Commanders and Wargames (2024)

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  • Mutual Security Enhancing Simulation Quests
  • Mutual Security Enhancing Simulation
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  • Released in Version 4.7
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Commanders and Wargames is an Event Quest during the Mutual Security Enhancing Simulation Event.


  • 1 Steps
  • 2 Dialogue
  • 3 Other Languages
  • 4 Change History


  1. Go to Liyue Harbor
  2. Ask about the situation


Commanders and Wargames (1) Quest Description

Paimon's heard that some guests from other nations have come to Liyue Harbor to take part in a local event. You decide to go see what's happening...

(On obtaining quest)
Paimon: A little birdie told Paimon there's been something new going on in Liyue Harbor lately, and some guests have arrived...
Paimon: Paimon's kinda curious! Why don't we go check it out?
(Approach the marked location)
Paimon: Huh? Why did someone put up a structure here? It looks kinda like it's for holding meetings, and there's even Millelith and some Knights of Favonius here...
Paimon: Waitasec, Fontaine's Maison Gardiennage and the Shogunate Samurai from Inazuma... and even the Corps of Thirty from Sumeru is here too?
(Talk to Su Ding)
Su Ding: The chiseled face, as though a classical sculpture come to life, and an unrivaled aura that surpasses common folk... You must be the commander (Traveler) of whom the rumors speak, no?
Su Ding: Your reputation precedes you! I was just thinking of entrusting the Adventurers' Guild with sending you a letter, extending an invitation to you to join our meeting, but you somehow seem to have foreseen this!
Commanders and Wargames (2) Commander?
Commanders and Wargames (3) Join what meeting now?
Paimon: You're being so formal! It feels like you're treating (Traveler) like some kinda... super professional warrior?
Su Ding: Oh, but you have been far more than mere warriors! You have crossed blades with countless monsters and formidable foes during your journey across five kingdoms, and your exploits have been painstakingly recorded and repeatedly analyzed by the armed forces of each nation.
Su Ding: Whether the Knights of Favonius, Millelith, Shogunate Samurai, Corps of Thirty, or Maison Gardiennage, each and every one of the armed services has given nothing but the very highest of marks to your combat abilities and stratagems—
Su Ding: "(Traveler) has the capability to lead from the front or command from the rear. If possible, active cooperation must be established with (‍himhim/herher‍)."
Su Ding: Therefore, I, Staff Officer Su Ding of the Millelith, hereby formally invite you to participate in the Wargame of Five Armies and assume the post of senior consultant therein. What say you to this proposal?
Su Ding: The remuneration package for senior consultants is quite considerable, and their total daily compensation for the duration of the event will be on par with that of a Millelith Sergeant.
Paimon: That's the Millelith for you, straight to the point... A Sergeant's pay, eh? Now that sounds tempting...
Commanders and Wargames (4) But we still don't know what the deal is.
Commanders and Wargames (5) We don't know anything about Wargaming...
Su Ding: Do not be concerned about that. I shall now present a detailed introduction of the event for your benefit.
Su Ding: As you have seen, large numbers of monsters still roam the wilderness of Teyvat, and they cannot be eradicated in any sort of short timeframe.
Su Ding: In order to effectively deal with the monster threat, the armed services of our neighboring nations are compiling intel regarding commonly encountered monsters, seeking to analyze the threat they pose and share knowledge amongst ourselves.
Su Ding: To this end, the Millelith General Staff has created tabletop gamepieces based on all kinds of monsters in order to simulate hostile confrontations, and from this, analyze their combat capabilities to the best of our ability.
Su Ding: For this iteration of the Wargame, we've invited members serving in various combat units to utilize their own radically different mindsets and perspectives to control the gamepieces, finding the optimal method to suppress the monster threat.
Su Ding: And as you are not a part of any of the armies, and are a rare tactical genius, you can provide an especially valuable analytical angle, greatly increasing the scope and efficiency of our Wargame.
Paimon: Paimon thinks she gets it... So you guys are having a meeting to discuss... the most convenient and safest way to deal with monsters?
Paimon: Now you're talking Paimon's language! After all, we've got first-hand experience dealing with dangerous baddies from all over, and we've also played lots of chess-like board games before!
Paimon: If we can help a bunch of countries keep the peace just by playing games like we did before, and also get a pile of Mora while we're at it... Does that count as a whole flock of birds with one stone?
