Diablo 4 Season 4 Guide and Rewards List (2024)

Diablo 4’s fourth season, the Season of Loot Reborn, has started with the release of Update 1.4.0. Here’s everything you need to know about it.

Table of contents

  • What are Seasonal Rewards
  • Season 4 Rewards Highlights
    • Solstice Armor Set – Battle Pass Cosmetic (Free Track)
    • Demigod Set – Battle Pass Cosmetic (Premium Track)
    • Awoken Demigod Set – Battle Pass Cosmetic (Premium Track)
    • Rediscovered Weapons – Battle Pass Cosmetic (Free Track)
    • Demigod Weapons – Battle Pass Cosmetic (Premium Track)
    • Misc Cosmetic Rewards
  • Full Rewards List for Season 4
    • Season 4 Battle Pass Rewards List
    • Wolf’s Honor (Reputation) Rewards List
    • Season Journey Rewards List
    • Season Journey Challenge List

What are Seasonal Rewards

Diablo 4 uses a Seasonal Model for its updates. Each of these seasons lasts three months and includes a variety of ways to earn rewards and cosmetics just by playing.

These rewards are earned in three primary ways; Seasonal Reputation, Season Journey, and of course the Battle Pass.

Seasonal Reputation isn’t present for every season, but consists of a separate reward track for participating in seasonal-specific content. In the case of Season 4, this requires helping the Iron Wolves in Helltides.

Diablo 4 Season 4 Guide and Rewards List (1)

The Season Journey is available every season and consists of a reward track that progresses by completing in-game tasks to complete for rewards. Each task you complete progresses the Battle Pass as well progressing you towards Journey Rewards. The Journey Rewards are often caches of Items to boost your character’s progression or power.

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Then there’s the Battle Pass, which slowly progresses as you play or complete the Season Journey. Each Battle Pass has a Free Track, which includes at least one set of Cosmetic Armor, and a Premium Track which includes two additional Cosmetic Armors unlocked by paying for it.

Diablo 4 Season 4 Guide and Rewards List (3)

We have a beginner friendly guides to the Diablo IV Seasons System and what Battle Pass is and how it works in Diablo IV.

Below we’ll detail the rewards you can earn from these seasonal systems.

Season 4 Rewards Highlights

Below is a quick look at the major reward to be earned from this season’s Battle Pass.

Solstice Armor Set – Battle Pass Cosmetic (Free Track)

This set of Armor comes from the Free Track and is available to everyone by reaching the required levels listed below.

Solstice Frock (Chest) – Level 2 Reward

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Solstice Leggings (Legs) – Level 12 Reward

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Solstice Sandals (Boots) – Level 23 Reward

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Solstice Wrappings (Gloves) – Level 36 Reward

Solstice Laurel (Helm) – Level 75 Reward

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Demigod Set – Battle Pass Cosmetic (Premium Track)

The Demigod Set is the first of the two armor sets from the premium Battle Pass. It’s a metal armor set with some green accents to it. Some Pieces also feature a more demonic look, such as the eyes of the Helmet and the arm of the Chest.

Demigod Faulds (Legs) – Level 10 Reward

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Demigod Breastplate (Chest) – Level 20 Reward

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Demigod Gauntlets (Gloves) – Level 30 Reward

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Demigod Boots (Boots) – Level 33 Reward

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Demigod Helm (Helm) – Level 40 Reward

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Awoken Demigod Set – Battle Pass Cosmetic (Premium Track)

The Awoken Demigod Set is the second of the two armor sets from the premium Battle Pass. It’s a metal armor set with some Blue accents to it. Some Pieces also feature a more angelic look, such as the eyes of the Helmet and the arm of the Chest.

Awoken Demigod Gauntlets (Gloves) – Level 50 Reward

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Awoken Demigod Boots (Boots) – Level 60 Reward

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Awoken Demigod Faulds (Legs) – Level 70 Reward

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Awoken Demigod Breastplate (Chest) – Level 80 Reward

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Awoken Demigod Helm (Helm) – Level 89 Reward

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Rediscovered Weapons – Battle Pass Cosmetic (Free Track)

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Demigod Weapons – Battle Pass Cosmetic (Premium Track)

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Misc Cosmetic Rewards

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Full Rewards List for Season 4

Below are the full lists of rewards from the Battle Pass, Season Journey, and Seasonal Reputation.

