chinese almond cookies recipe – use real butter (2024)

i like you

chinese almond cookies recipe – use real butter (1) Recipe: chinese almond cookies

I appreciate your kindness and encouragement. The fact that so many of you urged me to do what I felt was best for me even though it may not necessarily be the outcome you want says a lot about this readership – that you are all very caring and understanding people. That’s a great feeling for me to know that so many of you who visit this space are good folk. Thank you for being awesome.

The idea of leaving the blog has flitted in and out of the corners of my mind – but it’s usually only triggered when I have to post on deadline (and I’m trying hard to eliminate those) or when I drop a lens cap in cake batter and wonder why I bother with step-by-step process shots. I don’t want to quit blogging, but something has got to change.

we’ve had some impressive colors at sunset lately

chinese almond cookies recipe – use real butter (2)

and cool clouds too

chinese almond cookies recipe – use real butter (3)

I do not enjoy writing. I know this may seem surprising because blogging is writing, but I don’t write the way real writers write. I type what I’m thinking in my head and that is merely what I would be saying aloud if I didn’t shut my mouth. I talk. I never shut up. The only reason the blog exists is because I have reasonable typing skills to keep up with my motor mouth. But I do love cooking and photography and archiving and sharing. Writing consumes more time than I’d like because I try to edit my rambling thoughts into something coherent and maintain a fairly regular posting schedule. Without a regular posting schedule things begin to pile up and fall behind, snowballing into a big mess. That stresses me out. I’m OCD.

Anyone who blogs knows that it takes time. This blog, my archive of recipes and random stuff that goes on in my life, is a labor of love… but it’s still labor. I need to change things up on my end which may or may not become apparent here on the blog. I’m working to strike a balance in which I don’t allow use real butter to take time away from important stuff like time with loved ones, my health, my work (this is not my work), and my other passions. So when I said it’s me and not you, I wasn’t just saying it – I meant it. But it certainly isn’t my intention to break up with you… because I like you!

getting some turns in before work

chinese almond cookies recipe – use real butter (4)

impromptu lunch at l’atelier

chinese almond cookies recipe – use real butter (5)

As quickly as 2010 flew past me, I’m amazed that it’s still January. Actually, I’m happy that it’s still January and perhaps that is because I’m changing up how I prioritize. It’s also because I have an ass ton of things to get done. Typically, Chinese New Year sneaks up on me and I get all panicky. This year, I’m well aware of its approach and I’ve decided against hosting a big bash – mostly because I like


feeling sane. Of course, we celebrate the arrival of Chinese New Year no matter what. I’m still going to make several of the traditional dishes because there’s all this good luck that you need to get in on!


chinese almond cookies recipe – use real butter (6)

flour, almond flour, sugar, almond extract, egg, blanched almonds, baking soda, salt, butter

chinese almond cookies recipe – use real butter (7)

Just in case you live in a podunk town and can’t find blanched whole almonds at your local store, there’s an easy way to skin almonds yourself (assuming you have whole almonds). That was me a few days ago. Just boil up some water, toss the almonds in and let them sit for a minute or so, drain them and squeeze them out of their skin. Almonds are easy to skin. Pistachios and hazelnuts make me crazy.

mix dry ingredients

chinese almond cookies recipe – use real butter (8)

adding the water and egg to the butter and sugar

chinese almond cookies recipe – use real butter (9)

Most of the Chinese recipes for this cookie call for lard, which I didn’t have. Some recipes had all almond flour, others were all flour with chopped almond slivers, and then I found this recipe at Cooking for Engineers, one of the very first food blogs I started reading. Michael’s recipe not only called for almond flour AND flour, but had a butter option too. You know we’re all over the butter here.

pour in the dry ingredients

chinese almond cookies recipe – use real butter (10)

form dough balls

chinese almond cookies recipe – use real butter (11)

Michael must make larger cookies than I do because I made 42 and his yield was 24. Large cookies make me nervous because the potential for structural failure is high, so I like to keep mine to a reasonable size. Large cookies are also harder to package and gift. And if the cookie diameter is too big, it dwarfs that ornamental almond on top. I know… shut up, Jen.

