Detroit Lions - Stadium History (2024)

Stories, Photos, Videos, Podcasts, and Publications featuring Detroit Lions Stadium History

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'+tableLegend; } else { return '

Showing ' + total + ' of ' + max + ' records.
Change filters or adjust season slider to modify results.
Click on column headings to sort table.

'+tableLegend;} } , fnFooterCallback: function ( nRow, aaData, iStart, iEnd, aiDisplay ) { //cant get actual 2+ row footers to work below or elsewhere, so just using
on footer results var api = this.api(); $('tr:eq(1) th:eq(3)', api.table().footer()).html((34)); $('tr:eq(1) th:eq(4)', api.table().footer()).html((53)); $('tr:eq(1) th:eq(5)', api.table().footer()).html((12)); // var secondRow = $(nRow).next()[0]; // var nCells = secondRow.getElementsByTagName('th'); // nCells[1].innerHTML = 55; // nCells[2].innerHTML = 47.01; // console.log(nCells); }, // ========================================================== // Functions that automatically calculate sum/average/etc on footer of each column // // each column's class attribute is tagged as to what type of subtotal should be calculated // ========================================================== drawCallback: function () { //sums the footer values var api = this.api(); var ct=0; //index counter var rowCt=0; //count number of rows in particular column var seaCt=0; //number of seasons visible //counts the rows in first column and shows as ## Totals api.columns('.tot', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { if (b!='') { ct++; } return ''; }, 0); seaCt = ct; ct=0; //console.log('=='+sum+'/'+ct+'/'+seaCt); // Update footer of first column if (seaCt>1 && !0) { //season totals and average $(this.footer()).html(seaCt+"
" ); }else if (seaCt>1 ) { $(this.footer()).html(seaCt+" " ); }else{ $(this.footer()).html(seaCt+" " ); } }); // ============================================================ // Calculate Averages on columns that are already averages by grabbing data // from other column Totals // e.g. FG%, Batting Average, SLG, etc // ============================================================ // call from each page , for example: // var colclass = '.3Ppct-calc' // var numerFld = '3Ptot:name' // var denomFld = '3PAtot:name' // var sigfig = 1 // var decPct = 100 // var strip0 = true //strip leading "0." from results 0.500 -> .500 // var numerVal = parseFloat(api.column( numerFld, {page:'current'} ).data().sum(0)) // var denomVal = parseFloat(api.column( denomFld, {page:'current'} ).data().sum(0)) // customFooterVal(); function customFooterVal() { // some columns may have null stats, so cant include those in averages. // This javascript technique iterates one column at a time // So it becomes problematic to count rows in a _different_ column to get accurate averages/per-game totals. // so instead, we'll just get a ratio of the rows with/without null in _current_ column // and then multiply subtotal by that ratio to get a best estimate. // Mostly accurate unless game counts vary from season to season. // var numerCt = parseFloat(api.column( numerFld, {page:'current'} ).data().filter( function ( value, index ) {return value !='' ? true : false; } ).count()+0.00001); //counts non-nulls var denomCt = parseFloat(api.column( denomFld, {page:'current'} ).data().filter( function ( value, index ) {return value !='' ? true : false; } ).count()); //counts non=nulls var subave = ( (denomCt / numerCt) * numerVal / ( denomVal + 0.00001 ) * decPct ).toFixed(sigfig); //create footer if (numerCt<1) { subave='-'; //no stats in column }else if (strip0) { subave=subave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.') ; //strip leading "0." from results 0.500 -> .500 } if (seaCt>1 && !0) { subave = subave + '
' + subave } jQuery( api.table().column( colclass ).footer() ).html( ( subave ) ); } // console.log('---------') // console.log ('1:'+ parseFloat(api.column( '3Ptot:name', {page:'current'} ).data().filter( // function ( value, index ) {return value !='' ? true : false; } ).count())) // console.log ('2:'+ parseFloat(api.column( '3PAtot:name', {page:'current'} ).data().filter( // function ( value, index ) {return value !='' ? true : false; } ).count())) // the sigfig and 'leading 0' are stored in database also creates // a custom class. for use in javascript calcuations of dynamic footer calculations // not currently used // ========================= // footer with sum and average // ========================= api.columns('.sumave00', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =0; var sigfig =0; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } sum = parseInt(sum); $(this.footer()).html(sum + ave ); }); api.columns('.sumave01', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =0; var sigfig =1; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } sum = parseInt(sum); $(this.footer()).html(sum + ave ); }); api.columns('.sumave02', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =0; var sigfig =2; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } sum = parseInt(sum); $(this.footer()).html(sum + ave ); }); api.columns('.sumave03', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =0; var sigfig =3; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } sum = parseInt(sum); $(this.footer()).html(sum + ave ); }); api.columns('.sumave11', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =1; var sigfig =1; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } sum = parseInt(sum); $(this.footer()).html(sum + ave ); }); api.columns('.sumave12', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =1; var sigfig =2; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } sum = parseInt(sum); $(this.footer()).html(sum + ave ); }); api.columns('.sumave13', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =1; var sigfig =3; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } sum = parseInt(sum); $(this.footer()).html(sum + ave ); }); // ========================= // footer with two averages // ========================= api.columns('.aveave00', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =0; var sigfig =0; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } $(this.footer()).html( sumAlt + ave ); }); api.columns('.aveave01', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =0; var sigfig =1; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } $(this.footer()).html( sumAlt + ave ); }); api.columns('.aveave02', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =0; var sigfig =2; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } $(this.footer()).html( sumAlt + ave ); }); api.columns('.aveave03', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =0; var sigfig =3; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } $(this.footer()).html( sumAlt + ave ); }); api.columns('.aveave11', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =1; var sigfig =1; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } $(this.footer()).html( sumAlt + ave ); }); api.columns('.aveave12', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =1; var sigfig =2; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } $(this.footer()).html( sumAlt + ave ); }); api.columns('.aveave13', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =1; var sigfig =3; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } $(this.footer()).html( sumAlt + ave ); }); //these two should be obsolete, but keeping them here for legacy purposes api.columns('.aveave', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =1; var sigfig =1; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } $(this.footer()).html( sumAlt + ave ); }); //these two should be obsolete, but keeping them here for legacy purposes api.columns('.sumave', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { var strip0 =1; var sigfig =1; var sum = this .data() .reduce(function (a, b) { var x = parseFloat($(''+a+'').text()) || 0; //encase it so html is always stripped var y = parseFloat($(''+b+'').text()) || 0; if (y!='') { ct++; } return x + y; }, 0); var rowCt = ct; ct=0; // Update footer if (rowCt==0) { sum='-'; sumAlt='-'; }else{ sum = parseFloat(sum).toFixed(4) sumAlt = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) if (strip0==1){ sumAlt = sumAlt.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } } if (rowCt==0 && seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = '
-'; }else if (seaCt>1 && !0*1) { ave = parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(sigfig) ; if (strip0==1){ ave = ave.replace(/^(0\.)/,'.'); } ave = '
'+ ave ; }else{ ave = ''; //dont show second row when there's only 1 season } sum = parseInt(sum); $(this.footer()).html(sum + ave ); }); //dont really use these anymore because two-rowed footer code above places average after the sum //other columns are autocalculated based for average or sum based on class tag // api.columns('.sumonly', { page: 'current' }).every(function (rowIdx, tableLoop, rowLoop) { // var sum = this // .data() // .reduce(function (a, b) { // var x = parseFloat(a) || 0; // var y = parseFloat(b) || 0; // return x + y; // }, 0); // //console.log(sum); // // Update footer // $(this.footer()).html(parseFloat(sum).toFixed(0) ); // }); // api.columns('.avg3', { page: 'current' }).every(function () { // var sum = this // .data() // .reduce(function (a, b) { // var x = parseFloat(a) || 0; // var y = parseFloat(b) || 0; // if (b!='') { // ct++; // } // return x + y; // }, 0); // var rowCt = ct; // ct=0; // //console.log('=='+sum+'/'+ct+'/'+rowCt); // // Update footer // $(this.footer()).html( parseFloat(sum/(rowCt+.000001)).toFixed(3).replace('0.','.') ); // }); //api.fixedHeader.adjust(); }, buttons: [ // ========================================================== // Build VIEWS dropdown menu // ========================================================== // // ========================================================== // Build SPLITS dropdown menu // ========================================================== // { // extend: 'collection', // text: " Splits", // fade: 0, // autoClose: true, // buttons: // [ // // ] // }, // ========================================================== // Build COLUMN visibility dropdown menu // ========================================================== // checkboxes at // // { extend: 'colvis', fade: 0, className: 'btn-group-child pull-left', //collectionLayout: 'fixed two-column', columns: ":not(.notInMenu)", //':gt(0)', titleAttr: 'Hide/Show Columns', text: "Columns" }, // ========================================================== // Build EXPORT/SHARE dropdown menu // ========================================================== // { extend: "collection", text: "Share", fade: 0, titleAttr: 'Export Table to another location', className: 'btn-group-child', autoClose: true, buttons: [ { extend: 'copy', className: 'pullLeft', messageTop: 'RetroSeasons