Season 4 Battle Pass Rewards List

1Demigod Plating
Demigod Thoroughbred
Mount Armor
2Solstice Frock Chest Cosmetic
3Demigod Spatha1H Sword Cosmetic
4Divine CrestMount Trophy
5Rediscovered MagestaffStaff Cosmetic
6Glyph of the Bronze ArchitectEmblem
7Demigod Grand StaveStaff Cosmetic
81x Smoldering AshesSeasonal Boon
9Demigod HalberdPolearm Cosmetic
10Demigod FauldsLegs Cosmetic
11Demigod Reaper2H Scythe Cosmetic
12Solstice LeggingsLegs Cosmetic
13Consuming MalignancyPortal Cosmetic
14x60 PlatinumPremium Currency
15Rediscovered EffigyTotem Cosmetic
16Impious HellrazerPlayer Titles
17Spiritual AscendancyDruid Emote
181x Smoldering AshesSeasonal Boon
19Demigod Crescent1H Scythe Cosmetic
20Demigod BreastplateChest Cosmetic
21Demigod CruxFocus Cosmetic
221x Smoldering AshesSeasonal Boon
23Solstice SandalsBoots Cosmetic
24x60 PlatinumPremium Currency
25Rediscovered Two-Hander2H Sword Cosmetic
26Demigod ParabolaBow Cosmetic
27Blazing BeaconMount Trophy
281x Smoldering AshesSeasonal Boon
29Adroit AscendancyRogue Emote
30Demigod GauntletsGloves Cosmetic
31Demigod Headsman2H Axe Cosmetic
321x Smoldering AshesSeasonal Boon
33Demigod BootsBoots Cosmetic
34x60 PlatinumSeasonal Boon
35Rediscovered SafeguardShield Cosmetic
36Solstice WrappingsGloves Cosmetic
37Graceful AscendancySorcerer Emote
381x Smoldering AshesSeasonal Boon
39Demigod IdolTotem Cosmetic
40Demigod HelmHelm Cosmetic
41Morbid AscendancyNecromancer Emote
42Rediscovered Bolt-ThrowerCrossbow Cosmetic
43x60 PlatinumPremium Currency
44Threatening AscendancyBarbarian Emote
45Solstice MastMount Trophy
46x60 PlatinumPremium Currency
47Thrice Shattered MonumentHeadstone
482x Smoldering AshesSeasonal Boon
49Malignant CorruptionPortal Cosmetic
50Awoken Demigod GauntletsGloves Cosmetic
51Demigod CasterWand Cosmetic
521x Smoldering AshesSeasonal Boon
53Glyph of the Unholy ArchitectEmblem
54x60 PlatinumPremium Currency
55Infernal IconMount Trophy
56x60 PlatinumPremium Currency
57Gilded Demigod Malleus2H Mace Cosmetic
581x Smoldering AshesSeasonal Boon
59Tempered MindcagedPlayer Titles
60Awoken Demigod BootsBoots Cosmetic
61Demigod FolioFocus Cosmetic
621x Smoldering AshesSeasonal Boon
63Demigod Hewer1H Axe Cosmetic
64x70 PlatinumPremium Currency
65Defaced ChampionMount Trophy
66Gilded Demigod ArbalestCrossbow Cosmetic
67x70 PlatinumPremium Currency
682x Smoldering AshesSeasonal Boon
69Cenotaph of the LostHeadstone
70Awoken Demigod FauldsLegs Cosmetic
71Demigod FlayerDagger Cosmetic
721x Smoldering AshesSeasonal Boon
73Demonsphinx StelaHeadstone
74x70 PlatinumPremium Currency
75Solstice LaurelHelm Cosmetic
76Gilded Demigod AegisShield Cosmetic
771x Smoldering AshesSeasonal Boon
78Devilish WyrmfriendPlayer Titles
79Resurrection offeringHeadstone
80Awoken Demigod BreastplateChest Cosmetic
81Demigod Hammer1H Mace Cosmetic
822x Smoldering AshesSeasonal Boon
83Gilded Demigod StaffStaff Cosmetic
84x70 PlatinumPreminum Currency
85Purging LightPortal Cosmetic
86Glyph of the Golden ArchitectEmblem
87Gilded Demigod Greatsword2H Sword Cosmetic
883x Smoldering AshesSeasonal Boon
89Awoken Demigod HelmHelm Cosmetic
90Awoken Demigod Plating
Purified Demigod Thoroughbred
Divine Banner
Mount Armor
Mount Trophy

Wolf’s Honor (Reputation) Rewards List

Below is a list of the rewards gained though the Iron Wolves Reputation. To Increase your Reputation and Rank up, you must participate in Helltide Activites.