each cookie gets an almond on top

chinese almond cookies recipe – use real butter (12)

brush with egg wash

chinese almond cookies recipe – use real butter (13)

This recipe worked without any tweaking and the cookies have just enough texture from the almond flour without being overly nutty. I’m biased about the flavor because I love almonds. These cookies aren’t fussy to make at all. So if you want to do your little bit of celebration for Chinese New Year, this is an easy cookie. Chinese New Year (year of the Rabbit) is Thursday, February 3, 2011. We typically celebrate with a big feast on Chinese New Year’s Eve. Just make sure the first thing you eat on Chinese New Year’s Day is sweet – so sweet things come out of your mouth all year!

cooling down

chinese almond cookies recipe – use real butter (14)

better than the ones in the restaurants

chinese almond cookies recipe – use real butter (15)

Chinese Almond Cookies
[print recipe]
from Cooking for Engineers

3 cups (375 g) flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup (60 g) almond flour (ground almonds)
12 oz. butter, softened
1 cup (210 g) sugar
1 egg
1 oz. water
1 tsp almond extract
42 whole almonds, blanched
1 egg, beaten (for egg wash)

Preheat oven to 350°F. Whisk the flour, baking soda, salt, and ground almonds together in a bowl. In the bowl of a stand mixer, beat the butter and sugar together until fluffy. Add the egg, water, and almond extract and beat until incorporated. Beat in the dry ingredients until just combined. Form 1-inch balls of cookie dough, placed a few inches apart (for spreading) on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Top each dough ball with an almond and brush the top of the cookie with egg wash. Now you can refrigerate the dough for 15 minutes, but I didn’t (lazy). If you do refrigerate the dough, the recipe calls for 20 minutes of baking time. Since I didn’t refrigerate my dough, I baked for 15 minutes and they were perfect. Makes about 42 cookies. (Michael’s recipe says 24, so I am guessing his cookies are a lot bigger than mine.)

January 23rd, 2011: 10:50 pm
filed under baking, chinese, confections, dessert, eggs, recipes, sweet

  • sara says:
    January 23rd, 2011 at 11:03 pm

    Wow, these look awesome! Yum yum yum. :-D

  • Andrew says:
    January 23rd, 2011 at 11:10 pm

    Jen I absolutely love your writing- it makes me feel like you’re personally talking to me which is why urb is my go to blog! But I do get priorities come first but even still if they’re not as many updates in the future it’ll just make me appreciate new posts even more

  • Jane L says:
    January 23rd, 2011 at 11:37 pm

    I love to read your blog, your pictures are so awesome. They are my break during the day, and transport me to a different part of the country ( I am in California). Your cooking make things that look complicated We understand you have other priorities, so take care of yourself.

  • Rosa says:
    January 23rd, 2011 at 11:42 pm

    Pretty. Your cookies look wonderful!



  • Pei Lin says:
    January 24th, 2011 at 12:11 am

    Argh! I have to get to my CNY baking tonight! If not I will never have time to!

  • Veronica says:
    January 24th, 2011 at 3:19 am

    Wow, they look so familiar! I am not 100% sure about the recipe, but we make something like that in Norway (whole of Scandinavia?) but with just hazelnuts instead! And put a hazelnut on top. I don’t think there is any, or very little flour though, because I have heard people make them for allergic people. So the flour is either changed or totally left out, not that importart for the cookie I guess.