Commanders and Wargames (6) Casually game some war, save the day!
Su Ding: That is precisely the enthusiasm, the ability to calmly rise to any challenge, displaying your awesome skills and solving crises as easily and naturally as breathing...
Commanders and Wargames (7) Looks like this time I might want to take things a bit more seriously...
Su Ding: Please, relax, and just use the same mentality as you do when you usually confront monsters. You've earned yourself a reputation for being utterly unflappable among the soldiers of every nation.
Su Ding: The board is ready, and we can begin the simulation at any time. Let us witness the unique strategic prowess possessed only by a genius commander such as yourself!
(Talk to Su Ding, optional)
Su Ding: Each round of the tabletop Wargame provides valuable intel that can be used as a reference for enhancing the overall security of Teyvat. The more info we have, the better, so please feel free to let your tactical acumen run wild.
Commanders and Wargames (8) I'll play a few more rounds then.
Su Ding: Excellent. The board will be reset after each Wargame, so you can start over whenever you like.
Commanders and Wargames (9) About this Wargame...
Su Ding: Lord Kaiyang proposed holding this Wargame to Lady Tianquan. It is a trial conference of limited scope, but it should be sufficient to assess the veracity of utilizing miniaturized simulations to obtain intelligence.
Su Ding: Lady Yuheng sent letters of invitation to the armed services of our neighboring nations in order to deepen our cooperation, introduce new variables, and expand the intel that the exercise could provide.
Su Ding: Improving the security of our neighbors can also reduce the risk of merchant caravans being attacked on the road, which will in turn be beneficial for expanding the scale of commercial relations.
Su Ding: Naturally, cooperation will be limited to an appropriate level. The Millelith will not share the means at our disposal for protecting our homeland, and the other armies all have their own unique capabilities.
Su Ding: This is part of the reason that no gamepieces modeled after any of our own combat units are among those to be used in the wargame. After all, the primary objective of the simulation is to assess schools of thought related to formations and deployment.
Su Ding: Building mutual trust, finding common ground, and working together for the betterment of all are what I understand to be the goals of our cooperation.
Commanders and Wargames (10) Tell me about yourself...
Su Ding: Our paths have crossed before, but it is unlikely you paid me much heed.
Su Ding: I was once a frontline soldier, and followed Lady Yuheng to the Guyun Stone Forest to deploy our mass-produced Guizhong Ballistae against Beisht's attack.
Su Ding: I personally witnessed the entire battle in which you and Adeptus Shenhe repelled Beisht. It was profoundly moving.
Commanders and Wargames (11) That kinda rings a bell...
Su Ding: I am honored. It seems you are blessed with an eidetic memory. Nothing less than should be expected of such a matchless commander.
Commanders and Wargames (12) Sorry, I'm drawing a blank...
Su Ding: No matter. Past experiences are peripheral to the main point.
Commanders and Wargames (13) Adeptus Shenhe...
Su Ding: Her adeptal power is worthy of utmost veneration. But it may be beyond the capacity of an ordinary soldier to acquire such strength through honing their martial skills...
Su Ding: In any case, it is difficult for mere mortals to defeat foes on that level by relying solely on improving the martial skills or weapons of a single individual.
Su Ding: That is not to discount the importance of those two factors, or that one can be prepared for everything simply by sticking to traditional army formations. But we must adapt to the times and continually upgrade our arsenal and tactics.
Su Ding: Combining advanced weaponry and tactics are the basic requirements for securing victory. Utilizing the proper tactics for the adversary you are facing is the key to prevailing.
Su Ding: The significance of this Wargame lies in acquiring more of these "keys." With sufficient preparation, even an enemy as powerful as Beisht can be dealt with.
Commanders and Wargames (14) Regarding the other armies taking part...
Su Ding: You want to hear my opinion of the armed forces of our neighbors? Then I'll be frank—
Su Ding: They are all top-notch professionals of the highest caliber.
Su Ding: The representative from the Knights of Favonius is an intelligence officer, skilled in using cutting-edge Alchemical technology to engage in remote reconnaissance.
Su Ding: However, if you wish to exploit the advantage offered by such distance reconnaissance, corresponding projectile weapons must also be purchased and logistics units for delivering the associated materiel organized, all of which requires a considerable budget...