1Iron Wolves’ WeaponLegendary Weapons
2Captain’s GlovesElixirs and Legendary Gloves
3Iron Wolves’ Messenger GearLegendary Boots and Chest
4Traces of the MaidenBaneful Hearts and Unique Item
5Natural MotionMagic Natural Motion Manual and Consumables
6Iron Wolves’ Most DependableLegendary Pants, Helm, and Ring
7Glimmering Herb SupplyHerbs and Unique Item
8Iron Wolves’ ArmoryLegendary Items
9Iron Wolves Vanity ChestGems, Accessories, and Scattered Prism
10Natural MotionRare Natural Motion Manual and Consumables
11Iron Wolves’ Heroic SpoilsUnique Items
12Putrid Soul CollectionForgotten Souls, ores, Boss Materials
13Cage of HubrisProfane Mindcage and Unique Items
14Iron Wolves’ Herbalist HoardElixirs and Legendary Items
15Natural MotionLegendary Natural Motion Manual and Consumables
16Iron Wolves’ Final HarvestCrafting Materials and Unique Item
17Unspeakable GoodsBoss Summoning Materials
18Highest Honors of the Iron WolvesMount Trophy, Legendary Amulet, and Resplendant Spark.

Season Journey Rewards List

Below is a full list of rewards that cna be earned by completing the Season Journey. Each Chapter also awards Greater Favor, but this is not listed below.

1First Journey CacheConsumables and Obols
1First Journey Crafting CacheHerbs and Gems
1First Journey Equipment CacheLegendary Weapon, Gloves, and Amulet
2Second Journey CacheTempering Manuals and Consumables
2Second Journey Crafting CacheHerbs and Veiled Crystals
2Second Journey Equipment CacheLegendary Weapon, Legs, and Ring
3Third Journey CacheConsumables, Sigil Powder, and Baneful Hearts
3Third Journey Crafting CacheVeiled Crystals and Forgotten Souls
3Third Journey Equipment CacheLegendary Weapon, Chest, and Boots
3Third Journey Summoning CacheWT3 Boss Summon Materials
4Fourth Journey CacheTemper Manuals, Profane Mindcage, Scroll of Amnesia
4Fourth Journey Crafting CacheVeiled Crystals and Forgotten Souls
4Fourth Journey Equipment CacheLegendary Weapon, Helm, and Ring
4Fourth Journey Summoning CacheWT4 Boss Summon Materials
4Captain of the Iron WolvesEmblem
SlayerSlayer’s CacheRuneshards and Scroll of Amnesia
SlayerSlayer’s Crafting CacheObducite and Scattered Prisms
SlayerSlayer’s Equipment Cache2x Ancestral Legendary and an Ancestral Unique
SlayerSlayer’s Summoning CacheWT4 Boss Summon Materials
ChampionChampion’s CacheTemper Manuals, Runeshards, and Scroll of Amnesia
ChampionChampion’s Crafting CacheIngolith and Scattered Prisms
ChampionChampion’s Equipment Cache2x Ancestral Legendary and an Ancestral Unique
ChampionChampion’s Summoning CacheWT4 Boss Summon Materials
ChampionMark of the ArtificerEmblem
DestroyerDestroyer’s CacheRuneshards and Scroll of Amnesia
DestroyerDestroyer’s Crafting CacheNeathiron and Scattered Prisms
DestroyerDestroyer’s Equpiment Cache2x Ancestral Legendary and 2x Ancestral Unique
DestroyerDestroyer’s Summoning CacheWT4 Boss Summon Materials
DestroyerCraftyPlayer Title
DestroyerLooterPlayer Title

Season Journey Challenge List

Below is a list of of all the Challenges included in the Season Journey for Season 4.

Chapter 1

At least 8 of the 10 Objectives below must be completed to access Chapter 2.

What Lurks BelowComplete 3 Cellars
Den of EvilComplete one Dungeon (Nightmare Dungeons Count)
Trouble in the WildsComplete 2 World Events
One of the PackReach Wolf’s Honor Rank 1
ForagerCollect 50 Bundled Herbs
Fragrant FindCollect 10 Angelbreath
ProspectorCollect 50 Iron Chunks
Tanner’s ApprenticeCollect 50 Rawhide
Joining the FrayComplete 1 Iron Wolves Event during Helltide
Spoils of HellOpen 1 Tourtured Gift

Chapter 2

At least 8 of the 10 Objectives below must be completed to access Chapter 3.

