Baked Avocado and Egg Nest Recipe (2024)

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By Lauren on | Updated | Rate Recipe

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This Baked Avocado and Egg Nestrecipe is one that I love to make for breakfast, lunch or dinner. This baked avocado and egg recipe is simple to make and perfect for when you are stuck trying to figure out what to make.

Baked Avocado and Egg Nest Recipe (1)

The amazing avocado flavors come out once the avocado has been baked. Seriously, there is such an amazing difference between a raw avocado and a baked avocado.

If you are looking for a simple keto breakfast idea, this baked egg and avocado recipe is for you!

Baked Avocado and Egg Nest Recipe (2)

This is one of our go to Keto Avocado Recipes.Then the egg when you cut into it is nice and soft. The flavors might not sound like they mix well, but they mix amazingly.

Even the kids and Tom who do not eat Keto enjoy it! They were all actually quite shocked when I told them that they were eating a Keto Friendly recipe when I made this.

Baked Avocado and Egg Nest Recipe (3)

To make clean up easier, I like to bake each avocado side in aRamekin, if I am cooking just one serving. If I am making enough for everyone then I use a large baking dish.

I also like to make sure that I have bacon cooked ahead of time. In the beginning of the week, I like to make a large batch of bacon that is cooked until right before my desired doneness. Then I can just pop it in the microwave for a few seconds to reheat it and get it to perfection.

Baked Avocado and Egg Nest Recipe (4)

Baked Avocado and Egg Ingredients

  • Avocado
  • Egg
  • Bacon

How to make Baked Avocado and Egg

Preheat the oven to 400°F.

Cut the avocado in half and remove the pit.

Put avocados in a baking dish and crack the eggs into the avocado hole.

Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Bake in the oven.

Cook pieces of bacon while avocado and eggs are in the oven.

Crumble the bacon and sprinkle on top of the eggs and avocados when you remove them from the oven.

Baked Avocado and Egg Nest Recipe (5)

Baked Avocado and Egg

Created by Lauren

4.20 from 5 votes

Prep Time 5 minutes mins

Cook Time 15 minutes mins

Total Time 20 minutes mins

Servings 1

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This Baked Avocado and Egg Nestrecipe is one that I love to make for breakfast, lunch or dinner. It has amazing flavors once the avocado has been baked. It is also a very simple easy to make Keto Recipe if you are following Keto.


  • 1 large avocado
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 strip bacon cooked


  • Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

  • Cut the avocado in half and remove the pit. Using a spoon widen the hole of each half so you are removing about a teaspoon of the flesh.

  • Place your avocados into a baking dish and crack the eggs into each hole, sprinkle with salt and pepper.

  • Bake for 15-20 minutes, or until eggs have reached the desired doneness.

  • Chop your bacon into small pieces and sprinkle on the top of the avocados.

Calories: 539kcal | Carbohydrates: 18g | Protein: 17g | Fat: 46g | Saturated Fat: 9g | Cholesterol: 341mg | Sodium: 284mg | Potassium: 1139mg | Fiber: 13g | Sugar: 1g | Vitamin A: 770IU | Vitamin C: 20.1mg | Calcium: 73mg | Iron: 2.6mg

Baked Avocado and Egg


Baked Avocado and Egg Nest Recipe (6)

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Make sure to follow MM on Instagram and Pinterest for more creative ideas!

13 Weight Watchers SmartPoints per serving on the Freestyle Program.

Make sure you snag the FREE Keto Cookbooks! They will help with getting ideas for meals 🙂

Check out more Keto Friendly Recipes that are simple to make and taste amazing!

  • Creamy Roasted Garlic Avocado Sauce
  • Easy Single Serving Keto Bread
  • Keto Friendly Chicken Salad Cheese Shell Tacos
  • Bacon wrapped jalapeno poppers

Make sure you also check out this Keto Shopping list for Aldi! It will totally make your shopping for Keto items so much easier!

Stuck on lunch ideas? Check out this Keto Lunch List!

Nutrition Information based on My Fitness Pal App


Total Fat34g

Carbohydrate13g –Dietary Fiber10g = 3 Net Carbs


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Baked Avocado and Egg Nest Recipe (7)


Hey There! I am Lauren, a short mom (4 foot 10 to be exact!) who has a passion for helping others and always has a cup of coffee in hand. With amazing recipes to help the home cook become a home chef, along with fun family travel, fun crafts and More! Grab a cup of coffee and join me! Read more...