Su Ding: The Shogunate representative is from the Yashiro Commission, and has outstanding swordsmanship. He courageously leads his troops from the front, and his drive in battle is truly commendable.
Su Ding: However, if you are too focused on personally leading troops in an assault, it may be difficult to properly command, and you may end up winning a localized victory while the overall battle is a catastrophic defeat. One should never allow oneself to get carried away...
Su Ding: As for the representative from Sumeru's Corps of Thirty, he is adept at handling extreme environments from the desert to the rainforest, and claims that he and his troops can fight for an extended period of time with just a small quantity of supplies.
Su Ding: However, in order to increase their ability to adapt to those environments, the Corps of Thirty is a relatively lightly armed force. If they had to take on heavily armored foes directly, they could easily find themselves at a disadvantage...
Su Ding: The representative sent by Fontaine's Special Security and Surveillance Patrol belongs to an exceptional firearms unit. Highly organized and with strict discipline, they can accurately unleash withering volleys on any enemy.
Su Ding: However, their equipment is quite complex, and can be complicated to use. All this maintenance is of the utmost importance, and members must all be trained to high standards. This, in turn, makes it very difficult to substantially increase troop levels.
Su Ding: Ultimately, there is no such thing as a perfect combat unit. All that can be done is for the relevant personnel to try to make up for their weaknesses, and continually improve their performance in actual combat situations.
Su Ding: I believe that with increased communication and cooperation, we will all benefit.
Commanders and Wargames (15) We'll talk more later!
Su Ding: Then I look forward to that day, and to your continued participation in the Wargames!
(Talk to Phonia, optional)
Phonia: We meet again, Honorary Knight. When Su Ding mentioned he planned on inviting a reliable outside expert to join us, I immediately thought of you.
Commanders and Wargames (16) Sorry, I don't remember you very well...
Phonia: That's fine, after all, I'm just a cog in the machine. Officers don't necessarily have to remember the name of everyone serving under them, just their positions and duties. That's enough to be able to effectively give orders.
Phonia: I'm Phonia, formerly a Signals Officer of the Investigative Team. I'm responsible for testing alchemical instruments developed by Captain Albedo and exploring the uses of remote reconnaissance technology.
Phonia: However, in light of how the Knights of Favonius have updated their tactics and the staffing structure now that some units from the expeditionary force have returned, Captain Albedo applied to have me assigned to the reorganized 7th Company.
Phonia: The 7th Company is temporarily designated as a "Combined Arms Company," which integrates knights with a range of capabilities into a single combat unit, with a balance of ranged and melee firepower. Such a unit is also very reliant on reconnaissance.
Phonia: When the time comes, the expeditionary force's No. 2 — the venerable Commander Frederica Gunnhildr might become our Company's Captain.
Phonia: After all, Commander Frederica has served for longer than many Knights have been alive, and her experience in battle is unmatched. It wouldn't be too much to say she is perfectly suited for leadership.
Commanders and Wargames (17) Gunnhildr? That sounds familiar...
Commanders and Wargames (18) Isn't that also Jean's last name...?
Phonia: Correct! Commander Frederica is the Acting Grand Master's mother, and is famous throughout Mondstadt.
Phonia: She's been on active duty on the front lines for decades on end, never tiring or slowing. When the youths of Mondstadt talk of their dreams of being a hero, the name "Frederica" is never far from their lips.
Phonia: And I was one of them! When I joined the Knights of Favonius, it was because of my admiration for Commander Frederica...
Phonia: Of course, I later realized that I was only talented enough to be just one more cog in the machine. As for the heroic protagonists of the storybooks that can take on a hundred foes all alone... that's another story.
Commanders and Wargames (19) Jean's mother...
Commanders and Wargames (20) Might become a Captain?
Phonia: That's only my speculation as a Signals Officer. As I see it, the 7th Company will likely be one of the most formidable units, and so Commander Frederica would be the most suitable candidate for Captain.
Phonia: Though Commander Frederica's position in the Knights of Favonius long surpassed any ordinary Captain, she doesn't seem to like pushing paperwork around and insists on staying on the front lines, toe-to-toe with foes.
Phonia: In principle, the Knights of Favonius value ability and experience equally, so after she returns, perhaps we'll see the Acting Grand Master giving orders to Commander Frederica...
Phonia: The two of them should have absolutely seamless synergy.