Data', messageBottom: "", header: true, footer: true, text: "Copy/Paste", key: { key: 'c', ctrlKey: true, }, exportOptions: { columns: ':visible' }, }, { extend: 'csv', className: 'pullLeft', title: "retroseasons-teams-detroit-lions-history-stadiums-export", messageBottom: "", messageTop: "This data was exported from", text: "Download", titleAttr: 'Download Stats', header: true, footer: true, key: { key: 'x', ctrlKey: true, }, exportOptions: { columns: ':visible' }, }, // { // text: " Facebook Share", // titleAttr: 'Share Page', // }, // { // text: " Share Page", // titleAttr: 'Share Page', // }, // { // text: " Embed Table", // titleAttr: 'Embed Table', // }, ] }, // ========================================================== // Build FILTERS dropdown menu // ========================================================== // { extend: "collection", text: "Filter", autoClose: true, titleAttr: 'Filter statistics to show a subset of data', className: 'btn-group-child', fade: 0, buttons: [ // ========================================================== // FILTER paramater variables are set on each page depending on data // ========================================================== ] }, //end of collection dropdown menu ], }); //redraws header/footer on colviz changes so that its correctly formatted jQuery('#mainTable').on( 'column-visibility.dt', function ( e, settings, column, state ) { //console.log( 'Column '+ column +' has changed to '+ (state ? 'visible' : 'hidden') ); table.fixedHeader.adjust(); } ); jQuery('#mainTable').show(); // ================================================================= // draw table filtering fields to allow filtering of ranges // (this technique is then piggybacked by the range slider) // ================================================================= function( settings, data, dataIndex ) { var min = parseInt( jQuery('#slider-min').val(), 10 ); var max = parseInt( jQuery('#slider-max').val(), 10 ); var age = parseFloat( data[0] ) || 0; // use data for the age column if ( ( isNaN( min ) && isNaN( max ) ) || ( isNaN( min ) && age <= max ) || ( min <= age && isNaN( max ) ) || ( min <= age && age <= max ) ) { return true; } return false; } ); // ================================================================= // Event listener to the two range filtering inputs to redraw on input. // don't really need this anymore, since they're hidden and // i'm triggering redraw on slider but leaving it here for legacy // ================================================================= jQuery('#slider-min, #slider-max').change( function() { table.draw(); } ); // ================================================================= // Avtandil mod: throttle slide change events // ================================================================= var throttle_inst = null; var throttle = function( wait, func, options) { var context, args, result; var timeout = null; var previous = 0; if (!options) options = {}; var later = function() { previous = options.leading === false ? 0 :; timeout = null; result = func.apply(context, args); if (!timeout) context = args = null; }; return function() { var now =; if (!previous && options.leading === false) previous = now; var remaining = wait - (now - previous); context = this; args = arguments; if (remaining <= 0 || remaining > wait) { if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = null; } previous = now; result = func.apply(context, args); if (!timeout) context = args = null; } else if (!timeout && options.trailing !== false) { timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining); } return result; }; } var update_model_throttle = function() { if (null === throttle_inst) { throttle_inst = throttle(500, function(){ demo._handleSliderChange(); }); } throttle_inst(); } // ================================================================= // Avtandil End: throttle slide change events // ================================================================= // ================================================================= // set config parameters for slider range // // ================================================================= var $range = jQuery("#slider-range"); jQuery(function () { $range.ionRangeSlider({ type: 'double', step: 1, min: 1928, max: 2021, from: 1928, to: 2021, from_min: 1928, to_min: 1928, from_max: 2021, to_max: 2021, hide_min_max: false, keyboard: false, from_shadow:true, grid: false, skin: "round", // skin: "big", force_edges: true, drag_interval: true, prettify_enabled: false ,onChange: function () { update_model_throttle(); } }); }); $('div.dataTables_filter input').addClass('focus:border-blue-500 focus:border-2'); // <-- add this line $('div.dataTables_filter input').addClass('rounded rounded-lg border border-gray-400'); // <-- add this line $('div.dataTables_filter input').addClass('text-black'); // <-- add this line // ================================================================= // change min/max input fields and redraw table when slider changes // ================================================================= $range.on("change", function () { var $this = $(this), value = $this.prop("value").split(";"); //console.log(value[0] + " - " + value[1]); document.getElementById('slider-min').value=value[0]; document.getElementById('slider-max').value=value[1]; table.draw(); }); //fixedHeader.adjust(); //breaks wordpress table.draw(); $('#crumbCell').html(''); } );