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Baked Avocado and Egg Nest Recipe (2024)


Is baked avocado good for you? ›

Baked avocados are not just for breakfast. Skip the egg and add your favorite rice or grain for a vegetarian baked avocado or sauté your favorite ground meat and vegetables for a quick and easy dinner packed with nutrients and healthy Omega fatty acids.

Can I eat egg and avocado together? ›

Avocado has a rich yet subtle flavour and a wonderfully creamy texture that pairs beautifully with eggs. Avocados are also high in fibre and contain loads of healthy fats necessary for a nutritious diet.

How healthy is avocado and egg? ›

Avocados are a great source of vitamins C, E, K, and B6, as well as magnesium, and potassium. They also provide omega-3 fatty acids, lutein and beta carotene. Eggs are a good source of protein, and a great source of important nutrients, such as vitamin B6, B12 and vitamin D.

Does avocado taste good baked? ›

Avocados seem to consistently rank at the top of everyone's list of favorite foods. Guacamole is a fan favorite and avocado toast has become an internet sensation but, have you tried baked avocados? Filled with an egg, they're surprisingly satisfying, easy to make and loaded with healthy vitamins and fats.

Why is baked avocado bitter? ›

On the basis of quantitative data, dose-over-threshold (DoT) factors, and taste re-engineering experiments, these phytochemicals, among which 1-acetoxy-2-hydroxy-4-oxo-octadeca-12-ene was found with the highest taste impact, were confirmed to be the key contributors to the bitter off-taste developed upon thermal ...

Why do people put avocados in the oven? ›

The original tip recommends completely wrapping an avocado with tinfoil, then placing it in a baking dish, and transferring it to a 200°F oven for 10 minutes, or until it softens. Avocados release ethylene gas, which ultimately promotes ripening.

Is it OK to eat a whole avocado every day? ›

The Bottom Line

They contain an array of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, healthy fats and fiber that may improve your gut health, lower your risk of developing heart disease, promote a healthy weight and enhance your brain function. Eating avocado daily is the perfect addition to a well-balanced, nutrient-dense diet.

Can too much avocado be bad for you? ›

Although avocados are nutritional powerhouses, they do have a high-fat content. So if you eat too many and go overboard, you will be consuming a lot of calories. “If you have a healthy weight, and good blood sugar and cholesterol levels, then eating half (or a whole small) avocado a day is fine.

What not to pair with avocado? ›

Foods high in saturated fats: Avocados are already rich in healthy monounsaturated fats, so pairing them with foods high in saturated fats, such as fatty meats or buttery treats, may make the meal heavy and burdensome [1].

When not to eat avocado? ›

Avocados are rotten if they're mushy when squeezed, brown or moldy inside, and have developed rancidity or a sour smell. You may be able to salvage part of the fruit if it's just starting to brown inside and the rest of the fruit looks, smells, and tastes fine.

Why not eat avocado and toast for breakfast? ›

Avocados are calorie-dense, predominantly due to their high fat content. Starting your day with a heavy, fat-rich meal like avocado toast could lead to an unbalanced intake of nutrients.

Do avocados burn belly fat? ›

Avocados May Reduce Belly Fat

While the research is limited there are some studies that imply consuming one avocado a day can help decrease abdominal fat - particularly visceral fat, the type of belly fat linked to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and other health problems (4,12).

What does half an avocado do to your body? ›

Avocados also provide nutrients that are essential for the health of the immune system, including vitamin C, B6, and E ( 9 , 10 ). Half of an avocado provides 15% of your daily needs for B6, a nutrient that helps suppress inflammation and protect against oxidative damage.

What happens if avocado is cooked? ›

Avocados are most often eaten raw, chopped up in a salad, spread on toast or made into guacamole. This is because they can very quickly become bitter once heated. Don't be afraid to cook avocados, however, as they are delicious when cooked 'just right. '

Can you put avocado in the oven? ›

Baked avocados are simple to make. Cut an avocado in half, remove the pit, and season it with salt and pepper. Fill the center with pico de gallo and shred some cheese on top. Place the halves on a baking sheet and bake at 325 degrees until the cheese has melted and the avocado is warm throughout.

What does avocado replace in baking? ›

California Avocados are known for their versatility, thanks to their soft texture and mild taste. They are the perfect creamy substitute for butter, oil, or cream for many dessert dishes. California Avocados are a healthy fat and can reduce your intake of saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium.


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.