  • Paulette says:
    January 24th, 2011 at 3:34 am

    I also love your writing and your blog. At the age of sixty-one I have just started to write childrens stories and poem. I sit down and just type my little heart out, in just about the same way you to do your blog. I write from the heart. I have bought every book on how to write when an author in one of my how to books said something that stuck in my mind. He said “don’t write like a writer just write” and I have done that ever since. Yes, I still have to sit down and correct everything, also bring out the good old dictionary to correct my spelling constantly. Remember life is a learning process and along the way we have come across a beautiful blog that moves us to try something new in our lives, whether it be chinese cookies (which I need a good recipe for) or see pictures of beautiful sunsets. Hang in there if you want to and only because you want to. We would miss your blog, but also we would all be unhappy if you did not like what you are doing. Well enough rambling, I need to try these cookies out this week. Thanks for the recipe. A new fan to your site. Take care. Paulette

  • dario @ foodpixels says:
    January 24th, 2011 at 3:39 am

    Hi Jen, I discovered you and URB fairly recently, but I’m coming back here every time I get an update; this blog is quality and I don’t care if the update is every day, every second day or once a week – I’ll keep coming back.
    I totally understand where you come from, and especially when you say you don’t enjoy writing; I know what you’re saying – I feel the same, possibly even worse because english is not my first language ( I’m 100% italian, only moved to OZ 5 years ago ) and writing a post is not only taking me ages, but it kinda feels like giving birth, to me _ I know because I’ve seen my wife doing it twice :)
    I am sure whatever change you’ll make, this blog will always be a great read – Change is good.
    I love the photos and I enjoy your writing

  • kathy says:
    January 24th, 2011 at 4:49 am

    I like the way Paulette wrote something to the effect of “hang in there because you want to, and only because you want to.” I believe that should be part of people’s philosophy of life.
    Love the cookie recipe. I will be trying it before Feb. 3rd. I also like the idea of eating something sweet first thing in the morning on Chinese New Year’s Day.
    Take Care.

  • Nan says:
    January 24th, 2011 at 4:59 am

    Beautiful cookies – so buttery and golden brown…

    About the blog. You’re right, blogging is work and does suck up the time. The sticky shutter release drives me nuts. Maybe take the schedule away and write when you feel like it? If you don’t then it’s still all good. Honestly, if you’re concerned about us urb’ers, trot out the older posts once in awhile. But above all else, take care of yourself and your needs. Do what feels best for you! If I’ve learned one thing getting older, it’s that if it’s not fun, why take more of it on unless you have no choice?

    Whatever you decide, thanks for urb – I’ve enjoyed the heck out of it.

  • Belinda @zomppa says:
    January 24th, 2011 at 6:40 am

    Wow – it is almost Chinese New Year and these cookies are perfectly made. I will have to try these. Your writing is honest and you, so whatever you decide will the best and right choice for you.

  • Kirsa says:
    January 24th, 2011 at 7:06 am

    Yum ! those cookies look fabulous ! i dunno why, but I love the creamed butter and sugar, when you add the eggs. It’s about texture tought, not taste, heh.

    I’ll have to try these up :)

  • Leeann says:
    January 24th, 2011 at 7:23 am

    Yum! Thanks for this recipe. One of my favorite cookies and I can’t wait to make them.

  • TheKitchenWitch says:
    January 24th, 2011 at 7:39 am

    I know how you feel, and I know you’ve been struggling to keep up with the many things on your plate. Because you never do anything half-assed, that’s an enormous burden. But the Jen we love is the one who follows her heart and seeks the passion, and we’ll be here for you wherever you decide to wander. xo

  • Kath says:
    January 24th, 2011 at 7:45 am

    So that’s probably why I’ve never been crazy about Chinese almond cookies! It’s all about the butter! I haven’t had them made with butter. To me, a cookie is not a cookie if it’s not made with butter!

  • My Little Expat Kitchen says:
    January 24th, 2011 at 8:38 am

    I like you too :) You know what? Just skip on the writing part for a while. Give us your beautiful photographs and your delicious recipes. Write when you feel like it, when you absolutely need to or when you feel there’s something you *have* to share with your readers.
    Your cookies remind me so much of a Greek recipe for almond cookies. So strange and sο wonderful at the same time. Two completely different cultures sharing a similar recipe.