Miracles of AlchemyCraft 10 Elixirs
Veteran of AshesCollect 666 Abberant Cinders during Helltide (cumulative)
Keeper of the KeysCollect or buy 3 Whispering Keys
Touching the EternalUnlock 3 Aspects in your Codex of Power
Honorary WolfReach Wolf’s Honor Rank 6
Notarized NuisanceFill your Threat Mater once during Helltide
Expanded RepertoireLearn 1 Magic or higher Recipe (Tempering Manuals Count)
Cinder SpenderOpen 10 Tortured Gift during Helltides (cumulative)
Mad PropheciesComplete 3 Doomsayer Events in Helltide
Demonic PresencesDisrupt 3 Cultist Rituals in Helltide

Chapter 3

At least 8 of the 10 Objectives below must be completed to access Chapter 4.

Forsaken OfferingsCollect 10 Caches from the Tree of Whispers
Predator and PreyDefeat 666 monster while Bloodmarked in PvP Zones
Risk and RewardBuy 25 items from the Purveyor of Curosities
Master at WorkComplete 3 World Events with Mastery Bonus
Hard Fought VictoryComplete a Legion Event
Raised by WolvesReach Wolf’s Honor Rank 9
Ineffable DroughtsConsume a total of 5 Profane Mindcages, Elixir of Momentum, or Elixir of Holy Bolts
Basic NeedsTemper 5 Affixes on to Gear at the Blacksmith
Thorn in HellDefeat 666 monster during Helltide while at Max Threat Level (cumulative)
Capable CraftsmenLearn 1 Rare of higher Recipe (Tempering Manuals Count)

Chapter 4


At least 9 of the 11 Objectives below must be completed to access Slayer.

Shards of the FiendsCollect 5 Scattered Prisms (from World Bosses)
Most Dangerous GameDefeat 25 Elite Monsters while Bloodmakred in PvP Zones (cumulative)
Decent into DeliriumDefeat 666 Elite Monsters with a Profane Mindcage active in WT3 or higher (cumulative)
Pilgrim of HorrorComplete a Tier 10 or higher Nightmare Dungeon
Blessing of the StrongEquip Sacred Items in every gear slot
Confront the CreatureDefeat a Blood Maiden during a Helltide in WT3 or higher.
Baptized in HellDefeat 25 Hellborne during Helltide
The Long HowlComplete 15 Iron Wolf Events during Helltides in WT3 or higher (cumulative)
Seed to EvilCollect 15 baneful Hearts from Hellborne in WT3 or higher
Stem the TideDefeat 666 Monsters at max Threat Level in WT3 or high Helltides (cumulative)
Brink of MadnessDefeat 666 Helltide foes with Profane Mindcage active


At least 9 of the 11 Objectives below must be completed to access Destroyer.

The Gathering FiresCollect 6,666 Aberrant Cinders in WT4 Helltides (cumulative)
Damnation’s DownfallDefeat each of the Helltide Commanders that appear after Helltide World Events with a Profane Mindcage active
Shock and AweDefeat Grigoire, teh Galvanic Saint in WT4
No Mere MortalSpend one Paragon point
Mephisto’s BanePurify 33,333 Seeds of Hatred in PvP Zones
Alpha MemberReach Wolf’s Honor Rank 15
Form and FunctionAdd 5 Sockets to gear at the Jeweler
GuiltDefeat Each of Varshan in WT3 or Higher
Ancient CraftTemper 8 Affixes on to your gear
Precious ShardsSalvage 100 Ancestral Legendary items
Heir to TransendenceEquip a Legendary Item in every Slot


Complete 7 of 9 Objectives to claim the final Season Journey reward.

Blessed Mother DepartedDefeat Echo of Lilith in WT4
GlyphmasterUpgrade 5 Glyphs to at least Level 15
Alpha of the PackReach Wolf’s Honor Rank 18
Delved DeepComplete a Tier 21 or higher Pit of the Artificers
Horadric SmithMasterwork one piece of gear to Rank 8
AnathemaDefeat a Blood Maiden in a WT4 Helltide with a Profane Mindcage active
The Bigger They AreDefeat 10 World Bosses
Anguish ExtinguishedDefeat Tormented Echo of Andariel
EradicatorDefeat Tormented Echo of Duriel
Diablo 4 Season 4 Guide and Rewards List (2024)


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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.