Coral Gables Parking Lot Accident Lawyer (2024)

Did you suffer a significant injury in a Coral Gables parking lot? Were you badly hurt when you fell over a hidden curb or pothole in a parking lot? Did you slip and fall on parking lot paint that became slick from rain?

Life changes rapidly when you are severely injured in an accident. You are left to deal with the physical pain and frustration of your injuries. You might need extensive time to recuperate. Your family’s finances could suffer when you are a significant source of income for your household. You might struggle to pay rent or buy groceries.

If you were severely hurt in a parking lot, consult a leading Coral Gables accident lawyer as soon as possible. You might be compensated for the cost of your medical care and lost income. You can contact a Coral Gables parking lot accident lawyer from Wolfson & Leon today for a free, no-obligation case consultation when you call 305-285-1115.

Injured in a Coral Gables Parking Lot Slip or Trip and Fall Accident?

Coral Gables is an upscale community south of Miami. With much of the city designed by George Merrick back in the 1920s, Coral Gables is known for its Mediterranean-styled homes, ivy-covered mansions, and lush greenery. The city’s population is 49,696, and its residents are, on average, 39.3 years old.

The city is home to an array of restaurants, boutiques, and outdoor attractions, like the Venetian Pool and the flower gardens at James T. Barker Park.

Some of the most common causes of parking lot accidents in Coral Gables include:

  • Broken pavement, uneven surfaces, hidden curbs, and potholes may cause someone to trip and fall while walking through a parking lot.
  • Unmarked changes in elevation, such as around ramps or speed bumps, could also lead to a trip and fall
  • Paint used to mark parking spots, loading zones, and crosswalks may become slippery when it rains if it doesn’t contain proper non-slip adhesive materials.
  • Leaking oil, grease, or other fluids can leave walking surfaces slippery.
  • Residue from wet leaves, plants, or debris can make walking surfaces slick if not cleaned up.
  • Bad lighting can make it difficult for pedestrians to see dangerous surfaces, such as potholes or broken parking stops.

Pursuing Damages in a Coral Gables Parking Lot Accident

As you trip or slip and fall in a parking lot, you could suffer devastating physical consequences. The impact of the fall could leave you with a traumatic brain injury, broken bones, spinal cord damage, or nerve damage. If you fall on a sharp object or protruding metal rod from a wheel stop, you could suffer deep cuts and lacerations. You may also experience painful soft tissue tears or sprains.

If you are badly hurt from a slip or trip and fall accident, you may need emergency medical care, surgery, and hospitalization. You may need CT scans, MRIs, or other tests to evaluate how much damage you’ve suffered in a parking lot accident. Depending on the type and severity of your injuries, you may require extensive physical therapy and recovery time.

You might be entitled to compensation for your medical costs, time lost from work, and non-economic damage, like pain and suffering, if another party is responsible for your injuries.

Who is at Fault in a Coral Gables Parking Lot Accident?

Seeking compensation in a Coral Gables parking lot accident can be more complicated than you might think. While the owner or operator of a supermarket, restaurant, apartment building, or gas station may be responsible if you get hurt at their place of business, there may be other parties at-fault if you get hurt in a parking lot or garage. The parking lot may be owned and managed by someone else. The building’s landlord, leasing company, or property manager may be responsible for the parking lot’s condition. Sometimes, there could be multiple parties who share responsibility. Identifying those parties can be crucial when pursuing compensation for your injuries.

Beyond identifying the party or parties responsible, you must also demonstrate that the accident and injuries resulted from negligence. When building a case, you must show:

  • The responsible party, such as the owner, property manager, or leasing company, owed you a standard of care,
  • This level of care was breached,
  • A breach of care caused the parking lot accident,
  • You suffered injury and loss from this breach.

If you were severely hurt in a Coral Gables parking lot, understanding your legal rights can be a critical step to take if you need to pursue compensation for the damage you’ve suffered.

Why Should I Call a Coral Gables Parking Lot Injury Attorney?

At Wolfson & Leon, our Coral Gables accident lawyers, are dedicated to helping people seriously hurt in accidents recover compensation for their medical care and lost income. We understand how painful and disruptive an accident can be, and we work tirelessly to reach the best settlement possible when you’ve been seriously hurt.

If you’ve suffered severe injuries caused by someone else’s negligent actions or behavior, you can contact us today for a free and confidential review of your claim. Find out what legal rights to compensation you might have by speaking with a best Coral Gables accident lawyer today at 305-285-1115.

Coral Gables Parking Lot Accident Lawyer (2024)


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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