  • zingara says:
    January 24th, 2011 at 8:40 am

    i’m not an old fan, but i’m a forever fan, now that i’ve found you. i have always loved the chinese almond cookies that were served in chinese restaurants but i haven’t received 1 in years. apparently they ‘ve become too costly to give out. the insipid substitute has been the ubiquitous “chinese fortune cookie” [packaged in a little plastic sleeve]. they are not uniformly good…sometimes, the CFC i’ve received after a dinner is inedible. i used to teach ESL to vietnamese refugees so i began to celebrate chinese NY as well as american NY. i’ll make these cookies for this CNY, feb 2. they look easy & above all, they call for real butter.

  • Bing Chou says:
    January 24th, 2011 at 8:43 am

    Almost forgot to make plans for Chinese New Year – thanks for the heads up! Looks like these cookies will have to be on the agenda…

  • Cristina says:
    January 24th, 2011 at 9:39 am

    Awesome! I am invited to my best friend’s hot pot for Chinese New Year and I think I will bring these =)

  • Margie says:
    January 24th, 2011 at 9:45 am

    Sweet cookie, from a sweet person, but what else would anyone expect? .. If you be gone, I still be here; checking in and following along, even in the archives of space and time. I love your blog, but I love you more. Take care, and know that this hungry bear will meet you back at your campfire upon your return, and if you happen to build camp elsewhere, I’ll get out my compass and trek a new path to your base.
    Go forth and bloom. Your colors are most amazing. I was inspired from the very first day I stumbled upon your blog. Nothing can remove that. The experience is real.
    Thank you, Jenzie!

  • Bridget says:
    January 24th, 2011 at 10:30 am

    I’ve been having some similar struggles with my blog. I’m just not having quite as much fun with it as I think I should be. I’m definitely not ready to stop blogging, but I do need to change some things. I know I’ve been choosing recipes badly – I got caught up in what would be interesting to other people instead of what I want to make. That’s easy to change. I also think my photography system is flawed. Instead of taking multiple photos of the final product, I think it would be more fun to take just one great shot from the best angle (like you do usually!). But ultimately, for people like you and me who consider blogging a hobby and not a profession, the first priority is that it be enjoyable, and fortunately, we have the freedom to do whatever it takes to make it so.

  • Troy says:
    January 24th, 2011 at 11:52 am

    I have been reading your blog for the last few months ever since I did a search for a seared scallops recipe. All the ones I found involved way too many ingredients for my liking. But then I stumbled upon your blog and began perusing. Your scallops looked fantastic and involved only the basic spices/ingredients. I wasn’t lazy, I swear – I just wanted to taste the scallops and not have them overpowered by bread crumbs or 309 different spices. Yours were simple and elegant. I also wouldn’t have known about the water-injected part to the scallops. I would have gone away with my ignorance to purchase plump, watery scallops. Definitely not my cup of tea. I made them for my fiance the day I read your blog with parmesan risotto and sauteed asparagus. The scallops were definitely the star of the meal.

    I just want to thank you for sharing a piece of your life with us. Your wit, recipes and genuine attitude are truly wonderful. I hope you take the time to regain your sense of balance in the world. You’re an amazing individual. Hang in there – you have support everywhere in the world. Take care.

  • Janna says:
    January 24th, 2011 at 1:13 pm

    I’ve been reading your blog for awhile, after searching for some simple, Chinese inspired recipes. I was ecstatic when I found userealbutter.

    The only thing I’ve got to say, is take care of yourself first! While I love your blog and recipes you need to do what works for you and not worry about us.

    I have to say that I enjoy your writing! It’s plain, simple, but well thought, well written, and thought provoking. You always make me think! Thanks for being yourself. :)

  • manisha says:
    January 24th, 2011 at 1:30 pm

    You write the best kind of writing: from the heart. Hugs to you!

  • heather says:
    January 24th, 2011 at 2:16 pm

    i’m really glad we don’t have to break up because i reeeeeally like you…and your writing style…and your anal attention to cookie-almond proportions. but all of that is lost if it doesn’t fit in the balance. family, friends, your health & your sanity absolutely come first. if those are all in check, then the food, fun, crafts & authenticity of you that we all keep coming back for are that much more enjoyable. we’ll all be here with you through it or when you get back if you need to take a little hiatus.