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Detroit Lions - Stadium History (2024)


Detroit Lions - Stadium History? ›

In 1975, the Lions moved into the Pontiac Silverdome where they played for 37 years. Then in 2002, the team moved back to downtown Detroit and into a new domed stadium, Ford Field.

What happened to the old Detroit Lions stadium? ›

The demolition of the Silverdome was to commence on December 3, 2017, with a partial implosion of the upper deck, followed by an excavation of the building from the inside out. Due to a wiring issue, eight of the explosive charges failed to detonate, preventing the stadium from imploding as planned.

Where did the Detroit Lions play before Ford Field? ›

Detroit Lions played in Pontiac Silverdome before Ford Field: History.

Did the Detroit Lions have an indoor stadium? ›

Ford Field is a multi-purpose indoor stadium located in Downtown Detroit, Michigan and home of the Detroit Lions.

Did the Lions ever play at Tigers Stadium? ›

It hosted the Detroit Tigers of Major League Baseball (MLB) from 1912 to 1999, as well as the Detroit Lions of the National Football League (NFL) from 1938 to 1974.

Did the Detroit Lions play in a dome? ›

Ford Field is a domed American football stadium located in Downtown Detroit and it primarily serves as the home of the NFL team, the Detroit Lions. The regular seating capacity is approximately 65,000, but the stadium can be expandable up to 70,000 for football and 80,000 for basketball.

Does Eminem own the Lions stadium? ›

Eminem does not own the Lions, but he openly wishes he was part of the team.

When was the new Lions stadium built? ›

Ford Field was built in 2002 to be the official home of the NFL Detroit Lions and was designed to incorporate the existing site infrastructure, the Hudson warehouse.

What was the old Detroit stadium called? ›

Navin Field, the original name of the park, was built on the site of old Bennett Park. It was named after owner Frank Navin, and it was renamed Briggs Stadium in 1938, two years after Walter Briggs took over the team. Briggs Stadium was renamed Tiger Stadium in 1961.

What were the Detroit Lions originally called? ›

The Detroit franchise started as the Portsmouth (Ohio) Spartans in 1930. Detroit radio executive George A. Richards purchased the Spartans in 1934 and moved them to Detroit where they were renamed the Lions.

What is the smallest NFL stadium? ›

Soldier Field, home to the Chicago Bears, has a seating capacity of 61,500, making it the smallest stadium in NFL. Designed in 1919 and completed in the 1920s, the Field serves as a memorial to Americans soldiers who died in past wars.

Where did the Detroit Lions first play? ›

The history of the Detroit Lions, a professional American football franchise based in Detroit, dates back to 1928 when they played in Portsmouth, Ohio as the Spartans.

Who owns the Detroit Lions stadium? ›

On June 23, 2020, Sheila Ford Hamp succeeded her mother, Martha Firestone Ford, as Principal Owner and Chair of the Detroit Lions. From 2014-19, Mrs. Hamp served as one of the team's vice chairs during her mother's ownership.

What temperature is Ford Field kept at? ›

It's 68 degrees inside Ford Field.

Is the Lions stadium heated? ›

Detroit Thermal, owner and operator of the district energy steam system throughout the greater downtown Detroit area, is supplying hot water heaters for Ford Field, home of the Detroit Lions.

Where did the Detroit Lions play football? ›

Ford Field was built in 2002 to be the official home of the NFL Detroit Lions and was designed to incorporate the existing site infrastructure, the Hudson warehouse.

How many stadiums are in Detroit? ›

There are three active major sports venues within the city: 41,782-seat Comerica Park (home of the Detroit Tigers), 65,000-seat Ford Field (home of the Detroit Lions), and Little Caesars Arena (home of the Detroit Red Wings and Detroit Pistons).


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.