Campus Activewear Ltd (NSE:CAMPUS) (2024)


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Campus Activewear Ltd



open = false, 5000)":class="open && 'disabled'"class="item"href="">Summary open = false, 5000)":class="open && 'disabled'"class="item active"href="">DCF Valuation open = false, 5000)":class="open && 'disabled'"class="item"href="">Relative Valuation open = false, 5000)":class="open && 'disabled'"class="item"href="">Wall St Estimates open = false, 5000)":class="open && 'disabled'"class="item"href="">Profitability open = false, 5000)":class="open && 'disabled'"class="item"href="">Solvency open = false, 5000)":class="open && 'disabled'"class="item"href="">Financials open = false, 5000)":class="open && 'disabled'"class="item"href="">Earnings Calls open = false, 5000)":class="open && 'disabled'"class="item"href="">Discount Rate

Price:257.95 INR2.16% Market Closed

Updated:May 18, 2024


DCF Value

This DCF valuation model was created byCampus Activewear Ltd (NSE:CAMPUS) (1)Alpha Spreadand was last updated onMay 4, 2024.

Estimated DCF Value of oneCAMPUSstock is55.5INR.Compared to the current market price of 257.95 INR, the stock isOvervalued by 78%.

Present Value Calculation

This block is the starting point of the DCF valuation process. It calculates the present value of a company's forecasted cash flows based on selected operating model. Adjust key parameters like discount rate and terminal growth, and alter inputs such as revenue growth and margins to see their impact on valuation.

DCF Model

Base Case Scenario

The present value of cash flows over the next 5 years amounts to 6B INR.The present value of the terminal value is 13.6B INR.The total present value equals 19.7B INR.

Forecast Period


Discount Rate


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Terminal Growth


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DCF Value Calculation

This stage translates the present value into DCF value per share. For firm valuation models, it adjusts present value for debt and assets to derive equity value (skipped if using equity valuation model). Finally, this equity value is divided by the number of shares to determine the DCF value per share.

Present Value to DCF Value

Capital Structure

Present Value19.7B INR
+Cash & Equivalents194.8mINR
Firm Value19.9BINR
Equity Value16.9BINR
/Shares Outstanding305.3m

Overvalued by 78%

Valuation Analysis

Sensitivity Analysis

DCF Value Sensitivity Analysis

Sensitivity Analysis assesses how changes in key factors like revenue growth, margin, and discount rate affect a stock's DCF value. By visualizing various scenarios, from significant downturns to optimistic growth, this tool helps you understand potential valuation shifts, aiding in risk assessment and strategic decision-making.

DCF Financials

Financials used in DCF Calculation



Operating Income




See Also

SummaryCAMPUS intrinsic value, competitors valuation, and company profile.
DCF ValuationCAMPUS stock valuation using Discount Cash Flow valuation method.
Relative ValuationCAMPUS stock valuation using valuation multiples.
Wall Street EstimatesCAMPUS price targets and financial estimates made by Wall st analysts.
Profitability AnalysisDetailed analysis of the company's profitability.
Solvency AnalysisAnalysis of the financial position and solvency of the company.
FinancialsIncome Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement.
Discount RateCAMPUS stock discount rate: cost of equity and WACC.


DCF Valuation

Relative Valuation

Wall Street Estimates

Profitability Analysis

Solvency Analysis


Discount Rate

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What is the DCF value of one CAMPUS stock?

Estimated DCF Value of oneCAMPUSstock is55.5INR.Compared to the current market price of 257.95 INR, the stock isOvervalued by 78%.

The true DCF Value lies somewhere between the worst-case and best-case scenario values. This is because the future is not predetermined, and the stock's DCF Value is based almost entirely on the future of the company. Knowing the full range of possible stock DCF values gives a complete picture of the investment risks and opportunities.

How was the DCF Value calculated?

1. Present Value Calculation.Utilizing the DCF operating model, Campus Activewear Ltd's future cash flows are projected and then discounted using a chosen discount rate to determine its Present Value, which is calculated at19.7B INR.

2. DCF Value Calculation.The company's capital structure is employed to derive the total Equity Value from the previously calculated Present Value of the cash flow. This Equity Value, when divided by the total number of outstanding shares, yields the DCF Value of55.5 INRper share.

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';tooltip += '

';tooltip += '';tooltip += '';tooltip += ``;tooltip += '';tooltip += '
' + item + ':${value} INR

';tooltip += '

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';tooltip += '

';tooltip += '';tooltip += '';tooltip += '';tooltip += '';tooltip += '';tooltip += '';tooltip += '';tooltip += '';tooltip += '
' + fieldName + ':' + obj.x + '%
Intrinsic value:' + intrinsicValue + '

';tooltip += '

';if (257.95 > obj.y){tooltip += `


`;}else{tooltip += `


`;}tooltip += '

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Last Price: 257.95 INR

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Campus Activewear Ltd (NSE:CAMPUS) (2024)


What is the target price for campus activewear? ›

The consensus price target held steady at ₹284, with the analysts seemingly voting that their lower forecast earnings are not expected to lead to a lower stock price in the foreseeable future.