  • Karyn says:
    January 24th, 2011 at 2:42 pm

    I’ve noticed lately that you seem different than in the old days, and figured it was just me :) Hope you find that balance – I love your recipes and your “voice” and your beautiful photos and will definitely miss your blog. But if it’s not fun any more, don’t do it. Duh :)

    As everyone else has said, do what works for you. Best to you whatever you decide, and thanks for all of this! The roasted Brussels sprouts recipe is what first brought me here, and you are what kept me coming back (BTW both the boys in my house – the boyfriend and my grown son – are now Brussels sprouts converts all because of you). And as long as I can selfishly check here when I need a recipe for whatever thing is languishing in the fridge waiting for my attention, it will be a poor substitute, but will do.

  • tz.missjane says:
    January 24th, 2011 at 4:11 pm

    Yay! Jen to the rescue with a Chinese Almond Cookie recipe. Yours look much nicer than the ones on the Engineer’s page. I think smaller cookies are better, but you may want to tweek the recipe as it now reads that it yields 42 dozen instead of 42 cookies. Thanks for being you.

  • Elizabeth says:
    January 24th, 2011 at 4:41 pm

    Can you find an editor to do the step of turning your stream of consciousness into the readable blog you have — so you don’t have to do it yourself? We are out there!

  • Sulki Choi says:
    January 24th, 2011 at 4:42 pm

    I was soooo inspired to make these today and I spent around $30 getting all the ingredients but for some reason my cookies aren’t as perfectly round as yours… Should I maybe press on them a bit before I bake them to make them flatter?

  • Sherry says:
    January 24th, 2011 at 10:06 pm

    Surprisingly, I had the idea to make these a few days ago and spent a good amount of time scouring the internet for an acceptable recipe. In the end, I couldn’t decide on one and gave up. And today, I come here and what do I see? It must be fate!

  • melanie says:
    January 24th, 2011 at 11:10 pm

    Just post your amazing pics,and a recipe once in a while.The writing part,I’m sure,must be tough.
    Your pictures are incredible.
    Thanks,for such an amazing blog! I look forward to it,no matter what you do,here.
    Loyal fan forever!

  • lisbet diemer says:
    January 25th, 2011 at 1:27 am

    and a word from your danish reader, you are on my favorit list, and I like your use of words, When you write from your Heart, often it makes for a beautiful colourfull writing. You give me good ideas,and bring along some “good vibrations” together with your recipies. I like your blog a lot, and hope you will keep on writing more if only when your foodie heart “must ” run over with what you just must tell,
    looking forward to more inspiration and beautiful pictures from another world…

  • Debbie says:
    January 25th, 2011 at 4:42 am

    You write from your heart and from honesty and that is what really matters. I like you, too and these cookies look great!!!! I would love some right now with my coffee!

  • Regina says:
    January 25th, 2011 at 8:20 am

    I really hope that you can find a good balance between life and your blog, even if that means leaving this blog, I had the same problem with a previous blog of mine.
    Those cookies look delicious, and I don’t even like almonds! I’m definitely going to try this recipe out for my Chinese class for the new years thanks so much!

  • honeybeecooksjackfruit says:
    January 25th, 2011 at 8:35 am

    Blogging should be for enjoyment and add to, rather than take away from real life… We understand if you need to refocus! I hope you can find the balance, because your blog is wonderful!

  • noëlle {simmer down!} says:
    January 25th, 2011 at 12:07 pm

    I sometimes find it liberating to cook and *not* photograph or post about it; I can just get lost in the chopping and stirring without having to fiddle with plating or lighting or what have you. Of course, maybe that’s just what I’m telling myself lately so I don’t feel so bummed that I haven’t been able to make the time to post as much as I’d like. :)

  • Ruth Ann says:
    January 25th, 2011 at 12:59 pm

    Hey, those almond cookies look yummy!
    I really like the way you write. Your writing just seems real. I hope that you decide to continue your blog with its awesome pictures of Colorado (and other) scenery and recipes that I probably would never think of making.

