Espresso Martini Drink Recipe - Kahlúa (2024)




Espresso Martini Drink Recipe - Kahlúa (1)
Espresso Martini Drink Recipe - Kahlúa (2)
Espresso Martini Drink Recipe - Kahlúa (3)
Espresso Martini Drink Recipe - Kahlúa (4)


Ice cubes

1 part Kahlúa

1 part Absolut Vodka

1 part Espresso

3 Whole Coffee Bean

Ice cubes

ml Kahlúa

30 ml Absolut Vodka

30 ml Espresso

3 Whole Coffee Bean

Ice cubes

30 oz Kahlúa

1 oz Absolut Vodka

1 oz Espresso

3 Whole Coffee Bean

  1. Add all ingredients and ice into a shaker.
  2. Shake for 15 – 20 seconds, for that velvety foam.
  3. Strain into a martini or co*cktail glass.
  4. Garnish with 3 coffee beans, for good luck.
Espresso Martini Drink Recipe - Kahlúa (5)


The Espresso Martini was actually born from the Vodka Espresso, which was originally created by London bartender legend Dick Bradsell in 1983 (for a very famous model… who exactly remains a mystery). Over the years, he refined and simplified the recipe into what we know now as the Espresso Martini.

Tasty, edgy, sophisticated—three awesome reasons why it’s one of the most popular coffee co*cktails in the world.

Brunch tip: The perfect brunch needs a delicious coffee co*cktail. Why not try an Espresso Martini with pancakes, smashed avocado on toast or your favorite bagels?

Estimated ABV = 19% (Kahlúa Original 16%) Estimated ABV = 20% (Kahlúa Original 20%) The exact value depends on how you mix, which measures you use and even your glass!

Espresso Martini Drink Recipe - Kahlúa (6)

1. Add the Kahlúa Original, Absolut Vodka, and Espresso into a shaker.

Espresso Martini Drink Recipe - Kahlúa (7)

2. Add the ice.

Espresso Martini Drink Recipe - Kahlúa (8)

3. Shake for 15 – 20 seconds, for that velvety foam.

Espresso Martini Drink Recipe - Kahlúa (9)

4. Strain into a martini or co*cktail glass.

Espresso Martini Drink Recipe - Kahlúa (10)

5. Garnish with 3 coffee beans, for good luck.


How do I get the perfect froth / foam?

Easy – just shake the ingredients with lots of ice for at least 20 seconds. The more you shake, the moremicrofoambuilds up, giving you that velvety froth when you pour it into your glass.

What does Kahlúa add to the espresso martini, flavor-wise?

Kahlúaadds sweetness to your Espresso Martini, balancing out the other ingredients. And it helps create that velvety mouth-feel.

What’s a non-alcoholic alternative to Kahlúa in an espresso martini?

AsKahlúaadds the sweetness and heavy mouth-feel, you’ll need an alternative for that sensory experience. Try using one part syrup (we recommend either chocolate or vanilla).

How do I make my espresso martini feel more creamy?

The froth / foam gives you that creamy, velvety mouth-feel. So make sure you’re shaking up a good froth / foam for at least 20 seconds. That’ll do it.

What if I don’t have a coffee machine?

That’s okay, regular coffee also works. You can use a home coffee pod machine, or you can find other ways of making the espresso, including mixing it up yourself.

If you’re using regular coffee, instead of espresso, you’ll need to use less water, as the intensity will differ. Also, if you’re using filtered coffee, just know that the froth / foam won’t be as thick and creamy.

What’s the best coffee roast for espresso?

Espresso (freshly) roasted coffee! Using good quality medium roasted beans, which you can grind up yourself at home, also works well.

Why should I shake my espresso martini?

Shaking helps build up themicrofoam. It does this by creating those tiny air bubbles, which give yourEspresso Martinia creamier mouth-feel. Just as important as getting the flavors right.

I don’t have a shaker. What can I use?

You don’t need one! Use anything with a well-fitting lid, like a protein shaker, mason jar, etc. Just make sure the lid is screwed on tight, to stop it getting messy.

What type of ice should I use to shake the ingredients with?

Any ice will do! Try making ice out of filtered water, for the best result. Or, better still, trying experimenting with ice cubes made from your favorite filtered coffee, for a stronger coffee flavor.

What should the perfect espresso martini taste like?

A well-mixedEspresso Martiniis sweet, with a velvety mouth-feel. It has a pleasant coffee aftertaste with subtle notes of toffee. Mixing it properly ensures a good balance between the sweet and bitter ingredients:

1 partKahlúaOriginal

1 part Absolut vodka

1 part Espresso

Why do I need to strain my espresso martini?

Straining removes the shards of ice after shaking. It also helps your co*cktail look clearer. You don’t need a special co*cktail strainer; a tea strainer works just as well.

What do the three coffee beans mean?

Many people like to finish off theirEspresso Martini’sby adding three coffee beans on top of the froth / foam. They stand for health, wealth and happiness.