Commanders and Wargames (21) I feel like I've seen you before...
Phonia: That's right! We've met once before, while I was executing the "Annihilate the Invasive Anglers" operation.
Phonia: Since then, I've been carrying out experiments to advance alchemical detection equipment as planned, and have worked with the Reconnaissance Company and Outriders on numerous occasions.
Phonia: Over time, I slowly became a slightly more important cog in the Knights of Favonius's intelligence machine, and that's why I was chosen to participate in this event.
Phonia: Who knows, maybe the next time you return to the Knights to take on a commission, the intel I gather will be useful to you!
Commanders and Wargames (22) How do you think the Wargame is going?
Phonia: The thing that strikes me most is how each nation has a vastly different approach to fighting.
Phonia: Due to the different levels of focus on the size of their forces and training, the Millelith are concerned more with formations and the disposition of their troops.
Phonia: When clearing out hordes of monsters, they're like a steel-flanked juggernaut. They can just directly roll over an entire camp of the beasties, crushing everything in their path. Offense and defense all in one, completely unstoppable.
Phonia: When operating on terrain ill-suited to deploying a wide front line, they'll split up, reassembling into multiple smaller formations of the appropriate dimensions such that their flexibility to pursue their objectives isn't compromised.
Phonia: Even if an opponent studies their tactics and formations, and their intelligence is accurate, it would still be difficult to find a weakness to exploit.
Phonia: Fortunately, this style requires a very high degree of awareness and discipline from every soldier. In all of Teyvat, maybe only Liyue's Millelith can do that...
Commanders and Wargames (23) I won't keep you any longer.
Phonia: Then we'll talk more next time, Honorary Knight.
(Talk to Turenna, optional)
Turenna: Turenna of the Special Security and Surveillance Patrol, reporting to Proto-Boss! Greetings! Seeing that you're participating too really makes the trip down here totally worth it!
Commanders and Wargames (24) Since when did I become a "Proto-Boss"?
Turenna: Aha, that's Captain Chevreuse and Captain Grosrochard's assessment of you! The highest acknowledgment of both the Special Patrol and the Gardes!
Turenna: You've been promoted from "Boss-Level Force" to "Proto-Boss"! That means not only are your fighting skills up to par, but you're the cream of the crop when it comes to commanding as well!
Turenna: Doesn't the fact that that Staff Officer from the Millelith Su Ding invited you to join prove it?
Turenna: The simulation was pretty interesting! I got to see some of the greatest fighters from other countries for myself, and how they dealt with monsters was simply dazzling! It was just like all the stuff you showed me before...
Turenna: Oh! Sorry, I know you're a super busy bee buzzing all over, so you might not be able to remember right away!
Turenna: When I was playing Lil' Fungi's Fun-Tastic Fiesta before, you gave me the gift of your insight...
Turenna: And during the Fontinalia Film Festival, you showed me just what a real top gun could do in our Thousand-Pace Interdiction Arcminute Sharpshooting Zone promotional event. That was a genuine revelation...
Turenna: I've made pretty significant progress lately, and haven't had too many missions on my docket, so when Captain Chevreuse and Captain Grosrochard got the invitation, they decided to send me as a representative!
Turenna: The Patrol members you taught are all slowly getting better. I'm working hard to become an outstanding sharpshooter capable of helping you! Trust me, the time you spent helping wasn't wasted on me!
Commanders and Wargames (25) Hey, give yourself some credit too...
Turenna: You're simply too kind, Proto-Boss! ...Anyway, I just can't thank you enough!
Commanders and Wargames (26) Then study hard and work hard, soldier!
Turenna: Understood, Proto-Boss! I'll do my best!
Turenna: I'll be joining in a few more simulations over the next few days! The mini-monsters they use each time are different, and it kinda feels like my brain is playing in a serious of... magnificent... tactical plays!
Commanders and Wargames (27) About the Special Patrol and the simulation...
Turenna: Actually, this isn't our first time working with the Millelith. As you know, Lumidouce Harbor and Yilong Wharf are just across the sea from each other, so we have a longstanding working relationship to maintain order and guarantee the safety of shipping.
Turenna: So, after Captain Chevreuse got the letter, she was pretty stoked! After all, every time we work together, both sides learn a lot about tactics and tech from one another!
Commanders and Wargames (28) For example?
Turenna: Hmm, let me think... Before, we learned about different Millelith formations with layered ranks, and so we improved our own ranked volley fire, stabilizing the rhythm of our musket volleys.
