot soup or stew. Don't overlook vinegars, either.

Does cooking stew longer make it better? ›

Don't Rush the Stewing of the Stew

Your beef stew needs at least two hours, sometimes three, on a low burner, so the meat is tender, and the flavors mingle. This isn't a dish to rush; it's a dish to make on a lazy weekend so you can enjoy the smell as it stews.

How do you get the fatty taste out of stew? ›

All you need is a stainless steel ladle filled with a few ice cubes! Hold the ice-filled ladle gently over the surface of the soup or stew wherever you see extra grease. The ladle works like a magnet, attracting the oil rising to top of the soup.

When to add celery to stew? ›

Once the meat is tender - but not falling apart, add the potatoes, celery, carrots and butternut squash. Pour over another 2 cups of beef broth and enough water to cover the vegetables. Raise heat and bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer partially covered for about 30 minutes - until the vegetables are tender.

What potatoes are best with stew? ›

Russets are often the suggested potato for stew because their starch can help thicken the broth, but they also break down too easily, whereas Yukons have some thickening power of their own while still retaining a hearty, solid bite.

Should you saute vegetables for stew? ›

While certain vegetables can work just fine added directly to simmering soups and stews (say, carrots and celery), other vegetables (onions, garlic, and the like) will almost always need at least a brief sweat in a fat-based liquid before adding the remaining ingredients.

How to make the perfect beef stew and the common mistakes to avoid? ›

The Five Most Common Beef Stew Mistakes
  1. Choosing a meat that's too lean. Stew is not meant for all cuts of meat. ...
  2. Putting too much flour on the stew meat before sautéeing them. ...
  3. Not using wine. ...
  4. Putting the meat and vegetables together in one pan. ...
  5. Not cooking it enough.
Jun 28, 2020

What is the secret to tender beef stew? ›

The secret to tender beef stew lies in slow braising short ribs and marbled chuck roast in a red wine and beef broth. This gentle simmer transforms the meat into incredibly tender pieces that practically fall apart with a fork. Tender root vegetables, like carrots and potatoes, complete this hearty dish.

How do you make stew meat more flavorful? ›

Sear the meat well.

Searing meat takes a long time, and it's tempting to skip it. Don't. Searing the meat until it develops a dark brown crust and a sticky “fond” starts to glaze over the bottom of the pan are both key to creating the kind of rich, caramelized flavors that make stews irresistibly good.

What makes the best stew beef? ›

Go for the chuck

The most common beef used for stew is chuck steak, also known as gravy beef or braising steak. Beef chuck comes from the forequarter of the animal consisting of parts of the neck, shoulder blade and upper arm.


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