Why is campus share falling? ›

The steep fall in the company's stock price can be attributed to a sharp 98% decline in its net profit to Rs 3 million in September 2023.

Is campus undervalued? ›

The Intrinsic Value of CAMPUS stock (118.28 INR) is 57% less than its price (277.35 INR). The DCF Value of CAMPUS stock (55.5 INR) is 80% less than its price (277.35 INR).

Who is the owner of campus activewear? ›

And, the same characteristic abounds in Hari Krishan Agarwal, CEO of Delhi-based Campus Activewear, a major manufacturer of athletic shoes. The story of Hari Krishan Agarwal is that of a shoe manufacturer who runs a shoe business worth Rs 9000 crores.

What is the share price of campus in 2025? ›

Campus NSE Share Price Target 2025 is between Rs 688 and Rs 387. What is the Campus Share Price Target 2026? Campus NSE Share Price Target 2026 is between Rs 716 and Rs 620.

What is the future share price of campus? ›

04 Jun 2024Campus Activewear Ltd.283.50
12 Aug 2023Campus Activewear Ltd.335.00
19 Sep 2022Campus Activewear Ltd.640.00
07 Sep 2022Campus Activewear Ltd.
5 more rows

Should I invest in campus? ›

Reason 1: The company is well-positioned to benefit from the growing demand for sports and athleisurewear. Reason 2: The company has a strong track record of growth. Finally, the company is trading at a reasonable valuation. Reason 3: The PE of the stock is at lowest level and EPS is growing at successful rate.

What is the debt of Campus Activewear? ›

What Is Campus Activewear's Net Debt? You can click the graphic below for the historical numbers, but it shows that Campus Activewear had ₹3.27b of debt in September 2023, down from ₹3.97b, one year before.

What is the target of Campus Activewear in 2024? ›

In 2024, Campus Activewear Ltd (CAMPUS) is expected to experience strong growth, with an initial target of ₹348.48. However, market volatility might lead to fluctuations mid-year, peaking at ₹451.28.

Is campus activewear a good buy for long term? ›

The company has a huge runway of growth and the long-term prospects are good. Those who applied for listing gains can maintain a stop loss of ₹300. We recommend this stock for the long term to both existing and new investors."

Can we buy campus activewear shares? ›

You can easily buy Campus Activewear shares in Groww by creating a demat account and getting the KYC documents verified online.

Which stock is undervalued? ›

Undervalued stocks
S.No.NameCMP Rs.
1.Maha Rashtra Apx163.70
2.Vipul Ltd40.70
3.Sat Industries89.95
4.Authum Invest825.55
11 more rows

Is Campus a Indian company? ›

CAMPUS SHOES belongs to the Action group, which is one of the India's leading business conglomerates based in Delhi. Campus is one of the largest footwear manufacturers in India since its humble beginning in 1983. Campus is a well-known Brand in footwear sector and has almost 25 sub-brands.

What is the turnover of Campus Activewear? ›

Campus Activewear reported an operating revenue of about 12 billion Indian rupees during the financial year 2022.

Who is the CFO of Campus Activewear? ›

Campus Activewear Limited at its board meeting held on May 28, 2024, appointed Mr. Sanjay Chhabra, CFO of the Company, as the Chief Risk Officer of the Company.

What should my target price be? ›

There are many different ways to calculate a price target, but a common method involves using price-to-earnings ratios. If you divide the current P/E by the forward P/E and then multiply by the current price, you should have a reasonable prediction for the price target a year from now.

What is the issue price of campus activewear share? ›

Campus Activewear IPO is a main-board IPO of 47,950,000 Eq Shares of the face value of ₹5 aggregating up to ₹1400 Crores. The issue is priced at ₹278 to ₹292 per equity share. The minimum order quantity is 51 Shares. The IPO opens on 26 Apr 2022, and closes on 28 Apr 2022.

What is average target price? ›

A target price is an estimate of the future price of a stock. Target prices are based on earnings forecasts and assumed valuation multiples. Target prices can be used to evaluate stocks and may be even more useful than an equity analyst's rating.

What is the target price set? ›

Price targets try to predict what a given security will be worth at some point in the future. Analysts attempt to satisfy this basic question by projecting a security's future price using a blend of fundamental data points and educated assumptions about the security's future valuation.


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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.