What food can I pair with an espresso martini?

Espresso Martini’sare perfect for brunch. Why not try one with pancakes, avocado toast or bagels?


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Espresso Martini




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Tequila Espresso Martini



Espresso Martini Drink Recipe - Kahlúa (24)

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Espresso Martini Drink Recipe - Kahlúa (25)

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Espresso Martini Drink Recipe - Kahlúa (28)

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Espresso Martini Drink Recipe - Kahlúa (2024)


Can you use Kahlua for an espresso martini? ›

Kahlúa adds sweetness to your Espresso Martini, balancing out the other ingredients. It also helps create that velvety mouthfeel.

Is Kahlua or Baileys better for espresso martini? ›

With its creamy texture and sweet flavor, Baileys is often used in dessert co*cktails like mudslides and chocolate martinis. When deciding between Kahlua vs Baileys, consider Kahlua's rich coffee flavor that makes it a popular choice for coffee-based co*cktails like the classic Espresso Martini.

What co*cktail is made from vodka and Kahlua? ›

The Black Russian is the big brother of the equally famous White Russian. It's a simple yet tasty drink, combining Kahlúa coffee liqueur and vodka in a truly unforgettable way.

Does Kahlua need to be refrigerated after opening? ›

Should Kahlúa be refrigerated? No, but we recommend to store it in a cool dry place once opened. What percentage of alcohol is in Kahlúa Original?

How much Kahlua to add to coffee? ›

  1. 1 part Kahlúa. 2 parts Coffee.
  2. 30 ml Kahlúa. 60 ml Coffee.
  3. 1 oz Kahlúa. 2 oz Coffee.

What liquor is best for an espresso martini? ›

Vodka: I add 1 ½ oz. of vodka for the perfect ratio of booze to coffee. Vodka is the signature alcohol for a classic espresso martini—use another, and it just won't be the same. While you don't have to reach for top shelf, I suggest using a brand you enjoy drinking.

What is Kahlua and coffee called? ›

Kahlua coffee is hot coffee spiked with a shot of Kahlua liqueur. You can add a drizzle of cream if you like, or top it with whipped cream if you're serving after a meal. Serve it as a brunch drink as an alternative to the mimosa or Bloody Mary, or it's perfect as a dessert drink for a sweet ending to a meal.

What makes an espresso martini frothy? ›

The most satisfying part of an Espresso Martini is the foam. To create this, firstly you need to tap and swirl the shaker after adding the ingredients. Once you've done this make sure you shake the shaker hard for 20-30 seconds, this allows the natural oils in the coffee to combine with the air bubbles.

Can you drink straight Kahlúa? ›

It's sweet and can be drank on its own over ice and even better for use in mudslides. 4 out of 5 stars.

What is best to mix with Kahlúa? ›

Black Russian

This simple, two-ingredient co*cktail combines vodka and Kahlúa stirred over ice and then strained into an ice-filled rocks glass.

What is Baileys versus Kahlúa? ›

Baileys and Kahlua both complement a freshly brewed cup of coffee, but there are distinct differences between the two liqueurs. Baileys is creamy and derives its taste from cream, cocoa, and Irish Whiskey. Kahlua is dark without the creaminess of Baileys and is made with 100 percent arabica coffee, rum, and sugar.

What kind of person drinks Espresso Martini? ›

Espresso Martini

If this is your co*cktail of choice you are likely an intense individual who gives 100% to everything you do. Espresso Martini drinkers have a 'work hard, play hard attitude and are happy to take the lead in both professional and social situations.

Do all espresso martinis have Kahlua? ›

Recipe Tips and FAQs

Kahlua is my go-to with espresso martinis, but you can use other coffee-flavored liqueurs if that's what you have on hand. Shake the martini in the co*cktail shaker with lots of ice vigorously for 20 seconds. If you don't shake your espresso martini, you won't get that delicious foam on top of it.

What can you use instead of Kahlua in espresso martinis? ›

Dark Rum: This helps replace the Kahlua in conventional espresso martinis. Sugar Free Simple Syrup: You have lots of syrup options, including Miss Mary's Sinless Syrups and ChocZero Vanilla Syrup. Both work well here.

Can I use Kahlua instead of Tia Maria? ›

If you are able to use alcohol then you could use another coffee-flavoured liqueur, such as Kahlua. If you are unable to use alcohol then black coffee would be the best alternative. Use a regular strength coffee rather than a strong espresso.

What can you use instead of Baileys in espresso martini? ›

What is the best substitute for Baileys Original Irish cream? You can use any type of Irish cream for this espresso martini recipe. If you want to use Baileys, try their espresso creme flavor.

Can you use something other than vodka for espresso martini? ›

Garnish with coffee beans – if you're feeling fancy. No vodka? No problem! You can make an Espresso Martini without vodka – you could make an Espresso Martini with rum, an Espresso Martini with gin or an Espresso Martini with tequila.


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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