  • Jeanne says:
    January 25th, 2011 at 5:32 pm

    Jen, I just love your blog, writing, photos, all of it. You and it would be so missed. I hope you are able to strike that perfect balance in your very full life.

  • Amy says:
    January 25th, 2011 at 5:58 pm

    I am just fascinated by Chinese culture and love learning about it here. Maybe we will celebrate the Chinese New Year- everyone can use a little good luck!

  • Amanda says:
    January 25th, 2011 at 6:39 pm

    While these do look delicious, I feel the need to say something about the body of the post. I have enjoyed your writing immensely, but if the blog is not right for you now, step back from it. A well documented life that was not lived is not a good life. Many of us will be here when and if you come back, if you decide to leave. Sometimes, just a picture is enough of a post. I hope you have a Happy Chinese New Year.

  • Deb in Indiana says:
    January 25th, 2011 at 7:11 pm

    I love almond cookies! and I love Cooking for Engineers, one of the few food blogs (along with urb) that I read regularly. (Maybe because I am an engineer?)

    Michael has been posting again lately – he kinda took a break for a while. But, look, we come back!

  • Joy says:
    January 25th, 2011 at 8:16 pm

    I love this recipe. Your images are just beautiful.

  • Lael Hazan @educatedpalate says:
    January 26th, 2011 at 4:52 am

    As always, stunning photos. I enjoy almond cookies and believe these will be a great way to celebrate Chinese New Year with my girls. Your writing is engaging and I thank you for expressing yourself. Reading your blog makes one feel a part of your experience. You don’t create a wall, and I appreciate it. Thanks,

  • Mollie says:
    January 26th, 2011 at 12:18 pm

    i’m struggling with priorities too so i feel you… but whatever you do, i like you too! :)

  • ska says:
    January 26th, 2011 at 1:14 pm

    Thank you for putting your whole heart into each and every post. The step by step photos
    are immensely helpful for those of us timidly venturing into unfamiliar territory. Love your
    other non food related photos too.
    Happy Chinese New Year!

  • Christy says:
    January 26th, 2011 at 7:17 pm

    I too have been struggling with my blog for the past few months. I think the winter months have sapped my inspiration mojo. I’m planning on getting back into it soon and hopefully will find something interesting to blog about. I do so hope you keep “chatting outloud” with us. I love your sense of adventure, fun and your OCD moments too. Also, you have such lovely hands, like in the photo above where you place the almond on top of the cookie. Pretty.
    Take Care and Happy Chinese New Year!

  • Lisa C says:
    January 27th, 2011 at 7:49 am

    Hi and thank you. Xx new to your blURB and feel inspired. So again thank you

  • Ruthie says:
    January 27th, 2011 at 9:10 pm

    Hi Jen,
    I just wanted to say thank you. These days I have a backlog on my google reader, and I just caught up on your most recent posts. It made me think – I’ve been reading your blog for about five years. Strange! I started reading it in high school, all through college, and now I’m in professional school. You’re right – I have noticed a change. There’s been something…less? Of course, that may partly be a change in myself, and my workload, since five years is kind of a long time! One never doesn’t usually realize that time passes in a blogger’s life in the same way it does in one’s own. Weirdly, Kaweah is the one who makes me notice that time passes in your life too (I think you’ve commented on her getting a bit older and the things that go along with it). I suppose it’s because our canine friends have such a shorter amount of time allotted to them to be here on this earth.
    But thanks for sharing your life and your recipes! Interestingly, I’m pretty sure it was you who made me a more adventurous sushi eater. Also, most of my memorable desserts have come from here (although chocolate covered candied grapefruit was kind of a flop…). So, thanks!

  • Cakewalker says:
    January 28th, 2011 at 4:13 pm

    Terrific post! Love your voice, your truthful expression… I’m going to give this recipe a try for sure.

  • Lisa C says:
    January 29th, 2011 at 11:51 am

    Made the cookies yesterday and took a couple for my pau pau / gran who had a Chinese bakery in chinatown, got a big thumbs up from her …. My parents also gave high praise, so well done and thanks for the recipe.