Turenna: And for their part, the Millelith improved their own equipment by studying our muskets, allowing them to better deal with criminals who may have smuggled in firearms or Ruin machines that utilize similar weaponry.
Turenna: I've heard that some Millelith smiths are researching a type of armor that consists of piecing together blocks of a specially fired type of ceramic between two pieces of a particularly sturdy hardened fabric...
Turenna: That way, when bullets strike the armor, they would first disintegrate upon striking the outermost layer, causing the projectile to lose its structural integrity and greatly reducing its penetrative power...
Turenna: As the bullet continues onward, the ceramic plate in the middle will break, absorbing the vast majority of the impact, and finally the powerless, deformed bullets will be stopped by the final layer of armor.
Turenna: Against muskets with a small enough caliber or light enough ammo, you could get shot at point-blank range and the bullet still might not get through!
Commanders and Wargames (29) That sounds pretty nifty.
Commanders and Wargames (30) I want a set too!
Turenna: Aha, for that you'll have to ask our Millelith friends. I expect armor like that costs a fortune, and it may be difficult to manufacture on a large scale. Also, it may be too heavy for ordinary people...
Turenna: Though according to legend, the Millelith that fought in the great war way, way long ago wore armor that was heavier than a Gardemek, and their weapons were comparable to naval artillery... So it probably isn't too heavy for them.
Turenna: And ordinary musketeers wouldn't have a chance at hitting someone as skilled as you, so you probably don't need extra protection like that!
Commanders and Wargames (31) Keep it up, I've gotta get going!
Turenna: Don't be a stranger, I hope we'll see each other soon!
(Talk to Sido, optional)
Sido: Hello, friend of the General Mahamatra and the Flame-Mane. I represent the Corps of Thirty delegation. Allow me to extend my greetings to you.
Commanders and Wargames (32) You know me?
Sido: Surely you jest! You once participated in a commercial event in Port Ormos, and assisted the Corps of Thirty in arresting a crafty criminal and his scholarly accomplice.
Sido: Your performance during that operation showed both wisdom and bravery, and every mercenary who heard tell of your deeds considers you the best of the best.
Sido: It looks like you never cease in your unsparing efforts, and the amount of criminals you've dealt with is staggering. Those two scoundrels barely even register in your memory.
Commanders and Wargames (33) Eh, more or less.
Commanders and Wargames (34) No need to bring up the past.
Sido: That is so. We should always look ahead, the Flame-Mane often says much the same.
Sido: Everyone in the Corps of Thirty greatly respects the Flame-Mane. She has looked out for many of our brothers, and many of our number have followed her into battle.
Sido: If she had a bit more patience for paperwork and rules, then perhaps she could have come with us to visit Liyue and learn.
Sido: Sparring with experts with completely different styles, learning new skills, not to mention Liyue cuisine should be to her liking. Everything is new, it's quite refreshing.
Commanders and Wargames (35) Then we'll bring her some food from Liyue next time!
Commanders and Wargames (36) I'll invite her here when I get the chance!
Sido: Stop by the Citadel of Regzar when you've got some time! Feast on meat and chew the fat with the brothers of the Corps of Thirty!
Commanders and Wargames (37) What has the Corps of Thirty learned from the Wargame?
Sido: You've touched on a critical issue.
Sido: From our cooperation thus far, I've observed a massive gap in the "degree of organization."
Sido: As everyone knows, the Corps of Thirty is one branch of the many Eremite organizations. Though responsible for the defense of Sumeru's cities, the management of manpower, training, and supplies is fairly relaxed.
Sido: Personally, I envy the Millelith. They have a huge factory in Blackcliff Forge, and can guarantee a supply of all kinds of high-quality weapons and other equipment.
Sido: As mercenaries, we mostly rely on individual blacksmiths operating their own forges. We may hope to get a deal and buy a good weapon, but most can't compete with the fully finished products from Liyue's factories.
Sido: The Akademiya's pretty straightforward when it comes to payment, but if we were to ask them to set up a dedicated department... Everything from purchasing raw materials to production and processing... It's not likely.
Sido: Not to mention the Millelith provides standardized training to all their soldiers, with strict assessment standards, while most mercs are just trying to make a living. There's all levels of skill among us.
Sido: Anyway, in addition to tactical considerations when dealing with monsters, there're lots of other things that need to be considered.