  • eemilla says:
    January 30th, 2011 at 11:17 am

    If only my mom would let me select my baby shower menu; I guess I’ll just have to make for myself and eat them first thing because I certainly need help saying sweet things more often.

  • Chinese Chicken Lettuce Wraps | Andrea Meyers says:
    January 31st, 2011 at 2:22 pm

    […] Use Real Butter – Chinese Almond Cookies […]

  • minneville says:
    February 8th, 2011 at 5:09 pm

    I just made these using your recipes…they are great!

  • jenyu says:
    February 11th, 2011 at 10:10 am

    Thanks everyone, for your comments and support. You guys are really wonderful and encouraging. I think I’m finding those things that are dissatisfying, and I’m getting rid of them :) xoxo

    Veronica – hazelnuts sound lovely (another favorite nut of mine!)

    Paulette – thank you, and welcome to use real butter!

    dario – thank you, my friend. I know you understand :)

    TKW – love you, hon. mucho mucho

    Magda – I think I might know what Greek cookies you are referring to! I LOVE those.

    Bridget – very true. I guess it’s a matter of balancing the time invested here as opposed to… other things that pay for stuff like mortgages ;)

    Troy – thank you. That is incredibly nice of you xo

    Manisha – *hugs*

    Karyn – Brussels sprouts RULE!! :)

    tz.missjane – ahhh, thanks for that! I corrected it. hee hee (42 dozen – wow!!)

    Elizabeth – his name is Jeremy… and I’m married to him. ha ha ha.

    Sulki Choi – well, you could try to refrigerate the dough like Michael recommends? Or perhaps flatten them more? Are they mounding or just spreading weird?

    noelle – it’s totally true, when I cook without shooting it feels SOOO great!

    Amanda – wise words and I completely agree. Thanks for the reminder.

    Deb in Indiana – :)

    Ruthie – thank you, dear.

  • Susanne says:
    February 16th, 2011 at 9:57 pm

    These were so great! Every recipe I’ve made from your blog has been fantastic. You’re my go-to girl for good food. Thanks for doing what you do! You rock.

  • sandra ericson says:
    February 21st, 2012 at 3:42 pm

    The cookies are just right. the texture is athentic. I substituted one of the cups of flour with rice flour and added an extra tsp of almond extract plu used almonds with skins. I always like to put my own twist on any thing I do but your foundation was perfect. Try it and I know you will be pleased.THANX Sandra

  • Barb says:
    February 24th, 2012 at 4:07 pm

    Nice website. We went out to a Chinese buffet yesterday and I pigged out on 4 Chinese almond cookies. Still hungry for more today I found your blog. These look just like the ones I love. Can’t wait to try them. I am recovering from torn rotator cuff surgery, so it may be awhile until I am able to make them…but I will someday.

  • Rhea says:
    December 20th, 2013 at 7:24 am

    I was just wondering how long do the cookies keep well for ?

  • jenyu says:
    December 20th, 2013 at 10:18 pm

    Rhea – probably no more than 3-4 days in an airtight container before they start to deteriorate in texture.

  • Celebrate – April 9 says:
    April 9th, 2014 at 9:01 am

    […] […]

  • Asian Almond Cookies | the quiet baker says:
    January 11th, 2015 at 8:18 pm

    […] mom, these cookies taste very similar to the restaurant cookies. You can find the original recipe here. If you don’t have almond flour like me, you could just grind a handful of almonds with a […]

  • Dee says:
    February 21st, 2016 at 10:56 pm

    Hello! I’ve baked this recipe for a couple of friends and some of them have commented that there was a “metallic aftertaste” after consuming the cookies. I’ve done some research and have discovered that baking soda needs acid to counter the taste or it will result in a metallic aftertaste. Precisely what my friends have experienced. The texture of the cookies were crisp, but due to the aftertaste, I am hesitating to bake this again.

  • jenyu says:
    February 29th, 2016 at 10:06 am

    Dee – I’ve done some research on this and most all of the cookie recipes I make (for drop cookies) use baking soda and have no acid to balance the soda. Are you using 1 tablespoon or 1 teaspoon of baking soda? Because it should be 1 teaspoon. I’ve read that if you use too much baking soda (like 1 tablespoon, which is 3 times the amount of a teaspoon) then it can result in that funky aftertaste. Maybe try reducing the amount of baking soda?

  • Ethan says:
    February 5th, 2017 at 8:32 pm

    Jen, this is an old post, but recipes never get old. :) My partner has been asking me to bake almond cookies for him for ages, and thanks to your recipe I finally got to making them -just in time for the new year. Thanks for sharing!

    PS: My yield from this recipe was 60 cookies. It’s interesting how Michael had 24, you had 42, and I stretched it to 60.

  • jenyu says:
    February 5th, 2017 at 9:01 pm

    Ethan – Hey, thanks for the beta! Always good to know the range of results :) Happy New Year! xo

  • Bobby says:
    February 20th, 2017 at 1:20 pm

    Can these be freezes and be baked a week later?
    Also if they come out good can I post your recipe on instagram?

  • jenyu says:
    February 20th, 2017 at 1:25 pm

    Bobby – yes, and yes!

  • Mary M says:
    January 24th, 2018 at 3:55 pm

    Do you mean 12 T. of butter? 12 oz. would be 3 sticks, which seems like an awful lot for that much flour. ??? I made them yesterday with 12 T. and they were really great! Thanks for the recipe.

  • jenyu says:
    January 24th, 2018 at 8:04 pm

    Mary – I checked both my recipe and the source recipe, and 12 ounces of butter is correct (3 cups of flour and 1/2 cup of almond flour). But I’m glad yours turned out even with half the butter! Maybe try it with 12 ounces next time and see which version you like better?

  • Amanda Sterzick says:
    January 1st, 2019 at 9:54 pm

    I searched the entire world wide web over for almond cookie recipe like this one and finally found yours and my search is done!! Thank you doll!!

  • Mia Downey Nathan and Nicole’s daughter says:
    February 21st, 2021 at 3:07 pm

    Hi I made these and they were so good! It took 2 hours but it was worth it. I was wondering do you make these on Chinese New Year?

  • jenyu says:
    February 21st, 2021 at 6:40 pm

    Mia – How nice to hear from you! I made your parents’ wedding cakes many many years ago! :) I don’t often make these on Chinese New Year, but that’s mostly because there are so many different kinds of traditional sweets I try to make or buy for the celebration. So happy you enjoyed the cookies. Say hi to your folks! xo

  • Almond Cookies - Craving Nomz says:
    May 28th, 2021 at 4:55 pm

    […] The recipe is adapted from use real butter […]

  • Kim says:
    November 21st, 2022 at 4:49 pm

    Hi! I know your website is use real butter but what would the oz be if I want to use vegetable oil instead? Also if I use salted butter cause that’s all I have in the pantry will it be too salty?

    Also how does the cookie differ when it’s in the fridge versus not in the fridge? Would it just slide out more
    Sorry for all the questions. Looking forward to making this.

  • jenyu says:
    November 21st, 2022 at 7:20 pm

    Kim – I’ve never done an oil replacement before, but a quick google says you can try 3/4 cup oil per cup of butter. If you use salted butter, then I’d reduce by 1/4 teaspoon salt for every 4 oz. of butter. Refrigerating the dough helps to firm it up and hold more of its shape during baking versus spreading and flattening. Since I didn’t refrigerate my dough, I reduced the baking time by a few minutes and it worked out. Good luck.

  • Jwan Joslin says:
    January 14th, 2024 at 5:20 pm

    These are wonderful, exactly as you presented them! I made them for a Chinese New Year Party for 12 ladies. The ones I considered buying were not pretty. These are beautiful and tasty. I got 27. I didn’t use my smallest scoop, but the next size up. The size was perfect for this party. For a tea party, I would use the smaller scoop. Now my husband wants me to make some to eat when he watches football games!

  • chinese almond cookies recipe – use real butter (2024)


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