Commanders and Wargames (38) We'll be on our way then. Bye!
Sido: See you later, then. We'll talk again when you've got time.
(Talk to Kuromaro, optional)
Kuromaro: An honor to make your acquaintance, esteemed guests of the Commissioner. Having observed your distinguished person making such amiable conversation with Su Ding senpai, I hoped to be able to listen quietly and learn.
Commanders and Wargames (39) The Commissioner?
Kuromaro: The name is Kuromaro, and I am at your service. I am a member of the Yashiro Commission, and it was my great honor to have heard the Commissioner and Miss Kamisato speak of your deeds.
Kuromaro: Courage, righteousness, etiquette, integrity, elegance, kindness, wisdom, in each of these areas, you are a role model for all to emulate.
Commanders and Wargames (40) Is that really what Ayato and Ayaka said about me...?
Commanders and Wargames (41) Oh, stop it, you're embarrassing me...
Kuromaro: And such humility as well, this virtue too is worthy of study! If only I had the fortune to meet you sooner...
Kuromaro: The scale of this exchange is not large, but its small size belies its great significance. The Commissioner and General Kujou discussed it thoroughly before selecting myself as the representative of the delegation.
Kuromaro: I was once in charge of leading a platoon to clear out the monsters and bandits in the mountains. I suffered few setbacks, and I considered my martial skills to be superb.
Kuromaro: Until the last "Warrior's Spirit Swordfighting Exhibition," in which my skills were edged out by Hirotatsu senpai, and I was unable to take part in the official competition. It was only then that I understood the meaning of humility...
Kuromaro: I was very fortunate that the Commissioner believed that although I could not reach the apex of swordsmanship, I could still lead soldiers into battle, and have great potential in the area of eradicating monsters. For this reason, I was gifted with this opportunity.
Kuromaro: It wasn't until after I came to Liyue that I realized that there is always someone out there who is better and that those with consummate martial prowess are beyond count. Just like Su Ding senpai, who is not only exceptional with the spear, but also a master of tactics.
Commanders and Wargames (42) Truly, there are masters everywhere.
Commanders and Wargames (43) It's good to get out, travel, see the world, learn a bit.
Kuromaro: Should there be a convenient juncture in the future, I hope you can recommend a few places suited towards expanding one's knowledge of martial disciplines to me. My gratitude would be beyond words!
Commanders and Wargames (44) What have you learned so far?
Kuromaro: My most profound understanding has been the balance between bravery and strategy.
Kuromaro: You should know well that Inazuma is a land of many islands, and when two sides clash, it often evolves into a series of groups of soldiers engaged in duels. In such situations, morale is of the utmost importance.
Kuromaro: In order to boost troop morale, the leader of the army must often take the lead, heroically charging the enemy with limitless courage. This seems to have almost become a convention.
Kuromaro: However, under the guidance of Su Ding senpai, I realized that if we follow such practices in every battle, then if faced with powerful monsters, the overall battlefield situation could spiral out of control.
Kuromaro: If, while leading my troops, I were to directly engage a... Thunderhelm Lawachurl, then I would certainly be hard-pressed, and might survive by the skin of my teeth. The morale of the other soldiers would plummet, and they might even panic.
Kuromaro: Therefore, strategy and bravery must be balanced. Though it may be difficult to form a continuous line of battle, cooperation between individual soldiers must be emphasized.
Kuromaro: Dividing and conquering, giving the order at the opportune moment, deciding as the leader when to advance and when to retreat... These are countless methods.
Kuromaro: If you do not mind, then please allow me to watch closely when you participate in the Wargames!
Commanders and Wargames (45) Maybe next time!
Kuromaro: I understand, you are very busy! Please, take care, I shall be respectfully waiting for you here!

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishCommanders and Wargames
Chishou to Heigi Enshuu
Korean장군감과 모의전
Janggun'gamgwa Mouijeon
SpanishComandantes y simulaciones bélicasCommanders and War Simulations
FrenchCommandement et stratégieCommand and Strategy
RussianКомандиры и военные игры
Komandiry i voyennyye igry
VietnameseChỉ Huy Và Diễn Tập
GermanAußergewöhnliche Generäle und Simulationen
IndonesianKomandan dan Simulasi PerangCommanders and War Simulation
PortugueseComandantes e Jogos de Guerra
TurkishKomutanlar ve Savaş Oyunları
ItalianComandanti e Ludum Belli

Change History[]

Released in Version 4.7

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РусскийTiếng Việt

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.